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  1. Was taking a walk this afternoon. Nobody much around so I marked up this picnic bench. Had to be a bit discrete so did it hands free. Just got my cock out under my jacket and let it go wherever but couldn’t resist pointing some of it on to the table as well! Looked good when I left it
    4 points
  2. New to this site, Hello! 😊 I'm a spicy account with tons of premade content available and open to custom requests! I do keep my face blurred publicly.
    3 points
  3. This summer, I went floating down a river for the first time in my adult life. Hundreds of people, mostly in shorts and tees, hop on to inner tubes and take a 3-4 hour float down a lazy river. I was with a bunch of folks from a neighboring camp site. I didn’t know them very well, so while I relied on them for a ride to and from the river, I mostly floated on my own, chatting with other groups or single floaters, at the whim of where the current took me. Like many others on the river, I brought both water and a cooler of beer and soda. Even though we are sitting in the cool water all
    3 points
  4. I’m a server at a restaurant for now, and usually my section is always filled with people so, I don’t get many bathroom breaks but when I get the chance to go I always go straight to my favorite stall which has a floor drain for others and me to nonchalantly pee in 🙂 I’ve came across other girls puddles on the floor, around the drain and even long streams leaving the stall. After a month or so of continuously seeing pee on the drain I finally gave in.
    2 points
  5. I enjoyed several river tubing excursions when I lived in Texas. The mix of beer, water and sun kept me peeing on a regular basis ... and since my bum was already hanging through the the inner tube, why would I pee anywhere else. As long as you don't make a big fuss, it's the most discreet option available. And you can pee in front of everyone! A classic win-win if you ask me. Scuba diving in a pool is a lot less discreet so kudos to @Wolfpee for bravery. The other students probably didn't notice. Learning to dive is pretty much all-consuming and you tend to be very focused. The in
    2 points
  6. Today's the first of the month, so we celebrate various 'proxy' birthdays. It's natural to keep real birthdates slightly separate from reality, just like many of us don't use our real names or give away too much personal information. These people are no April Fools. Happy Birthday to @Paulypeeps @deliquescent @Peefan83 @Spectator9 @Mrhapee @Jfhchr
    2 points
  7. I'm just imagining her pointing her wand at me and casting "cunni lingua." 😃
    2 points
  8. I forgot to clarify, I only have small breasts. I'm definitely not flat chested, but my breasts are small enough not to need a bra.
    2 points
  9. I'd love to be able to upload voice recordings I have of myself peeing.
    1 point
  10. Short story that I wrote in about two hours. *** This story takes place while I was on a business trip to Los Angeles for a mid-size American bank just a few weeks back. My colleague Hailey and I were attending a human resources conference in the city and had just gone over to pick up a car from one of the rental places just outside of LAX airport. Hailey doesn’t drive and had asked me if I would be willing to ferry her out to the hotel in Riverside that we were supposed to stay at. Said something about avoiding the hassle of getting a hundred-dollar-plus cab fare comped by our compa
    1 point
  11. I live in an RV park, so my neighbors are literally 10-15ft away from me and can see everything I am doing if my windows are open. I am regularly nude, and I routinely keep my windows open. They have not said anything about it, and we speak daily. I am wondering if it would be too inappropriate to start peeing in my sink or on my floor when they are outside and can potentially see me? I would love to know someone is watching 🙂
    1 point
  12. I bought a new toy that feels so good on my clit. Whenever I'm laying in bed using it, I naturally let go and piss. It's such a wonderful feeling.
    1 point
  13. I do have a few sound recordings of my wife who pees next to the bed in a cup in the evening or morning always nice to hear it back 😀
    1 point
  14. I haven't peed since I woke up I'm really excited but I'm still at work can anyone help me hold it?
    1 point
  15. I've been very lucky with both my previous g/fs and I think that what helped a lot is that in both cases our relationships started online and quite early on sex was often a topic of conversation. It seems to me that pretty much everyone who enjoys sex has their kink/s and I've found this is a good way of steering the conversation when talking about what turns each of us on. So for me, it's usually worked quite well during these conversations by asking a g/f in a lighthearted way 'Come on then, what things especially turn you on? I reckon everyone has their kinks. I know i certainly do. I thi
    1 point
  16. I like to se women pissing in naughty place where you not suposed to leave a puddle. Ja i enyoy take a piss there to.
    1 point
  17. Not trying to be a downer here. But we think about peeing like any other fetish. But not everyone has this tolerance. People can be cruel when they don't understand / know something. And while being naked is most likely (depending on your country) something very natural and basic, peeing or any fetish can be seen as something weird or even disgusting. There are some people who are appalled by the idea of having oral sex or basically anything that isn't misionary. Again i don't want to discourage. I just want to set realistic expectations. @peecurious94 you know your neighbours and you ca
    1 point
  18. While @Kupar is totally right you can always make up a story about your toilet being clogged. (Is this the right word ? Lets say broken xD) With that excuse you could even leave your home and pee outside for them to see. If you want to be safe start complaining about your toilets a few days in advance. You could even say something like " i hope it doesn't completely stop working otherwise i have to pee i. the sink or something" to judge their reaction first. But there is also an argument for asking for forgiveness instead of permission. And what Kupar said.
    1 point
  19. As protests go, that's got to be one of the best! I hope you feel you have survived the trauma of that sort of schooling. I would imagine it could be an unpleasant place to spend what should be happy days. Sending hugs if you need them x
    1 point
  20. I always wanted a thing like this in my bathroom. I love the idea of not caring how messy you are because you can easily clean it with the shower head.
    1 point
  21. How did this rain start so abruptly. Anyways I this building should protect me. Pooh I think I can close my umbrella now. But- why did the pattering sound on my umbrella begin again. Hmm the ground beneath is all dry. So where does this come from. I took the umbrella down and looked up. But I couldn't see anything because of the rain. This is rain is kinda strange though. Pretty warm for rain. And the taste? I opened my mouth and it actually tastes somehow... salty. When I finally could smell the liquid that was raining down on my face, I realised what was happening. But it was too
    1 point
  22. I can’t say I have tried using voice memos for this, but I would certainly be interested in listening. You could upload them to somewhere like drone I would think and then post links here. I am away from home at the moment and usually speak with my wife in the evening. One day she said that she needed to take me to the toilet and I said “Well you know I won’t object”. She said “but I am not peeing on you,” and I said “well you could but you would get your phone wet”. She laughed and then I heard the rustle of clothing followed by the delightful sound of her peeing whilst she contin
    1 point
  23. Taylor pees swiftly, Carrie pees under the woods (Puns for @Eliminature, aka the pun goddess)
    1 point
  24. Love the idea and the way you put the videos together. Excellent. I doubt I would have the control but, I might give it a go.
    1 point
  25. I had a girlfriend who would call me during the day, and let me hear her pee. They would generally be very long and desperate pees... so hot to hear
    1 point
  26. This is a daytime photo of the location from Streetview. Arrow shows where she was squatting.
    1 point
  27. Fantastic story Eliminature! Very well written. Thanks for sharing.
    1 point
  28. I think if it wasn't taboo I wouldn't enjoy it nearly as much. Like how much of a thrill do you get from sitting on the toilet like a good girl? If peeing in public became accepted and normal it would probably feel like sitting on the toilet. I like peeing outside or wetting myself because it's different, it's naughty.
    1 point
  29. So I just made a huge mess too. I used my work break to go buy something from the pharmacy at the mall, and I already needed to piss really bad as I was leaving work. So I buy what I need and I’m like fuck it I’ll use the mall public toilet. When I walked in it was obvious that it was already cleaned, but however I hovered above the toilet seat. Soon I realized (well I felt) that my pee is actually not going in the toilet at all, and the stream hits the floor directly. So I try to adjust myself a bit, peed into the toilet for few seconds but then I decided why not, might as well let
    1 point
  30. Welkom! Lovely to hear. 🙂 I hope we'll get to hear about your experiences pissing outdoors, indoors and defying the German advice of being ein Sitzpinkler...
    1 point
  31. Peeing outside and catching girls peeing outside. Probably worth searching the forums for this subject as I'm sure there are many similar threads where you will find a wealth of people's responses.
    1 point
  32. I'm going to throw a scenario out there for the Brits out there - maybe more time has passed than I imagine, but anyone who knows Cat Deeley & Holly Willoughby will understand. Picture a scenario where the two presenters both find themselves rushing down the corridor between filming TV segments, to find the 'out of order' sign on the ladies toilets. Cat is practically dancing on the spot, having spent hours filming a 30 second trailer for the forthcoming show, and Holly is already nursing the very slightest of damp silky pants. If that Schofield bloke makes her double up with laught
    1 point
  33. I peed in the woods near him a few times too and took sneaky peeks when he did it 😉
    1 point
  34. Another epic chapter, HitEmAll! I'm fascinated by the science aspects and attention to detail on the importance of the space suit holding out on the actual mission. My true love of the story is of course our heroine's inhumanly massive bladder and eventual torrential release, but also the amazement and comments of her team. Also love that you have elements of Jessie being both proud & turned on by her bladder and her excitedly displaying what only she can do, but also the reactions of the supporting cast, especially Natasha, in having to up the ante on the retention system.
    1 point
  35. So, still continuing from that same night, just a few minutes later at about 1:30 and still in the area behind Pop World, I saw a girl in her thirties with wavy blonde hair with streaks. She was wearing loose fitting light blue jeans and a darker blue jacket. She headed behind a parked van, so I followed and found her squatted at the bottom of a set of stairs stairs that went to a fire exit for the theatre: She had passed between the van and the wall of the steps and then squatted with her back to the main wall, right at the foot of the steps. You can see the puddle in the photo
    1 point
  36. Quite a bit later on, after a few false alarms, I was thinking I wasn't going to get much this night and decided I might be better off going home, but I sat for a while at a bus stop just up from McDonalds. Their toilets were open, which may have been part of the reason for a lack of sightings, but at this time a bit of a queue had formed outside. A bloke and a girl left the McDonalds queue and went down a nearby alley. This was more of a lane that opened directly onto the main road and there were people passing the end, as well as it being brightly lit. The girl was a petite girl with b
    1 point
  37. As I mentioned before, I had two nights alone. The second night I was back at home and I had to decide whether I could cope with another night of little sleep and take advantage of the opportunity of being alone, or whether I should listen to my better judgement and just go to bed. Well, I'm afraid that better judgement lost and I went out to a town which is about half an hour from home. Unfortunately it wasn't great for sightings as I only had two good sightings and one near miss. It was a Wednesday night and not very busy out, with one of the best areas of the town for sightings being t
    1 point
  38. I wrote a series about Jenny and Denise, which took the form of letters to Wet Carpet Magazine on the PeeSearch Forum. I think most people here would like them, so I will repost them here. Here are the first two for starters. If you like them then I'll add more - maybe a couple each week or something. I'll leave them as letters, but remove the Wet Carpet Magazine references: Dear Friends, I have just come back from a cruise holiday with my friend Denise and thought I would share a few of experiences with you. Denise and I were sunbathing on the pool deck of the ship. We had been to
    1 point
  39. I would say very close to 100% of people there would have peed whilst floating - as you said, what other options would there be. It is the most discrete way of relief. Whatever they do, there are no toilets, so it makes sense to pee in the water rather than struggle to go out on land to pee, drawing attention to themselves and being more exposed. I have not done river floating but I have floated round lazy rivers in water theme parks and I usually pee whilst doing that - even though there are toilets available. I'm sure that many other people do the same even in water parks. It is de
    1 point
  40. The second part. Warning: There is some poop. A few days had passed since my aunt started peeing in my room. The morning after she destroyed my ps4, she returned the Darth Vader and stuffed bison to me. The Darth Vader was broken in half, the stuffed bison had been torn apart. Both were covered in piss and cum. My aunt pissed on the wreckage one last time before she left them with me. She came back that night and sat on one of my huge body sized stuffed animals. I didn’t see a stream, but I could hear the piss running over it. She just sat there smirking as she emptied her bladder ov
    1 point
  41. Wow, of all places to find "old fashioned values"..... Jealousy is so lame. It is a sign of your own insecurity and nothing else. ( insecurity about yourself, or about your relationship ) It does NOT mean your partner doesn't love you. It does not mean your partner finds the other person more attractive. Usually what it truly means is - the other person was available when you were not. Of course if you join in - a different explanation is in the offing. Kinky things for kinky people !
    1 point
  42. hi im a 18 year old girl who likes to have fun , all kinda of fun x
    1 point
  43. Dear Friends, Further to my last letter about cruise antics, I thought I'd write and tell you about one of our days in port. One of the great things about a cruise holiday is waking up and finding the scenary outside the window to be different to what was there when going to bed. Denise and I were sharing a twin room on the ship and we had a balcony. I woke up about 7:30 and noted that Denise wasn't in her bed. I guessed she had gone out onto the balcony to see where we were and take in the views. We had been out at sea the night before and were due to call at the port of Skjolden in the N
    1 point
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