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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Just a quick point... Please can you check out the following: You hopefully will have the 'edit' option at the bottom of the first post to be able to add the summary. Thanks,
  2. @willinglywet - Hope you don't mind me moving you here... It will perhaps get a wider audience. Look forward to the follow up on how you get on...
  3. Great introduction and a huge welcome to the community. Hope you find your way around, do shout up with any questions.
  4. I don't mean this to be a negative post and I don't want to get off in a different direction, so I'm not really inviting discussion on it... I was talking to a guy recently who did some work for a company that manage CCTV systems for public bus fleets. Basically they supply the equipment and then when requested they do the downloads of the hard drives for analysis. What surprised me is that a typical small city bus would have something like a 24 channel recorder. When you get on the bus you probably see the camera dome near the driver and maybe over the doors, on the ceiling etc. B
  5. For info, the only type of video that can be uploaded directly to the site are short gif images. All other video files have to be uploaded somewhere else and you can then post a link to them. It's to keep the size (and hence costs) of the site sensible.
  6. I'm sure there's loads of folks on the forum who would.
  7. Think we got stuck in a bunker somewhere along the way there... Shall we get back to peeing on the fairways and greens as the post intended... (I'm reluctant to remove the last few entries after it obviously took significant effort to write - but it is very unrelated to the topic).
  8. I had a deliciously realistic one a couple of weeks ago, and one of those that is so real it stays vividly in the mind. I've posted a bit about photographing live music including a festival where as well as photographing for the organisers I photograph for a few of the bands too. There's a band from far afield I've worked with a couple of times and last time they had a young lady photographer with them - not too tall, quite curvy, frizzy dark hair and dark latin eyes. That and she's also really friendly with an infectious smile. As fellow photographers we help each other out, it would be
  9. I guess you mean this question: I’m not going to stop any of the ladies answering - but perhaps if anyone does have a problem then it’s ‘them’ that has the problem. No reason why you shouldn’t go ahead and post if that’s what you’d like to do.
  10. I know for a fact there’s a few Canadian guys on here. Maybe it’s just that any local ladies aren’t in the market for anything ‘real life’ - after all, that’s not what the community is about really.
  11. Not to mention the shiny car drivers who imagine they can just drive across your path and your line of trolleys will be able to steer away...
  12. Nonetheless, almost any activity that exercises the body and freshens the mind is valid. It’s not about any competition- it’s about doing something- so great effort.
  13. It's usually sink for me too - and for example today peeing as quietly as possible into a measuring jug during a Skype team meeting - not a video call boringly.
  14. I wonder if the laugh was a sort of '...and none of these folks know they're bathing in my piss now' reaction with her friend, thinking they had the upper hand. If only they'd known what a connoisseur was in their midst...
  15. Hi and a huge welcome to the community - lots of very likeminded people here too - hope you're feeling right at home. Just shout up with any questions.
  16. Brilliant inspiration - well done. Not only as said above are the first steps the hardest, but I do think that the hardest obstacle is our own minds. That's a brilliant amount of work you've done, and a very hard amount of work too. Well done for sticking with it. I think that's the part that gets forgotten - the weight loss, or in other people's cases whatever changes they make - ceasing smoking, drinking, training or whatever - the mental commitment involved is huge. Well done.
  17. Don't look, but.... Totally agree and totally hot @thisismywildside69 - you're totally spoiling us but please don't feel we're complaining. Love it.
  18. I'll see what golden words of charm and wit I can come up with next time.
  19. I'd forgotten all about posting this.... great bumping @Kupar
  20. My most expensive isn't very exciting I'm afraid... A few years ago I was photographing a weekend event in Cornwall UK which needed almost every bit of equipment I own. Studio lighting, green screen backdrop, on-site event photo printer - a van load in fact. Hence I found myself driving over the Tamar Bridge on the outskirts of Plymouth in a brand new hired van - with only the 200 miles on it since I'd picked it up from the hire company that morning. Also driving with a bursting bladder - partly intentionally holding, but also not so intentional that traffic had ground to a crawl and m
  21. Sounds like there was a pretty strong counter-argument - 'well if only you'd said on the way home how desperate you were, then we could have done something about it....' I'm never quick enough or brave enough to say any of these things though.
  22. We're getting a bit off your own topic now... The house will never be empty too long, in the days when pubs were a thing (and hopefully in the future again) at night my wife would most probably be in bed or if it's during the day she'd be out at work. I'm not inclined to leave wet carpets and the like so that's not a likely option. The downstairs bathroom sink may be the closest, or perhaps if there's laundry to go in the machine then it may get a prewash. Similarly if for example I'd been cycling and were about to get in the shower and wash my kit. There's one spot near the back door
  23. it very much depends on mood, whether I'm coming home to an empty house - that sort of thing. In the case of a couple of beers it's never a long hold lol.
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