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  1. As I began my run I was alone with my thoughts. It was great! I love the smell of the forest when it’s raining, the sound of the water hitting the gravel path that stretched out before me. About half way I stopped for a stretch, a drink of water and a check of the progress on my watch. With it being hectic Friday at work; people rushing their projects through me for the weekly sign off, I hadn’t seen looked at my phone all afternoon. I noticed I had a missed notification from the wonderful @Bacardi (she’s my sister from a totally different mister by the way, incase you didn’t know) ❤️
    5 points
  2. This just popped up on me on Instagram, in a sponsored post. Those algorithms are smarter than I thought apparently...
    4 points
  3. I was out at a daytime sports related party with my wife and a few of her mom friends. I was the only male in the group and had considered skipping it because I was not really into the event or the company. Everyone was drinking Rose but one of the other moms had a younger single friend who was drinking aggressively and a little tipsy. She was tall, attractive, tan, dirty blonde and stylishly dressed in linen overall shorts and a tight white shirt. For nearly 15 minutes they were trying to match make for her and even asked me if I had male friends she should date. Apparently she is really into
    3 points
  4. This memory was prompted by the thread asking if people talk to platonic friends about peeing. I tend to put on poker face and engage in nonchalant conversation if peeing comes up in a social or professional context. However, there are some exceptions... Years ago I was solo at a good friend's wedding. It was over a weekend at a huge estate with many of us staying on site for the weekend. At the rehearsal dinner I was talking to an attractive brunette girl who was one of the bridesmaid. We were doing the usual "where are you from?" and she said I'm from X (in the US) but I grew up partl
    3 points
  5. A trip to the pool can be teasing too.
    3 points
  6. Usually I didn't pee right on the floor. I have always searched for an alternative that was safe, comfortable and not very visible. Usually a potted plant was a good solution for me and my friends.
    3 points
  7. Hi All! It's been a while since I've written about an enjoyable scenario I've had, but today I fancied typing one up! I finished work nice and early today due to clocking up some overtime. I arrived back home at 12:30 (Having drank a LOT of water at work!). My housemate was still in, and my bladder was already getting nice and full. I had a shower (I had to do some messy jobs at work today), and by 1pm I was bursting to pee, and ready to head out for my walk. I decided to wear a nice sports t-shirt with a waterproof jacket (It's looking cloudy here!), a pair of waterproof black walki
    3 points
  8. I was just rinsing the bath out after cleaning it when I needed to pee so thought I might as well make the most of the shower running and pissed into the bath and washed it away with the shower head. https://www.erome.com/a/3c0uBmwi
    3 points
  9. Chrissy and I are the queens of silliness. We laugh at everything 😭
    3 points
  10. It is nothing to do with the toilets being full. I like to just pee on the carpet when I think I can get away with it. Dark carpet is my friend.
    3 points
  11. On carpet and/or at someones house I would never do that but last summer I had tickets to go to a very large semi open air festival and I had already planned on wearing a skirt and no underwear to just let go whenever I wanted to. Some unrelated personal issues got in the way so in the end me and my friend (who is also very much into pee) couldn’t make it to the festival unfortunately. New year, new chances though, so I’m sure it will happen sooner or later 😈😇 Quite looking forward to it actually.. I can easily pee straight down when not wearing panties and I’m sure it won’t be noticed with lo
    3 points
  12. It came in my mind this memory from times ago that could be of some interest for somebody, but it could make upset the ones who are passionate for hunting. Years ago, I decided to rent a house in the countryside in order to have some times of relax out the big city during the summer and autumn period. It was a place with beautiful meadows, woods and paths to take long and relaxing walks around the area. When I started to do the first walks around in order to know better the place, once I noticed that at the edge of the big meadow there was a little hut (entirely made of wood with the base ab
    2 points
  13. You know how at times when you're out and about walking on the pavement, having the time of your life and suddenly become hyper aware of how close you are to flooding your pants if you don't find a spot to pee like about NOW? Well yeah, that's exactly what happened to me a few days back when I was walking home after a nice little walk in the morning. Just as always I had my headphones plugged in and listening to some good ol' indie pop on full blast when I felt the faintest sign of that familiar tingling sensation followed by the massive urge to pee. I suppose I was way too engrossed
    2 points
  14. Not a meme or funny clip as such... But a true story. This afternoon we (wife & I) went into our favourite Italian deli / cafe to pick up some treats and decided to have a coffee. So we were shown to a table, right next to where two mature ladies were sitting. One of them in particular was the sort that didn't know the volume of her own voice, it was near impossible to concentrate on our own quiet conversation whilst she droned on, and on, and on continually. We did learn during our coffee though that it's very surprising just how many ladies on the phone will suddenly a
    2 points
  15. I did this several times a few years ago with a lady I knew......she was 75 years, and prefered anal fun to anything else.....she was also into pee fun, big time!! We'd had anal a few times, and one day I said I wanted to pee, and she asked me to do it in her bum, something that turned me on, but I'd never done. I agree with a previous member, it needs to be done near or in the bathroom for obvious reasons. Anyway we did it ,and she said it was the best experience she'd ever had, feeling her bowels filling up slowly. She was bending over, and the pressure inside made her e
    2 points
  16. I'm very reliably informed: Samantha Rice
    2 points
  17. Myself and Bacardi have kid humour! We laugh at kids TV! We sent each other silly recordings of our voices and I was in stitches. 🤣 she’s special ❤️
    2 points
  18. I would love for someone to sit next to me and pee, not because they had to go but because they wanted to. The words "What, I wanted to pee" would hit waaay different than "I really needed to pee". Also it's office carpets after dark for me. I pissed in an open office at dusk since I was working late. Twas a lot of fun.
    2 points
  19. Wow, great story, Malika, very liked it. It was a cool idea to punish hunters and since I'm also an animal lover, I support you 1000000%. You did the right thing, well done, I hope that you created big problems for these hunters for some time and were able to save the lives of some number of animals in this way. Well done, Malika. Cool, you pissed all over the hut. But you really took a big risk, because no one knows what's in the minds of those hunters and what could have happened if they caught you. Oh, I was worried about you, you made me worry about you, because this hunters could do somet
    2 points
  20. i'll admit that it has happened to me occasionally in my younger years. but it wasn't like out of spite. i just literally couldn't seem to find the bathroom available after a certain point. and it wasn't like i would just go on the floor. the times it happened, i ended up having actual accidents. i have at parties snuck outside somewhere and purposely relieved myself. but would say it's more common that several of us would burst into the bathroom and use whatever facility happened to be available. like i recall using bathtubs often, even with another girl because our other friend beat us
    2 points
  21. Well I have, ages ago at a house party but that was out of sheer necessity, else I never pee on floors. However, if I'm at a club then I usually pee on the floor or carpet or whatever, when I know that I can be sneaky about it.
    2 points
  22. Im not really into the whole partyscene. I’m more a stay at home girl. But I have peed the carpet at work 😅. Not a lot, only a small pee. I would like to keep my job 🙈 The unofficial rule at my office is that the first person at work cleans out the dishwasher. So I saw that as the perfect opportunity to pee just a little bit. It gave me the excuse that I spilled some water while picking up an upside down glass. If anyone would Have noticed the wet spot on the carpet I would have an alibi. I was wearing a skirt so I just had to move my undies a bit and went just where I was standin
    2 points
  23. Dear Wet Carpet I once knew a girl when I was very young who used to let me watch her pee. I used to get her to do it in the corner of my bedroom on the carpet. She seemed to like doing it. Well we went our separate ways after a while and grew up, but I have a thing about women peeing in naughty places. I am in my early 20s and recently that youthful girlfriend and I hooked up again in a city centre pub over a few drinks. She too is now in her early twenties and looks a bit like Madonna did back in the 80s, blonde and sexy. We ended up going back to my place after a few drinks, buyi
    2 points
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