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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/2022 in Posts

  1. Relaxing in my evening bath and I saw no reason to get out to pee. If anyone wants to see I may do some more fun peeing the next couple dayshttps://imgur.com/a/C1PDqMq
    5 points
  2. So I was chilling on my couch watching tv. I needed to go, so I pulled my panties down and pissed on the floor. I feel a lot better and now I'm snuggled under a throw blanket.
    5 points
  3. I just went again because I was so close to falling asleep. My friend texted me, so I pissed while replying back. Used a Kleenex to wipe.
    3 points
  4. I'm naked and scrolling through my phone while sitting on the edge of my bed. The box spring is about to get replaced anyways, so I took a leak right here. It left a trail on the side and puddled on the carpet. I hope no one from maintenance gets suspicious when I ask them to help me move it in a few days 😂
    3 points
  5. It turned me on so much that I grabbed my vibrator to use. Still haven't mopped up lol
    3 points
  6. K wet her jeans for me this evening! She’s never done this before. She’d told me before that they were going in the wash this evening anyway, so I thought “seems a shame to waste the opportunity if she’s up for it” … and she was! She didn’t wee for about 4 hours during the afternoon, during which time she was filling up with water from her bottle and an afternoon mug of tea and by half past five she was really ready to go – not desperate, but as much as she ever allows herself to be. K didn’t want any mess, even though I’d offered to do any cleaning up that was required, so she said she’d
    2 points
  7. You’re a very lucky man Kupar! Big thanks to your wife for letting you share this with us. Well written story and always enjoy reading/seeing the fun you two have!
    2 points
  8. Fantastic view🙂 something I would love to do but unfortunately I only have a shower, no bath.yes please more😆
    2 points
  9. Today's happy birthday goes to: @bcreed1983 @Pauliep213 @KiriaBabyGirl Have a great day!!!
    2 points
  10. So this is my first post about a wetting experience. I was on my way home from a business trip when I really had to pee. Like "pee Dance" type of pee. Well, I have never pissed my pants while driving but I have always wanted to try so I figured, best time to do it!. Well apparently, I am retraining my bladder to understand pee play, but for some reason I just couldn't do it while driving, something with the vibration of the car. Anyway, as Im driving to a stop sign, I start to feel a warm sensation in my boxers and pants. I was able to piss like a racehorse while stopped! so for the last 15 mi
    2 points
  11. I've peed a few times whilst driving. Unless I'm really desperate I can't pee whilst actually moving (tension on leg/groin muscles while controlling the car) but, like you, if stopped and more relaxed I can get the flow going and enjoy the warmth 😄 Have occasionally gone out already desperate and drunk loads more water, stopping off and going for short walks when the desperation gets close to the limit, then driving off again, just relaxing and letting it flow out naturally. Always stops well before empty so easy to drink more and repeat. I always plan to have pee fun in the car and
    2 points
  12. Always love your pics, keep up the good work 👍
    2 points
  13. My family were the same, very open about pissing and when out and one of us needed to pee then we would just go not bothering to hide up or anything. It all seemed perfectly natural to us growing up. If we were at the beach and there was a lot of people around we would go into the sea or as we often did just sit and pee through our costumes, we thought nothing of seeing our parents peeing and this attitude towards seeing each other peeing still exists between us siblings today.
    2 points
  14. So today I was out running errands. As I was driving home I got quite desperate to pee. I managed to get all my groceries inside before I leaked in my pants. Since I still had to go pretty badly I figured screw it and just let go in my pants. It felt so good just not caring as I released.
    2 points
  15. Had one of my long time fantasies satisfied today. A woman I see on the side but not serious with just came and met me. She drank a lot of water and peed on me and in my mouth and I drank a lot of it because she wanted me to. It was a bit of a kinky dom sub thing but all in play and it was hot. Our age difference makes it not possible for a relationship. Makes no sense and would present problems with family. We are 28 years apart. But every so often we see each other. Met her when she was doing business project for her last year of college like 5 years ago and we just clicked in other
    1 point
  16. Several times, I have adhd and sometimes when I’m occupied with something I “forget” about it until it’s I MUST PEE RIGHT NOW. Also probably because I’ve trained myself for desperation I am used to ignoring it sometimes. one time was when talking to a member on here and we were doing a holding challenge, when I stood up the need to go was so intense I almost burst right then! but I held on and only a spurt leaked into my underwear and once I rushed to the toilet it was like a waterfall one memorable time when I was in a “more appropriate spot to release” was when I locked my keys in
    1 point
  17. Maybe you should consider joining a hiking club in real life. I've found some of my best experiences out on the trail. There's something about being out in nature and away from society's constraints that has one relax their inhibitions. Now, you probably won't get to see much on a group hike, but you might discover which ones are shy and which are much more comfortable in the outdoors. Perhaps once you get to know them better, you might encourage them to hike with you one-on-one. As Goose posted, it's most important that you build up a level of trust. That may take months, if no
    1 point
  18. I brought my laptop to my bed with me, and peed off the side while I kept typing 😊
    1 point
  19. I know that I would gladly participate @Maggie_555
    1 point
  20. So happy for you @Kupar, I know you have been wanting this. I wish you an K a lot of fun and pleasure as you explore the joy of wetness together ❤
    1 point
  21. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph6207fc694c0b4 cum on fitting room floor
    1 point
  22. I used to do that all the time, too, back when I still lived in a place with a bath (only got a shower currently 😔). Nice stream and you got quite the pretty cock 😻
    1 point
  23. The hunt on Netflix No genitals but you see a women unbuckle and squat no pee steam but you can hear it
    1 point
  24. I'm curious to understand how you would do that within the site rules - which as you know prohibit asking for off site contact details. Largely of course that is aimed at the risk that anyone (including serial axe murderers) could sign up and claim to be a sweet innocent young Peefan looking to meet likeminded people. Literally yesterday I was looking at a post where a young member had quoted their age, five years younger than the age in their profile - an innocent mistake, or a red flag that one or the other is untrue. Are they really who they claim? It is accepted that real an
    1 point
  25. Great story, lucky you! I'm curious about your relationship with her, as she's a lot younger and as it's 5 years since you met her, so I can imagine she might have moved on / settled down etc. Do you do other (i.e. "normal" sexual) stuff as well? Was the first time you did pee play together?
    1 point
  26. I don't know whether to rate this hot or love! So I'm rating it hot but please pretend it is both! Incredibly hot story, beautiful photos! I absolutely loved reading this. A huge thank you for sharing this, and please pass on my thanks to your amazing, beautiful wife for allowing us to see the photos!
    1 point
  27. "So..what do we do now?" "You recover." Wendi looked at me like it should be obvious. "You guys are both fast healers. I think it will take about a week." "But we released the demon.." "Yeah, but its weak. Richard viruses are 'attenuated' for vaccines. Scientists put viruses into the cell line of a resistant animals. The viruses reproduces in a weakened form. Those weakened viruses are put into vaccines. Anna would have beaten the virus if the CDC hadn't grabbed her first." Wendy looked at me and sighed. "Richard, relax, go to bed." --------- The demon existed
    1 point
  28. Here's the link to the video, right up front... but I think this one will be a lot hotter once you've read the context. 😉 This happened Saturday evening. I'd just put a homemade spanakopita in the oven. It had to bake for about 50 minutes, as I informed my husband from the kitchen. While I tidied, he suddenly came up behind me and pushed me against the counter, pulling my pants and underwear down. My eyes widened as I realized what he was doing. For weeks now, I’ve been hinting to him about this fantasy I have of him suddenly fucking me while I’m in the kitchen and then leaving me to deal
    1 point
  29. Well, I was in the scouts and I can admit. it was a great time. When hiking or camping we always used the trees to pee, both girls and boys. Leaders even told us to do so, I guess as they didn't want to clean the toilets that often. Toilets were only used for no. 2
    1 point
  30. Not posted anything for a while so he is me peeing in the garden
    1 point
  31. Thanks for all the nice comments, folks! I had a feeling you horndogs would particularly enjoy this one. 😉
    1 point
  32. Some naughty pees at work. I hope you all enjoy 😊 https://thisvid.com/videos/pissing-in-the-laundry-barrel-at-work-last-night/ https://thisvid.com/videos/soaking-a-chair-at-work/
    1 point
  33. One of my fantasies is to use this bathroom. I love the thought of someone next door or waiting outside being able to see me sitting on the toilet, and me being able to see my neighbour relieving herself.
    1 point
  34. Having fun with another member who made me hold for so long I couldn't even stand up straight. When he finally let me pee I didn't even think I would make it the two steps to the toilet because it took EVERYTHING to hold onto all that pee 😫😫 eventually I made it to the toilet, got my pants down, and peed so much. 40+ seconds if im remembering correctly! I was so exhausted after that too.
    1 point
  35. My pee fetish began when I was around 13 years old and I was on a group camp and as we was at a fire pit I went to my tent and saw a girl changing the leggings in my rent so I ask what was wrong she said that she was trying to squat and pee next to the tent but she didn't make it and peed herself but the best thing was while she had her pants down she needed another wee so asked me to help her so I did and she just sat on the grass and peed
    1 point
  36. I recently this past summer peed on an empty beach at night with my sister and her friends. It made me happy because the boys went to one side and the girls went to another and I got to go with the girls. Gender affirming happinessssss.
    1 point
  37. I’ve used my dogs peepee pad a couple times to pee in naughty places. It’s convenient sometimes when you don’t want a big mess to clean up.
    1 point
  38. One time, when I was maybe twenty, I had to piss really bad. Like, so bad I almost pissed my pants, which would've been really hot. Instead, I went and pissed on my dog's potty pad, doing a sort of stand-up acrobatic thing. It made me so horny I immediately called my boyfriend after and told him we needed sex, now. He was happy to oblige. When I was in bed, I peed all over the place and it just made things hotter. Hope you enjoyed reading 🙂
    1 point
  39. Hello all - I know there seems to be those who enjoy watching and feeling someone pissing on them....which I absolutely love as well....but call me crazy, I absolutely love drinking it too. It creates such an intimidate, dirty connection between my partner and I when I drink her down. As I’ve mentioned is some other posts, often times when we are having sex, usually after I’ve brought her to her first orgasm orally, she whispers in my ear, “are you thirsty?” - I get aroused just thinking about that. We’ve gotten quite good at her pissing directly into my mouth without any spillage. N
    1 point
  40. You aren’t crazy at all brother. I drink pussy water from start to finish. From strong morning piss to after she’s drank a ton of water piss. I have had my face farted in also. I’ve drank morning piss from a hotel glass. I had a female friend of mine piss in my insulated tumbler and I’ve drank from it in front of her.
    1 point
  41. @very thirsty, I certainly wouldn’t call you crazy. I also love drinking my wife’s pee. I am a bit like @Jesper in that my wife is not into it so much, but she is willing to indulge me once in a while. However, because it is a rare experience it makes it more special and memorable when it happens. I mostly drink directly from the source, but I have had it in a glass a couple of times. I love the idea of a dedicated mug and the fact that you can silently place your beverage order by simply placing the mug on your counter. I may suggest that..... It is very much the case that the ta
    1 point
  42. That all sounds pretty amazing - love the idea of drinking her down after a night out. I once drank my partner after a good night of drinking Polomas (grapefruit juice, agave, tequila)...and I couldn’t believe how sweet her piss tasted, it was actually quite delicious. We’ve most often done our deeds in bed, in the shower, once in her work office (that was fun), and on the bathroom floor at home....yet have made drinks outdoors. I’ll have to make that happen! Sounds fun. All this talk is making me very thirsty...
    1 point
  43. same here in the good weather i drink straight from the pussy outdoors but in any case the best time is when she goes out on a night out all dressed up i wait for her to come home as soon as she arrives i know she will be desperate for a piss i take her outside and either lift her skirt up or pull her trousers down i lie on the floor and she squats right over my mouth most of the time i physically can't drink it all as she gushes out so hard and it's such a hard narrow stream it bounces straight of the back of the mouth but it tastes amazing as it's a mix of all sorts of alcohol gin makes the
    1 point
  44. Forgot to mention that sometimes I go in the pool just to pee in it
    1 point
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