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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/2022 in Posts

  1. K wet her jeans for me this evening! She’s never done this before. She’d told me before that they were going in the wash this evening anyway, so I thought “seems a shame to waste the opportunity if she’s up for it” … and she was! She didn’t wee for about 4 hours during the afternoon, during which time she was filling up with water from her bottle and an afternoon mug of tea and by half past five she was really ready to go – not desperate, but as much as she ever allows herself to be. K didn’t want any mess, even though I’d offered to do any cleaning up that was required, so she said she’d
    5 points
  2. Part one can be found here - https://peefans.com/topic/22152-trying-new-underwear/ A couple of days ago I was wearing another of those multipack briefs and I really wanted to wet them. I was wearing a white tennis skirt and a black t-shirt with some sky blue briefs underneath. Once I had settled down for the evening I started filling up, with no intention of taking off the briefs until they were soaked. Fast forward a few hours and I was utterly bursting to pee. It was suggested that I play a game of snap by @gldenwetgoose but we elected for blackjack instead. I couldn't stand still at al
    4 points
  3. so today my sister reminded me of a time we went to this beach and there was a camping area in the middle of the beach island thing there were bathrooms of corse buut one time i was in my swimmers my sister and i were walking a from one beach to another using a short cut via the grassy picnic area/ camp sight then i had to do a wee wee being so open with my fam i just go whereever i would want normaly there were lots of people on the beach and camp ground there were about 5-7 familys near us some having a pick nick and i pull my bikini bottoms to the side and i go potty my stream shots in fron
    3 points
  4. I don't know whether to rate this hot or love! So I'm rating it hot but please pretend it is both! Incredibly hot story, beautiful photos! I absolutely loved reading this. A huge thank you for sharing this, and please pass on my thanks to your amazing, beautiful wife for allowing us to see the photos!
    3 points
  5. I want one for my house! I would have so much fun standing to pee!
    3 points
  6. https://imgur.com/a/XVS41QD Public transportation pee https://imgur.com/a/OvitxIG
    2 points
  7. Hi all I’m 20 M from the UK i have done 100s off naughty pees all over whenever and wherever I want but I’m asking if anyone would be interested to see maybe not on this site yet as I don’t have the balls to post but maybe more direct one to one ?
    2 points
  8. Reading what you've written there @Callum and cutting to the chase, am I reading it right that you're asking if anyone would like to meet you direct one-to-one. And in another post you've asked who is from your city. The problem we get into here is that we're not the site to support and encourage personal meet ups amongst people who, let's be honest know virtually nothing about each other. It's been a long debated issue and I know there are those who disagree and argue we're all adults and should be able to make our own minds up. That said, the site here is what it is, site rules are in
    2 points
  9. But. No picking your nose while driving ... surely one of life's small pleasures denied you there 😞
    2 points
  10. Say less. And they will leave us alone too! We will just have to make sure we can make a...er..."clean" get away!
    2 points
  11. Today on my way home I had been drinking all day and all my way home I pulled over at first infront off a lorry who was sat at the wheel it was dark but there lights was on I got out my car walked to the passenger side whipped out my cock and started to piss I could see the lights on my cock iknew he could see my cock grew to a semi I got back in my car and drove away , later on the same night I pulled into a layby well known for swingers/doggers I drove by and pulled in and did the exact same thing I never noticed anyone looking but iknew I had eyes on me my cock was infront off my headlights
    2 points
  12. Does anyone have any experiences wearing nappies/diapers? Ever since I was a little girl I've been desperate (pun intended) to wear them. Just the idea of being able to pee wherever you are, whatever you're doing and assuming no leaks or hanging, having nobody even notice it. Of course i was never a bedwetter but I did experiment a little with towels in my underwear. I've been stressed lately so I bought on a whim a 12 pack of absorbant pants designed for "heavy bladder weakness". I have one on right now (they're surprisingly comfy to wear) and I'm in bed trying to sleep. The idea
    1 point
  13. As the title says, this woman used my bathroom and I heard everything! So today I had my furnace serviced for the year. Instead of the usual beefy middle aged guys I've gotten over the years, I opened my front door and was met by a woman in tight blue cargo pants, black boots and light blue shirt holding her tool bag. She looked to be about 40, blonde hair in a ponytail, around 5 foot 8, thick curvy shape. She had a raspy voice and the rough looking face typical of heavy drinkers and smokers. I liked her rugged look and found her to be very attractive. She was nice, energetic, and talkati
    1 point
  14. https://redgifs.com/watch/optimisticdistantvirginiaopossum Enjoy
    1 point
  15. I second what @sophia said - you're one lucky, lucky bastard... I am so envious. Great story, great photos. I hope there are more episodes (e-pee-sodes?) to come
    1 point
  16. Hey thanks to @lilyc_400 for bumping this thread. Somehow I missed this post almost 3 years ago! 😀 Obviously I'm disappointed to hear you didn't piss in the pool every time @oliver2, sometimes using public showers to relieve yourself instead. As everyone here knows I would never miss an opportunity to feel the warmth spreading down between my legs while in a pool. 😉 Thanks for telling of your thoughts and experiences, both as a kid and later, as it's interesting to know how you reacted to discovering that 'stinging eyes' were caused by urine (and sweat) in the pool water. Having be
    1 point
  17. Beautiful sight 😍 just before you take them panties off with your teeth
    1 point
  18. Sometimes Staff look a little wider into situations... I agree this thread in isolation is asking an innocent question.
    1 point
  19. Would any of our female contingent use this contraption? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-10494497/Urinal-WOMEN-no-doors-six-times-faster-use-wins-250-000-funding.html?ito=social-facebook
    1 point
  20. Never any criticism here, but if you're looking for an atta-boy from the ladies you'll need to man up and spray it out all over the stairs as opposed to a few drops on a step.
    1 point
  21. There must be something linking Pee and Prison (apart from the letter 'P'). I caught the first episode of the current UK Channel 4 drama 'Screw' which begins with a lady waking up in her prison cell, getting up and then sitting briefly on the open toilet in her cell. Nothing is really seen or heard, it was only actually after I realised it was a toilet they'd shown her sitting on. Plot twist, it very quickly becomes apparent that she isn't a female prisoner but is in fact the Governor and uses a vacant cell for convenience and for the avoidance of an empty house. Nina Sosanya i
    1 point
  22. Just a quickie! My husband was in the bathroom with me helping me sort some of the cupboards and after a little while I needed to pee. Without even saying anything I pulled down my leggings and thong and sat on the toilet, smiling at Mark. Moments later a gentle tinkle rang out as I started peeing "Sorry, I couldn't wait" He leaned over and kissed my forehead "You never need to apologise beautiful" I sat with my hands at my knees and nonchalantly talked with him while I had my wee, enjoying the company. I peed for roughly 15 seconds and as I reached for some toilet paper I was greeted by
    1 point
  23. The video starts a bit slow but its actually pretty funny (and accurate). Now i want a women's version tho xD.
    1 point
  24. A couple of weeks ago I went shopping and bought a multipack of briefs to wear everyday. They are nothing special, a pack of five cotton briefs in various colours for less than £10. I wanted to try them out in a very special way, I wanted to wet them. After my hold in the live action thread I turned off my computer and went into the kitchen with my husband, it makes cleaning up so much easier than the living room carpet! Thankfully it took him only a couple of seconds to pick a pair of red knickers for me and with him watching I started to undress. I started with my t-shirt, reaching at t
    1 point
  25. Eve Muirhead - team GB curling skip
    1 point
  26. In the late 60s and early 70s, wigs in different colours and styles were basically a fashion accessory for women. Shopping malls had "wig boutiques." I never noticed that this had changed until you mentioned it, but now you point it out, I haven't seen a woman wearing a wig for a long time.
    1 point
  27. Hi and huge welcome from the uk
    1 point
  28. Welcome - this is a fantastic site, great people, very supportive, non-judgmental. I think you will enjoy your stay here. Looking forward to seeing your contributions - I think I saw your earlier video - that's a great foretaste (pardon the pun) of things to come.
    1 point
  29. I have two boys and they use the toilet when one is available, if we are out and about and they are desperate then I encourage them to find a tree or bush to use to save us having to rush home. They are usually fine with this if they really need it and don’t want to go home but only if no one can see them. They only pee outside if a toilet is not an option.
    1 point
  30. Hi guys, Fox here!! I forgot my login password AND email, so I made a new account to continue writing ( my former name is @Fox_LovesToMark ). Anyway, I hope you enjoy the next messy chapter. Also I love your headcanon about pheromones @oliver2. It's canon now. 👌 ~🦊~ About an hour later, Rin joins the other party attendees in the living room and makes herself comfortable on the couch. She thinks about going back to the kitchen and piss some more inside the fridge and drawers, or maybe look for the master bedroom and soak the pillows with her strong pee. It's so nice to just j
    1 point
  31. As promised, here's what happened last night! I was wearing grey leggings, a white skirt about mid thigh length, a white top and grey briefs underneath. Once I said goodnight to everyone in the chat I turned off my computer and went into the living room where my husband was sat on the sofa watching TV. I walked in front of him and straddled his lap, wrapping my arms around him as I felt him do the same to me. He could tell I wasn’t my usual self. “Aww, what’s the matter beautiful?” I gave him a little kiss and told him how I was feeling a little unhappy and how it was probably because I w
    1 point
  32. I’m a dog groomer and I work from my shed in the back garden. its only a tiny shed so I have no room for a toilet. I often have the urge to pee half way through a dogs groom so I pee in the dog bath hoping no one will walk by the window or come through the door. If I have a few dogs in at one time i wear a tena pull up as I can’t leave all the dogs on their own and if its busy I cant pee in the bath as i would be seen, so i just stand and let my bladder empty into the pull ups sometimes while chatting to a dogs owner which feels naughty lol.
    1 point
  33. I personally love to give head right after my man pisses on me. I've never had a girl piss on me but I wouldn't mind. My man prepares and let's me drink right from his cock, he likes to piss as I'm giving him head but he also loves to pee on my face which I love. I often pee as he pisses on me I enjoy lapping from his stream if we are outside and he needs to pee..I love being a part of his needs...we do play with others I would love to orgasm while peeing
    1 point
  34. changed that one for bed. but, woke up with another leaky diapie. i kinda remember not getting up to pee so my morning desperate release must have been too much. oops. i was kinda having fun, so instead of my traditional panties and hoodie in the morning, i changed into another diapie. and started the coffee. 👧🏻😇 which kinda worked out, becaus it was raining and really cold outside, and now i could stay in and cuddle with my pup, and not worry about when (or where) i ended up weeing again.
    1 point
  35. I would love to find a partner who is into this. I believe full bladder sex, for woman, enhances orgasms. So, this is, definitely a related activity. While I have had partners who indulged, over the years, most are too inhibited to do this. They have no idea how much joy they are missing, for themselves and for myself.
    1 point
  36. I woke up having just fallen asleep around 1 am. It's currently only 350 am. I woke up thighs pressed with a visible bulge. I also had a pillow stuffed into my crotch. (This isnt normal for me so I must've grabbed it before I awoke). I swung my legs over the bed and got up. The pressure caused me to wince a little. I couldn't make any sudden movements in fear of leaking. Unfortunately we also have guests sleeping over so i had to fumble in the dark to put on some pj's as I was only in my underwear. Rather then find a pair of pants I ended up just throwing on a tshirt and shuffling t
    1 point
  37. Only accidentally, twice, before telling my partner that I enjoyed pee. So I was actually really scared and had to do my best to cover it up (if he noticed he never said) But now we are open about it I think I'd wake him up and just enjoy the moment. Peeing the bed is a huge turn on for me though so hopefully it's something I can do on purpose soon.
    1 point
  38. Yes, I have peed in my own bed, and got quite hooked on doing it. I only really do it now when I stay in a hotel, so not very often, but I still really enjoy it. It is nice to climb in to bed and let out that little trickle knowing that a tiny pee won't be a problem, and feel it run over my thighs and then feel it soaking in to my mattress under me. It is so nice that I find it impossible to resist the temptation to let out another, and then of course another won't hurt. In no time at all of course I have emptied my whole bladder in to my bed. And when I wake in the morning, my bed i
    1 point
  39. I tried peeing in my bed several months ago while I was renting an upstairs bedroom and after several times I was hooked. I will purposely not pee when I go to bed so that I will pee while sleeping. I pee in bed as much as I can. It feels so good to just pee in my bed and sleep in it. Then I wake up in the morning and do it again. Some times I have peed multiple times in one night. Peeing in my bed turns me on so much, it would be so hot to have a woman to share it with.
    1 point
  40. When I was younger, me and my friend Rachel went on a bike ride. We had guzzled whole glasses of water right before we left, and what we didn't know was that we were about to have a sexy peeing experience. We were near the pond, which had a small clump of trees right by it, when we FINALLY realized that we wouldn't be able to make it home without taking a pee. There wasn't any space with privacy except that little clump of trees, which was very thick, making it the perfect place to squirt some yellow. Unfortunately, we were both desperate beyond belief, so we both pulled off our shorts a
    1 point
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