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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. Well ... that's not quite what happened 🙂 Between us we sampled all eight beers. We had some pints and some halves. And we poured from one glass into another, to share ... I probably had 4 pints.
  2. I met a long-time client (he's friend too) for lunch today (yay! Lockdown is lifted a bit for us here!). With the accompaniment of a 'substantial meal' ... a shared beef casserole and a shared sausage roll and chips ... we worked our way through the eight real ales on offer at one of Cambridge's finest pubs. Before we left I went to the toilet, but a somewhat devil-may-care attitude had come over me and I felt like seeing if I could reach the urinal from a metre of so away. I couldn't. Oops. I then decided - as you do on a fine, dry winter's day after a few pints - to walk home the 9 mile
  3. Oh! Perfect! I may have to go and lie down for a while now!
  4. Per category, avoiding those already nominated: Category One : Best forum contributor @gldenwetgoose Category Two : Best picture contributor @steve25805 Category Three : Best video contributor @Naughtypisswife Category Five : Best real story/sighting @foxypiss Category Six : Best Newcomer @Eliminature
  5. Thank you @Sophie for setting up the awards, and thank you @steve25805 for the nomination! I will have a think too about nominations if it's OK to base this on my 3 months or so experience of the site.
  6. Seeing a beautiful full moon this morning I was reminded of @steve25805's photo earlier in this thread, and of my attempt a few months ago to capture the beauty of the moon with my camera, lensless, attached to a bird-watching telescope. It's not as good as the photo Steve posted - some vibration blur is noticeable here (and I'm not sure I got the focus spot on anyway). It's a pity the image stabilization on my camera is actually in the lenses, not the camera itself. This was my best effort. No colour correction.
  7. Sure. Sorry for raising the sensor density thing at all. The actuators are equally tough.
  8. So here's the closest thing I can find on the market now: https://www.dfreeus.biz/blog/ultrasound-is-a-true-breakthrough-for-urinary-incontinence It's marketed for controlling incontinence ... but we would put it to much better use, wouldn't we?
  9. Oh yes - that's good. "Pee-puddle art mat". It's on my Christmas present list already 🙂
  10. These are incredibly difficult to build - given the money there is in the gaming industry, there's big bucks available for R&D, and yet engineering has a *long* way to go to match the sensor density of a fingertip (admittedly not needed in your glove design), or to build robust yet small and thin enough haptic actuators. But the idea is a good one 🙂 https://www.idtechex.com/en/research-article/innovative-smart-textiles-and-haptic-3d-coating-technology/14722
  11. If the vibrator were replaced by a miniature motorised valve attached to the outlet of a bag of liquid worn by the dry partner close to the body, then the leaking / flooding partner could effectively wet their partner at a distance.
  12. I know I said no more, but ... I ran 10 miles on Saturday, at 8:06 / mile, and on the back of that (and the fact that I recovered quickly) I have decided that I will aim to run a half-marathon in 1hr 40min in the next few weeks. I think that would be pretty good for my age.
  13. There has been some discussion in chat recently about pee-related toys and gadgets that might enhance the pee experience individually, or between partners, or even more widely. So, for instance, a device that detects early signs of wetting and alerts a partner to get home - something exciting is about to happen. Or a pressure gauge to measure the extent of fullness. Or a moisture detector that rewards a peeing woman with additional, err, stimulation either mechanically or electrically. So what pee-related toy might give you and others more fun (as if peeing/wetting etc itself isn't enoug
  14. I honestly cannot remember. There are two reasons for this. First, it was a *long* time ago. Second, simply weeing in front of others has never been a big deal for me - growing up we had an open door policy at home - and that hasn't really changed since I've lived with K. There must have been a first time of course but I think both must just have been an everyday wee where we happened to be at the time ... perhaps at university. Perhaps in the grotty house I lived in after I graduated. My pee kink was latent at the time, and that's probably why I can't bring the occasion to mind. I am sor
  15. Thanks @Sophie. This is what I see. Those three drop down options are the only ones available. Sorry - the resolution is low - hope you can make out that "Site Error / Bug" isn't there.
  16. I have just checked the ones I looked at the other day (in the East of England) ... and they are all showing the correct time! I can't explain what has happened there. All seems to be working fine. I am sorry if I've caused you unnecessary effort @Admin - thanks for looking.
  17. Been thinking about this. Would you fancy a track day in Suzy, or one of those 'driving experience' days where you get to take a Porsche 911 or Lamborghini round an old airfield? If so, maybe drop hints to M about when your birthday's approaching?
  18. I'll say three things about this. First, it's magnificent - and by far my favourite Floyd song. Second, one of the greatest live music experiences of my life was hearing, with my daughter, the Swedish tribute bank Pünk Flöyd play this song at the Cambridge Folk Festival in 2018 in front of a big and hugely enthusiastic crowd, singing along with real feeling (Pink Floyd are *revered* in Cambridge). Third, you know where I am, my friend.
  19. Those are two hot, horny women! With seemingly inexhaustible supplies of pee 😀. Great story thanks!
  20. And if money were no object? Are you a Ferrari girl? Or an Audi R8 queen? Update: sorry, I think your second reply was posted at the same time as this one!
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