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  1. My good friend Lisa and I were once at a garden party. The host has built a lot in the garden, among other things, there was a small hot tub. There was a lot to drink and so it happened that at some point Lisa had to wee. Most men just went to the next bush (the host was okay with that), but for her it was out of the question because she doesn't like to pee outside at all. Therefore she went inside the house. After about 15 minutes she still had not returned, so I went to the house to see if she was okay - after all, she drank quite a bit. On this occasion I also wanted to pee, because it
    8 points
  2. Hiking adventures (Contains female and male peeing, naughty peeing and voyeurism) Chapter 1: I turn on the shower and look at myself in the mirror while waiting for the water to get warm. While taking off my clothes the bathroom finally becomes warm and steamy. I feel my bladder twitching almost instantly once I’m naked and I automatically squeeze my legs together. It’s a pleasant distraction from my everyday thoughts. One that is impossible to ignore. As usual, the twitchy feeling turns into an urgent need to pee as soon as I step into the shower. Sometimes I just let my
    6 points
  3. This week I have been pissing on my old area rug in the garage. It has been a dream come true. Hope you all enjoy my first full bladder carpet piss! https://www.erome.com/a/lvbug3WK
    4 points
  4. I got in contact with a lesbian couple - long story short I rewarded them to come to my house and let me watch as they pissed and vandalized my stuff. They came to my house with a very full bladder, opened my wardrobe, threw all of my clothes on my bed then stood on my bed naked. They kissed and played with each other in front of me then started power pissing all over my bed and clothes. When everything was soaked they had me lay in it fully clothed and finished pissing all over me before leaving. I had to reward them for it but I finally had my fantasy become real
    4 points
  5. I'm female and I like to stand. Just part my labia, pull my vulva up and forwards and there it goes: an arc of urine that so many people believe women cannot produce. I love to lift my skirt and do it against a wall or a tree.
    4 points
  6. My family is very open about peeing. If you have read some of my previous posts, you know that is true! My mom raised me to believe that peeing and nudity are natural and are nothing to be ashamed of. Growing up, I peed around the house (without my mom knowing), and my mom and myself peed in sinks, in bathtubs, in the laundry, and outside. We were nude 99% of the time, even when driving. Now that I am grown, my mom invites my daughter and me to be naked and pee in her house as we please. I encourage the same lifestyle for my daughter in our home, as well (which she LOVES). We truly believe in
    3 points
  7. This is a very personal story from a vacation with my ex-girlfriend. She knew I was into pee - but personally didn't find it arousing. In pools she peed - but not for sexual reasons but simply because it was convenient for her. We were once in an expensive hotel with a fancy wellness area. The weather was bad at that time, so the pool was always very popular. Therefore, in order to have our peace and quiet, we decided to go there very early in the morning and have brunch later. Early in the morning we quickly put on our swimwear and went to the pool. As expected, there was no one at
    3 points
  8. I really love seeing a guy emptying his full bladder where he shouldn’t 😚 And I like it even more when a desperate guy looks like he’s about done, but then there’s even more piss. And then yet some more.. mmm 🤤
    3 points
  9. Actually, quite a few things are true (or a slightly fluffed version of the truth). I -obviously, I presume- based the main character on myself and my ‘pee adventures’. The redhead lady and the guy are entirely fictional though.. unfortunately :”)
    3 points
  10. I'm not sure, but I think many girls peed in the hot tub that day... I saw several times some small groups going into the water for 1-2 minutes...
    3 points
  11. This experience happened a few years ago. I was in Greece with friends at a big resort on the beach. A friend (here I'll call her Lisa) and I liked pools better than the sea, so we mostly went to the pool. Actually, it was better there anyway, because there was such a bar in the water where you could swim there and have a cocktail. Fortunately, we booked the vacation as "all inclusive", which means that you could basically eat and drink at any time - many alcoholic drinks were also free at the pool bar. On the first day at noon I asked Lisa, as we were cooling down in the pool, if she wou
    3 points
  12. Very hot!! That was a massive piss!! 😏
    3 points
  13. I love the idea of peeing in front of a delivery person. It reminds me of one of my favorite pee videos! https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5f3ad5c85cbd0
    3 points
  14. As promised, here is the story of my mom's first masturbation in front of me 🙂 A few weekends ago, I went over to my mom's house to finish up harvesting what little was left of her garden and to mow her yard. Most everything had dried up and died from the heat, but there were still a few okra left to pick, and her yard was needing some trimming. As you know, we are nudists to the core, so we do our yard work fully nude with good protective shoes. We had both peed multiple times outside that day...on the lawnmower seat, in the garden, once down my leg into my boots. My mom peed on the flo
    3 points
  15. I read somewhere that if you want to find someone in public who has a pee fetish, apparently you should look for someone who has a yellow hankie in their pocket. I'm of the opinion that this is BS. Not everyone who has this fetish will own a yellow hankie, and not everyone who owns a yellow hankie will have this fetish. Am I correct, or is this a genuine memo that i've missed which is well-documented within the urolagnia community?
    2 points
  16. Hello! My name is Lukey (Loo-key) and I'm new to this website. I suffer from chronic hiccups and I love everything that has to do with pokemon. I'm a huge gaming nerd. Feel free to message me if you wana play some videogames together on PC or just chat!
    2 points
  17. Yep. That song works a treat lol. Fortunately none of my 5 neighbours came out as I walked in. https://peefans.com/topic/23886-peeing-in-sync-to-the-music-walking-home/
    2 points
  18. Though after drinking 3 pints of super beer tonight and the fact it is now quite dark walking home through Ely....
    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. First I've heard of this but I do remember reading about similar signalling apparently used between gay men in the 80's and 90's (and maybe still used?). Then it was all about red, blue, black, camouflage, etc. Wouldn't be surprised if it was used for other hidden messages Yellow would be a logical choice but need to ensure general agreement on meaning. That is, does yellow mean pee lover? Submissive? Etc. Are there yellow variations ... deep yellow meaning sexual pee play, light yellow for naughty pee play, yellow with a black border for pee-related BDSM, and so on. We could creat
    2 points
  21. 2 points
  22. That is exactly how to do it 🙂 Thanks. I reckon all PF members should try this out. Who will be the first person to spot a yellow hanky wearer and report back?
    2 points
  23. Me neither ... but then I haven't been looking. Maybe I will now. There's the potential for huge embarrassment though with someone innocently sporting a yellow hanky! "What are you doing?! You've just peed all over my legs!" "Oh - I'm sorry, Innocent mistake, Complete misunderstanding."
    2 points
  24. Totally agree - getting more drink it the priority. Although I have often peed in the kitchen sink whilst making a mug of tea to save time. Also, as mentioned, if you are going to get lots of back to back calls, then queue up the drinks in advance with large bottles of juice or insulated mugs of tea etc. Then you won't have to move at all. The other one that works well is to sit on a towel folded into a thick pad and don't wear anything on your bottom half. I've used this successfully in several long meetings. It is perfect because it is below the desk level, not seen on came
    2 points
  25. Yeah something similar happened to me at a water park. I was standing in line at some water slide and in front of me there were two girls. One whispered to the other: "Damn how long are we waiting here, I have to piss so badly" and the other girl laughed and said "You're so disgusting" and the first girl replied: "As if you have ever used the real toilet today".
    2 points
  26. Guilty as charged Guilty as charged Guilty as charged! It’s a fair cop, I’ll come quietly …
    2 points
  27. Thank you for bumping - wouldn't have found it otherwise. And @Alfresco needs some reminding that there's at least one chapter outstanding 😉
    2 points
  28. This morning I took to the camper again. Pissed in the open door of the fridge. Propped myself up on the bench and the fridge and sprayed the mirror on the bathroom door from a foot or a little more away. Sprayed the walls a bit and the kitchen floor and let it puddle under me trying to spray the mirror. Was a bit sleepy so I finished emptying my bladder in a puddle on the carpet
    2 points
  29. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5d80bf1a321c6 here is a great video of a girl walking around in public and dribbling pee!
    2 points
  30. We have not, but I am sure after we are both more comfortable with this new idea, it will happen. I don't really want to make an effort to 'set it up' since I do believe it will happen naturally 🙂 And, of course, I will keep you all updated in the mean time!
    2 points
  31. 2 points
  32. Thank you for you advice Auntie Paulypeeps, I would however like to inform you that an interesting development has happened. You see it's about time me and my daughter go on holiday and I called her for a meeting to discuss all the details, such as where we go, what activities we do while there, when, etc. Now at some point she excuses herself to go pee in a toilet like some kind of prude, but before she's out of the door I exclaim something like "Oh for fuck's sake we have a lot to get through and if you're just going to waste my time with all this "I gotta pee" bullshit, then I'm callin
    2 points
  33. Last year in high school. This is when it all started. I’d been playing with Xenia since middle school, we were just friends. And this was never to change. But something else changed: I met her mother. “What the fuck?” is Your first thought? Yes. For her sixteenth’s birthday, Xenia was having a sleep-in house-party. It was the first I ever attended, and the first time I went to the Minx’s house. The moment I saw her, I had a crush on her mom. Miss Minx was a blonde in her late thirties, toned body in good shape. I couldn’t take my eyes off her all night, as she served us snacks and d
    2 points
  34. This may seem a long winded start but it is the background of how it all began, many years ago Carol One I am 21 living at home Studying for midterm engineering exams on a Saturday morning when My Mum knocks and comes in and asks me to take her to the shops. Dad has gone to work, and she wants to go to the bigger centre further away. Pull up in the carpark and talk to a workmate for a few moments. Catch up with Mum inside, taking to a neighbour, who lived next door for a few months, Mum still keeps in touch. Turns out it is their daughter’s 18th tonight. By the
    1 point
  35. I don't want to discourage anyone - not least our own inimitable, wonderful and amazing @puddyls - but K pointed me at this article the other day that demonstrates the consequences in the UK of being caught masturbating in public. The circumstances are not clear from the newspaper report, and there may be all sorts of reasons that are not "she just felt like it, and is an exhibitionist". You can make your own minds up! https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/woman-54-exposed-breasts-pleasured-24538076
    1 point
  36. Have never purposely masturbated in front of Mom, but have been caught a few times when I lived at home. The door lock on the bathroom as defective and not only would not lock, but the latch itself was worn out and the old apartment, being unlevel, would cause the door to swing open unpredictably. Twice while stroking it would just fly open and Mom would be outside looking in, once just as I had started to eject my cum into the bowl. You can't stop at times like that so you just continue and try not to look too embarassed. Mom said nothing at the time but she got a good look.
    1 point
  37. Sad that someones first reaction is to phone the police, setting in motion a chain of events that must be mortifying for the lady in question. If the witnesses were concerned they could have woman to woman suggested that she should move on or something, using the excuse that there 'could have been children there' seems a bit tenuous when there weren't. It does demonstrate the risk that she was taking but I can't help but feel very sorry for her ending up in the paper and everything, I hope she's ok and has people around her to support her. All seems to have been escalated unnecessarily
    1 point
  38. Well, I tried the hand in the water trick, but it didn't work. All I achieved was waking her up, and annoying her further. The thing is also, you have to understand. I've been done the thing of never peeing in a toilet since I bought this house. So I've always wet myself in the ways you described, if I wore anything at all, which I've felt I've had to do increasingly or else she'll have a fit. She also somehow finds it gross that I mention my feelings, even though we all have them. Like she insists she doesn't even masturbate. I don't understand her. But Your suggestion of finding ou
    1 point
  39. Ohhh this is a loaded question! I think it depends on my mood because there are times that spurting turns me on more, and there are times that being sneaky and leaving little wet spots is more fun. Then there are times that full bladder gushing is what I want to do…I guess it all just depends 🙂
    1 point
  40. I'd have to have it so that the norm for people to relieve their pee would be to just squat and pee through their underwear whenever needed. No worries they'll dry in time. Whole clothing brands and clothing designs come about based on how convenient they are to pee through, and how fast they dry etc. Imagine Ann Summers advertising the "Perfect Peeable Panties" aimed at being the nicest feeling when wet, and the fastest drying.
    1 point
  41. **UPDATE** Thus weekend I went to my moms house to visit. We spent a lot of time in her garden…potatoes were ready to be dug up, and blackberries were ready to be picked. It was hot so we drank a lot of water and peed when we needed to without warning. We were already nude, so we just let it flow. Later that evening, we were watching TV. I was gently stroking my pussy as I do when I am relaxing. I really had to pee, so I asked my mom where it would be okay to pee. She said “wherever you like since now that’s something we apparently do together. Haha!” I asked if I cou
    1 point
  42. It's Friday, the week is over, and it's half term. What is a better way to celebrate that than wetting myself in my work uniform?! I had been planning on doing it all day and I made sure I had a full bladder when I arrived home. I had been drinking a little more water through my last two lessons and I had completely skipped my lunch break toilet visit. When I walked through the door I was rather desperate and if I didn't have other plans I would have ran upstairs to the toilet. I wasn't bursting though and that needed to change. I sat down with my family and enjoyed a cup of coffee, enjo
    1 point
  43. It is a very British tradition I believe. Most UK people will be very familiar with Cinderella and this is indeed based on that. Fairy godmother, magical coach and the pivotal glass slipper all to come. to whet your appetite further: Chapter 6 - Fairy Godmother While Cindy was sobbing her eyes out, there was a flash of light and almighty CRACK! A vision of beauty with long blond hair and shapely figure adorned in sparkling white short flared dress appeared before Cindy in the cellar. “on’t be afraid. I am your fairy godmother and I have seen the evil which has befallen
    1 point
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