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  1. I went for a bike ride today after work. I needed to pee when I got home but as I was getting changed out of my work clothes I had an idea, why sit on the toilet when I could pee while out on the ride? I wasn't desperate and could easily find somewhere to go. I squeezed myself into my cycling shorts and top, changed my shoes, put on my helmet and left the house with my bladder still moderately full. I got lost in my own little world and time seemed to fly by. It was dark and I was nearing home and I still hadn't had a wee! I would have been able to make it home but that would spoil my pla
    12 points
  2. I pissed inside my closet after masturbsting. I went into my closet because that session was a bit too good, meaning that I was getting too loud and wasn’t able to quiet down all the way and I was worried my kids were going to hear me, so I figured the closet would be able to muffle a lot of the noise. After I came, I instantly doubled over because I only just now realized I had to pee. The pleasure had been distracting me from my urge. Instead of going to the bathroom, I found an old pile of clothes I didn’t wear anymore and peed on them. Another time I went onto the balcony of my apartmen
    9 points
  3. This story involves, desperation, wetting, partial nudity, and public humiliation. Oh man, I wish I could put this in the fiction section, but this just happened to me a few hours ago. I had an accident today, and it wasn’t a small one either. It was hours in the making, and is one of my most humiliating accidents probably ever. Take your bathroom breaks beforehand, because this is going to be a long one. I wouldn’t say I have a strong bladder by any means. Id put it as below average. I’d like to think that being a mom has made my bladder mentally stronger. What do I m
    7 points
  4. I love to just let go when I’m relaxed in a hot bath. I almost do it subconsciously now. I’ll lie back in the water and pee almost immediately.
    6 points
  5. I have. If I wanna take a nice, long relaxing bath, I have to wait until late at night when my kids are asleep. I have one of those mini tables that you can put over the bathtub so you can eat, drink, watch something while you take a bath. Throw in a bath bomb, have a bottle of wine just for me, and prop up my tablet and watch Netflix. Laying down in the warm water, combined with the couple glasses of wine, makes me need to pee quite badly after an hour or two, but I like to hold it as long as possible. Then, when the bathwater is losing its warmth, I pee and feel the warmth again. It’s such a
    6 points
  6. We went back to her place and chilled. We talked about our peeing fun and we peed on her living room rug a few times. Her roommate came out of her room and was headed to the bathroom until she told her I was cool with the open peeing. So she went on thr rug also. It was really cool just chilling and making some new connections.
    6 points
  7. I played softball in high school and I peed myself several times. As with any sport, you have to be hydrating, especially if you play outdoors. The uniform sucked too. Spandex, a belt, pants, and a tucked in shirt all delayed my pees. I normally tried to hold it because the porta potties were disgusting, but many times my urge was too great to ignore. One time I was in the infield, which being in the field already sucks for a desperate bladder since you obviously can’t just run off the field and pee, but also because you have your legs slightly wider than shoulder width and are bent over, whic
    6 points
  8. I don’t remember if anyone in the crowd said anything, but then again I knew someone would say something so I was trying to block it out. My coach said he felt sorry that she didn’t let me go but i told her it’s ok because I was up to bat pretty soon. My teammates didn’t say anything at first, but in the bus ride back they felt sympathetic, probably because almost all of them have gotten either desperate or peed themselves playing softball at one point or another
    5 points
  9. Mine was Saturday night. We was trying to check into the hotel and I had to go so I was using a trash can in the lobby. I thought it was hidden until the house cleaning lady caught me. She stopped and watched as I finished. I figured I was getting kicked out, but instead she invited me to come hang out with her after her shift that night.
    5 points
  10. Has anyone ever successfully met someone online that they were able to do irl pee fun with? There's so many like minded and seemingly laid back kinksters here, but not many have had exactly the experience they expect. I'm also a little worried I won't be able to find someone who wants something platonic and NOT a relationship bc im really busy on my healing myself journey. 😁 Is this mostly because pee isn't as openly embraced yet?? I know being in the midwest has dramatically made my sexual experiences more vanilla... I've had a few times I've asked but sometimes people think im joking?
    4 points
  11. I went outdoors and tried to do some marking, the only problem is that the temperature was about -5 F. I decided to pee against the old roof on outhouse (privy) that had collapsed years ago. I only pulled the the tip of my cock out of my pants due to the cold. The pee actually started to freeze and ice over as it ran down the tar coated roof paper. https://www.erome.com/a/QoOCuN9p Enjoy!
    4 points
  12. I have always liked the idea of ladies peeing in bathwater. I have had several gf over years who did it out of convenience rather than get out and go to toilet. Several admitted to pulling clit back and peeing like a fountain straight up to see how high can go. Just curious how many women per in bathwater?
    3 points
  13. Decided to risk a pee from the front door this morning, though my heart was thumping incase someone came by it was also quite exciting.
    3 points
  14. Oh wow! What a story. Sending huge hugs your way. I hope that writing about your day here within a community of people who understand and mindfully experience the pain, pleasure, embarrassment and ecstasy that pee can bring has helped make you feel better about the accident. And your kid's comment: how sweet is that?! Hope it helped! Take care @BGSB86.
    3 points
  15. I suppose this is one place where new people don't need to ask where the toilet is? Another pervert clocking ini, been getting harder to find new good quality content and was having a fruitless search when I stumbled across the site so I thought I'd join
    3 points
  16. Stumbling upon this site is one of the best things that has happened to me, and I’m glad you did too
    3 points
  17. Perfect. Just perfect.
    2 points
  18. Its not exactly ideal, but if I’m forced to, then I have no problem peeing in that situation, and I have
    2 points
  19. No, just took pics, but it aroused me.
    2 points
  20. 2 points
  21. Apologize for posting video instead of GIF but it's worth it. The hottest pussy eating (from 3:30) with a little piss as a bonus at the end. https://www.eroprofile.com/m/videos/view/Hairy-German-Blond-pees-on-boyfriend
    2 points
  22. The girls have a day out with Bryony wearing their leather skirts, and bryony stays over again. Part 25 Mum woke us in the morning. It was not too early, but I still felt a bit groggy. I sat up and so did Erica, quickly followed by Bryony. Mum handed me two cups of tea and I passed one to Bryony. Bryony sounded a bit agitated. "I can't drink tea, I need to pee first." Straight away I started to pee as loudly as possible, and Erica peed loudly too. Bryony looked from side to side, obviously hearing us pee and not knowing what to say with mum in the room. M
    2 points
  23. The way I read it was that @The99Club has, as other people have done, offered their understanding and empathy for the situation. I know that in the forefront of my thoughts when I personally answered was my view that it's difficult to express everything about the actual situation in a few words, so it's difficult for us to know the whole picture. In my mind a marriage is a huge undertaking in every sense and my personal belief is that @ShyPeeMan alone can make any decisions on that. We offered our positions, we emphasised our care and empathy to them without 'leading the witness' in a parti
    2 points
  24. I did save it. I could upload it to the dropbox we had before you lost interest haha
    2 points
  25. This story is a direct continuation of Part 3 with my characters Nina and Katie. With Michael spending a second day with the naughty duo, he can't help but loosen up. Thank you so much for your continued feedback and criticism -- you all have been very welcoming and accepting of my stories. You encourage me to continue writing! This story contains content that may be objectionable to some, namely themes of pee vandalism and general malice towards property and people. All characters and events are works of fiction. Thank you! Pee Vandalism with Nina and Katie - Vacation (
    1 point
  26. Absolutely wonderful @Sophie! Bet you can't keep a smile off your face this evening 😉 Thanks for taking the time to tell us about it ❤️
    1 point
  27. Festivals are the one place where I’ve seen this and no one seems to bother - I expect alcohol plays a large part and lowers inhibitions but ultimately if I’m going to pee somewhere other than a bathroom because I have to go, and there’s someone else already there for the same reason, they can’t exactly judge me 😂
    1 point
  28. It wouldn't bother me one bit if they was peeing near me. I would ask first if they was ok with me peeing around them just to be courteous. Not all people are comfortable peeing around the other sex so I always check to see if it's cool.
    1 point
  29. Very pleased about that. I know you were planning on leaving, but so glad you are back.
    1 point
  30. Can I come live with you 😫 looks like so much fun!
    1 point
  31. I'm fairly convinced it's a scam. I logged-on and read some extremely intrusive questions (name- birth date- income) and an hilarious introductory price of $4.99-- to be automatically activated to a huge monthly rate. This monthly rate is then automatically renewed every certain number of months. Right, a non-gift that keeps on not giving. Just try to stop the charges from appearing on your monthly credit card statement. These fraudulent fetish websites-- usually based outside U.S. jurisdictions-- never respond to requests to cancel membership. After I failed to complete my application, my ema
    1 point
  32. HEY @Maggie_555 I FOUND ANOTHER ONE 😃 https://www.xnxx.com/video-qnfav9b/pissing_in_swimming_pool (His cock’s shaped very like mine, but he’s better hydrated than me)
    1 point
  33. @expererg it makes me happy that my story was able to stimulate so much creativity. Like I said, I did not really plan on making a third installment (let alone a second), but since people seem to like it, I kick around ideas in my head from time to time. I have a few ideas myself how I might approach a part 3 to the story and I appreciate you sharing your ideas too (you have some good ones)! That's the nice thing about fiction -- boundless possibilities.
    1 point
  34. Just like @Northern_pee, I have no problem peeing in my car, whether that be intentional or unintentional. I personally like being desperate while I’m in the car because you don’t know if you’ll make it or not, or if you’ll arrive just for all the bathrooms to be occupied at your location, or even worse a line. The thought of having all those possibilities excites me. More times than I can count. Though, my favorite one is when I was out clubbing with two of my friends. We all got really desperate by the end of the night from drinking and we all got in line for the bathroom, but,
    1 point
  35. I work as a construction worker and I definitely had a weaker bladder when I first started off. It’s still not great, but there are long periods of time where I am too busy to take a bathroom break. Especially since it’s important to keep hydrating when being outside all day. A lot of people are rightfully saying nurse. I have a friend who is an ER nurse and her bladder capacity is freakishly huge. Years of daily practice brought her to this point.
    1 point
  36. Hey everyone I know it's been a long time since I've been around, sorry for that been so busy at work. This fun experience happened last night. I went with a friend to the mall. It's about.. idk 2-2.5 hours away. I really didn't think I had drank much heading down, emptied my bladder right before leaving, and slowly drank a 16 oz lemonade. So by those standards I shouldn't be too bad. About half an hour in I started to feel the familiar twinge but it wasn't bad and I hadn't even finished my lemonade. Another half hour we were going to stop for something and I mentioned I had to pee. By t
    1 point
  37. Quick little story about how my day almost started terribly. I woke up this morning and I needed to pee BADLY. I barely made it to the toilet in time. After that, I helped my kids get ready for school and was off to work. I didn’t get enough sleep last night so I drank an extra cup of coffee. Yeahhhhh……… Traffic hit, as it always does in NYC and I’m crossing my legs together and huffing and puffing. Thankfully, the leaks were pretty small and the only wet spot is a very small one on my panties. I get to work and as soon as I park, I open the door, undo my pants, and let out such
    1 point
  38. After I finally got on my lunch break, I ran to the secluded spot that I pee in everyday. If you know my work clothes, you know that I was leaking into my jeans while was jiggling and crossing my legs trying to get my utility belt off. I left a puddle that made me question whether I had a small bladder or not!
    1 point
  39. Not me but a friend of mine told me that I was the bad influence behind her actions in this similar scenario. She was in a steam room with no one else around and she said she pulled her bikini bottom to the side and pissed on the seating leaving a big puddle. She sounded considerably turned on by it as she stated someone else sat in it as she was leaving. I'm glad to be a bad influence to my slutty friends haha.
    1 point
  40. today’s update, we’re currently in lockdown so i spent most of the day texting my best friend (both complaining about how horny we were lol) and she offered to send some photos she was kinda hesitant cause she’s on her period at the moment (which is why she was so horny haha) so she offered to send a photo standing in the shower pissing and said i could post it as long as i added the warning that she’s on her period so i said okay but only if you’re comfortable, and she admitted to me that she pees in the shower pretty much every night which i thought was ridiculously hot cause i know i’v
    1 point
  41. Awwww cum on!!! They are two different situations Sex is both about Love and a bit of BDSM either. Sometime the girl should be knowing and willing (I remeber a time in the past I jerked Alex on a girl's denim skirt, it was marvellous, it was day and she should have returned home with all those stains on her skirt in full view with her mom 'round the house!!!), sometimes it is good if she doesn't know, so thay you can taste how it feels to be nasty
    1 point
  42. Quite difficult. I did that with Alex, but taping that could be almost impossible. Furthermore, video gallery for this site is temporarely down because it was too difficult to compute all those datas for the server. The Boss is trying to do something about but his heroic strains can little against these kind of problems. We can only pray that he succede. I have many videos of myself that I want to post but because of laws in my country, I have problems with external hosting sites
    1 point
  43. My man loves bj at the same level of actual intercourse, yet I think that a girl jerking you off while standing by your side, whispering REALLY nasty things to your ear, stroking it forcefully, focused on (both allowing you to, and "using you" so she can manage to make it happen) you cumming hard on an un-knowing girl's dress among a terrificly tight crowd, could be even better, I think among the greatest cummings Anyway... Two girls (or even better three) having sapphic sex only to build up spiritual energy so that you can perform a mind-crushing conjuring, o
    1 point
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