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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/2019 in Posts

  1. Today i saw something amazing the snow is gone where i live and it was really nice weather so i decided to take my bike and ride in the woods well i had been going for about 15min and i was going slow since there was a lot of roots and the road was bumpy anyway i see ahead of me a girl squating between some trees and she hadn't noticed me so i quietly stoped my bike and started wallking i didin't want to stand still because if she would see me standing still staring it wouldn't be good and she was peeing a really hard stream i could hear it even tho i was about 8m away it was a loud "PSSSSHHHH
    6 points
  2. I would say that pulling knickers aside would be quicker and expose less than pulling them down. Some girls will have experienced needing to pee in swimsuits, leotards or similar where pulling them down would require complete undressing, but a quick pull to the side is easy - even if they do still squat. If the are wearing trousers then they would most likely pull their knickers down with their trousers, but if wearing a skirt, pull to the side is easy. Also, if they pull them down then either they go to their knees, which stops them spreading their legs, or they take them to their ankles
    4 points
  3. I've done this occasionally and for me it's usually that my panties just get very wet. Usually I can avoid getting it on anything else but my panties usually get wet in the process. I pee like this sometimes just because it's kind of fun to pee like this but it's not practical, at least for me.
    3 points
  4. She had long curly blond hair with a pretty face and she was wearing blue jeans with a thin white jacket she was around 20 and pretty tall and curvy yeah i was suprised that she didin't care but it made the whole thing hoter that she just let me watch and go by without even trying to stop i wonder why tho if she was to desperate to stop or if she just didin't give a fuck
    3 points
  5. I often get home too tired to undress and shower before going to bed. Especially after clubbing when I get in at five and have to be up by seven. Going to bed tired is always a bad thing for me because I find it hard to resist the temptation to just do at least a little wee in the bed before I go to sleep. One memorable night which wasn't a clubbing night I had been out for a friday evening soirée at a wine bar wearing my ball gown for a change. It is nice to wear something that is not black when I go out, and my turquoise ball gown which I inherited from my auntie was quite a contra
    2 points
  6. Was that Latin name not found to be an anagram of:- "Monster hoax by Sir Peter S"
    2 points
  7. In the 70s,famous naturalist Sir Peter Scott launched a submarine expedition to search underwater in Loch Ness.One uncertain picture did come out of it,something resembling a fin,possibly.It wasnt Peter Scott,it was a guy called Robert Rines,Peter Scott thought of the latin name actually. He named it Nessiteras rhombopteryx.He seemed to think there was "something" unknown,be it a large fish,or whale,some creature endemic to the area,that occurs nowhere else.He was a zoologist,not given to flights of fancy.So maybe...
    2 points
  8. I've caught a lot women peeing in the woods. Of course, most were hiking with me. When I've come across them by surprise, we both usually felt a little awkward. It's always been a good sign when they make light of the situation and exchange at least a few words with me. Once I even got their phone number.
    2 points
  9. Why can't we just send a submarine to check it out i mean if there was tunnels the sub would find them and i think your second answer is most likely mabye a drunk fisherman saw a huuuuge fish and then told his friends he saw a monster fish and then they told the story to their friends etc and for each time the story was told nessie got bigger and more dangerous just like most stories
    2 points
  10. I find the idea of a girl pulling them to one side just as arousing as pulling them down, deliberately letting go in them, or just not wearing them. We're living in a niche - let's celebrate everything about it!
    2 points
  11. Basically I wrote it over a couple of weeks a while back, never intended to write so much... Who knows, we may get a catch up with where the girls are at now - but that's not been written yet. Glad you like it though.
    2 points
  12. Can you be a bit more descriptive please? What was she wearing? I like the fact she wasn't bothered about being watched.Nice sighting.
    2 points
  13. I think weird things exists yes but i don't think that a lake monster could hide i mean 2019 everyone has a camera and the smallest thing ends up on insta snap or facebook etc and if it did exist it's problaby dead a looooong time ago im not saying im right tho btw would you dare to swim in that lake for 10min?😂
    2 points
  14. This Sundays offering, sitting on the windowsill is the sun
    2 points
  15. More Sunday laziness 🙂
    2 points
  16. Chapter 1 – Denise’s Challenge It was Denise who had suggested going shopping, a suggestion that no self-respecting Essex girl could refuse. “I’m coming!” Said Denise’s mother Tracy. “Me too.” Piped up her grandmother Sharon. The three women picked up their handbags and headed for the station. They could have been sisters with their bleached hair and similar outfits rather than from three generations. Denise was eighteen and her grandmother was in her forties but all of them had maintained excellent figures. Sharon had worn miniskirts since she moved to the new town of
    1 point
  17. I love naughty peeing, I love to pee just for the fun of damaging public and private property, for example: stranger's bike, car doors, changing room floors, public bathroom floors, hotel floors etc... I would like to know the naughty stories of whom shares this very funny and naughty hobby😜
    1 point
  18. I was to lazy to climb off the tractor to piss haha
    1 point
  19. Chapter 1 – New year’s day January 1st 2001 03:30 GMT and now there could be no doubt that this was the 3rd millennium. As Tanya stood on her doorstep in her long black skirt and white jumper locking the door she had to decide. Could she go through with her New Year resolution? In some ways it seemed now a bit silly but no, it had been thought out thoroughly and as she looked back at the event that had started the process off she carefully prepared herself.... It was in August when she had emerged from the ladies loo on the other side of her building from her office t
    1 point
  20. I checked for the package every day. The package would hold an adventure I could only dream about. I knew nearly nothing of the details yet I knew that I wanted it with all the juice in my balls. I had seen the ad online for the "Masked Tournament" and filled in the short questionaire: "Are you comfortable performing sexual acts with strangers?" "Are you comfortable being watched by strangers while you do the above?" "What sex are you?" "What is your clothing size?" "Would you like to win $10,000?" "Do you want an experience that you will dream of forever?" I risked a $
    1 point
  21. One way would be to do like when they go shark fishing,and get a few boats and start chumming,throwing overboard offal,and fish guts etc,to make a big stinky mess in the water,maybe would attract something. Trouble with nessie,is there is more evidence against it,than for it.All the footage has been studied and proven to be NOT a "monster".A more extreme way would be to dam the Loch and see what happens,when the water is released.
    1 point
  22. Sometimes scientists are afraid to admit they believe in something so they pretend to be cynical on the subject As a Witch, I can tell you that important scientists that publicly claim absolute materialism, secretely perform experiments on psychich powers and even seances So I can absolutely believe this scientist hid a cynical joke in the name it crafted, but just to mislead accusers, not necessarily because he was an unbeliever himself
    1 point
  23. Nice work as always. You sir are the king of lazy sundays hahaha
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Not really ... I'm all for pee. Maybe someday I'll discover something new, who knows.
    1 point
  26. Indeed nobody believes it could live in the Loch No carcass had ever been found, and the food is not enough Even Nessie-Believers (I have online contacts with them) are absolutely sure that either #1 there are deep-crust tunnels leading to the ocean (as water in the depths has peculiar characteristics, not that different from that kind of mixed waters where rivers ends up in the sea) and Nessie lives in the ocean and get into the Loch just to reproduce or relax #2 Nessie is just a big fish that was seen as even bigger by water distortion giving the impression of a mo
    1 point
  27. Chapter Thirteen [Unlucky number - maybe so, the last part of Jenny & Lucy's story - for now at least. Alas, the last part written so far] “Does this computer have internet? There’s something I want to check up on.” Lucy called through to the bedroom where Jenny had gone to get changed. “Yes, help yourself to it” came the reply from her lover. A few minutes later Jenny emerged from the bedroom wearing just her denim shirt which was just long enough to cover her bum and lady parts, showing off the full length of her very shapely slim legs. She pottered ab
    1 point
  28. It's all relative. The problem is that each attempt to scroll takes seconds. If you have to scroll say, 20 times to get down one page, that's a full minute to scroll down a single webpage. Would you accept that delay for every web page you visit when online? That would be like dial-up. Similarly, wouldn't you find it annoying if you had to wait 3 seconds after typing each key on your keyboard before it registered? Hitting the scroll key and waiting 3 seconds for it to do something every time is just as annoying. If it happened only once per page, that would be insignificant, but w
    1 point
  29. Yessss @gldenwetgoose! A very hot "ending" to a great series. I really hope we see these girls again soon.
    1 point
  30. Not that I could hear. Even though her pee was really loud it was still just echos into the hall where I was, so something like a sigh wouldn't have been audible unless she would've made a really loud one on purpose.
    1 point
  31. I don't really now if this counts, but a while ago I was in a bus coming home from work and really had to pee. I tried to hold it until I reached my house but unfortunately the bus ride was quite long and the pressure on my bladder grew unexpectedly fast. Eventually I had to take a decision because I had no intention on wetting myself. So I pulled out my penis and peed on the seat next to me. The relief was amazing but I had to try and keep everything secret. Luckily the bus was more empty than full so it was a bit easier, even though there were quite a few splashing sounds to hear. However, I
    1 point
  32. Adverts that are stupid,in that they go way over the top to be "woke". On TV ive just seen an advert(i cant even remember what is was because my brain was frazzled),in which a woman is pregnant,and needs to get to hospital.So far so good.Then another girl turns up,in which she is playing the "father".....How did this happen?How does a girl get another girl pregnant?Why is this freak of nature portrayed as normal,the worried Dad running his wife to maternity,but a woman? Drives me mad,all this political correctness,and inclusivity,the portrayal of the abnormal as a given.That right now,m
    1 point
  33. When it comes to things like crackdowns on porn, this is the mentality of the person now running the country... It explains a lot about the kind of mentality we are up against.
    1 point
  34. I didn't know this, thank you I learned something new today
    1 point
  35. https://www.eroprofile.com/m/videos/view/ME-peeing-in-the-toilet-11
    1 point
  36. https://www.eroprofile.com/m/videos/view/ME-peeing-in-the-toilet-9
    1 point
  37. With a girl, I'm pretty sure it was my first 'girlfriend' (who was basically a girl who lived a few doors up the road. Her name was Carly and we were playing in my house on afternoon. She decided to go and use the toilet and she let me come in and watch her go. It was the first time I'd seen a girls bits and was naturally curious about how she peed without a penis! In return, after she had done I did a wee with her watching me. I think she mistakenly told her mum about seeing my penis and we were kept apart for a bit after that. We would only have been about 4-5 at the time. The first tim
    1 point
  38. Fans of Lucy's adventures - and her journey of discovery - will probably already have read the previous chapters. If not, they're worth a read and will set the scene for this chapter. We're getting close to the conclusion of Lucy's adventure. Certainly a long way from the prim girl who always liked to be in control - there's been a lot of yellow water under the bridge since then... Anyway, hope you enjoy this latest chapter and fear not - there is more to come. After their emergency outdoor pee stops, where they’d both been on the verge of total loss of control, both Lucy an
    1 point
  39. Also did a quick gif if anyones interested 🙈
    1 point
  40. A thread of her own is a great idea
    1 point
  41. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! Witches theorically ARE nuns ahahahha We are the female facet of a Church, all around the world, older than History… And our Holy Water is much more sexy!!!!
    1 point
  42. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH APRIL'S FOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  43. This is something I've always done ever since I could remember. My mom and sisters have always done so as well, so I've always assumed that everyone uses pools. Maybe it's just a girl thing to do as it's really the only place we can go unnoticed at some pools. At private backyard pools I've seen the guys pee in the yard or against a fence or wall at an apartments pool. I know at school and the waterpark most of the boys just step into the changing room and let it go, but I don't know many ladies who would risk taking any of those options.
    1 point
  44. public pools are the ones we normally use. My girlfriend always admitted that she peed in the pool for convenience of it but after us talking and being open together about it she has admitted that she gets a thrill from releasing her self into the pool water. We usually get a room for the night at the hotel or resort where we swim. The first time that I wanted to pee on the carpet she was a little reluctant and hesitate about the idea however she admitted after that watch me pee it the corner of the room made her wet and horny. I kept peeing in the rooms more and each time we went an
    1 point
  45. My girlfriend and I enjoy having drinks by the pool on hot summer days! There are a few hotels and resorts than are not too far away from where we live! We will often go somewhere either for the night and relax by the pool during the day or even just go lie by the pool for a few hours after work! We like to sneak a few cold bees in when we do! It didn't take long for us both to admit to each other that we both peed in the pool. During our first time to the pool we both knew as neither of us took a bathroom break once and we were laying out drinking beers all afternoon! She told me that i
    1 point
  46. Oh I love that description "the teachings"!! 😃 Of course, as Spectacle says, it's best for parents not to get into unnecessary family battles. When my kids were young I encouraged them to pee in pools, as my parents did with me, and they've always been happy to do it. With a little encouragement they'd hold before a swim, then peeing discreetly into the water after getting into the pool. Similarly I encouraged them to try to pee again, discreetly, before getting out at the end of a swim. Of course it did pollute the pool water a little, but it was easier than using toilet facilities and th
    1 point
  47. So today, I went with my family to a water park. it was really big and they're so many pools and slides. I like peeing in showers, bath tub, ocean, lake so much and I'm doing it now for years. I'm peeing in public pools more often, I always was afraid of getting caught by people which is my biggest fear. I'm always very desperate if I'm somewhere underwater, and I drink gallons of water before I went to pools and oceans. Peeing underwater and feeling that warm sensation coming out of your body and making a small warm cloud around myself feels soooo good. but most of the times like I told I was
    1 point
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