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Everything posted by Bacardi

  1. Hello all! My name is Freya. I'm a young woman in my 20s, with a loving boyfriend that comes to visit me sometimes in my little apartment. I don't really know how I stumbled across this publication, but I have a story to share! I didn't even know that I was into naughty peeing as you people call it until this one particular night. I hope you enjoy! So my boyfriend, Scott, and I were simply hanging out one evening. We ordered pizza and put on Netflix and just decided to have an easy night. Partway through the movie I noticed my nails had been a little neglected and decided they neede
  2. I would LOOOOOOOVE to live with someone who let's me pee wherever I want. Carpets only lol. I'd love to wake up first thing and squat in the corner, or watch a movie and just squat in front of the couch and let go. Even better if in public lol. My perfect world would be anyone and everyone got to pee wherever they wanted!
  3. This is my greatest fantasy. To just be able to pee wherever. I've been cooking up a story about a woman who does just this, and honestly it'd be everything I've always wanted. Imagine how awesome it would be to wake up first thing in the morning and squat in a corner and release 😫😫😫 I need to move to an alternate universe or something.
  4. Real life I looooove peeing on carpets! I'll pass on furniture and and hardwood. Whenever I get the opportunity (which is rare) I love having a nice long pee on my carpet! In my fantasies, I would love to pee in potted plants and carpets inside of fitting rooms 😛
  5. Every once and a while I'm home all by myself and can have a pee in a pile of clothes, on my bathmat, or in a corner. I have to clean it up asap. I don't think anyone in the house knows. I wish I had the freedom to pee wherever I wanted! I love naughty peeing lol.
  6. No way. My college is in the heart of my states capitol so there are no trees, no bushes, and nowhere to hide lol.
  7. Realistically speaking, I hold it till I get home or can't anymore and seek out a toilet. Buuuuuuuuuuut... The naughty pee'er in me says seek out a naughty place to do my business ☺ I'll take a fitting room or a quiet carpeted corner before I even consider a toilet if I had it my way!
  8. I love this confession lol. Esp when she came back and said she's just continue peeing on the carpet even though people were dragging her in the comments. I wish I had that freedom for sure.
  9. I remember when I was a kid I used to wear a dress and squat and pee in my basement. It would normally never get discovered because our basement was concrete, and if one of my family members discovered it they'd normally blame the cats. It was so much fun. Never got caught either!! I wish I was free to pee like that again.
  10. I pee on my own carpet for fun. I'd let anyone pee on my carpet for fun too!
  11. I'm not really planning on it, but I wish I could. Ive had so many good chats with so many good people on here, and it's really my only outlet to express my fetish. I've had people offer to fly me out to meet them before and have some wet fun lol. But you know what they tell the kids these days. Never meet strangers online! We're (hopefully) all adults here and can make our own educated decisions on the matter. If I had the wiggle room I'd meet, hug, and pee with a few people on here 🥰🥰
  12. In a pile of laundry my husband left next to the laundry basket 🙄🙄
  13. I would prefer clear, mostly unscented streams. Probably because I'm a water snob and my pee is always odorless and colorless.
  14. Not really a movie, but I'm in the middle of watching The Walking Dead again.
  15. Sounds like a good time to me! I still do my regular piss by the dumpster at work. Nothing naughty indoors and everyone is home and can catch me peeing.
  16. This is like my ultimate fantasy lol. I wish I could pee wherever I wanted to. Carpets would be my go to.
  17. You mean the Xbox Alexa? Lmao. We're big gamers in my house and are planning on picking up the PS5 at launch if we can. We'll probably end up getting the new Xbox too at some point as we have a console from every generation on each side of the industry, as well as a gaming PC. Im definitely a Sony girl to the very end.
  18. I'll be the girl of anyone's dreams I love pissing on the carpet!
  19. Again, you sound like my kind of dude lol.
  20. This is the best lol. I love naughty fitting room pees!!
  21. I've never tried lol. I'm also not very skilled in the art of pissing while standing. Ill have to work on that.
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