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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/15/2019 in all areas

  1. I’d love to hear any stories people have of naughty peeing at house parties. Have you ever needed to go too badly to wait for the bathroom and snuck into an empty room to pee on the carpet or bed? Or maybe you were in a room with someone when they decided to take a piss in there instead of heading back through the party to get to a bathroom. The most I’ve done is pee into a drawer in the bathroom at a party. I was in there and thought it would be hot to relieve myself somewhere other than the toilet so I opened an empty drawer of the cabinet and let my piss out into it. I do ha
    3 points
  2. Hey there peefans Has anybody some interesting piss stories which happened in an office? I do. I work for an international bank in central Europe. It's the headquarters of this bank and there work about 4000 people here. It's a multiple store huge building! I work in the IT department which means I have to work often on weekends or at night as well. So for me, this building is like a huge piss playground. There is a security guard which makes a tour throgh the building every hour but thats a joke for me. There are so many options to piss! Multiple desks, meeting rooms, carpets, the kitche
    3 points
  3. My heart goes out to the victims, and their loved ones, of the mass shooting at the mosques. The world has become a scary place. And, unlike a traditional church, a mosque has no pews to hide under. It's just one large room and they all pray on the floor. Talk about vulnerable. So very sad and frightening. I wish this would stop, but I don't think it will, sadly.
    3 points
  4. This is the last I'll say on Trump or politics. From now on, I'll limit myself to reacting with a simple click so as to avoid conflict. I disagree with those who say people who support a sociopath leader should not be harshly criticized. Sometimes drastic measures are required, unfortunately. Remember, what did Germany do beginning in 1933? The same goes for Italy and many other nations. Just think about it. We must not be asleep. That never ends well.
    3 points
  5. Yes, I am concerned. Forty years ago the USA was a champion of freedom in the world. Since then it has degenerated into a nation repressed by fascistic corporate bosses, and loud-mouthed religious bigots. Once the USA led the world in science, now the merchants persecute and publicly smear the scientists because a population with knowledge might interfere with the vile things they are doing in the name of corporate profits. Both of their major political parties are corrupted by corporate finance, and their voting system is so undemocratic they have little hope of electing anyon
    3 points
  6. I have! It was one of those old, small, fish bowl ones. It was my idea too. But, I was terrified. It shook every which way the whole time. I asked the pilot what was wrong. He goes, "Nothing. They do that all the time." Oh, that made me feel so much better...NOT! LOL! I swear, I kissed the ground when I got off of that thing! 🤣
    3 points
  7. Happened a fair bit ago that I went on a trip with a group of ~40 to a water park. Just about an even gender split on a 3 or 4 hour drive, made longer because the driver missed the obvious stop (there was a water slide that went above the tree line. I pointed it out and nobody listened) and went more than 20 minutes before turning around and hitting traffic on the way back. The bus was not one with air conditioning. And, again, it was quite a drive. In the summer. We drank a lot. This bus also lacked on-board toilets. You can see the issue that resulted. Pretty much the whole bu
    3 points
  8. More of a Lucy fan than Steve then - can't say I blame you... Don't worry, Steve is history but there's more to come from Lucy and Jenny. Watch this space....
    3 points
  9. All the time growing up we have it drummed into us that "you must not wet yourself" whatever you you don't have an "accident" and the worst thing that can happen it to be stuck somewhere needing a pee. The training becomes completely ingrained and as we get older many worry more about not making it to a loo, I've convinced myself in the past that I'll never make that car journey or finish that walk without having an accident and panic sets in making it worse. But now I've noticed that because I actually don't care what people think and actually like a little wetting, the panic never sets in
    2 points
  10. I have been turned on by pee games since I was a teenager but regardless of wishing for a playmate I have had only two ladies who willingly (actually eagerly) played my fantasy games with me. This is a recount of the first one. Waaay back... when I was wild and free I met Carol Anne on a beach while visiting a friend. She looked pretty hot and seemed like fun so I struck up a conversation. She had just broken up with a boyfriend and was not too upset about it. We left the beach for my friend's house down the street. Carol Anne had nowhere to be and neither did I so we hung out for t
    2 points
  11. Yes, I can't see why @thedario Maybe she feared you could have felt too drawn to her and she preferred your friendship to remain the way it was… but the Whole story is hot as fuck!!!
    2 points
  12. What you maybe ignore, is that what you just wrote is the key we Witches use in psychology to overturn modern mindsets You are right 156% boy If you dare stop fearing something, the problem may be real, but panic rarely sets in, or it does in a much lesser and more "talkative" way Kudos to you a kiss
    2 points
  13. Oh, it could be, who knows? Ihihihi!!! Mmmmh, so they love big tits because they want to compensate? That's interesting! Anyway, I have big boobs, and I'm the thoughest woman you'll ever meet!!!
    2 points
  14. Airframes are designed for a particular maximum operating speed and not more. On 737s this is somewhere around 350 knots I think. If you put a 737 into a dive and exceeded this speed, things would begin to go wrong. Probably the first thing to happen is that control surfaces would begin to flutter and the aircraft would no longer respond to controls. If it continued to increase speed after this, parts of the aircraft structure would begin to deform and eventually break. For example, the engine pylons might possibly bend and then break free from the wings. Aircraft are built only a
    2 points
  15. AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    2 points
  16. I used to have a metal tin - like a big square biscuit tin that I kept under the stairs at my parents house and used to pee in because I liked the idea or peeing somewhere naughty and I didn't want to go upstairs to pee. I used to use it for a day or two and then empty it outside when nobody was looking. It was all fine, except that one day I found that the tin that should have been partly full was empty. It turned out that the pee had coroded the tin and my pee was now merrily soaking into the carpet!!
    2 points
  17. Holy shit it sounded SO REAL as I read it!!! WOOOOOW!!!!
    2 points
  18. That sounds like you had great times with Carole Anne. Thanks for sharing and I certainly look forward to hearing more if you are willing.
    2 points
  19. WOOOOOOW Beside the fact that you overcame your limits, what you did would have been cool as fuck in itself even Beyond your personal battles!!! It's GREAT!!! I have no words (but I have tears in my eyes… I'm that way, what should I do?) another soul break its chrysalis Congratulations...
    2 points
  20. well i just did my first day and i feel like achieved something today i helped with my mother to find the rigth birthday cards putting on the shelf and use the till to served 4 customers i feel good about 😀
    2 points
  21. An early contender for "Best Real Story 2019"!
    2 points
  22. I also once peed in the bath while HE was on the toilet lol! He was taking too long to finish and I really needed a pee so I came in, pulled my things down, hovered my bum over the bathtub and let it rip! He was quite shocked at how much came out of me xP
    2 points
  23. it is a REALLY BIG step for me i all way shy away from it but am FINALLY coming out of my comfort zone and thank you everyone for your kind words and don't worry am STILL going to keep this updated 😀
    1 point
  24. That's awesome man, good for you. Now that the scariest part/step is taken I hope the rest fo easier for you. Just remember you have everyone's support here, don't overdue it and if you need to talk we are here
    1 point
  25. Wonder if she was a fan of the TV series Lucifer? (wouldn’t mind at all Maz having her wicked way with me!)
    1 point
  26. To bad she didn't do that again. As far as your pissing goes sounds like unlimited possibilities hahaha
    1 point
  27. You are fucking hilarious. I am married with children but...hmm...he cant really give me what I need. Not like having a good piss on my bedroom floor can. Or at least reading about someone else doing so since im too chicken shit. I think Im leaning a little more to the asexual side honestly. It sucks.
    1 point
  28. I've jumped out of perfectly good airplanes haha. I figured the pilot didn't know how to land a plane hahaha
    1 point
  29. Iihihihihih you're so sweet!!! Just never stop LOOKING AROUND You'll find the proper place
    1 point
  30. I first got stories about it from Alex, one of his former girlfriends did it and was caught... He did too... My first time was after I met him… and last was last week ihihihihih
    1 point
  31. You must be careful of cameras Let me explain to you: they cannot see into fitting rooms But imagine this scenario You are seen entering it without complaining and exiting it without too much strut and fret THEN anothr customer enters and immediately gets out and denounce a lake of piss on the floor he/she DID NOT enter so it can't be his fault either, it's not likely that the last to enter (YOU) would have used it so serenely if it was flooded with piss conclusion? YOU did AND your paycard can be traced, if you bought stuff there,
    1 point
  32. You are a gold member… so watch my videos any time you want!!! You are entitled to make requests, comment, and so on... I shoot videos only for gold members but they must interact with me a bit more, or it's pointless!!! When I used to post my videos for everybody I used to get half a hundred of likes each, and begin chats which extended for pages and pages... I think it could be funny too now that you guys PAID to be gold members… I am here for you!!!
    1 point
  33. Really great. The series was losing a bit of steam for me personally but wow, you kicked it right back up!
    1 point
  34. Polecat, Thank you for providing the detailed descriptions of the pictures that you saw.
    1 point
  35. I don't think voters are idiots because they disagree with me. You and I are worlds apart on politics but I do not regard you as an idiot. But there is of course an idiot bloc out there who barely think and vote for whomever for the stupidest reasons, some of them allowing themselves to be told what to think cos they don't think for themselves. Some of that large idiot block sometimes votes my way. Indeed, my side cannot win without the support of part of it. It is too big a bloc to be totally outvoted. No one can win without it.
    1 point
  36. I saw this documentary on TV, someplace in Russia where temps were down to minus 60 celcius and these guys had to drive somewhere in a van. They took two in case one broke down. In those conditions a vehicle breaking down and thus incapable of providing warmth or getting you anyplace would be utterly fatal, if you had no spare to climb into.
    1 point
  37. What a delicious thought...
    1 point
  38. Lol. Our prime rib supper turned out awesome, we fed 158 people. It was all you could eat since we had food for 200 lol. We donated the left overs to the assisted living facility in town. My and 4 other guys spent about 19 hours in the kitchen cooking and preparing supper lol
    1 point
  39. Procreation is something we share with everyone on the planet, wolves in a forest care nothing but where the next meal is coming from, still make baby wolves. Kangaroos that bounce around our native land, still have a belly full of arms and legs. Koalas that bark all night, still make little koalas. Sheep and cows still make tiny copies of themselves, they all do this, so do humans. No higher intelligence takes up a big chunk of their lives and they are doing fine. We share 99.2% of the DNA of every animal on this planet. That 0.8% that we have that's different enables us to create societ
    1 point
  40. Favourite Place? Depends on the moment, but recently on my morning run, I pop into scrubland by the River, and take a hot leak there. Favourite Place? Anywhere along the River Avon Naughtiest Place? On someone's drive, after a long night out, simply desperate to go. Ultimate Piss Fantasy? An outdoor 'Piss Bukkake' featuring as many men as possible! But also too many to mention!
    1 point
  41. i was doing laundry, and felt incredibly sexy wearing a wrap and thigh highs. anyways. while loading the wash i rubbed against the side of the machine and for some reason it gave me a tingle. i was horny and when i started it, i lifted one leg onto the drier so i could lean against the washer and press my muffin onto the corner. i ended up sitting on it and fingered myself til i came.
    1 point
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