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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/12/2019 in Posts

  1. Hi everyone, long time without writing for me. I thought I would follow up on the characters I wrote about in my Holiday series (first chapter of that is here in case anybody want to read that first). I'll still try to write some Kaymala stuff too because I still have some ideas for that, but there's a few things I'm excited to do with these characters. Just a heads up, this chapter has a somewhat incest-y scene towards the end. If that's not your thing, you might want to check out after the line, 'We hugged, and Maddie and Adam set off, leaving me and David alone in the room.' *****
    5 points
  2. I took my gf to the beach yesterday to soak up some sun and have a few ciders. Because this beach is pretty secluded, we were able to drink to our hearts content with out getting into trouble. Well to my delight, after about 3 or 4 ciders down, my gf declared that she needed a wee and was going to just go where she was sitting. I came up with the idea of having my gf piss down a hole in the sand, so I made her wait desperately while I dug a decent hole in the sand. By the time I was done, she had a hand clamped between her legs and was dancing about 🙂 I said to her, 'you need a pee? go do
    5 points
  3. I'm staying in a nice airbnb for a few nights at the moment. My girlfriend asked me if she should piss in a naughty place. I'm still not sure what to say because it's so wrong and naughty... but it would turn me on so bad 🤔🤔
    4 points
  4. "Lisa:" "Going" on the Way to the Theater by Dr. P "Lisa" (not her real name, of course) and I were together for several years in the late 1970's and early 1980's. We both enjoyed my fascination with her peeing styles and habits, which she freely shared with me, once she understood how much they turned me on. This is my recollection of one event which actually happened. We often went out and spent entire evenings drinking and dancing, during which Lisa never used a ladies' room. She said they were filthy and she hated them, so we actually made a pact that she wouldn't use them w
    3 points
  5. To all of my friends on here, hope you have been able to have a good holiday!
    3 points
  6. I was thinking back at the sayings girlfriends have used before they relieved themselves somewhere, and how much them using those phrases turned me on. Back in 1997 a high school girlfriend and I went to an auto auction to try and find her a car. All the cars were in a warehouse and you could check them out before the auction. Most of the cars were pretty crappy. I remember her saying she had to go potty, followed by, “I should go in one of these crappy cars.” She didn’t though, she ended up pissing next to my car behind a high school. She got interrupted so she cut off her stream, shot
    3 points
  7. I have too many stories with traffic😂 a lot of which I got desperate enough not to make it where I was going😬 my bladder and traffic do not mix😂
    3 points
  8. I was on a road trip stuck in traffic it was dead stop. I'm pretty much squirming in my seat needing to pee. I was by myself at the time. I was close to pussing myself but decided to use the zip loc bag that was left over from a sandwich I ate for lunch. I whipped out my cock and peed into the small baggy. Once it got close to the top I pinched of the stream emptied the bag out the window and resumed the flow. Lol I did it 3 times total
    3 points
  9. One of the weirdest but most enjoyable things I have ever done and I feel the need to share the story. I hope that someone enjoys it So I have just got back from holiday where one day I was at the beach with my friends and we had been swimming in the sea. As I sat on the beach still in wet swimming shorts I realised I needed to pee and thought it would be fun to let a little out while sat talking to my friends and them have no idea. Seeing as my shorts were already wet there was no way they could know, problem was I started to get hard as I felt it, so warm on my legs. I managed to stop a
    3 points
  10. Hello everybody. What is the worst you have ever had to pee while stuck in traffic? What happened?
    2 points
  11. I'm not sure. There were a fair few people not too far from me who easily could have including a couple of very good looking girls which just made it even hotter for me
    2 points
  12. I discovered a new level of inappropriate peeing. Instead of staying in a hotel on my last business trip, I used Airbnb to stay in someone’s house. I had a private room that was furnished with upscale furniture and plush cream carpet. There was a heavy chest of drawers that I was able to scoot away from the wall, and after a long car trip, I relieved my full bladder on the carpet there. This was by far the nicest carpet I have ever peed on, as hotel carpets are always thin and designed for spills and such. I don’t think I was hydrated as usual, and there was an obvious yellowish stain w
    1 point
  13. So my husband and I went out walking this evening. As we were walking back to the car he suddenly had to pee and let me snap this beautiful pic of him lol
    1 point
  14. So this evening my husband had to work so I thought it’d be nice to go to dinner with my mother in law. We made plans for me to pick her up when I got off work and I headed that way. By the time I got to her house, I was in dire need to pee. So I called her to let her know I was there. No answer. Also sent a text. Again no answer. I assume she’s getting ready so I go back and wait in my car thinking she’s going to call/text right back. But after 5 minutes pass and I hear nothing, I tried calling her again. Still no answer. At this point I’m like I gotta go. So I ran up the driveway and ducked
    1 point
  15. I thought I would say a recent experience that happened to me😬 I had been drinking a lot, it wasn't a hot day but I had a headache so I tried to drink a lot of water knowing it wouldn't be that far until I was home. I was wearing jean shorts and a long sleeves shirt. Suddenly traffic drastically built up and I was a little frustrated but knew that things happened and it would probably clear up soon. I put on some music and waited, not moving at all. I started to feel a small twinge in my bladder and started to get a little worried but thought it would be ok. The cars occasio
    1 point
  16. Naked sauna sessions sounds like a good time and relaxing!
    1 point
  17. Ah, our brave new world that has such things in it. Once we start setting up hidden cameras we discover all sorts of things that were going on, and we had no idea.
    1 point
  18. Three that stick in the mind, a bit like this: - a pub, some years ago. The mens toilets is busy, something like six guys pissing away, when a woman - maybe the landlady, rather than a cleaner - walks through, checking something I think (enough soap? towels? I can’t remember) but she doesn’t hesitate or call out a warning, she just walks though, leaving the guys a bit surprised. - At a swimming pool, I’m swimming early in the morning before I go to work. There is a sauna, with a schedule for men’s days, women’s days, and mixed, so in I go, stark naked, to find a female member of sta
    1 point
  19. From my imaginary archive of "I wonder what Sophie looks like in white knickers"?😁
    1 point
  20. Thank you @BeneathMyWillow. I have missed these characters, and I have missed your stories. I look forward to more of this and hopefully more of your Kaymala stuff, as well.
    1 point
  21. Hahaha awesome. Did anyone see you doing this?
    1 point
  22. I once was so desperate at work once i foolishly got out my dick right upon entering the gents,about to go into a cubicle,unfortunately, straight into one of the female cleaners,it was kind of hidden in my hand,but she would have seen it.I had to barge past her saying excuse me,but she said its ok and i peed as she carried on cleaning outside.Then she asked if i felt better for that...
    1 point
  23. I'd forgotten about this one that happened after a local music event a few years ago.I'd had a good day,but no sightings,until the event was finished.I followed the crowd back towards the entrance to the venue.I passed a wooded area,where a few girls nipped in to pee,but due to the amount of people I couldn't get the chance to see anything without being caught. However,when I reached the main road,there were long queues for buses and one girl,who obviously couldn't wait,ducked behind some low bushes,pulled down her trousers and knickers and in a half squat peed for what seemed like foreve
    1 point
  24. Hot on at least 3 levels! 1) Slit is visible 2)It features wiping 3)It shows toilet with pee Ticks my boxes anyway!
    1 point
  25. sometimes i do. sometimes i don’t. i mean there’s no point, i feel, after having wet myself. but, even when not wetting, sometimes it just depends. though, even when i finished only having a tinkle just now, i instintively reached for a bit of paper and pressed it between my legs for a dab or two.
    1 point
  26. I worked at a Gas Station many years ago, a small booth self serve kind that's so boxed in you can hear everything in the bathroom and here are three stories of Women desperate to pee, Story 1: I was sitting in the booth and all of the sudden a very curvy Nerdy looking College Age Woman with dirty blonde hair and glasses, in blue shorts and a flower tank top came plowing through the door with her hands up in her crotch saying "Do you have a bathroom I can use, I pointed to it and she ran in and I heard her booty plonk and then I heard Niagra Falls come out of her. It was powerful and las
    1 point
  27. Hello there. Been a long time fan of peeing for many years but have kept it to myself until now as never found anywhere to share the interest really. Only just discovered the place so still looking around. Glad to see so many others with the interest. Especially from the UK, didn't think this many of us were fans.
    1 point
  28. I had a very amazing day today. I had my friend @Raven726 over and we were talking and just relaxing. Then I felt so damn horny so I just hopped ontop of him and started licking and biting him. He gave those same things back and i just couldnt take it anymore: i pulled his pants down and started sucking on him. Eventually I was being fucked and i was moaning and breathing so hard at how amazing it was. He pulled out at the end and i was just dripping with cum and peeing all over and even as he was pulling out i was peeing on his dick. I just couldn't stop peeing when i was laying the
    1 point
  29. When traveling one time while I was younger, my only option was the men’s room. My cousin and I darted into one and she used the toilet while I hovered over the urinal. I haven’t tried it as an adult though.
    1 point
  30. O your absolute right. How boring would this world be if every man were alike and every women alike? Being different is what makes up unique, and adds a bit of mystery to everyday life Being bullied or outcasted because you are diffrent isn't and shouldn't be acceptable and it must stop
    1 point
  31. nope.let it all go.
    1 point
  32. Thank you! Sad to see when longer lipped ladies get shamed for something that is outside of their control. Not a fan of people getting their bits graded either!
    1 point
  33. I was going to join the army but gas station worker is starting to sound very good too🤣🤣
    1 point
  34. I signed up a few days ago, still getting used to things. I'm pretty bad at introductions, so uh, hi all. I like pee (obviously lol) as well as manga, literature, dolls, and movies. My favorites are Naruto, Black Butler, and Fullmetal Alchemist for manga (yep, I'm basic lol!) For literature, I love Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte, as well as Harry Potter and Interview with the Vampire. My favorite book is Geek Love by Katherine Dunn! Dolls, I love the Monster High series, and I also collect porcelain dolls. My favorite movie is Jupiter Ascending, which is a very bad movie and very fun to watc
    1 point
  35. One of the comments on the feedback survey was about how long quotes can make pages particularly long and difficult to read, especially in the Pictures section. Whilst there has always been the option to highlight specific parts of a post and just quote that, clearly this was not always used. I have now set it to that only the first few lines of a quote will display, but with an option of 'read more' to open the quote in full. Hopefully this will work better, but let me know if you run into any issues with this. Thanks.
    1 point
  36. When I met her through a dating site, she was looking for a Dom. Now, there is a fine line between Dom and sub. A Dom can orally please a sub, but it is the Dom that is receiving the satisfaction of the act. The sub receives sexual gratification, but it's the Dom that is still in charge. Same as Queening. With the roles reversed, a Domme (female) controls the man (sub) while sitting on his face and he orally gratifies her. Like I said, a fine line.
    1 point
  37. Yes she sure is lol. He is a lucky man
    1 point
  38. I can relay to this because I see the same thing. His eyes has like a glaze look, at this point, I just let him have his moment and this what turns me on about it, his reaction, the look on his face. He never was able to drink all, I tease him about it. The excess in the floor, he does clean it up. I am happy for you that your girlfriend feels comfortable doing this and is open minded, she's a keeper *wink*
    1 point
  39. I mean all the times are right there, I couldn't be more accurate than the times listed lol
    1 point
  40. Personally in terms of asthetics I lean towards a 6 or a 10 but I think every one is beautiful and special in it's own way, and that beauty is magnified by that numbers wearer.
    1 point
  41. Hi all, just a friendly reminder that all discussions around morality etc should be in their own thread. I completely agree that's an interesting discussion that's definitely worth having, but under the site rules we specifically ask not to directly criticise or judge other people's pee experiences/stories. I know no harm was intended here and it's a fair discussion, but the site becomes a lot less fun if every time someone posts a story involving naughty peeing, it's met with some people saying they disapprove. If you do feel that way, please just ignore the threads that clearly involve that,
    1 point
  42. I have often believed that the so-called supernatural and that which is scoffed at as irrational by ultra rationalists, in regards to such things as spirit realms and entities, reincarnation, psychic abilities, etc, will one day come to be embraced and understood by science. And that these things are inherently natural. We simply as yet lack a strong enough basis for scientific understanding of them. There was once a time after all when we thought thunder and lightning was inherently supernatural, yet today we totally understand it scientifically. At one time we had no idea what the Sun was so
    1 point
  43. I have the majority of tomorrow off, will give all this a serious read and serious thought then, when by brain is fresh. This is all so fascinating.
    1 point
  44. Part one is here http://peefans.com/index.php?/topic/8297-the-holiday-pt-1-on-the-beach/ ____________________________________________________ The sun was shining through the fabric of our tent when I woke up the next morning. The campsite was quiet, so I guessed it was probably early. Even so, I felt wide awake, and I had a pressing need to go for a piss. I sat up and stretched, my sleeping bag falling away. I sleep wearing a pink nightshirt and no underwear. David was still sleeping, halfway out of his own sleeping bag. I pulled a corner of the tent door open and glanced a
    1 point
  45. In high school, my first job for gas money was as a janitor at an elementary school. I came on shift after all the little ones were long gone for the day (so this ain't that kind of story mac!). Anyway, when it was time to clean the restrooms I had a bucket of disinfectant and a brush and would always clean the boys rooms first because of the noise both of my cleaning and also the loudness of the siphon jet flush of the toilets. Having cleaned the boys side, I never knocked or called out but just walked on in to the girls side figuring that I had given plenty of warning of my coming. Never had
    1 point
  46. Part one is here http://peefans.com/index.php?/topic/8297-the-holiday-pt-1-on-the-beach/ I joined my new friends Maddie and her boyfriend Adam in their kitchen, stepping over the slowly-spreading puddle Adam had left in the hallway. Both of them wore shirts and their swimming stuff, a bikini bottom in one case and a rather tight set of speedos in the other. Adam was stirring a pot on the hob, while Maddie waited for the kettle to boil. The windows had been thrown wide to let some cool evening air into the stuffy kitchen. “What are you making?” I asked. “Chilli,” said Adam. “It'l
    1 point
  47. Part one is here http://peefans.com/index.php?/topic/8297-the-holiday-pt-1-on-the-beach/ ________________________________________ I was limping. The four of us were walking to Maddie's house from the hidden cove where my brother David and I had met Maddie and her boyfriend Adam. It was only a half hour's walk, but at one point we'd been forced to push through a patch of weeds, and I'd been badly stung by a bunch of nettles. Now I felt like my legs were on fire, and the walking wasn't helping. “We ought to keep an eye out for dock leaves,” said David, eyeing the red patches on my
    1 point
  48. Hi everyone -- I'm new to these forums. This is the first part of a series I have been writing; hope you enjoy it. ********** We – my big brother David and I – were on holiday in Cornwall for a week. It was the first time we'd been away from our parents. He was nineteen, me eighteen, and since it was my last summer before going to uni we decided to go on a trip together. We'd spent our first day confined to the tent because of rain, but on the second day it brightened up. We decided to go for a walk along the coast and, we were hoping, find a quiet beach where we c
    1 point
  49. My wife and I got into watersports about two years ago. Actually, I was already into them in terms of desire (from way back in childhood) but, two years ago, my wife agreed to pee on me and the rest, as they say, is history. Until recently, in fact, she did not seem to actually be all that turned on by giving me a golden shower. There was only the slightest indication of her fascination with my obsession that seemed to reveal a proclivity towards giving them. She seemed to like to watch her stream hit me in face or chest or gush into my mouth. However, all this time she refused to allow m
    1 point
  50. Very New To Wetting Ok so when I was in my early teens I used to look up videos of people peeling their pants and just watch them for hours. One time I got up the courage to go pee outside. I lived in a condominium complex at the time so the buildings were very close together. Anyway I put on some tight shorts that I used to wear for my volleyball team and sat on the sidewalk and just emptied my bladder. It was around 12 at night so no one was around but it felt absolutely amazing and I had left a huge puddle underneath me. Plz comment ;)
    1 point
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