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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/24/2023 in Posts

  1. This past weekend, my mom bought us tickets to a show, so we took a little road trip and stayed in a nice hotel to treat ourselves. As usual, we were both naked for the drive and made no attempt to cover our titties for passing cars. In fact, the weather was so nice, I kept the windows down for a large part of the drive...the cool wind kept our nipples pointy the whole trip! About an hour into the drive, we both started to get the familiar pang in our bladders. We were on a busier highway, so we decided to see how long we could hold it. 15 min passed...then 30, then an hour, then an hour
    13 points
  2. K just came out of the bath and wanted to share her boobs with you guys.
    8 points
  3. My mom used to make me get out of the pool to pee my whole life, even out of the lake and ocean too! When she wasn’t monitoring me though, I always made sure to pee in any body of water I was in. We had a large in-ground pool at our house from when I was 13-18, which I regularly peed in (if I wasn’t sitting on the grass peeing through my bathing suit). I used to drink loads of juice, pop, and water while outside most of the day in the summer, so I had to go pee a lot and it was very diluted. I would spend 8-10 hours in the pool on and off, having a blast. To keep my mom from getting
    5 points
  4. So after lurking on these forums for sometime I thought I would share some experiences with you, mainly from the various nights out with work friends and personal experiences after late finishes in hospitality x I’d you like these I can continue as a I have soooo many stories to share, usually after a Sunday finish we’ll all go out for the night and these are when most of these occur. Let’s start off with the most recent and most entertaining Sunday. So last Sunday we had finished closing and had all decided to go out, it was a fairly big group of us, some r
    4 points
  5. It was me. I did it. Though between the moss and the grooves, the evidence’ll be gone in a few minutes like I was never there…
    4 points
  6. Sadly I didn't manage to take shots of it, but you might like the fact that I had the guts to take a nice long pee outside last night, I splashed a street corner not far from my college hehe
    4 points
  7. I did my part this morning! I woke up and as I got out of bed I was hit with a huge urge to pee. It wasn't the usual dull ache I get when I wake up really full, instead it was an alarming "Sophie, get to the toilet NOW!" I didn't even make my bed, I walked across the landing to the bathroom and as I opened the door I saw my husband was already in the shower, likely what woke me up. Perfect! I closed the door behind me and quickly took off the white t-shirt and pink shorts I had slept in before stepping into the shower with him. "Good morning babe" I said with a smile before giving him a k
    4 points
  8. Just want to introduce ourselves! It's currently 25 minutes til we've got to be out of our piss-drenched hotel room (more on that in our earlier post) so gotta keep it short! We're into REALLY wet piss-covered sex, as well as "naughty"/playful peeing (like peeing casually around the house). We love to get away for a day or two to a hotel and just really let loose with it; when staying at the hotel, the Queen likes to pee anywhere BUT a toilet or drain, so our current room is pretty damn steamy. We're into light dom/sub stuff as well. Nothing too intense or extravagant, and defin
    3 points
  9. Update 3 Took the new girlfriend out to an upscale French restaurant and dancing. Since the weather has warmed up she was wearing summer attire. Caroline, the new girlfriend was wearing a short Grey sequin sleeveless dress with cultured pearls, nicely done wavy blonde hair, heels, red lipstick and red nails. At 5.7.115 she has a very sexy body that drives me wild. Though we have a big age difference I see a connection there. At dinner she kept pounding the water and a few glasses of wine so her bladder was filling up nicely. After dinner we went dancing until her bladder became too f
    3 points
  10. For a few years when are 3 boys were in their late teens we had a two bedroom house with an unfinished basement. In time the boys set up a bedroom in the basement as there was much more room and a bit more freedom. Also, there was a laundry area in the corner with a floor drain at the bottom of the stairs. Without any conversation I realized the boys were peeing into the laundry sink, but as that was fine with me nothing was said. On an occasion I was doing laundry early one morning and had clothing soaking in the laundry sink. I heard one of my sons wake and moving about for a few minutes. Ev
    3 points
  11. So I sleep in the basement of our house since it has a drain and sink it also has our laundry equipment. One time my mom was doing laundry early in the morning as I woke up with my big morning wood since I sleep naked I’m very comfortable around my mom since we’ve seen each other naked plenty of times. As take the sheets off my lower half and walk to the sink as released my powerful stream as I said good morning to my mom she asked me why I didn’t just pee on the drain that was closer to my bed I said because I didn’t want to splash her. She said she didn’t mind since pee w
    3 points
  12. Does this count as flashing? Hayley Williams.
    3 points
  13. Well as I'm now sat in the bath, relaxing with my huge dildo in me it's going good. He's receiving loads of lovely images and he even told me to piss with the dildo in as practise 😍😍
    3 points
  14. As the title says, this woman used my bathroom and I heard everything! So today I had my furnace serviced for the year. Instead of the usual beefy middle aged guys I've gotten over the years, I opened my front door and was met by a woman in tight blue cargo pants, black boots and light blue shirt holding her tool bag. She looked to be about 40, blonde hair in a ponytail, around 5 foot 8, thick curvy shape. She had a raspy voice and the rough looking face typical of heavy drinkers and smokers. I liked her rugged look and found her to be very attractive. She was nice, energetic, and talkati
    2 points
  15. I have learn that more people in this world are more open about pee. More people pee outside because they have to. There are not always public rest rooms to stop at. I also learn that rest rooms are not fair for women in this world. They have to walk longer to rest rooms and wait longer lines and not enough stalls for women. Women take longer when I learn. I learn that people are more open to pee in this world nowadays. When someone has to pee male or female they say it out loud and scared. Even at times for the men not enough stalls or urinals public. People pee more outside more then used t
    2 points
  16. Comments like this one make my effort worthwhile, I really appreciate! The life of any person is meant to be complex and often awkward, we come to this planet to learn and experiment, that's not a feminine prerogative! But, I understand that in our society my gender is put to the test quite frequently.... To go back to my so-called "stories" , I'm prepared to share a few more of 'em, providing readers aren't bored by 'em and my writing style....
    2 points
  17. Well, to add a little of my feed-back to this quite interesting and exciting thread, I have to go back to the times when I was modelling, either in Sydney or in other tropical Australian and South-Eastern Asian locations, where I was required to pose on the beach or near a swimming-pool. In both situations, it did happen, fairly often, that I was asked/encouraged to openly pee either outside the water or directly into that! So, despite my concern for the safeguard of the basic hygienic conditions and the health of everybody else (nobody produces a totally sterile urine!) I had to com
    2 points
  18. Currently in a cheap hotel with my wife for one of our regular pisscapades... Usually these are one day long; maybe two. Due to some unforeseen circumstances combined with intense horniness after months of separation, our one-night stay turned into a two-night stay turned into a three-night stay... The place has been drenched with my Queen's piss basically the whole time. I'm so proud of her for really starting to embrace this aspect of my sexuality! When we first started exploring wet sex and pee play, she was always very nervous about making a mess, so usually our activities would
    2 points
  19. You are so right, unfortunately. The topless laws are grey at best, and the bottoms laws are pretty clear. I appreciate the warning! I am hoping to make it look accidental 🙂
    2 points
  20. My husband left these and my huge dildo outside the bathroom door for me whilst I was relaxing in the bath. Think he wants me to enjoy myself 🤭🤭 nipples first 😜
    2 points
  21. I've been pissing outside all week.
    2 points
  22. After she had relieved herself, Saraya didn't wipe at all, nor even by using one or two fingers there. She only shook her bum, once, before regaining the previous posture and returning to the bench to sit. In that dimly lit environment the patch of sand where she had just made her business didn't look conspicuous by any means, not darker nor wetter,,, For a long while none of us said anything. The other guests lodged in that section were probably either sleeping already, or dancing at the Disco located in the main compound. At least that's what us three were guessing,
    2 points
  23. At that time, just before the moon would make its appearance, the night-light wasn't aggressive at all, but in the pale darkness it would have been quite easy to disguise any embarrassing action, our physical features were barely visible unless one decided to put 'em on show. Saraya could have easily gone to the toilet which was just a few meters behind her back, but in case she opted for a lazier alternative, we would have seen quite a blurry scene if she preferred to keep it discreet. Instead, it became immediately obvious her intention to make a show out of it, we two had to be h
    2 points
  24. Just back from a recent ski holiday in the alps and thought I would share the following experience 🙂 I was in a pub with friends and family and we had all had a few pints and drinks, I decided to head back to the hotel earlier than everyone else but as I started walking realised I was absolutely bursting, not sure if it was the Cold air that made it come on quickly but I HAD to go. I found a quiet spot and just let it flow, there was a nice steam coming from the stream and the snow beneath melting as the warm liquid flowed over it leaving behind a hole. It felt like the long
    2 points
  25. Curiously enough, I'm discovering how practical and effective it is to write a post for this forum while comfortably lying on the beach or on the surrounding rocks... And so, right now, there's no excuse not to continue telling you more about that assignment at the Maldives! I resume the tale where I had interrupted it, after Saraya ostensibly peed on the beach, and nobody around her said anything... Then I was positioned beside her, but a little higher on a tiny dune, and so when she lowered to squat I couldn't actually get a clear look at her pussy. But I had a lateral v
    2 points
  26. Well, it wasn't an overwhelming response to my appeal, but I drew enough motivation towards writing more about some pissing episodes which happened during my modelling career! Following a logical path, now I believe it's appropriate to finish the little report of that Maldive assignment, which started with me as the protagonist of a quite problematic boat-pee and could have developed into a very huge problem... Luckily though, that situation didn't completely get out of control, and so, just before dawn, I arrived safely at my destination. Disembarking was easy and so reaching t
    2 points
  27. I always enjoy taking a big, long piss outside ...
    2 points
  28. The Bay to Breakers event in San Francisco used to be magic for public peeing 15+ years ago before authorities started to crack down and add toilets. The event was great because it started as a marathon across the city but the people of San Francisco unofficially turned it into an all day, mobile party of costumed (or naked) runners and walkers drinking heavily and pushing alcohol floats and wagons. It's hard to describe but it had a certain combination of cultures and circumstances that make it perfect; athletic functional necessity, hippy freedom, drunken debauchery and lack of toilets that
    1 point
  29. Back when I was breastfeeding my daughter, I loved the way my breast pump felt on my nipples. I would get so horny when it was time to pump. A few days in, I started peeing every time I pumped my breasts....my husband loved watching me lactate and pee; so much so, I started breastfeeding him after I weaned my daughter, and I now pee while he is sucking my titties.
    1 point
  30. Rain stopped! Oh man I absolutely love riding on a Sunday evening when everywhere is quiet. Just me, my daughter and a few dog walkers. Anyone else love data?
    1 point
  31. Hello again, thank you all for the kind comments. It's nice to see people enjoying what I made. Here is the next chapter; it's a bit short, but more is coming. Enjoy! 2. The Uber Contains female peeing, car peeing and pee vandalism/naughty peeing Monique arrived at the train station in Berlin, desperate to relieve herself. This came at the expense of an unsuspecting Uber driver who drove the couple to the hotel. —————————————————— We were now in Berlin and only had to go from the station to the hotel where my sister was waiting for us. I knew my wife was bursti
    1 point
  32. This is a very pertinent question, thanks a lot for giving me a reason to explain more... : -What happened, that first time, was that she acted quite timely, just while the photographer wasn't shooting, but had taken a break. Whether she was trying to make an erotic provocation, I'm not really sure about... In my opinion she's such a free character, that when she felt the urge to pee didn't think twice and just did it! But I'm referring to that occasion in particular, and not to some other successive ones which happened the next day....
    1 point
  33. As a kid (pre-school to primary school) I was living in a neighborhood with a few boys and only one girl around my age, which was quite the tomboy. There was a small alley cutting through the house blocks near the playground, with tall hedges on both sides to give the backyards their privacy, which we kids tended to use as a toilet. It was a bit naughty, peeing in the nice small alley rather than walking a minute or so to go home. I regularly peed with others there, when it was the boys we would sometimes compete trying to pee over the hedges, or going for distance, but otherwise not
    1 point
  34. As they should, I see nothing offensive about men peeing openly in public, but rather find it a bit sexy.
    1 point
  35. I grew up on a farm, so men pissing on the ground was just 'normal'. We stepped around the corner of the nearest building and just pissed on the grass. As grandpa got older he had trouble walking, so a few times I saw him just get up from the stool where he was working, and piss on the grass right in front of him. It's wonderfully liberating to piss on the grass! Our urbanized society just doesn't allow much of that anymore. Too many people, not enough space.
    1 point
  36. Swollen pussy after shaving her 😍
    1 point
  37. I'm finally back into dating and went on a stroll last night along the river with a guy I find very attractive... tall, long hair, amazing smile. We had a few drinks together earlier in the night and he mentioned that he had to pee pretty badly. I found myself getting really excited just imagining him peeing in public right in front of me and we happened to be ages away from a bathroom. He suddenly commented that he was going to piss into the river which caught me off guard although I could feel myself getting really wet in anticipation. He stood on top of the ledge with his back to me an
    1 point
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