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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/2023 in all areas

  1. 13 points
  2. It's after midnight overseas, so I feel safe in posting this. Please join me in wishing my twin @Chrissy89 a very, very, very happy birthday! Chrissy, I hope your day is extraordinary. I am so proud to call you my best friend. I love laughing with you about the stupidest things, sharing mom stories, and discussing the fetish with someone with my same tastes (since we are exactly the same person 😬) Have fun turning up with my brother in law and nephew! Oh, PS, you can be at the top of the multi-player toilets this time since it's your special day πŸ™ŒπŸΌ I even drew out a diagram:
    6 points
  3. Seek and ye shall find, ask and ye shall receive... It is as issue which has been on Peefans Staff's minds for a little while now - and as of this morning there is a new clarification in the Peefans Site Rules #8 & #17. We hopefully all understand that the rules have always asked for respect, freedom from harassment or attempts at hook-ups and making Peefans feel like a safe place. And the vast majority of people know how to do that, meaning that Peefans is such an awesome community. But for the few who don't understand what respect is about, or don't understand that we are th
    5 points
  4. Yes, I am amazed at how open and friendly people are when you give them time to be themselves. What I hate is the two word sentence reply! I kick β€˜em to the kerb for wasting my time!
    4 points
  5. I have several of these too and was literally just sitting here thinking not a single one of them started a conversation with "I'll let you pee in my mouth if you want" 🀣 Those that initiated the conversation always introduced themselves first and we slowly got into talk about the fetish as I became comfortable with them. I actually had time to become attracted to them and their personality, which is something I appreciate so much. This is also something I try to keep in mind when I message people too.
    4 points
  6. Gotta love some well kept bush!!
    3 points
  7. Me, tired af and reading over the title: Space age Joe Biden toilets? What? πŸ™„ Anyway, back on topic. I never have but since we own our house now husband and I were thinking about installing a bidet on our toilet to save on toilet paper. I always cant help but wonder tho what would happen if you tinkered with it and made it spray out at an insanely high PSI lol. It would only be in our bathroom because I'm certain my young kids would hate having their butts sprayed by water. I would love it tho cause I've been wiping little booties for years now and my youngest still needs it 🀣
    3 points
  8. I dressed for lunch in the garden today
    3 points
  9. Thanks all - this is of course a β€˜team’ thing, so kudos to the staff team and to you the members. Let’s be clear - we are an adult NSFW site, and sexual content is a large part of what we’re about. But respect is also a large part. As long as the two go hand in hand all will be fine. There are no issues about sending PMs. To use an example above, sending a PM to someone β€œI really enjoyed something you posted, would you mind if I asked you more about it?” is respectful and no issues. It’s more the posts which fail to show any respect - the β€œwill you drink my piss?” β€œWill you se
    3 points
  10. I have occasionally been contacted by female forum members who wanted to talk about sexual things, usually in response to something I have posted in the forum, where I am generally quite open about the things I like. I just want to reassure them that I was never distressed or offended by that, and was happy to talk to them. I don't generally open a conversation that way myself, because I don't want to seem like a "creepy internet guy", and I understand that women do receive a lot of unwelcome messages.
    3 points
  11. Thank you for organising this, @gldenwetgoose … sorry I did not notice it til now. I have really only ever had positive experiences here, myself. In the very beginning, a few people were trying to persuade me to go chat on Kix or Discord or whatever other new-fangled apps. I always felt safer just keeping chat here in PeeFans. Of course I now have some very dear PF friends who I chat to outside of this site as well, but we built up trust over time. Honestly, everyone who has chatted to me has been simply lovely. Maybe I am just lucky. But you are doing a wonderful job with this amazing forum.
    3 points
  12. I particularly agree with the phrase: Β«common sense is the keyΒ», I happen to believe that kind of approach should applied to any aspect of our lives on this disgraced planet, and, of course, on this forum too! thanks for making us more aware, lest we forget...
    3 points
  13. 3 points
  14. Hello again, thank you all for the kind comments. It's nice to see people enjoying what I made. Here is the next chapter; it's a bit short, but more is coming. Enjoy! 2. The Uber Contains female peeing, car peeing and pee vandalism/naughty peeing Monique arrived at the train station in Berlin, desperate to relieve herself. This came at the expense of an unsuspecting Uber driver who drove the couple to the hotel. β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” We were now in Berlin and only had to go from the station to the hotel where my sister was waiting for us. I knew my wife was bursti
    3 points
  15. I would do this in college when I lived in the dorm that had shared bathrooms and shower. I shared it with 3 other women (all ages 18-19). I was known to have no body shame and they all got used to it. All the time I would shower and then step out naked and stand with my feet apart and pee over the drain that was on the floor. I only got caught once… we met eyes and I stopped my stream for a second then I kept peeing. Roommate never said anything about it because figured it was just another weird thing about me I guess. I’d do the all naked public peeing when I knew it was less likely to be ca
    3 points
  16. Is there anyone else but me that find outdoor events and festivals a great place for piss fetish arousal? I was on a festival I Greece before where women sat on a wall/ledge and peed down on a bush. I you went to the bush for a piss you’d get wet from piss dripping from the bush onto the private parts. So exciting
    2 points
  17. Hi, im still very new to accepting that this is a fetish i have. I was in denial for awhile lol, but reading on this site for a bit and being intruiged and a little aroused i decided to join. My girlfriend doesnt know yet but im sure ill tell her if i get serious. Im not hardcore but i love peeing outside and its always been a fantasy to piss like a man. Now ive found a nice stp and ive trained using it, although i still wet myself sometimes. I got a job working alone outdoors and i was thinking of documenting and sharing my experiences as i practice on trees and outhouses. Is anybody wanting
    2 points
  18. Literally lol. Maybe we can plan a trip together πŸ˜„ do you think the Japanese would hate us if we peed in their woods?
    2 points
  19. I have only experienced them in one business hotel in Tokyo a few years ago
    2 points
  20. Don’t forget that your twin loves Japan as well. Omg though I really want one. I’ve watched videos online of them and they look incredible. Trust the Japanese to have such high tech toilets πŸ˜„
    2 points
  21. When I was a child I was a very shy little boy and didn't want anyone to hear me, so I used to put folded toilet paper in the bottom of the bowl so there would be no splashing sound. I was not the boisterous type of young male that people usually expect. I had almost forgotten that until this subject came up. I'm not so shy any more πŸ˜‰
    2 points
  22. First thing I thought was "I'm glad I'm not the person who has to dust that." I guess I'm very domesticated πŸ˜„
    2 points
  23. I love that it has a "save energy" setting. I wonder how that works πŸ€” I don't have one, but have installed an asian-style hand bidet spray. It is so much nicer than using paper, and a lot cleaner. I really missed it when I had to spend a few weeks in hospital recently.
    2 points
  24. Nothing better than pouring yourself a tasty drink on a warm sunny day… https://www.erome.com/a/cecGaSiu
    2 points
  25. You could see som through the bush but I saw more women pissing on the ground and loads of wet toilet paper everywhere. I must say that smell of female piss is just awesome
    2 points
  26. I’ve been dying to pee somewhere in public and I think i’m finally gonna go to the mall tomorrow and do it. I think i’m gonna wear my white tennis skirt with nothing underneath. I wanna go see a movie first, and piss all over the seat after drinking a big fruit punch. Then i’m thinking a department store fitting room since those are pretty dead these days. I was also thinking maybe a store bathroom and pissing in the garbage can or down the drain in the floor. Does anyone have any other suggestions for places to go?
    1 point
  27. Absolutely! Happy to be your guide. 😘
    1 point
  28. It takes a bit of getting used to, having a high pressure spray of water on your private parts. But, they are great. Many a silly tourist have pressed the wrong button and sprayed the water all over the bathroom instead of their butt! We have installed one at home. It is particularly helpful for post sex cleanup, actually!
    1 point
  29. To answer your question, in my opinion it's just a matter of "angle", some urethras discharge a "front-flow" (like the one of your GF) because their openings point upwards, while others don't and so there the resulting flow directs downwards...
    1 point
  30. Update 2 My new girlfriend went shopping after work. Since she hates using public toilets she asked me if she could come over after shopping as I live close to the mall so she could empty her bladder. She left work at 4 pm and arrived at 8 pm with a big jug of Mountain Dew in her hand. She ate and drank at the food court in addition to shopping. With her sexy short blue dress and heels on I knew she would look hot upon arrival. As she kissed me than rushed to the bathroom my heart was pounding in anticipation. I knew i was in for a treat! As she has done since we recently got intimat
    1 point
  31. Huge Happy Birthday wishes @Chrissy89
    1 point
  32. https://www.erome.com/a/X6vEFUCV I held for a little while after a couple pints, took off my clothes, sat down on the toilet and let go
    1 point
  33. Go in the men's Lift up that skirt and use a urinal
    1 point
  34. Always a good place to catch a glimpse. A few years ago getting into Leeds festival the traffic was really bad, hopped out of the car up a wooded snicket for a pee Came across a couple of girls who had the same idea ❀️
    1 point
  35. Hi Kai! πŸ‘‹ thanks! oooh right ok 😊. Of late, whilst I’ve been running I’ve been enjoying sneaking down into the woods to go and pee. I’m enjoying the sounds that it makes on the ground which varies from grass to gravel. mostly, I just squat however the last time I went, I was so out of breath that I just stood up, pulled my shorts right down and leaned forward against a tree. That was an adventure πŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆ. to clean up I shove a little tissue in my pocket before I head out, it’s all pre-planned so I go prepared. I’d hate the thought of setting back off running and not wiping
    1 point
  36. Hello, everyone πŸ™‚ I apologize for my hiatus. I am back and will be ready to provide some juicy updates as early as tomorrow night! Stay tuned πŸ˜‰
    1 point
  37. One of my first memories of pee was staying with with my cousins on vacation and having nanny put diapers on us before bed. I can remember her, checking the fit of my cousins diaper and asking him if his "pipi was ok" and if I was going to be able to pipi in the diaper. I thought this was strange as I had never been unable to pee in a diaper or even thought about it. What could be wrong? Why would he not be able to pee in the diaper? She put a diaper on my female cousin and carefully adjusted it. She then did the same for me, put on the diaper, adjusted it and looked down the front asking if I
    1 point
  38. A bunch of years ago, in my early teens, I went hiking together with my mom and other people. We were out the whole day and as our trip got to an end, mom and I walked back to our car ready to drive home. We parked right next to a house we used to live in two/three years before and just as we were putting our backpacks into the trunks we heard the voices of our former neighbours calling us from their garden. They were making a barbecue and invited us over. We hesitated for a moment but then decided to walk over and join them. We had a lovely time. We ate and drank and talked about everyth
    1 point
  39. Thanks all for the feedback in filling in the forms and commenting on it. I'll come clean on my reasons for creating it, in that I'm sure we can all think of members who are active and fun in the forums, who've maybe posted content we've enjoyed. Then one day we realise they've stopped posting, stopped visiting the site, maybe even requested deletion. There's nothing in their posts and interactions to show why - are they ill? Have they got a new partner or job, are they too busy now? Or has somebody been inappropriate in a way that's led them to leave? There's now over 50 people
    1 point
  40. I've received dick pics in the past from someone and I ignored the message but brought it up in the staff room (reporting would have the same effect) and it was quickly dealt with. I've spent enough time on the Internet and particularly on adult forums that I'm used to these kind of messages and I'm happy to deal with them myself. I haven't really received many bad messages here but that might be because I'm a moderator. On other sites I tend to just ignore the messages and move on. I don't engage with them or give them any attention.
    1 point
  41. I read a link either here or the other place that the higher end of female capacity is 50ml per second or blasting out a 12 ounce soda can in just over 7 seconds. The volume measurement videos out there pretty much align with this rate. Any ladies that can do a liter in under 20 seconds get the fast and furious and damn sexy award.
    1 point
  42. In Thailand all toilets have a hand held bidet sprayer, affectionately known as a "bum gun." It is so much cleaner than using paper. After my last trip I installed one at home.
    1 point
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