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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Well here in the UK, the 2m exclusion zone doesn't apply to people in your household - so you're perfectly ok continuing to be intimate with husband, wife, partner etc. As far as being up close and personal with someone you don't live with - perhaps partner who lives with their family, then agreed things are a bit more difficult. If you share the same love of pee then perhaps there are games you can play, setting challenges as to where to pee or hold, sending each other photos or videos, that sort of thing. Perhaps a game where you have to socially distance from the toilet (for pee at l
  2. "If you sprinkle when you tinkle, Be a sweetie, And wipe the seatie." (Or not if that was the state you found it in anyway...)
  3. Love that last picture you posted.... If your photographer is still your neighbour, I really don't know how they keep their hands off you without exploding.
  4. Yes - but in slightly strange ways... Initially during lockdown, suddenly I had time during the day to browse online - and evidently I still am, literally right at this moment. Time to go out on a daily walk or cycle ride, often deliberately full so I could take a refreshing outdoors pee. Then as time progressed, I found myself for a while feeling max'd out - like I'd become desensitised to it. Pictures on the forum or on my hard drive that just gave me a 'yeah, whatever' sort of reaction and comments on the forum that I could take or leave. Things seem to have stabilised now -
  5. I totally agree - it is very saddening when people see the forum only for what they can take from it, as a porn site or a hook-up site (where they can come, swap addresses and disappear off without any thanks for the forum existing). I didn't expect that you would like every word I've written, but I wrote them because I have to be honest with you. They are my opinion of the site, so I could be wrong - but I wanted to be clear. In my opinion it's better to be honest about what you may experience. I'm with you though - this is an amazing community, I have friendships here that I neve
  6. Hi Spy, (Hope you don't mind the abbreviation) - it is great to hear from you again. I'm really glad things have settled a little for you. Things around here have carried on, there seem to be more and more new members every day. Near the start of the pandemic it was obvious a lot of people had time (and the internet) and found the site. With that inevitably many of them will be active in their posts whilst they find their feet. Many of those posts can seem like duplicates of earlier material they haven't seen ('where can I see videos of girls peeing?' - 'Erm, look in the girls pee
  7. Welcome. You'll already know what the forum is like, and you'll have seen the respect and friendliness which make it such a great place. Now you can receive that friendliness in person.
  8. Welcome to the site - equally surprised you've not found it earlier. Love the pic in your intro above BTW.
  9. The are three moderators as well as admin - they're all very helpful and friendly... https://peefans.com/staff/
  10. The site doesn't have the facility for members videos - they have to be hosted somewhere else and then you can post a link to that site. Have a look in the Pee Videos section and you'll see lots of examples. (There's also a separate Men Peeing area from the main menu.)
  11. Suddenly you got my full attention... Hope you're staying well hydrated - would be a waste for that pad to stay dry. Looking forwards to seeing how you get on.
  12. I know I'm being flippant (sorry) - but my first thought was that your friend must have a hell of a powerful gush....
  13. Just thought of another one.... as I was ticking it off for myself. - Peeing into a plant pot or on a plant. Don't think I'm going to get much chance to tick many more off for the next few days though.
  14. Love your expression on the first pic of that last set @puddyls - such a naughty look. You know exactly what's going through our minds don't you.
  15. Pink to make the boys blush - is that right? Or just pink to make the boys stand to attention?
  16. Challenges could be fun. My thought was there’s something there to suit every preference - wetting, naughty indoors, outdoors etc. So something for any and everyone.
  17. Sounds like a good online game for the forum.... Shower Sink Laundry Basket Drawer In Your Clothes (whilst wearing) Onto Clean Clothes Bed Carpet Indoor Hard Floor On Kitty Litter On a Cuddly Toy / Childhood Toy Bottle Cup / Glass Into Food / Drink (and then consumed) On yourself Onto someone else Washing Machine / Dishwasher Into a shoe / boot In a Vase Garden / Back Yard / Balcony In a Shed / Garage In a book On an Electrical Appliance (unplug it first!!
  18. Have a browse through the pictures section.... you should find thousands. There's definitely a carpet peeing thread along with a containers section too. Explore a bit...
  19. For us on the forum we're all absolutely normalised with pee - although we all like different things about it, it's the common thing here. Sometimes it's easy to forget though that other people won't see it the same. Take the most obscure and turning-off thing you can think of - whether it be vomit, mutilation, scat, weird cosplay or whatever - it doesn't really matter what. Just something that totally turns you off. Now you get a sort of insight into possibly how your hubby views pee. If he's been brought up that it's a closed door, dirty thing then that's his outlook. Perhaps as o
  20. Mac OS Catalina on my usual browsing machines. Went down that route for photography a few years ago and stuck there. Windows 10 & 7 when I'm at the day job - their choice not mine.
  21. A tape measure... like the dress-makers type?
  22. Yes, agreed. I have a browse myself fairly regularly - although probably nowhere near as detailed or in-depth as your searches. I agree with the quality thing, it's got to be visually stimulating and good resolution and quality plays its part there. I've also noticed that the big search engines, Bing Google etc have changed and no longer bring up the same NSFW type results (even with safe search turned off) - big brother keeping us safe perhaps?
  23. Surprised you didn't go for your car...
  24. I'm going to go with BMW Mini too. Blurred it looks like it's giving it the Lightning McQueen-esque smile. Great game idea BTW.
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