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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. [M/F naughty peeing, lesbian themes, golden showers, group peeing] I wanted to tell you about something that happened last week at the big engineering trade fair here in London. I have recently started working as an exhibition girl – you know, the pretty women that encourage businessmen and women to visit the booths. It’s decent money, but the days are long and your feet are aching by the time you get the chance to kick off the high heels in the evening. To be honest the main qualities you need are long legs, the ability to do your make up well and smile continuously for ten hours. I
  2. Wow! These are very hot encounters - thanks for sharing them with us. I'll be interested to know if anything more happens.
  3. And a warm welcome from me too. I am sure you will find this community a good place to discuss, read about and look at the things you like. There is a huge amount of content - but take your time to explore. The members here are warm, friendly and non-judgemental, and the moderators work really hard to keep everything safe and respectful. Have fun!
  4. It's nearly a year since @gldenwetgoose started this thread, and the chat rules were tweaked, and 9 months since the last comment. I have just read back also the articulate post about the ethos of the PeeFans 'pub' and realised how good the comments were on that thread. So I'd like to bump this and ask: "what do the current regular chatters, new and old, and other people who maybe don't use the chat regularly, think about how it works now?" I'll thrown my two pennyworth in: I really like the ethos of the chat, and I can see how much of an effort the staff put in to keep chat flowing
  5. My experiences have mostly been out in the garden in the summer or in hotel bathrooms, but I have done it in the kitchen when I was home alone. Just naughty and fun 🙂
  6. Fantastic photos - nice one! It's a great feeling isn't it?
  7. My capacity is pretty small I think. There's the results of my week-long measurement of 'ordinary peeing' for me and my wife here:
  8. Thanks. Yes, she does! And, err, ideas for her Christmas present remain elusive. But I will give it some serious thought very soon!
  9. I would have to do this as a separate project, but yes, it would be interesting. I'm sure the patterns would be very different. Maybe I'll do it 🙂
  10. I have just had one of my happiest afternoons of recent years, expanding pee-play repertoire with K (my wife). Following the mutual shower peeing of a few weeks ago, today we added something very different. With our daughter home we had to be a little cautious – she’s 23 but, hey. We did explain that we’d assumed she was going to be out in the afternoon (she’d said she was going for a long walk with a friend who subsequently cried off) and were going to be ‘shutting ourselves away for an hour or so in the bathroom and the bedroom’. I had asked K earlier whether she’d consider wetting
  11. I ran 13.11 miles this morning (half-marathon distance) in 1:47:43 (actually a little bit further in 1:48:28), in drizzle and moderate breeze. I have not felt that combination of exhilaration, cold and exhaustion since I scored a try from the wing playing rugby one Wednesday afternoon in January at my northern grammar school, aged about 14. I find it interesting the things my brain does during a run of that length. The constant evaluation of sensory inputs (‘Was that a twinge in my knee? Pain in my side?’) and the near-automatic adjustments made to cadence and stride length. The continual
  12. Lovely story... but it would be a shame if you stopped seeing the guy only because of your embarrassment. I wonder, did you actually quite like pissing on the way home, and that's a reason you never got the courage up to ask where the toilet was?
  13. That's a shame. Would you try to raise the subject again do you think?
  14. Surely a little cleaning up has got to be a trade-off worth making to have a go at that! Go on ... do it! And let us know how you get on 🙂
  15. That sounds eminently sensible @Eliminature. I really hope that planners and architects and the general public embrace that idea. Incidentally, there was a (mildly) amusing event when my daughter (21 at the time) and I went to see King Crimson at Symphony Hall in Birmingham a couple of years ago. Unsurprisingly she was one of about, err..., 1 young women in the audience of 99.9% middle aged men. The queues for the toilets at the end of the gig were completely the opposite of the usual. I was tempted to follow her into the ladies.
  16. There's a wider thing here (sorry, a bit off topic) relating to the (not necessarily total) collapse of horniness that accompanies the male orgasm and its attendant err physical collapse. It is possible of course to keep going, and/or to get re-aroused quite quickly, but I've found I've had to learn how to do this. Things I have wanted to do post-orgasm, for instance involving cum, proved quite tough to do, mentally, though I can now enjoy them.
  17. I'm with @Gotah and @gldenwetgoose on this. For me it seems biologically it's one thing or the other, which is a little frustrating when - as for many here - feelings of arousal and needing a pee are quite closely linked in the mind. So the typical sequence is hold-pee-masturbate, not hold-masturbate-pee.
  18. I think that is how things will go @Lilipee. I would miss the efficiency and camaraderie of a row of urinals or a trough-style urinal, but I really can't see those surviving in the future.
  19. Yes - I think it does, thank you. I can understand all of that. I had a boss - the most able man I ever met - and I asked him how he did what he did. He just said "I want to put food on my children's plates". And it didn't really explain to me why he worked so hard, or was incredibly efficient and organised. It helped that he was very bright, but that wasn't all of it - there was something deep inside driving him on. You don't mention your sporting ability, but I'm guessing that falls under the category of trying to be the best you can be. Thanks again.
  20. We're all different 🙂 and that's one thing that makes this such a great place!
  21. Dear Wet Carpet What a wonderful, supportive community readers of this magazine are! Thank you so much Sarah for your reply to my last letter. I followed your advice - it really helped, and now I am much, much happier! Here’s what happened. I went back to the scene of my ‘crime’, if I can call it that. Sure, I know it was naughty, but how can something that felt so good be wrong? To be honest, I’d been thinking nonstop about that pee ever since – how wonderful it felt to hear and feel it flow between my thighs, and watch it soaking away into the fabric, and running over the edge of t
  22. You are a remarkable person @Sophie. You seem to me to be quite 'driven', with a need to achieve across multiple areas of your life, and perhaps to be recognised for those achievements. If you accept my description (which you may not, of course!) are you able to identify a source of this drive? Do you come from a family of high-achievers, for instance? Or have you identified what it is inside you that sustains that drive? The reason for my question is because I am not like this at all, and when I have on occasion asked other high-achievers what drives them, they often struggle to explain,
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