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Everything posted by Bacardi

  1. I've not told my husband nor has he really inquired about what turns me on. I'm not too bothered by it either. My sex life is pretty average without being able to engage in my fetish with someone, and im perfectly okay with that. It helps that I identify as asexual; I dont really feel sexual attraction and I'm not pressed about sex. I could go the rest of my life with no sex and the ability to simply get myself off when I feel the need to.
  2. I know this is old but I gotta give my two cents too lol. With a beautiful clean stream like that I would be watching too!
  3. Usually when I decide I need to get off by the time I cum i need to pee. The longer it takes, the more I have to pee in the end. I've started sessions completely empty and ended at an 8 before. My bladder is so strange lol.
  4. I think even with strict rules about when and where to pee everyone would still pee in the pool lol.
  5. If you haven't already, maybe add it to the suggestions board and the Admin team will consider adding a section about diapers.
  6. My only wish is that these places were real because I'd move there in a heartbeat.
  7. I wanna see Claire Deering from Jurassic World have a pee in one of the old abandoned buildings lol. I could see her pretty self squat in the corner relieving herself because they're all abandoned anyway. Who cares?
  8. Love me a good carpet piss. Congrats on the new piss spot! There's just nothing better than having a brand new patch of carpet to pee on!
  9. Yay for adventure! I wish I could have a naughty pee at work. I know my naughty pees at home are great enough, but one at work would be even better!
  10. I find that during my cycles that when I'm most likely to be ovulating and when I'm coming up on my period and the first few days during my period that I have to pee much less, and I gain a maybe up to a pound of water weight. Usually around those two times if I'm feeling kinda bloated and don't pee as often I can check my tracker and see that I'm either most likely ovulating or my period is about to begin. When I'm in my normal days I feel much slimmer and pee more often. Like today. No sight of my period yet and ovulation day was a few days ago so with my increased water intake I'm peeing ev
  11. Yeah, when I was drinking so much water back in the day I drank far less juice and soda and I even ate less! I lost so much weight and my face had little to no imperfections. I hope that happens again. The frequent peeing is just a plus lol.
  12. So far nothing much has changed. I hit my predetermined goal of 69 oz today and in return I've been to the bathroom more times than I could count. I have the day off tomorrow and will aim to complete my goal again!
  13. Merry belated Christmas, and happy holidays everyone! A close friend of mine got me something I had been wanting forever: a "smart water bottle." I used to have one three years ago but it stopped working. It's crazy expensive for a water bottle, but I love that it tracks the amount of water that you drink throughout the day. It even lights up to remind you to drink! I started last night, and I can't wait to start slimming down and having my face clear up like it did during my last run with a smart water bottle. There's just one side effect: Having to pee SO often. I swear downi
  14. So which title deserves GOTY? Sony or Microsoft (No PC)? Since you wanna be a game developer, what's the first thing you would do if you were hired on with Bethesda and you were put in charge of debugging their games?
  15. The one and only time I've ever peed in my pants was when one of my children jumped onto me in bed first thing in the morning. My bladder was full and it gushed out without any dribbles or anything. Other than that I've never wet myself in my adult life and I've never dribbled, so I certainly can't tell you for sure if it's a real thing or not. I'd imagine once you start you can't stop, and a dribble would mean the flood gates would really open.
  16. @p1ssputz @Vassal I find that the same reoccurring cast of characters will post every few months. The newer stories aren't as detailed but I frequent the fitting room, carpet, hotel, and unusual/strange places thread to get off to the older stories. I just wish it worked on mobile. Whenever I try to access it on my phone the share to social media bar covers the arrows to advance to the next page so I'm stuck on just the first page.
  17. I frequent that website all the time, but I never post lol. Some of the stories I feel are exaggerated, but nevertheless I've been getting off from that website since I was a teenager!
  18. Congrats! Hoping I can be brave as you are one day and have a nice long pee where I'm not supposed to.
  19. You would probably want to look out for rashes and such. I know when my panties get wet (whether from sweat, arousal, or menstruation if I'm surprised) and I have to sit in them for a while I sometimes get a rash. Usually some diaper rash cream and fresh air takes care of it after a day or so.
  20. Nah. As long as they weren't being weird about it, IE following me around and peering at me through the cracks of the stall, I wouldn't mind. I've been in many family restrooms which have both urinals and stalls and have never been bothered. I'd like to think the majority of men would be/are decent about the matter.
  21. They tend to use those in stores. It sounds like fun though! Carry it around and whenever you have to go just go! Although if it's too small you run the risk of dribbling over lol.
  22. I'm not really sure if this counts as sporty, but I'll share anyway. So I just recently dropped a ton of weight. I went from a size 20 in pants to a size 12, and I'm pushing a size ten now. Im confident I'm going to get there soon because I just got a promotion where I work that requires me to do basically nothing but walk the entire store. And not just a walk like you would through the park. Some days we're so behind Im nearly sprinting through the store. I love it so much and can already feel my 12s starting to become looser on me. So, my sport would have to be walking lol.
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