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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. As it was my wife's birthday today and a Saturday, we were both off. With lockdown and nowhere to travel we ended up doing a bit of a movie marathon. Two chick-flicks of her choice, then finishing off with the last movie I saw, with a few points of interest for me: Coyote Ugly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PykT9ATcBg0
  2. There's a good chance there's no right answer for everyone. I see lots of people on the site who have a very bold attitude, that they'd tell every potential partner up front, and have an anticipation that there'd be no issues - everyone would accept and participate. In reality I'm not so bold. Every person of course has a different attitude... can you cope being in a relationship where your kink is a taboo subject - where you enjoy the kink, but alone? That may be the end result. Why would you want to do that - well whilst some people seem to walk in and out of relationships, othe
  3. My previous was a Volvo V50 diesel estate.... that could be the one.
  4. Great topic. I must confess I've never owned anything special and if I started now it would no doubt be branded a mid-life crisis. My parents were avid motorsport fans before I was born, and my toddler years were spent with plenty of visits to our local racing circuit where they held season tickets. Back in those days the weekend club racers could find themselves on the grid next to the F1 greats of the era. I got my middle name from the British F1 legend who was world champion of the year. So that was an era of Lotus Cortina's, Minis, GT40s, Lolas and the Cosworth DFV powered F1 cars.
  5. Welcome in to the family... I won't say welcome to the site, because of course you already know it - it's nice to have you 'on the inside' now. Great picture by the way.
  6. In the last 10 or so months of lockdown and people working from home, being furloughed or laid off, I think a lot of water has certainly flowed (tinkled?) under everyone's bridges. It's been a totally unknown situation for everyone - so like people have said, going back now it's only realistic to think everyone else's lives could have gone through just as big as your life changes. The older women - well I guess it's possible they don't even bother coming back to work after this long outside of it. Other people? Well I don't have a great lot to add to what @WetDreamer has quite righ
  7. Welcome to the community @Pboy123 - It sounds like you're in exactly the right place!
  8. Love it !!! (For some reason your post had appeared three times - lovely though it was. All taken care of though)
  9. I’m going to give one of my typically smart-ass answers... It’d take one girl far too long to paint a whole house, so I’m thinking of teams of 3, so in a five day working week it should all be done. And I’ll have a good idea who I’d like to ask for, for any follow up ‘work’.
  10. Absolutely gutted for you.
  11. @Alfresco - I'm going to essentially agree with what the guys above have said, and I personally think it's really commendable that you are concerned. So many people would be tempted to abuse the trust without a second thought. The fact you're worrying about it shows your character. Personally, my thought is to do absolutely nothing. She invited you to look into her laptop, it's not like you were snooping on her. The fact you saw thumbnails, well you had a cause to be looking in the folder to diagnose the problem. Ok, so you happened to have the explorer in a thumbnail view and not a fi
  12. I don't have a great track record at guessing bra sizes - a lot more guess than estimate anyway. But that's not important... love the pictures, thanks for posting!!! (Edit - I don't even know if bra sizes work the same in the USA as here in the UK... I mean dress sizes and shoe sizes are quite different)
  13. It's one of those catch-22 situations, the people prone to unacceptable behaviours are often those least receptive and least likely to go searching for guidance. The typical problem behaviours which we saw were in elements of several of the rules - ie Rule 3 on insulting others, Rule 4 on racism or homophobia, Rule 9 on criticising experiences, fantasies and content and then Rule 12 on arguing with other members. Often it's subtle, but over time a pattern builds and where the member can't be encouraged to adapt their behaviour then action sometimes is needed.
  14. @Admin beat me to it, whilst I was thinking of a similar (less detailed) response. It is indeed a shame, a real shame that he couldn't adopt the live and let live, peace and love attitude that oozes through the community. There's always likely to be members more into one aspect than another - heterosexuals of both sexes for example, both into seeing the opposite gender rather than their own - and people into one aspect of our kink but not other aspects. The key is though that (almost) everyone is mature enough to step over the things they're less in favour of. Just ignore and move
  15. My only thought is that there could be a step missed somewhere between 3 - 5... Since the aim is 'emerge completely dry and satisfied' there is an extra step in achieving that satisfaction. I do wonder though if the extra step may arouse suspicions, if one remains in the cubicle too long and gives away any tell-tale signs (moans, groans, gasps, banging against the partition of the cubicle..). These signs could alert a colleague to the ongoing satisfaction being achieved. I could be wrong though and guess there's only one way to find out 😉🤭
  16. Totally agree with your discrimination there @MiaDarling - I think that boundary in your second paragraph is a good one that could work well. Reading upwards there has been discussion about Sections, Topics and Posts for it to live in. Also a suggestion for staff to create a new section... @Admin is responsible for the highest level structure of Sections, but I don't believe this warrants a dedicated Section. I accept the example of Men Peeing that is a no-go zone for many as a personal choice. But that's a very clear fenced area of men peeing as opposed to ladies, just like fiction i
  17. Recently there's been a bit of discussion about peeing in Pampers... Now since nobody can see you pee in Pampers (unless the blush gives it away), who's to say whether these girls are wet or not. As a starter topic here's a few rather attractive young ladies in their Pampers. If that's not your thing feel free to scroll on by... If you enjoy feel free to add - although the whole ABDL may be a step too far..
  18. Just to pick up further on two points.... Yay's or Nay's - I wouldn't say at all there were more Nay's, by a rough glance there's an equal mix of Yes and No with a few generally interested. But that doesn't matter. The topic IS within the site rules (as we're talking about adult wearers and we're not talking about pee rather than 'the other waste product'). Our site principle is to not be dismissive and negative of someone else's flavour of the kink. So, on that count - go for it. As for where to post anything, well I'd suggest there doesn't need to be a new top level area created.
  19. @Kevvvv - When you say 'I will if you ask' - is that what our friend @BlindListener just did? As you've browsed around the site you've probably noticed lots of written content, in fact a whole section of Real Experiences topics and also lots of written accounts in the Men Peeing area too. People write up their experiences in there and obviously they do it in a way which preserves their anonymity and security. They maybe don't mention their town, or their real names that sort of thing. But they do share it for all to enjoy. Sharing is the key word here - we're a community of members
  20. You're right - chat is definitely a time-zone thing and schedule related. It does seem to have changed a little during lockdown, or has for me at least. At the moment the chat seems quite consistently busy from about GMT 4pm until midnight - so, I guess about lunchtime to early evening EST. There do seem to be a core of chatterers with members both on the Eastern US and UK / Germany - but the more the better. And I'm sure those in the US would welcome conversation later into your evenings. Also to turn to your other point about having a pee discussion - don't feel guilty in the slighte
  21. I'm going to give one of my typically vague answers... of maybe. The question for me isn't actually are pampers hot? It's like the old chestnut, do guns kill - or do the people pulling the trigger do the killing? I definitely think the subject is under-represented on the site at the moment and I definitely think it's a perfectly valid part of this kink of ours. Do I personally love it? Well, the things that float my particular boat are all related to the female side of pee fun. Emphasis on the fun there - so a lady who enjoys being pampered up and enjoys wearing, wetting etc in
  22. Certainly when I pull back, or if I'm semi firm, it has quite an effect on my stream just as you say. I always thought of it as the same as squeezing the end of a hose into a flatter shape so the pee fans out a bit. Also my stream will be a more powerful jet stream.
  23. Welcome to the community - great to have you on board here with us.
  24. Just for info - as great a thread as this is - and it is great to read all the positivity and encouragement, our friend JMY will not be joining us to read the responses. JMY is no longer a member of this fine establishment.
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