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  1. On Tuesday, I had a lengthy work training that didn't require me to be on camera or on mic. I sensed an opportunity for some holding fun and stayed well-hydrated through the morning, drinking probably 40 oz. of hot tea and plenty of water, too, but visiting the restroom as normal. With about a half-hour to go until my training and my bladder feeling quite full, I allowed myself one last visit to the restroom and only let my bladder empty halfway. Then I drank one last glass of water and headed out for a quick walk around my neighborhood to clear my head. When I got back, I had just enoug
    7 points
  2. Chatting with her friend while he licks. I wonder if she is offering to let her try him too.
    3 points
  3. This is such a fascinating topic. I'm trying to talk about when I've actually referred to my bladder in casual conversation... I guess I tend to call it my tank? I feel like I talk more about "floodgates" and "dams" instead, but that would be more like... my bladder muscles I think? So the actual bladder would be a reservoir?? 😂
    3 points
  4. Whenever someone says bladder, or really anything remotely pee related i cringe (not in a bad way) and blush slightly. It’s super embarrassing and hard to hide lol.
    3 points
  5. What else would you call it? Pee balloon?
    3 points
  6. This is the hottest story series I think I've seen in years. Their betrayal of the guy was totally in character
    2 points
  7. Yeah, the bladder would be the term for where your pee is stored before it's pushed out your urethra, whether voluntarily or otherwise. 😆 How well your bladder muscles work play a big role in whether it's the former or the latter. 🤣
    2 points
  8. Interesting article on how the iconic album cover was created - old, but hey ho. https://www.loudersound.com/features/album-artwork-the-who-whos-next
    2 points
  9. Just like @Northern_pee, I have no problem peeing in my car, whether that be intentional or unintentional. I personally like being desperate while I’m in the car because you don’t know if you’ll make it or not, or if you’ll arrive just for all the bathrooms to be occupied at your location, or even worse a line. The thought of having all those possibilities excites me. More times than I can count. Though, my favorite one is when I was out clubbing with two of my friends. We all got really desperate by the end of the night from drinking and we all got in line for the bathroom, but,
    2 points
  10. my wife is generally not into ws,but we have an agreement,that at least once a month shw will hold it..
    2 points
  11. This story is a direct continuation of Part 3 with my characters Nina and Katie. With Michael spending a second day with the naughty duo, he can't help but loosen up. Thank you so much for your continued feedback and criticism -- you all have been very welcoming and accepting of my stories. You encourage me to continue writing! This story contains content that may be objectionable to some, namely themes of pee vandalism and general malice towards property and people. All characters and events are works of fiction. Thank you! Pee Vandalism with Nina and Katie - Vacation (
    1 point
  12. I have gold, and I think it's worth it - even if only to support this site
    1 point
  13. I think it was more of a general thing rather than any specific experiences, but it seemed whenever we had a night out, or even just a day out she was always the one needing a wee. There had been a few incidents where she's squatted next to my car before we left and I remember one time where I had to pull over on the side of the road for her. Let me know if you would like more details x
    1 point
  14. Well that was incredible!! Your bladder bulge at the start of the 3rd video looks very firm! I bet you were absolutely bursting! The wetting looks like it felt like heaven as well. 😄 Thanks for sharing such lovely videos. 🙂
    1 point
  15. I'm very much like this too. If I come, then I'm no longer so interested in the material, so if I get close to coming, I stop masturbating, maybe go and get a mug of tea, or just look at something else for a while.
    1 point
  16. The relief must have felt so good as the pressure subsided. Thank you for sharing with us.
    1 point
  17. I totally understand i really do. This is why just like @Kuparmentioned. Now piss or pissing highterns my kink to a greater level. Those words are rude but bolsters my thoughts at that moment.
    1 point
  18. So this started out with my doing an unplanned outdoor pee. I considered peeing my pants, but I wanted to delay that, since peeing my pants is usually my last pee before going home, and it was still early. I had to pee so badly that I started leaking into my undies as I looked around for a place to let go. I decided to pee under an outdoor table at Dunkin Donuts. https://www.eroprofile.com/m/videos/view/-IMG_9243-PEE-UNDER-TABLE-DUNKIN-DONUTS After that came the best part of the night. I sat down and peed my pants at the mall. Totally flooded myself, as you'll see. Several att
    1 point
  19. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph61e05177e3fdf
    1 point
  20. @expererg it makes me happy that my story was able to stimulate so much creativity. Like I said, I did not really plan on making a third installment (let alone a second), but since people seem to like it, I kick around ideas in my head from time to time. I have a few ideas myself how I might approach a part 3 to the story and I appreciate you sharing your ideas too (you have some good ones)! That's the nice thing about fiction -- boundless possibilities.
    1 point
  21. I am happy you liked it and you encourage me to keep making new installments! Do not worry, there is already a next adventure planned. They will have Paris to themselves, after all. No worries, and thank you for sharing. I knew that would be a bit of a divisive move to do such a thing. The girls are troublemakers for sure but I also kind of think of the two more as lone wolves that kind of do their own thing but also won't hesitate to trap prey either. Thank you for your feedback though and I might tweak how they interact with others in the future. Glad that it was at least able
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. One early spring weekend evening D and I walked down to a local watering hole for a night out. We met some friends, danced, drank, and tried in vain to talk to each other over the loud music and packed room. We downed a few gin and tonics at last call and then we're turned out with the remainder of the crowd as the 2am closing bell rang. D had been waiting in line for the bathroom up until we left but did not have the opportunity to pee before we were kicked out. Outside, we were dismayed to have missed the last bus that would take us back to campus, but the air was still warm and we wer
    1 point
  24. Holding it has different levels while in line. 1: touching hands at side 2: cross your legs 3: sway side to side 4: rythmacilly rub legs 5: bend your knees 6: wiggle with knees bent 7: marching in place 8: jump jump jump jump jump! The two highest levels maybe even four have your hands on your crotch. This desperation is typical if you hold it for hours.
    1 point
  25. I also love reading people's naughty piss stories. Pissing wherever I want is a huge turn on for me. Here's one of mine - I did some food delivery driving last year between jobs and had a naughty, desperate piss in the stairwell of a four-star hotel after a delivery one night. Usually if I was out and needed to go I'd try to be courteous and piss discretely behind a strip mall or something, but I was completing a delivery at this hotel and was bursting. After I dropped the order off, I ran to the nearest stairwell, had just enough time to close the door and check for security cameras, the
    1 point
  26. I've been trying to remember the specific details of sightings towards the end of my college career, but so many of them are fuzzy as a result of my choices. One evening on the town I walked past almost a dozen girls from the neighboring school squatted against a stone wall bordering the property of the local YMCA, with more waiting to take their place as soon as they finished flooding the grass. I've never seen so much pee at once, I have to imagine it's what those European festivals must be like! I feel that it is time to finally recount stories from my most current, and hopefully if
    1 point
  27. So, I've stopped uploading to my erome.com profile and started uploading to thisvid.com. I haven't uploaded all of the videos from my erome account yet, but I've uploaded some new videos there. Hope you all enjoy them!! https://thisvid.com/videos/pissing-in-my-friend-s-dirty-sink/ https://thisvid.com/videos/more-carpet-pissing/ https://thisvid.com/videos/letting-loose-on-the-carpet-again/
    1 point
  28. 21 ladies and 11 men for a total of 32 people, coming from 4 continents and 9 countries, used my mouth as their toilet at some point in my life (first time I was 19 years old). I have to say some were at fetish parties, some others were prodommes.
    1 point
  29. On Christmas Day with the family, a couple of unexpected pee-related stories were told. We were all sitting round after dinner telling truths or lies – we had to guess which. A sort of spur-of-the-moment, ad hoc family version of the TV programme ‘Would I Lie to You’. First, my little sister (she’s 50 – not so little really) described how she’d been at a summer party one evening when, late at night, she had been desperate for a wee, and there was already a number of people waiting for the one toilet. She had suggested to her husband that she could just squat down by the car, which was par
    1 point
  30. A great experience, definitely. I think the reason she didn’t offer you the use of the sink directly was that she wanted the excuse to be able to go back in there to empty the bowl without having to say to you that she was going in there to pee. She may have been slightly unsure what you would think of it- even though she must have known that you would hear and be aware of what she was doing. The fact that the chair and bowl were there must have meant she used it regularly. Less hassle than going to the communal bathroom and no risk of getting there to find it occupied. When I was
    1 point
  31. Well, as a multi-year lurker, figured it's time to finally share a post. When I was young teenager (and this was in the 1990s pre internet), I found the one and only Playboy in the house which was 2-3 years old issue (I remember the month/year/cover) at the time. While my parents would be at work, after school I would frequently look in it and just imagine what it would be like to really be with one of those models, even though I didn't know what I'd do. One of the those times, I remember looking at it while on the toilet (and I still didn't know about masturbating or coming yet), and had t
    1 point
  32. One I hadn't seen so for yet it's 9 months old, girl makes guy cum on the mirror and carpet in a shop's dressing room : https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5f420a13800c5
    1 point
  33. So I've been using this website to a lot but I only recently made an account. I still live at my parents house and recently my brother moved upstairs. I hadent told anyone but I've pissed in my previous room several times so when my brother moved into that room he didn't know why there were yellow stains on the carpet. I blamed it on the dog. I moved into my new room across the hall. I hadent peed in it yet, but I wanted to try. Later that day, my brother and I went for a swim, and od course, I peed a couple times. It feels so good to pee in a pool. After we left the
    1 point
  34. In the office where I work there’s been a spot in our repair shop where the roof has been leaking. The floor in this area is concrete. A large garbage bin has been place under the leak to catch the water but the floor is still wet. Friday afternoon I had the place to myself and decide to use this as an opportunity. I moved the bin out of the way. Pulled my pants down and squatted down. I let out a torrent of piss that covered the floor as well as ant items in place against the wall there. As I peed I could feel the cold drip of rain water on my back. Since the floor was already wet w
    1 point
  35. I remember as a kid.Probably around 6 or 7,I suddenly took the notion to pee in the bath.I should point out i was having a bath at the time.I was old enough to be left alone.Maybe I was feeling mischievous I don't know or curiousity got the better of me.I remember just holding my penis just above the water line and enjoying the feeling and seeing a yellowish stream cloud the water.I think I splashed the water around afterwards.I recall doing this several times during my childhood.I guess I've always been fascinated by pee and bodily functions.
    1 point
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