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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. To be honest @Draco36 everything you're talking about is what this whole community is about. That said we don't really encourage people hooking up off the site - we're not a hook up site, we're a community for people to share their interest inside this safe bubble. In the forum we can help if someone oversteps the mark, or becomes uncomfortable whereas in the big wide world we don't have that influence. Also when you message one-to-one, you interact with one person but when it's an open discussion just like this you've got thousands of like minded people to share fantasies, experien
  2. Yes - it confuses everyone at first - it's a thing about running the cost of the site mainly, in that the size needed for all the video content people want to upload and also the bandwidth (speed) the site would need to play them smoothly would be too expensive. At least for the free site which is just about paid for by the advertising banners. There is the Gold Membership option which includes a gallery of video content, including some member content.
  3. There's absolutely nothing rule wise against you posting it and obviously there's interest in it - so I'd say go for it! Obviously if you could put it in the 'Pee Videos' section and I'd suggest an obvious title so that those who don't want to see it can just step on over it. For any non-pee period related discussion or photos etc, there is an existing topic if anyone is interested... https://peefans.com/topic/1084-menstruation/page/14/?tab=comments#comment-218062 Finally @leishalovespiss - Guess you already know how to post video: that the video needs to be hosted on a differen
  4. I'm guessing that most of us guys here would be respectful clients, fully understanding the boundaries and valuing you as a person. Sadly though I imagine we'd be the exception compared to those just seeing you as a piece of meat. Maybe difficult to differentiate until too late?
  5. Yes I probably should have just added to the puddles in the car park, but a case of so near and yet so far. It was midweek and seemed like there weren't many people in the hotel at all - I don't think the receptionist would have known and didn't pass anyone in the corridors. Sitting to dinner on a table for one, there were two tradesmen on a different table and then a very broad shouldered 'lady' with a very gruff voice at another table. A bit of a strange hotel all round really.
  6. Reminds me of a time I was travelling on business... had been to a site for the day, then done battle with rush hour traffic to arrive at my hotel for the night and arrived bursting. Opted not to pee in the dark rainy car park, but it was one of those smaller hotels without a big lobby - started to lose it standing at the reception desk signing in - with a very pretty receptionist just the other side of the desk. In my case had to keep it inside my pants and stood right up to the desk to block any view. Fortunately had a black suit on so it didn't show and just about managed to ste
  7. Hi and welcome to the forum, we're a very civilised and friendly bunch, you'll find topics to suit pretty much every taste here so dip away. At the top of the page (or in the Peefans News, Ideas & Help topic) you'll find the site guidance and rules which keep everybody sweet. Other than that just shout with any questions.
  8. That course of action has already been explored. You could say the boat has sailed, been steered into an iceberg and sunk. There aren’t any plans to resurface it.
  9. Totally understand the fear of getting caught. However, providing you've been sensible then there's a very strong argument to say 'I had no other choice, apart from have an accident there was nothing I could do'. By being sensible I mean finding somewhere discrete like in some trees in the park or behind some refuse bins in an alleyway, behind cars in a car park rather than in an open space where anyone could easily see. Also somewhere where the need to pee is plausible - like a big park with locked toilets or an area without any public facilities. Finally if you're close to home then
  10. I can vouch for the drinking lots to make your pee clear.... I'm not going to post the whole tale here again but a couple of years ago I was staying in a student halls room for a few days work. In a drunken state one night I decided to let a few drops of pee out from under the duvet onto the carpet below and of course couldn't stop so left a full bladder's worth puddle on the hard nylon carpet. I was paranoid about the room smelling of stale pee when I left - but there was no smell at all, I thing all the distilled and kidney filtered beer (aka nearly water) was clear enough to not
  11. Hi and welcome - just to echo as already said we're a very friendly bunch. We also pride ourselves on how respectful a place this is, so not only should you feel right at home, but you should also feel safe here too. The site has a huge membership, with a small active core and it's one of those things where the more you put in, the more comes out (a bit like peeing lol). You've probably already noted that about the site though. So - welcome, and just shout out with any questions.
  12. Best I've found yet is Shard Aqua in London. Google it lol.
  13. Would love to pay a visit to (in) some of these... Anyone care to join me? https://www.pinterest.co.uk/dhaseltine/unusual-urinals/
  14. I saw the article, I think last week. I’m hugely in favour of any mainstream journalism like this. Even if it doesn’t inspire anyone to go out with the sole intention of peeing outdoors, it perhaps just reinforces the message that it’s not taboo, people do it, there is a valid alternative to the risk and discomfort of trying to hold a desperately full bladder. Just like political lies, when you hear the same message being communicated enough times it’ll settle somewhere in the subconscious and can become the norm - I hope.
  15. A local large garden centre close to me have (or had) the floral urinals, and they were very impressive. I've seen middle aged and older guys checking they're empty and bringing their wives in to marvel at the sight.
  16. All I can add in support (and probably not much help) is that I browse incognito on my phone and computer, both apple. On my phone I'll sometimes find that the site has logged me out - generally when it's been in the background for a good few hours. But never noticed any block or timeout on logging back in again. In other words, whatever issue you have doesn't seem to have affected my browser.
  17. Welcome to the forum - a very widespread community - hope you enjoy it. Any questions, just shout up.
  18. Hi and welcome to the best forum! Please understand though that this is a widespread community and not a hook-up site.
  19. No - it's fine - I was just coming back to delete my comment, after all I'd never tire of seeing that smile (or the rest)
  20. Deja Vu.... Although it was a couple of months ago. But with a sweet smile like that you're entirely forgiven.
  21. The other thing to say - which I've just thought of... If you're thinking of content on your profile to help people get to know you, bear in mind they can only see the first page of your profile and also your activity. The 'attachments' tab is private to you, so won't be visible to other users.
  22. Well, the way it generally works (and the easiest way to explain it) - on your profile there's the profile pic and banner pic which you've already got. As you browse around the forum in general, you may find a topic already in a subject area which you'd like to add some photos into. You do that by replying to the post and can add the images directly in there, for example by browsing them from your computer or uploading from your phone's photo gallery. You could also import from a webpage using the URL of the image. In the same way you could create a new post in an area and import photo
  23. Hi @PeePeePete - Are you trying to add a picture / video to a posting in (for example) Pee Pictures or Men Peeing... if so it's done like this: - For a video, note that the site doesn't let standard members post videos direct, there isn't the space for it. Instead you need to host them somewhere else and then post a link. - To attach a picture to a post, the easiest way is to create your post (for example in a suitable area such as 'Pee Pictures' click on the 'Start New Topic') or if you're adding to someone else's existing post just click on 'Reply to this topic'. You can
  24. As a random thought... how about going out in a skirt, deliberately wetting (a bit at least) the panties and then taking them off, leaving them for a random stranger to find. Then carrying on your day commando under your skirt? The location is up to you - wetting and leaving them in a shop changing room, a station platform, by your car in a car park, in a phone booth... And then of course the next time the urge strikes you have the option to just pee under your skirt, maybe crouching in the street to tie a shoelace, standing at a bus stop or browsing a shop window. The possibilities
  25. .... and an afterthought, as you’ve summarised it there @Sophie - also explains how much ‘realism’ plays a role in the impact. Seeing Becky Le Sabre trying to put off releasing a desperately full bladder until she’s brought herself to a screaming orgasm gets me every single time, yet other videos (oh there’s someone in the toilet so I’ll take off all my clothes here) are take or leave moments.
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