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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/2022 in all areas

  1. The whole day my pussy has been throbbing, but i havent gotten the chance to satisfy myself until now. I decided to drink a few bottles of water to fill my bladdet and treat myself with a naughty pee somewhere in my room. I laid in my bed, pantiless, as a waited for my bladder to fill. 2 hours later and i needed to piss so badly, it was starting to drip out of my pussy and onto my bed. I looked around my room and decided the best place to pee right then was in the back of my closet. My closet is carpeted so i had hoped that my pee wouldnt be too yellow and leave a stain. I pushed my
    19 points
  2. okay soooooo.... a while ago me and a old friend went out for a night or drinking, both of us got hammered and got a cab back to my place. We got out early to stop for food and more drinks, on the way back my friend announced she had too pee. (so did I desperately) We were about a ten min walk from my house I turn around to let her know how far we are and she's wondering off into a park. I rush after her trying to keep my own bladder composed, she ran under the slide area and removed both her thong and yanked up her dress. I watched as her stream gushed out causing a hiss while hitting the san
    18 points
  3. generally, i've found this place pretty safe, accepting, and positive. i do often receive unsolicited messages from members i'm unfamiliar with. but, i can't recall when that last occurred which involved anything that was concerning. so good job pee fans. but, also, i have to admit, that there has in the past been the occasional unwanted/unwarranted interaction. but, as far as the members here go, i've so far been able to talk my way out of it, or simply ignored it without any further issues, where i felt it had to be escalated to the admin team. i guess i kinda feel like sharing th
    7 points
  4. Im a long time lurker here and I would usually just share these sorts of stories with my now ex-boyfriend who got me into naughty peeing. As thats no longer an option I thought I'd share with you all as I have a fantastic experience which just happened which I never thought I'd be brave enough to do! I had a flight coming up early in the morning. Had my usual coffee and got a taxi to the airport half asleep. Eventually after getting past security I felt hunger strike and settled in for breakfast at one of the cafes with a couple of large glasses of orange juice, a weakness of mine. I actu
    5 points
  5. I'll let you in on a little secret, but you've got to promise not to tell a soul. It's a lot more common than you think. Almost everybody on his site has one.
    5 points
  6. A couple of weeks ago I went shopping and bought a multipack of briefs to wear everyday. They are nothing special, a pack of five cotton briefs in various colours for less than £10. I wanted to try them out in a very special way, I wanted to wet them. After my hold in the live action thread I turned off my computer and went into the kitchen with my husband, it makes cleaning up so much easier than the living room carpet! Thankfully it took him only a couple of seconds to pick a pair of red knickers for me and with him watching I started to undress. I started with my t-shirt, reaching at t
    4 points
  7. No point in putting dry ones on when I want them wet any way.... Such a great feeling 💦
    3 points
  8. I think it's more by the process of elimination. 🤣
    3 points
  9. Hey i’m new here. looking for someone to hopefully have some fun with sending videos and possibly video chatting showing each other peeing
    2 points
  10. hey y’all sorry for the break i’ve been super busy but i’ve had a pretty decent experience i wanted to share baxk in october i worked a job that required me to be out in the forest all night. we could not take bathroom breaks. So when i was alone i would squat wherever i could and piss for over a month every night it was the best job i’ve ever had
    2 points
  11. As much as I love to let freedom reign and piss where you like, as a hot tub owner myself I would prefer people did not. Merely comes down to water chemistry and trying to keep everything balanced. Having a few people in a hot tub over a night is already going to throw water chemistry out of whack as it is.
    2 points
  12. This is the result of being stuck in Friday traffic for and extra 20 mins.... Certainly not wasted time I just love letting a little go and feeling that warm glow of piss pudding around my balls. Any way I digress. Enjoy the pictures the first one is as soon as I got home the others are quite self explanatory. 💦💦💦💦💦💦
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. Same. I've both masturbated and have had sex with a full bladder and each time I've came the need to pee goes away for a while. When it comes back it comes back with a vengeance tho 😬
    2 points
  15. Very good points raised there @ShyPeeMan & @mrfox Of course the site provides the ability to send what are termed 'Messages' from one member to others. Think of that as email in the way it's written, given a title and posted. It appears in your message inbox. (I have mentioned before that an envelope icon on the top line of the site rather than chat bubble would be more accurate). Then there is the Live Chat facility which everyone can take part in, with the Live Chat window on the homepage, the Live Chat page itself and depending on your theme with the Chatbox tab on the botto
    2 points
  16. I’ve had a couple of unexpected messages, but they ended up being very polite messages complimenting my videos and nice conversations were made from them 🙂
    2 points
  17. Wrote this in a couple of hours. Finally using a proper desktop computer to type rather than a friggin' phone. There will hopefully be a more substantial story soon. Contains some female semi-public pissing. *** This story takes place a few springs ago. I was in university at the time and had decided to take advantage of some of the first really good weather of the year to do some studying outside of my cramped dorm room. I grab a couple of textbooks and find a spot to read in the shade offered by an old oak tree located just behind one of the campus’s baseball fields. A pair o
    1 point
  18. How my Bedwetting started My first experience with purposely peeing in bed was on vacation with my family. It was in the morning, I felt that I had to gush alot. But I heard Dad was in the shower and so i was waiting. After a few minutes, I asked Mom how long it would take.Then She asked me what's going on. I told her that I have to pee urgently and can't hold it much longer. Mom: Just let it go in bed. I asked if I could really do that. Mom: Don't worry, it's just a little pee. So I stay in bed lying on my stomach and start pissing. You could hear the hiss (which I've c
    1 point
  19. I'm glad to find a place where I can learn other people experiences and ideas etc. I don't think of pee as a fetish, it's just really nice. I've been lucky to have had a group of 3 female friends who found out that I love pee. One of them checked out my porn collection about 20 years ago. They all had experience peeing for guys and were really nice but it took me time to stop freaking out that they knew, they though that was hilarious. They were already mentors to me if I had questions about sex. I had to wait for two of them to become single to play though. One finds it difficult to do, the o
    1 point
  20. Well done! Now let's see if you can pee every color of the rainbow.
    1 point
  21. I'd forgotten about this thread. There is something both primal yet soothing about waterfalls such as this....
    1 point
  22. The retention pond next to the side of my house (and where many a warm night I've added to the water in the pond....)
    1 point
  23. it's not every day i see man doing it. lol. the car pulled up and he sat there for a few minutes before getting out. i thought he might just be getting something from the trunk. but then hearing the unmistakable sound of pee splattering on the sidewalk, it made me look up from my phone to see him like this. 😳 idk if he even realized i was here.
    1 point
  24. Might be similar to what happens when sometimes the skin near the penis hole gets kind of misaligned and you can sometimes shoot off in a weird direction 😃
    1 point
  25. I can see why someone might do that, perhaps they find it happens often. I just sit and go, however occasionally I go and it sprays or hits my leg and then yes a quick rearrange is necessary. However it happens like once or twice a year so I don’t routinely do it.
    1 point
  26. That answers my next question I was going to ask. Thanks!
    1 point
  27. A huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY to @stan4444 and @Zovad ! Have a great day guys
    1 point
  28. Peeing on a country walk turns into unexpected public wetting I went for a long walk today, because I had the opportunity. I took something to eat with me, but planned to stop at a pub half way round the 10 or so miles for a pint or two, and then on the second part of the walk, to let that beer out somewhere in the great outdoors. The first part of the plan worked well, and after a couple of pints of Abbot Ale (the best thing to come out of Bury St Edmunds since, well, Bob Hoskins and John Le Mesurier) I set off for the second half of the walk feeling delightfully full and slightly m
    1 point
  29. Yes, the smelly pee happens to everyone, but some people don't have the ability to smell it. So, they may think their pee doesn't smell, but probably it does and they can't smell it.
    1 point
  30. Happy Birthday today to @Starks2010 @Dr.P @ArcticPiss
    1 point
  31. I’ve just come back from a supermarket trip. I go to a supermarket around five miles away and after a takeaway coffee on route I needed to pee by the time I got there. I stopped by the ladies before picking up a trolley and was dismayed to see an ‘out of order’ sign taped to the door. I got on with my shopping and headed home, looking forward to getting home to pee. Unfortunately I ended up in heavy traffic on the bypass and it took me 45 minutes to get home. I was desperate to the point of squirming in the driver’s seat. As I pulled into the car park beside the flats I live in I made the deci
    1 point
  32. We went back to her place and chilled. We talked about our peeing fun and we peed on her living room rug a few times. Her roommate came out of her room and was headed to the bathroom until she told her I was cool with the open peeing. So she went on thr rug also. It was really cool just chilling and making some new connections.
    1 point
  33. Just had my pee! I sprayed my piss all over my bathroom floor! It was amazing!!
    1 point
  34. Male Natural/no style trimmed. Im not short of body hair, so it looks silly if I shave it smooth. I keep it tidy.
    1 point
  35. Nonchalant pee break while pruning a vine up a ladder. It made a nice splashing sound falling on to the paving slabs from about 2m up. This was quite risky. While if I were at ground level I would not have been overlooked, up on the ladder people passing by on the road beyond my garden fence would have been able to see. I don't think anyone was passing by, but since I had my back to the fence I couldn't tell for certain. There was a lovely sense of naughtiness about peeing nonchalantly like this while working in the garden 🙂 https://www.erome.com/a/PYVrSHyD
    1 point
  36. Here's some real life grandeur from the north of England... I have an app on my phone from a local university that monitors solar activity and gives an alert when there's a chance of seeing the Aurora Borealis (the Northern Lights). It's very rare to see them in my part of the UK partly because of us being slightly too far south but also a lot of the UK being populated and suffering light pollution. Last night 11pm and my app pinged, a quick look out of the back door confirmed the skies were at least partly clear, so I jumped in my car with camera and tripod. I'm fortunate to live
    1 point
  37. I needed to pee on a naked walk in the country today, and as I had my camera, and there was no-one around, I made a little video: https://www.erome.com/a/Oz5NT9ux Hope you enjoy it!
    1 point
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