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Everything posted by Bacardi

  1. I've been out and about recently and had the opportunity to leave some puddles behind in fitting rooms. It really in strange how your body immediately tells you "Wow, this is such a perfect place to go!" Like I felt like I could have peed in both fitting rooms lol. But they were both concrete and there were people around outside of me. So it was no go. But man, I'm gonna need to go again cause this weight is falling off of me fast. I've gone down two jean sizes since like December and I still need new clothes. I will have to keep you updated lol. The sears near me is closing too, maybe I'
  2. I had a Male OBGYN for my entire pregnancy, and nothing was ever weird or uncomfortable for me. If I had one more I'd go back and see him again cause he was a great doctor. The person I delivered with was a woman and when it came down to the last few pushes before it was deemed I'd need an emergency c section she said "You need to get serious, you need to push your baby out." Like I had been serious the last 3 hours Inwas pushing. Needless to say I wish I would have had him instead.
  3. This has been a literal dream of mine. Rushing into a place to find they don't have a bathroom, or it's broken down or something. I'm so fucking desperate and can't hold it so I grab a shirt off the shelves and head straight to the fitting rooms where I pull my pants and undies down, squat, and have a nice long piss all over the floor. Too bad I'm too chicken shit to do it lol. Ill just have to fantasize.
  4. Lol. I've done that before. Got tired of the hubs piling his laundry up next to the fucking hamper so I've been using it as a toilet for the last week or so. He went digging for something the other night and said "Ugh. I think the cats have been pissing on my clothes." Then he picked them up and washed them. Less work for me, more fun for me. Win win right?
  5. Yeah just about the same. I try to make sure all the doors are closed and they're far away when I do my naughty peeing, but kids can be sneaky sometimes! So far no issues, but I can see how that would be a doozy to explain. LOL!
  6. Lol, I've been getting off to the stories on Misterpoll for years. There's some genuine (and liquid) gold all over that site.
  7. Usually lay down some toilet paper. When I'm in my job bathroom I contemplate locking the door and pissing over the drain or in the corner somewhere, but there's a camera leading up to the bathroom and everyone would know it was me.
  8. Already a step ahead of you! Minimum 64 oz a day for me, most days more around a gallon. You can imagine how many times I'm bursting for a piss at work.
  9. Ooooh. How bold and brazen! I love it. Good job, keep up the good work lol. Maybe next time i can join you (in spirit of course) and squat there next to you.
  10. Awww. Well hopefully you find another similar person to share more pee adventures with. I know they all turned me on, can't imagine what they did for you 😁😁
  11. @Alfresco hehehe. Perhaps I can carry a bottle with me and claim I spilled something. I may try it 😉 Thanks for the suggestion.
  12. I don't work in an office, but every once and a while I'm allowed into an area that shows the cameras and I know if the perfect, secluded spot in the back room to pee. I, however, am too nervous of getting caught. So I commend you for having the courage to pee at work lol. You're my hero.
  13. Hothothothothothot. Let her teach me the art of sneaky pees on sho floors. We can have a threesome!
  14. I dont work in an office but I have a story in my mind of an office worker who routinely uses an empty meeting room for a pee. I also had a story written out where a man is so desperate after sitting in a meeting and cant stomach standing in an elevator so he uses an empty meeting room, peeing all over some papers and a coworkers tablet. I dont work in an office, but if I did I would find all the empty nooks and crannies to have a quick squat and piss in.
  15. You are fucking hilarious. I am married with children but...hmm...he cant really give me what I need. Not like having a good piss on my bedroom floor can. Or at least reading about someone else doing so since im too chicken shit. I think Im leaning a little more to the asexual side honestly. It sucks.
  16. Im an avid gamer and knew someone who worked in a well known video game store. For being so high in management he got basically every console for free and we shared them. I have one of everything, ps4, xb1, switch, and PC, but if I had to choose only one to play on it would be the Switch lol. Probably because Im a nintendo fangirl. I love Nintendo. I dont play on my xbox tho, Im a Playstation person.
  17. Never have I ever been to a concert.
  18. Lol, did you miss me? School sucks, work sucks, and I haven't had a good cum in forever. So Im gonna try to make it on here more often.
  19. Biggest turn on ever. Would totally be down to squatting and pissing into the carpet of a changing room.
  20. If I had my way it would be everywhere, but for now i have to live with just my bath mat and dirty laundry.
  21. So many people voted NA but I feel like Im the only American here lol.
  22. Look into Beta groups and hire someone to beta read for you. A lot of people are willing to do it for free but don't expect a whole lot. It takes time to go over every word and make suggestions and edits, I only know because I'm a beta reader myself and don't have a lot of time to do so when I have my own life, family, and writing to look out for.
  23. Thanks! I wasn't really planning on writing anymore, but maybe if I get hit in the head with an idea for these two I'll type it out :P
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