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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. Lovely! Hot and believable. We feel for the two of them, and share in Ally's desperation and relief. Nice pampers touch too! Award-winning fiction, I'd say ๐Ÿ™‚
  2. Thank you to everyone who nominated and voted for me in the Newcomer award. I don't know what else to say (which isn't like me at all).
  3. Thank you so much for putting in the time and effort to set up, administer and write up the awards Sophie. And you are fully deserving of the awards for which you were voted as winner / joint winner.
  4. What's quite interesting here is the fact that not every male on this site reveals much visually about themselves (though some do) but that doesn't stop people (women and other men developing relationships of various kinds - genuine friendships, fantasies) with them. I would like to think that many on this site aren't typical of the world at large, and perhaps look for different things. I might be wrong! For what it's worth, my wife has expressed a preference for the 'average guy' over the gym rat, which is just as well. For myself, there's no doubt that I find a fit man attractive, but
  5. Attributes of the modern world amplify, accelerate and polarise many aspects of life. It's harder to keep a long view in mind; harder to remain dispassionate and rational. And yet connectedness across distance and time provides some measure of comfort. Think of it in these terms: we might feel desperate. We are holding on for something good that's coming. There are people online who are sharing our desperation with us, and encouraging us. We know that time is coming when there will be sweet relief. We can experience that relief in many ways - in old familiar places or new. Alone or with o
  6. Hang on in there Goose. You know where I am.
  7. Another great story @Ppgirl! A clever opening, lots of peeing, and a nice ending. Wonder if they swapped numbers ...
  8. ๐Ÿ™‚ I kind of thought that you might open the floodgates! Hot story - thanks for sharing it โค๏ธ
  9. You sort of left the story hanging, but I think we know what came next! But - did you manage to just let a little out? Or once it started was it more than you expected? Sounds like your friend probably doesn't mind peeing outdoors ๐Ÿ™‚
  10. Kupar


    Well done for taking the plunge and signing up ๐Ÿ™‚ I guess if you've been lurking for a while you'll know what there is to see. I look forward to your contributions ... it is true that the more you put in, the more you get back from the site. Welcome!
  11. Welcome! You'll find plenty of people here who share your love of wetting and all things pee-related ๐Ÿ™‚ There's a huge amount of stuff on the site - take your time and have a good look around, and enjoy. The moderators are very helpful if you have questions. See you around!
  12. Sounds like a good thing all round ๐Ÿ™‚ I might try this with the few house plants we have (I've never been very good with them). The limits of my pee-fertiliser making have been adding a good dose to the compost bin outside on a regular basis.
  13. A pity no-one was there to see the two of you. You conjure up a lovely image in my mind's eye ๐Ÿ™‚
  14. Hi! Yes - there are many of us, and you will find a warm welcome on the site I am sure. There's a lot to see and many ways to interact - I see you've found the chat room already ๐Ÿ™‚ PF is a great community of like-minded people with many variants of the pee kink, and I know you've been doing your background reading about what this site is and isn't ๐Ÿ™‚ Enjoy!
  15. Wow - that is fantastic! Thanks so much for sharing it. My idea of heaven too!
  16. Love the scenario @muffinhuntr - a promising start to your story writing ๐Ÿ™‚
  17. I second @gldenwetgoose's welcome - you'll find the forum a respectful place, and a happy one, with plenty of people to meet and share with. Enjoy it ๐Ÿ™‚
  18. That is a strange icon to choose for calories isn't it? A quick Google search suggests that a "slice of 14inch pizza" is 285 calories. So over half a pizza. Doesn't sound enough, does it?
  19. Nice one. I think the turbo trainer was probably a wise move today rather than risking outside! And 55k is a proper workout. At least equivalent to a Christmas dinner, a bottle of pudding wine and a couple of mince pies ๐Ÿ™‚
  20. You have much more chance of steam than me then! And to be honest, the only steam I could see was in the air when I breathed out!
  21. I love the way you're on the same page as Kim Kardashian, who apparently also pees in her skirt. Come to think of it, I have never seen you and KK in the same room together. Are you perhaps one and the same? ๐Ÿ˜‰
  22. My wife has started reading "This isn't the sort of thing that happens to someone like you" (published in 2012 by Bloomsbury). It's a collection of short stories by Jon McGregor. She read this out to me this morning - it's the opening of the story "If it keeps on raining". This is how his days begin. If you really want to know. Standing in his doorway in the cold, wet morning light and pissing on the stony ground. Waking up and getting out of bed and walking across the rough wooden floor. Opening the door and pulling down the front of his pyjamas and the weight of a whole night's piss pou
  23. Change of plan today. Was feeling naughty and it was washing day (again) so I thought I would pee on the pile of laundry before putting it in the machine. But I forgot. (I know ....) Nothing daunted, I thought back to a request from one of our lady members for some steaming pee videos / images. It's been cold today - just above 0 degrees - so I thought I might be able to meet the request. See what you think. https://www.erome.com/a/FRPbRgT3 Oh - and I felt like spraying it about a bit.
  24. That is weird isn't it?! I am pleased Ms Vรคntsi is 'feeling comfortable' in your skirt. I think.
  25. If it's OK, I am going to bump this because it's so incredibly useful. One thing I have only just realised us that it is possible to find, for instance, all the posts of a specific kind made by a specific person by looking at, and filtering, their activity stream from within their profile. I will experiment with the activity streams more now I realise how powerful they are. (Mods please move or delete my post if it's inappropriate here.)
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