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Everything posted by Bacardi

  1. I drink minimum 64 oz of water a day. It's really brought up my mood and cleared my face up as well. I reccomend it to everyone that can!
  2. I don't read a lot of the stories on here either. I don't read a lot at all. My passion is in writing. I enjoy writing for this website when I get inspired but I don't expect every forum member to read and react to them. Write for fun and read for fun, that's my motto.
  3. You guys are lucky they let you go to the bathroom during exams. At my college the rule is once you leave the lecture hall during an exam it's over, you have to turn it in.
  4. I've been masturbating since I was young, too young. I've learned how to do it without anyone l knowing, hands free and everything! So I'll take that one lol.
  5. I usually keep mine neatly trimmed. I can't stand shaving with a razer. They never work for me because, no matter what, I always get painful razer bumps that often get infected. It's too painful, so now I use veet/nair to shave my underarms and legs, and just a trust pair of trimmers to maintain my pubes.
  6. With all of my pregnancies I seem to remember peeing more often in the beginning weeks rather than later on. My first I distinctly remember waking up to pee every 15 minutes when my husbands alarm was going off for work lol.
  7. Thanks. I prefer the more realistic side of naughty peeing. More natural situations rather than the extreme are my thing lol.
  8. I took a nap today and woke up twice with a story like this on my mind. Got off to it twice and thought I had to share. It was a hot, hot July day and I had just met up with my friend Ariel. Being quite young (and broke) neither of us owned a car and had to make do with walking to the local movie theater from her house. I had walked from my home to hers with my handy pink water bottle, which I was going to need walking in this 90 degree heat. When I got to her house I refilled it with even more iced water and we set out. It was a Friday afternoon and neither of us had classes at co
  9. Today was a rough day, and during my shower I felt like I needed to do something to excite me a bit. Or, I guess I should say after my shower. Because once the water shut off and I was wringing out my hair I found I had forgotten to pee and had to go. No biggie, really. Since the water wasn't running I squatted down and took a few seconds to pee near the drain and had to kick my pale yellow piss down to the drain since there was no shower water to wash it down. It was fantastic, lots of fun and kinda naughty! So, with a huge smile on my face, I stepped out of the shower and picked up my phone.
  10. I do every once and a while. It really pisses me off because it's always so hard for me to go back to sleep after I get up to pee. To walk around the bed without waking up the hubs, go into the bathroom, turn on the light, sit, pee, wash hands, then walk back to bed? The entire process wakes me up completely and I usually have to take another melatonin to go back to sleep. Too bad I can't just pee on the carpet next to my bed.
  11. Well if I'm at home I'm always commando. No panties and no bra. Out in public is different of course lol. I dont even like going to the mailbox without underwear on.
  12. There was just a huge prostitution ring bust in my city. IMO if they made prostitution legal there'd be more protections put in place for the men and women who choose to partake. Thus making it safer for everyone involved.
  13. Well someone gotta let me into their house first lol. I'll pee on anyones carpet if they ask!
  14. I do now. I had done a stellar job at avoiding peanuts before that I didnt carry one before. I was an idiot.
  15. Bacardi


    I grew up baptist (my babysitter was baptist and would take me to church with her) and I remember the first time I said "oh my god!" in front of her she slapped me across the face and told me to never take the lord's name in vain like that. I was like 8 years old at the time and never said it again until I was like 16 in the 10th grade lol. Now I'm atheist and don't care.
  16. Never have I ever purposely eaten a peanut. I ate one accidentally a few weeks ago and my lip swelled up and I spend the evening in the hospital.
  17. A camera to do what lol. I don't want to be filmed! I'm already shy enough as it is.
  18. On my way to live out this fantasy.
  19. We will see lol. Man I need a friend to do this with me. It sucks doing it alone.
  20. Yaaaaay! I'm ready to get off on your anecdotes when you are! And hotel pissings...who doesn't cum to them?
  21. I second the potted plant thing lol. I've seen others suggest really watering down your urine so that it barely leaves a stench/sight, like if you're naughty peeing in a hotel. Try dribbling here and there, that's a massive turn on for me and clean up is easy!
  22. The only person I have ever told was my now ex boyfriend. We were fresh out of high school, I was a virgin and he was not. When the whole fumbling around, making out in his apartment staircase, and awkward sex in his closet away from his little brother thing just didn't turn me on anymore I finally got up the courage to tell him that my thing was piss. Boy, worst experience of my life. He literally laughed at me. He asked me if pissing my pants as a child is what triggered it and called me disgusting. From then until we broke up months later every time we got intimate he would ask if I w
  23. At my old job I cleaned the men's room once and found someone had peed in the apparatus that held the toilet brush scrubber. It was flooded, tons of piss was under it and on the floor around it. I couldn't help but to wonder which one of you guys did that to me lol.
  24. Ahahaha. Most of the time no, it's for safety reasons. This expensive phone's not gonna end up in the toilet on my watch!! And I'm too timid to record myself 🤒😞
  25. I usually have to check around before I pee in a toilet because I aint tryna sit on pee droplets or have a camera recording me or something lol. After I check I take my phone out of my pocket, pull my pants down, sit, pee, wipe, stand, pull pants up, flush, wash hands, leave.
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