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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/2023 in Posts

  1. I did my part this morning! I woke up and as I got out of bed I was hit with a huge urge to pee. It wasn't the usual dull ache I get when I wake up really full, instead it was an alarming "Sophie, get to the toilet NOW!" I didn't even make my bed, I walked across the landing to the bathroom and as I opened the door I saw my husband was already in the shower, likely what woke me up. Perfect! I closed the door behind me and quickly took off the white t-shirt and pink shorts I had slept in before stepping into the shower with him. "Good morning babe" I said with a smile before giving him a k
    7 points
  2. It's Earth day! Conserve water today and do your pees other than the toilet today! Outside in nature is a great place to pee 🙂
    6 points
  3. So after lurking on these forums for sometime I thought I would share some experiences with you, mainly from the various nights out with work friends and personal experiences after late finishes in hospitality x I’d you like these I can continue as a I have soooo many stories to share, usually after a Sunday finish we’ll all go out for the night and these are when most of these occur. Let’s start off with the most recent and most entertaining Sunday. So last Sunday we had finished closing and had all decided to go out, it was a fairly big group of us, some r
    5 points
  4. Just enjoyed whipping my cock out and pissing all over the floor outdoors as I please - so much more satisfying than wasting it in a conventional toilet 😈
    5 points
  5. I’ve been dying to pee somewhere in public and I think i’m finally gonna go to the mall tomorrow and do it. I think i’m gonna wear my white tennis skirt with nothing underneath. I wanna go see a movie first, and piss all over the seat after drinking a big fruit punch. Then i’m thinking a department store fitting room since those are pretty dead these days. I was also thinking maybe a store bathroom and pissing in the garbage can or down the drain in the floor. Does anyone have any other suggestions for places to go?
    3 points
  6. Happy earth day
    3 points
  7. Done my duty, as always, not just once on a particular day....
    3 points
  8. Everything about this is 😫😫 just out in the open city air, whips all of it out and pees like it's what he is supposed to do. That is a huge puddle tho and I can't help but to wonder if someone had peed there before him. I love it. Thanks for sharing 🫰🏼
    3 points
  9. @GWash17 99% of the people peeing are fully dressed or in costume. Its only a small % of the event that are naked. The event also sets a tone where people who would not usually pee in public, break the seal and do it. I've gone with mixed gender groups of friends where I had never seen the girls pee in public in other contexts or parties and they did it multiple times at Bay to Breakers because everyone was doing it and there were no other options. As a matter of fact going with a jovial mixed gender group is one of the best ways to see some amazing pee action. A couple years I went with group
    3 points
  10. Hello everyone this is my first official post on this website. Me and my mom have always been close it’s been me and her my whole life so I have seen her nude many times as well as she has seen me. When it comes to peeing she has always let me piss where I thought convenient. She let me have the basement room as my own since it has a drain and a sink she believes that males should piss where they like. She has joined me many times even encouraged me to pee in places I will share one of my favorite pee experiences I hope to share many more. A couple a years ago I was in a state champion
    2 points
  11. Yes. Especially when working nude I’ll do it whenever I have to.
    2 points
  12. I know this is not the nude beach but I went a farm to do some work 😉
    2 points
  13. I peed on a walk in the countryside this afternoon 😊
    2 points
  14. Happy earth day! Remember to be kind to our planet. Definitely agree with peeing outside if you can, but I am way too shy lol. Instead I'll sneak around my husband and pee in my sink. Since it's laundry day anyway, I will skip wiping for just one time and won't flush the toilet! 🫶🏼💟🌏
    2 points
  15. Really, what's the harm and why shouldn't a guy feel comfortable doing so.
    2 points
  16. My favorite writer on this website is this one: Francine-frcxa All of her texts belong to my favorites, but my personal top 3 are: A Quite Large Lady Date On Wheels The Lady Godiva Game And then one of my favorites is this 5-part series: The Secretary Who had to Pee Ch. 01 (Desperation and holding pee is main theme in these stories)
    2 points
  17. K wet herself in the kitchen last night! I’d asked if she’d mind filling up for me during the afternoon, and she said she didn’t. And when she confirmed that her jeans were a little muddy at the bottom from a walk earlier during the day and would be going in the wash when she took them off, I knew what Id like to watch her do. After dinner, and a cup of tea while watching a TV programme for half an hour she was ready for a wee – but we still had the washing up to do. K often likes to put on music while we clear up in the kitchen, so restarting her alphabetical playlist beginning with song
    1 point
  18. Hi everyone! I'm super excited to join this community and chat with fellow omorashi lovers! I am into desperation, naughty peeing, losing control, and I am always down for a rp!
    1 point
  19. Kirsty Mitchell To add to this, I want to watch her peeing in a specific way, and a way a lot of people might deem boring or mundane. As much as I would enjoy watching Kirsty wet herself, or pee next to her car or something, I want to watch her have a regular toilet wee. I think it would be amazing being on set with her, watching her getting increasingly desperate in between takes, becoming more frustrated with her colleagues every time they make a mistake because she really needs a wee. Frantically hobbling about while they reset between takes, every agonising sec
    1 point
  20. Watering the crops for the farmers! Very thoughtful, especially on earth day!
    1 point
  21. In fact, it's normal. Not so long ago my mid-life crisis ended and I've moved on. Of course I am afraid of old age and death, but in general I have coped with this thought
    1 point
  22. I (D) took my morning pee outside today against the wall of my house. Happy Earth Day, I guess 😁
    1 point
  23. While there have been a couple of threads regarding your personal best this question is phrased a little differently. What is the longest pee you've ever personally either seen or heard. In my web surfing I have discovered many tales where, for example, a woman was in a public restroom at a shopping mall or concert where some mysterious stranger peed on and on as if there were no end to her urine supply. So this is the time to spill the beans on the bladder giants.
    1 point
  24. Why are carpet pisses so satisfying and hot? Its been a while since ive piss marked something and i need to watch something soak up my stream but have a roomate and would like to be discreet. Fuck i miss the sound of piss hitting carpet. I want to rent a hotel room soon with somebody and soak it.
    1 point
  25. incase anyone wanted a visual of what i’ve been up to
    1 point
  26. As they should, I see nothing offensive about men peeing openly in public, but rather find it a bit sexy.
    1 point
  27. Anya Taylor-Joy...star of Peaky Blinders, The Queens Gambit, The Witch and many more TV shows and films.
    1 point
  28. Whenever I'm out I try to avoid using tbe toilet whenever possible. 1. Public restroom floor, normally walk in and piss on a wall next to a urinal or in the middle of the restroom, sometimes I'll piss in the sink or garbage can. 2. Dressing rooms, sometimes I'll just grab a random peice of clothing and walk in just to piss. 3. If I'm in the middle of a store and no one's around I'll piss in the aisle, either walking around or just in one spot. Sometimes I'll get extra risky and spray a couple shelves or into a glass and leave it. 4. Movie theater/cinema, I'll usually choos
    1 point
  29. Paying for pirated porn is absolutely nuts to me anyway, might as well say you miss getting punched in the face because now you're getting kicked in the balls Hated it when it was free anyway, was good for the old glimpse-it/21 sextury stuff but the front page was always full of those spy cam videos which are fucking creepy.
    1 point
  30. That would be heaven for my tongue 👅 and
    1 point
  31. Chapter 2 - Contains male/female peeing, male/female masturbation, mutual handy action, male/female wetting and [spoilers] male/female wetting in the opposite gender's swimsuit After cleaning up we spent the rest of the day on the beach while I practiced catching more fish. Anytime we had to pee we did in view of the other. That night Abby replaced the palm leaf bedding with some fresh ones, bending over and giving me a good view of her vagina and tight brown hole. We snuggled up together as before, Abby being the little spoon. My cock was nestled lovingly between her butt and I could fee
    1 point
  32. When I was at a swimming pool, I heard a torrential gusher of piss for about 30 seconds, coming from one of the toilets (The toilets were not split by gender) The girl just came walking out after, as though nothing had happened Maybe not the longest piss, but the force means that it was probably the most piss in terms of volume, that I have ever witnessed (Only with my ears sadly)
    1 point
  33. What an adorable big smile among her other delectable assets.
    1 point
  34. I enjoy videos of women peeing in their pants that have a very audible hissing sound coming from their jeans
    1 point
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