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  1. This evening was one of the happiest, mutually satisfying wet playtimes I have had with K. Regular readers may remember that she says she doesn’t really get off on peeing, but is happy to indulge my kink because she knows it makes me happy and she can treat it as a bit of a laugh and have some fun – and this combination works for us. But now I am wondering if there is more to it than this. She’s had a tough time emotionally over the last few days for reasons I don’t want to go into here. She’s one of the strongest people mentally that I know – but she’s not immune from feeling down, and t
    9 points
  2. thought i’d share another story, this one was from last week and my best friend was completely sober for it we finally came out of lockdown so my best friend and i met up for a picnic at the park and when we got there it was mostly empty except for a couple of people on the basketball courts all the way down the other end of the park (this park is mostly grassed hills with a large duck pond off to one side) so we set up and had our picnic and we’d been sitting there for ages when my best friend goes “i need to pee” so we picked up our stuff, put it back into the back of my car and
    7 points
  3. I went swimming again today with my family. I was already feeling sorta horny and when I got out of the locker room I was happy to see we were the only people there! I was splashing around with my kiddo and hanging out with my husband when I decided I was gonna go for a pee. I got up and headed to the locker room but stopped short of the bathrooms. It was so empty that I decided today was the day. I was going to do pick a drain and pee over it! I went allllll the way to the back row where the lights were much dimmer and found a drain at the very back in the corner. It took a few moments
    5 points
  4. I wrote elsewhere about the lovely pee play session I had with K last night (see link at the bottom), but in the run up to that, I made a serious misjudgement about my capacity and holding ability. K and I had agreed on a wet session when I got back from an early evening swim at an open-air lido about a 40 minute drive from home. (As it happens, when I got into the pool and swum up and down the 50m length a couple of times, I peed in the pool – which was very pleasant 😊.) Clearly I wanted to be fully charged when I got home, so before I left the pool I’d drunk a 500ml bottle of water
    5 points
  5. Well things have been reasonably OK for a few weeks in terms of accidents. I have had to change my underwear during the day a few times but in general I have managed to be a normal woman. That was until last Thursday when I took the boys to the park. I was sat reading a novel glancing up occasionally watching them happily playing on the swings and slides. Stupidly I had a large coffee before we came out and all of a sudden the need to use the toilet hit me. Their are toilet but they had been in a state of disrepair for months and to my dismay I had noticed on the way in they wer
    3 points
  6. Like this, you mean?? 😂 I stand rather than sitting and I seem to pee with more force than my husband. Remeber, the vaginal and pelvic muscles that enclose the urethra in females are also the same ones that expand and contract to force the baby out during labour. Since we have such powerful muscles directing our stream, it stands to reason that females pee with more force than males. I'm quite proud of that image, by the way. My forcefulness surprises even me, sometimes.
    3 points
  7. Because they're Goddesses with superhuman powers??? There has been quite a lot of discussion over the years, but I prefer that explanation.
    3 points
  8. I still follow a few message boards on mister poll (each poll gets its own). Activity has definitely slowed down, but from time to time a noteworthy story makes it in. In this particular case, an individual named porno_historian mentioned that they used to work, for a couple months, in a cinema cleaning up between movies. And an excerpt of their story is nothing short than amazing. You can find the whole comment at https://www.misterpoll.com/forums/133329/topics/169497/pg/12
    3 points
  9. I love how the actual journalist not only admits to, but positively gives off the vibe of how much she enjoys peeing in the shower. And sorry to the generation who may disagree with me, but I'd rather consult with a doctor in an established surgery than via tik-tok, the 21st century equivalent of the side-show tent. (edit)_ And the other thing that's got me annoyed about the whole thing is the snowflake sentiment, that any physical challenge in life is to be avoided because it might prove a little difficult. Somebody on sports day running faster than you - here have a meda
    3 points
  10. This is one of those posts which needs every emoji.... love it, hugs, hot as hell (if K doesn't mind me saying so). Absolutely awesome when a partner is prepared to try something new, out of their own comfort zone, but something nonetheless. Really happy for you. (And thankyou to K of course for her permission to share)
    3 points
  11. Back in my uni days i have a vivid memory of being way more drunk than I should have been, in a dark dingy club oop norf of the UK. cheap drinks and black clothing. Good combo. After falling over on the slick dance floor some guy helped me up and we got talking. Went and sat with his two female friends and i sat on his lap. It was near closing time but i went to get up to go to the loo but he pulled me back saying we would be going in a sec anyway. We carried on talking and his friend made me laugh and i just started weeing. He instantly realised and gripped me tighter to stop me standing
    3 points
  12. Whilst driving back to Cornwall from London today my boyfriend flopped his cock out and I gave him a hand hob amongst the 4 lanes of m25 traffic whilst drivibf
    2 points
  13. May the force always be with you! 🤣
    2 points
  14. This is lovely to read. Mr E and I have given each other golden showers, but not simultaneously. We may have to steal your idea! Thank you very much for sharing. I hope Mrs Kupar is in a better place soon and feels well again. ❤
    2 points
  15. She definitely did that for your benefit and also must have enjoyed herself - she could have found somewhere much more private than a bridge and the fact that she asked to hold you whilst you peed must mean she wanted that experience.
    2 points
  16. [A fictional editorial article for one of those glossy in flight magazines… various pee kink themes. Obviously as a public magazine article, written in a tame way... which may work or not.] Sitting in the reception area, this mid-city Santa Monica office I could have been in any company, in any city around the world. In front of me all the trappings of everyday business life, the filing cabinets, the computer, the efficient secretary answering calls and taking client bookings gave little clue about the nature of this particular company. Yet in the usually sord
    2 points
  17. And as I understand it, a shorter and straighter length of plumbing without things like a prostate valve getting in the way. But enough of the science, I’m happy just to enjoy….
    2 points
  18. I do wonder how many people have secretly played with themselves while on a Zoom call. I suppose we will never know...
    2 points
  19. okay so... last friday i went out drinking with my friend i’ll call her vanessa (to keep her identity) we decided to leave the bar we were at and find another one but they were all full to capacity with covid regulations so we waiting outside in the curb for our uber. when he was getting close we started to walk back to our spot for pick up but i really really needed to piss like my stomach hurts bad.. so my friend said hurry come over here so she lead me down a dark ass alley way and she just pulled down her pants and started pissing.. not going to lie i was extremely turned on by this and de
    2 points
  20. yet another photo to add to the growing collection (my wank bank is getting very full) she won’t admit it but i think she’s having fun doing this, she now texts me almost every time she goes to pee (i only get photos sometimes tho) just so that i know that she’s peeing i also shared a story from last week on the thread of stories about her and it was quite the hot experience so i recommend going to read it hehe
    2 points
  21. Dear Wet Carpet, Hello! It's Anna again. I'm sorry it's been so long since my last letter, but the good news is that once I finish telling you about my wetting experiences with my mother at the shopping plaza, I will have more wonderfully erotic stories to tell you. Anyway, where I last left off we had just left the movie theater and boarded the bus to ride to another part of the plaza. Since we had just peed while waiting for the bus, not much happened until near the end of the bus ride to the other side of the plaza. Mom and I were sitting next to each other in the very back of th
    2 points
  22. So I've seen this quite a lot. Guys have weaker and softer streams compared to women. The women on the other hand have such powerful streams. Why Is it ladies?
    1 point
  23. https://www.erome.com/a/ehCfmd0T I worked away yesterday and found myself driving home late at night down a very busy A road. I really needed to pee having had a few energy drinks to keep me alert for the drive home. There were no services and every lay-by I encountered had lorries parked up for the night. After an hour of holding I felt really desperate and was beginning to think my only option was going to be to pee onto one of the floor mats in the car and take it in to wash it afterwards. I was so full to capacity I didn’t think it would even contain it and I didn’t want
    1 point
  24. I had great fun in a rental van. I rented a van for a day to move stuff. Because I was on the move the whole day I had no toilet available but the van was a perfect alternative😄 https://nl.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph610cfff87ffa5
    1 point
  25. Thank you Eli! Yes, Mrs Kupar is feeling much better today thanks. And please steal the idea - I'm sure you'll have fun!
    1 point
  26. so i assume most of you have seen the photos my best friend sends to me of her peeing, well this will be a thread of stories about her (and me sometimes) peeing mostly while drunk just a reminder i do have her full permission to tell these stories, and both people involved are of a legal age to drink (the drinking age in australia is 18, i’m 21 she’s 22)
    1 point
  27. I agree for sure! I mean, I've never asked my doctor is peeing in the shower is "bad" for me and I probably won't, but it isn't going to harm anyone. And the paired of peeing + running water is not going to be that effective. How many times are you in a public bathroom and someone is using the sink at the same time you're peeing? Exactly. And when I lived in a dorm where 3 others shared one bathroom, so many times I would be using the toilet when another was using the sink or taking a shower, and I don't feel the urge to piss every time I hear water running. So I'm with you on holding down and
    1 point
  28. When I wrote it, I had in mind that if you look on say Trustpilot at massage parlours, people are very open in reviews about those that will provide a ‘happy ending’. That sowed the seed of thought about seemingly legitimate business provided a service - so yes, very good question.
    1 point
  29. I think many of them just hold it for longer.
    1 point
  30. Wow! Loved the story, as well as the excellent sales pitch! Now, where do I sign up? 😉
    1 point
  31. Hi and welcome. I hope you have a good time here.
    1 point
  32. Thanks Goose. And I have passed on your thanks to K (who says hello 🙂).
    1 point
  33. Absolutely love Kaymala. I would ha-pee-ly live there, if I could. Was the pun (cliffhanger) intentional, or accidental? More, please!
    1 point
  34. have definitely seen this a fair few times. usually girls, for various reasons (the boys’ toilets tend to have shorter lines!) but i did once see a guy at an outdoor rave just squat down and poke his dick out of the leg of his shorts and piss onto the grass. very hot, but he sadly disappeared into the crowd before i could stop him
    1 point
  35. lol. i wasn’t even horny until i began rubbing myself. i had just gotten home from playing tennis with some friends. and after sitting out on my porch for a bit, kinda started to play with my pubic hairs. idk why. but, then my forefinger landed on my clit, and next thing i knew i was jamming a couple into me. it felt super sexy jilling openly on my porch, but i didn’t bring myself all the way. just enough to satisfy my sudden need. haha.
    1 point
  36. Good point: there are some places I have peed and things I have peed on (in the house or elsewhere) that I can only use because I know I have time to clean up. That means that there are many instances where I can't use those places either because others will be there who will take a dim view of me peeing or I can't take the risk that I will be discovered. It also applies outside. There are places where I walk that I often pee, but only because I can see there's no-one around who would realise and be offended by what I'm doing. So an "everyday tempting opportunity" remains just that if the
    1 point
  37. My wife was pretty much insatiable for the entirety of both pregnancies. We had to get pretty creative with positions in the final months.
    1 point
  38. @beachmom and @gldenwetgoose, yes, I think you are both right. The kids of today are a different breed and don't get the opportunity to be out on their own for hours, partly because they have no interest in doing so and would prefer to spend time on their gaming or social media and partly because the amount of press and media coverage that we have now shows that children shouldn't be out on their own because there is so much danger and hazards as well as dodgy people out there. When I was a kid, we used to roam free and go on tarzan swings over valleys, climb trees and love playing on build
    1 point
  39. I'd love to visit Los Angeles for The Doors connection. My husband and I have discussed this as a "holiday of a lifetime" type thing. Attending a meet and greet with Robby Kreiger, that sort of thing. Not being able to relieve ourselves is slightly worrying, though I'm certain that we would somehow manage. Neither of us are prone to getting desperate and we could both make use of an alleyway should the need arise. It would be nice to find somewhere to water in that iconic city...
    1 point
  40. Both good points @Alfresco and @beachmom - I've been thinking recently around my formative years and I'm absolutely sure I can't remember at all any instances of my parents either encouraging or discouraging me. But I'm guessing one or the other must probably have happened. One thing that we (of a certain age) will probably agree on is that the way we spent our childhoods is probably different from kids today. At least it feels that way from what I remember, compared to how my son and his peers choose to spend their time. I remember the long school holidays when kids played out all day
    1 point
  41. We're good friends and I have told him that I stand to relieve myself, which he was completely unperturbed by. I have wondered if he has guessed that I have a piss fetish, to be honest.
    1 point
  42. the first story i have is from a few years ago, she and i went to sydney to visit my older brother (who also happens to be my best friend’s ex) and on our last night we decided to go out on the drinks, and both got a little bit too drunk, although she was definitely drunker than i was we had stumbled our way back to the hotel we were staying at and got in the lift and my best friend turns to me and goes “i’m gonna piss my pants” before dropping her pants to her ankles and squatting down in the lift and just letting go a stream of piss all over the carpet while i watched on, and she didn’
    1 point
  43. Yes please! And thank her on my behalf ❤️
    1 point
  44. forgot to add, she sent me this photo to share with you, she said she didn’t have to pee much but she pushed some out for a photo she also wanted me to tell you that she apologises for the stubble on her pussy (although some of you seemed to like it), she said she’s too lazy to shave at the moment 😂
    1 point
  45. Yes, a skirt makes peeing a lot easier as does fishnet stockings - much easier to hide the wetness. No need ever to visit the ladies when clubbing or in the pub, there is always somewhere better to pee, especially when there is carpet. When I am in the pub I prefer to pee through my skirt in to the seat, and if I am waiting until closing time I can usually do it because no one will sit on the seat until the next day when it will have dried. Otherwise I can stand pretty much anywhere in the pub and just let my pee run down my legs, my fishnet stockings don't show the wetness and hide the t
    1 point
  46. Check out some of the posts on this site from @Paulypeeps. She is the master (mistress?) of discretely peeing in pubs and clubs.
    1 point
  47. First rule of dark web browsing.... don't mention the dark web?
    1 point
  48. Depending on where you are I'm always up for a pee friend for sure
    1 point
  49. Don't forget to show appreciation for the female clit 🙂
    1 point
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