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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/30/2021 in Posts

  1. So, as promised. We went away yesterday for a day of driving or a puzzle tour as it was called. Like the last times, we were driving the whole day and we drove through some quaint villages, nice scenery and what not. It was a great way to escape our lockdown, even though none of our sights are open now. That's also the reason that a lot of (if not all) public toilets are closed. That meant that around lunch time, I had to go bad. We pulled into a lay by and I pissed a enormous amount into the mud. I had high hopes at this point to see some pissing. I had drank a little bit more than my g
    8 points
  2. I was home alone yesterday and decided to treat myself by pissing in the backyard. I hadn’t peed in the last 6 hours and I was beginning to get desperate. I was scared one of my neighbors seeing me, even though it was pretty unlikely, so I delayed even longer by switching the lights in my house off so they wouldn’t shine on me. It was around 10pm and it’s winter so it was pretty dark and the last thing I wanted was for someone to catch me unexpectedly. Once the lights were off I snuck onto the back porch. I had forgotten about the earlier rain and couldn’t use my first spot because the ra
    6 points
  3. You know when you wake up in the middle of the night needing to pee and just can't be bothered to leave the bed as it's too warm & comfy.. Well that was me not long ago, trying to come up with an easy solution to staying warn and relieving yourself.. After laying in bed for a further 10 or so minutes I decided I need to empty my bladder so.. I got out of bed, not even leave my bedroom and just piss right on my carpet & my god it was pure bliss.. I made a rather big middle once I'd finished & when I was done.. just hopped back into bed and off to sleep I went.. but not before
    6 points
  4. Everyone has some family fun. Part 21 We made a cup of tea and were sitting on the sofa when mum came in from work. Mum popped her head round the lounge door and spoke. "Perhaps you girls would like to get the dressing up clothes out again. Dad really enjoyed it and he will be here all evening, perhaps you can entertain Colin too." With that mum left and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. I looked at Erica and Erica looked at me. We both realised that Erica's fanny had taken a real pounding during the day, but it was no worse than mine was getting most nights.
    5 points
  5. I recall having read a post on Peefans last year, saying something like "couples who pee together stay together". I know it was last year because when I read it, my life situation was rather messy. I dreamed about being part of such a couple, but at the same time I had to face the reality of soon not being part of a couple at all. But sometimes bad things must happen just to create a space where good things can happen. Me and A are a married couple now, and we pee together as much as we can. When we get out of bed in the morning, we go to the bathroom together. She would sit on the wc, a
    4 points
  6. The first time we went to a hotel together (the one where we soaked the corridor carpet a little together), we had just closed the door behind us when I quickly changed to a sports tee and a thin pair of trousers that we could rinse and hang to dry afterwards. I sat down on the chair and asked if she would step up on the table in front of me. She did, and naked from her waist down, she emptied her full bladder all over me. I can't describe how exciting it was to see her peeing on me from above, to feel her torrent run down my body, making my clothes wet and warm, to feel her sweet smell
    4 points
  7. As I walked back up the service road at 1:25, I noticed a girl sat on the pavement in a corner with her knees up in the air and her head between her knees, feet slightly apart. To the untrained eye, she just looked like she was the worse for wear and slumped in the corner feeling drunk and maybe a bit sick. Her friend was stood next to her, bent over as if consoling her. As I was approaching up the slope, I could see between her legs up her short black skirt that she was wearing black knickers and there was a patch of wetness on the pavement in front of her. This wetness grew as I walked
    4 points
  8. So I’m usually pretty shy about posting anything, but I’m getting better. Anyway, I really enjoy the feeling of going in my pants. By that I mean it’s a huge turn on. So I tend to get an erection before i can go which makes it difficult. But figured id give it a try today.
    3 points
  9. I circled round and went back to standing near Pop World. About 1:20, I had a sighting that was quite funny to watch. Most girls once rumbled carry on peeing anyway and either just ignore my presence or tell me to move on. However, this girl clearly didn't want to be seen with her pants down..... I saw a young man and a woman, maybe early 20s head down the service road to the side of Pop World and turn to the right, behind the building. She was a fairly short, petite girl, with brown shoulder length hair and was wearing a black top and black leggings. I walked down the access road
    3 points
  10. Sorry for the delays in posting these. Something called Christmas and family time has been getting in the way! However, this was one of the most fun sightings of the night: So after the sighting above, I noted that a queue was forming outside Pop World. I stayed in the vicinity and noticed quite a few men heading round the back to a service area for a pee, but the women seemed to be better able to hold their drink at that point. I walked down the back to scout it out and found that immediately behind Pop World was an area with bins and skips and a small parking area between Pop World
    3 points
  11. As she approached the nightclub the bouncers pulled away to let her through for there was little question as to her identity, the powerful roar of the departing limousine merit enough to her obvious financial standing. The baseline thud escaping the entrance doors gave way to an assault of sound as she pushed on in, entering into the resulting throng. People parted, admiring glances following in her wake. Most lingered on her backside, her obvious lack of panties creating a wonderful evocative premise of open temptation for any brave enough to approach. Few would for she carried herself with a
    2 points
  12. Author’s note: This is most likely a repost – all characters are over 18. There is no relation between this story or its characters, to any other published works, especially those involving massively grossing fan bases. Chapter 1: Larry Trotter was a wizard. In fact he was quite an unusual wizard. First of all was the fact that he wore glasses; a thick black pair with heavy lenses. This was somewhat strange as being a wizard one would have expected that he would have simply cast a spell to cure his short sightedness. Even more unusual was Larry’s rise to legendary fame and
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  13. 505 was a number that would stay lodged in Annabel’s mind for a long time to come for that was the number of the hotel room where she first learnt the joy of pissing in new and naughty places, an act that see her liberated from an otherwise mundane sexual existence. It was the smell of expensive perfume that caught her attention as the woman walked past. Annabel had been too engrossed in pushing her cleaning trolley along the plush corridor carpet that had seen her eyes averted from the hotel guest. With an impulsive reflex action she turned her head to spy the identity of the wo
    2 points
  14. When I was younger I was at the movie theater with my mom. I wore shorts that were above the knee and I purposely didn’t wear any panties. I drank a bunch of water before going to I could force my self to let it go somewhere. During the movie my mom fell asleep so I knew this was the right time to do it. It was a reclining chair so I was kinda laying on my side away from my mom. When it got to a loud part a leaned to the side and peed the bottom of my shorts luckily it went down the crack of the leather chair because it would have puddled under me. There were a lot of people at the movie theat
    2 points
  15. I did like "naughty pee" a few times as a teenager but completely non sexual. Like i would be on a train without toilets and just go on the floor or out drinking and use an elevator as a private place to go. But it was rare and i mostly used the toilet. Then i started dating a guy and when i told him about some of the times I've peed in public he got really turned on and started getting me to do it more and film it for him. That's how it started.
    2 points
  16. Thank you, it is nice to be back. Busy year. Missed you guys. 💖
    2 points
  17. Knowing where you were, it's a Grade II Listed building - so quite right that the original facilities are still in operation.
    2 points
  18. I'm not a woman (trans guy) but I do have a vagina. My max so far while standing is 6 feet, and I actually do have a photograph of the puddle! The trick is to really spread your labia thoroughly and tilt your hips back.
    2 points
  19. Well, for once I guess I was lucky with the Corona measures in our country. There is a lockdown here again, so apart from supermarkets and other crucial shops nothing is open. That also means that the type of places that usually have public toilets available are closed as well. She usually uses pads, but today (probably because of these measures) without any questions or convincing from my side at all she said before we left "I'll also put in a tampon this time, if I need to piss I can just pull this thing out and still have the pads in my panties, so no hassle to replace anything in publ
    2 points
  20. Author’s note: This is most likely a repost – all characters are over 18. There is no relation between this story or its characters, to any other published works, especially those involving massively grossing fan bases LARRY TROTTER – just another chapter Hedge was sitting in a class being taken by the Headmaster of Logfarts; a grumpy old geezer called ‘GrumbleSnore’. She wasn’t paying any attention to his lecture which was very unusual for Hedge who was normally a model student. The reason for this fact was her recent acceptance of a dare from her friend (a
    2 points
  21. I just have a very short story to share with you all. I've been a reader for a long time though. Not going to share much about myself other than I am fairly short and just of age (last year), so I am trying to find my sexual "kinks," I know I'm Bi leaning; girls are just too cute not to like, but some of the other things available seem interesting. As you might guess, watersports is climbing my list. I live in a medium small town and to my surprise after digging around found there are three separate adult shops. Two are owned by the same group and the 3rd specializes in things the others
    2 points
  22. Wow! I wonder - would people not have a reasonable expectation of privacy in a dark cinema? That first video is eye-opening! I had no idea that some cinemas have the ability to see so clearly what's going on in the dark. It's extremely disappointing. Where are adolescent couples supposed to go for a bit of heavy petting these days, eh? Second video - nice find!
    2 points
  23. Hi everyone,an unusual one today. Some of you might have heard about a bizarre tweet from an official Harry Potter account a few years ago, where they raised the idea that before indoor plumbing came to Hogwarts, witches and wizards used to just piss where they stood and use magic to get rid of the evidence. It was mocked across Twitter, but anyway, I decided to run with it. So here is my piss-erotica fanfic set in the Harry Potter world in a pre-plumbing Victorian era. It may or may not be your thing, but hopefully at least some people will enjoy it. Also, I wanted to make it very gay an
    1 point
  24. And there's your avatar pee dancing perfectly again with the beat there @Sophie
    1 point
  25. Dear Wet Carpet, It's Anna again. Last time I wrote to you I promised to tell you if I was lucky enough to catch Shannon at the restaurant. I got dressed in a nice pink blouse and a knee-length black skirt. I debated taking my car, but honestly it’s just not practical in this city to drive into town and risk getting caught in traffic when the busses run straight to the train station and the train goes directly into the plaza. Also, I knew that if I drove I would definitely pee in my car, and somehow that didn’t feel as naughty as if I decided to pee on the bus or on the train (or both).
    1 point
  26. That must of felt amazing. Can see why it would of made you hard.
    1 point
  27. You're absolutely correct in your recollection. Sophie had written the post in October last year https://peefans.com/topic/17367-couples-who-pee-together-stay-together/?tab=comments#comment-242338 That was then, and what a fantastic post now for you - I'm always a little jealous of those who get to share the fetish with a loving and sharing partner. But that's my hang-up and not yours. Full on kudos to you and your wife, may you pee together and stay together for many, many years yet.
    1 point
  28. What a wonderful relationship, and naughtier the better. Keep at it and let us know how you get on.
    1 point
  29. Happy Birthday today @Mysterious Brunette @dav1d8
    1 point
  30. Contains: Naughty Female Peeing Angela was a dedicated bartender at the nightclub she worked at. She was a hit with the patrons, and got along with all the staff, but her boss was a different story. They did not always see eye to eye, and after some recent changes to the nightclub’s rules and procedures, Angela was getting sick of it. She had considered leaving, but she did love her job and hated the idea of looking somewhere else. So she considered going against the flow wherever she could. That was what lead her to have a meeting with her boss Kieran several days before New Years Eve.
    1 point
  31. I had an experience last weekend that was so incredible it’s only now that I can write it out. I live on the second floor of a split-level condo. Last Saturday, my neighbors in the first floor apartment had a holiday party. I was invited, but since it’s the end of the semester at my university and I’m always tied up with grading or other work I hadn’t really planned on going. We had some uncharacteristically warm weather, so I was sitting in my living room with the windows that face a secluded driveway open. One benefit was occasionally hearing people pee in the driveway—each of these units
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  32. I didn't see much of interest after the above sighting until just before midnight. At that point, I saw two guys and a girl standing on the corner of an open air car park which was behind a nightclub and opposite a Subway takeaway. They were talking and the girl looked fidgety. One of the guys gestured over to the back row of the car park and she nodded. The three walked into the car park and along the back row. She went to the back in an empty space between two cars - surprisingly she used the open space rather than picking a narrow gap between two adjacent cars. She went right in t
    1 point
  33. I was out last night in a town about half an hour from me. Whilst it was definitely not the best sighting night ever, I had 8 sightings and a few of them had good stories to go along with them. I'll write them up as soon as I can. Here is the first one. It was about 10:45 when I noticed a drunk girl staggering up the road. She must have been drinking heavily or couldn't take her alcohol because it was still relatively early but she couldn't walk in a straight line and kept stumbling although she didn't actually fall. She was on her own walking up the high street. I observed her i
    1 point
  34. I like that they don't magic away the pee at bedtime, just leaving it to soak away...
    1 point
  35. I must admit that I would love the idea of peeing in a cinema, BUT, most of the cinemas I've been to involve booking tickets online, tied to a specific seat and my credit card, so that would be a concern over traceability. That, combined with the use of cameras would make me concerned about being caught. One day I may try going to a cinema that is not local to me and paying cash on arrival. The cameras would not be much of a concern for someone wetting themselves in their seat, but would very obviously detect someone getting their dick out and pissing on the floor or the seat in front,
    1 point
  36. The trick is to go to the last house, then the seat will be dry by the time anyone notices. It is hard to have cameras positioned to be able to see wet seats, especially when they tip up! Some cinemas have a lot of cameras in the back row, so probably best to avoid the back row...
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. There is a shopping trip, and someone achieves womanhood. Part 12 We went to school as normal until we got off the bus. I told Erica that I was only going to do a little wee so I could pee more during the exam. As we stood on the kerb I peed down my legs just enough to feel the warmth all the way down to my ankles before crossing the road to school. I was hoping that we would have a different invigilator again, but we had the same one as for the last exam. Once everyone was seated I started to release the tiniest trickle. I could feel it soaking in to my skirt, but alth
    1 point
  39. The girls discuss feminist philosophy with their mother. Part 9 As soon as we got in Mum said. "Put your tennis skirts on, they're in your room ready." We dumped our wet towels and bathing dresses in the kitchen and made our way upstairs. Mum called behind us. "It might be a good time to practice your cunilingus, dinner will be forty five minutes, try a sixty nine. Do it before you start revision" Mum had told us about sixty nine, but we had never tried it yet. I got on the bed first, awkwardly trying to work out where I needed to be to fit with Erica, and then Eri
    1 point
  40. At last they get to the cinema Part 6 Fortunately we both looked reasonably presentable when mum called us down to dinner so we came down straight away and sat on the sofa. Mum was not going out so Erica and I got all of dad's pee on our Lycra dresses. Since we were not wearing white blouses dad peed all over the front of our dresses rather than just in our laps. My bra was soaked and I could feel dad's pee running down inside my dress. We sat and let dad's pee soak in for a minute or so before we left our wet patches of dad's pee on the sofa and made our way to the dining r
    1 point
  41. I have peed lots of different ways. I will sit with my legs in the water and just pee, I have gotten out of the pool, gone in the restroom and peed on the floor, peed in the pool, stood in the yard and peed by the pool, I pee in the sand at the beach, a lot! All while still wearing my suit of course! I try really hard not to pee in a toilet.
    1 point
  42. 1 point
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