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Everything posted by Bacardi

  1. I'm an American woman and I prefer uncut men. Out of the four men I've been sexually active with only two of them have been cut and I just didn't like the look or the way they stimulated me. Extra skin makes a difference lol. Not that there's anything wrong with cut men, I love them all the same!
  2. Eeeh, on average I wanna say I pee anywhere between 5-10 times a day. It depends on how much water I drink and how much activity I do. Sometimes if I'm super into a chapter I'm writing and I don't want to get up I'll hold it for hours until I'm finished. I can hold probably about three of my own normal pees at once.
  3. I was wondering what would be better to do, buy myself a cheap drawing tablet like that or hold out till my birthday for a $200 one. Do you like yours, does it get the job done or do you find it to be uncalibrated because it's cheap?
  4. East Coast 😛 Right on the water.
  5. My god. It's wild to see you comment on one of my posts. I've been following your writing for years over on Misterpoll. I didn't know you were here too! 😭😝
  6. Thank you guys lol. I had to get a mechanical pencil cause im broke as hell right now and dont have quite as much time as I would like to dedicate to drawing. I think after the holidays have passed I may delve a little deeper, @Riley I was looking into a Wacom tablet, but i'll check that one out!
  7. I always wipe, gotta stay clean lol. Unless I really can't improvise with anything then Im screwed.
  8. Thank you dear! Writing is what I enjoy doing and I always strive to add as much detail as I can in my work.
  9. A marathon of sex had taken place in the bed Ashlynn and her one night stand were currently hold up in, fast asleep and tangled up together in each other's limbs. They met at a bar the previous night and she shamelessly went home with him after he had flashed his jewels and money at her. He was a rich man, and if there was one thing Ash liked it was rich men. They had the biggest bedrooms, the comfiest beds, the best bath tubs and usually the best food in the morning. This wasn't her first time getting it on with a one night stand, however, she did have something new on her bucket list of sex.
  10. Hmm. I think this thread was made specifically for me lol. Just pee where you are, no questions asked. No reason to hold it in my book 😛
  11. Hi everyone. As some of you know I enjoy writing, and as if recently I've decided I want to draw out some of the characters from my writing. I bought a sketch book and a pack of mechanical pencils and I've been sketching here and there, but it's all very basic stuff. So far I've practiced 3D shading and faces, nothing much else. I find right now that it's easier for me to replicate cartoon-y things rather than realism right now, but I've noticed that since I've started sharpening my skills I'm noticing more and more 'realistic' things like landscapes and clothing are really just lines that I'm
  12. Why even ask, lol. I'm sure there's a few guys I've been talking to that would allow me to just squat there in front of their couch and relieve myself on their floor lol.
  13. I think I have a fetish for peeing on mirrors now. Oof.
  14. Im assuming they're talking about the pool. Just pee in the water, everybody does anyway lol.
  15. In the mood. I hate being desperate and I hate holding my pee. I was like "Hmm, that seems like it would be fun!" and just peed wherever it was I was thinking about.
  16. After practicing in the shower several times I can say I am skilled in peeing on walls! I can make it up to the tops of my hips now!
  17. Idk about a huge meeting but I would def like to meet a few of you!
  18. I write on two of the three biggest writing platforms, and so far I just write Star Wars fanfiction. Ive got a sizable following and made a really good friend through my work, now Im working on a novel of my own with them. Maybe publish some of your work on a writing platform, Ive made some really good friends with people on twitter and facebook. I know you won't make any money, but you'll find other likeminded individuals!
  19. Nope! The only mishap I had ever had with a tampon was an instance where I had one in for a long time and when my period was heavy it kinda slid out of me and into the toilet when I sat down. I had to just flush it cause I didn't know whatelse to do lol.
  20. The most desperate i had been to pee was back in high school or shortly after. With my now ex boyfriend (the one that i worked up the courage to tell him i was into pee and he shamed the shit out of me 😞) we went to the movies to see the film adaptation of one of my favorite books, The Giver. It was soooo good, and the pressure in my bladder grew and grew until the end when I could barely walk, and once the movie was finished I ran out of there lol. It was such a good movie I didn't want to miss it, and since I was still in the infancy of embracing my fetish I didnt even think about simply goi
  21. Yay! Another person from the US just like me! Welcome.
  22. I don't know about down my leg, but yeah when you ovulate you tend to get wet. Discharge is rather common, in the "Trying to conceive" community they look for "egg white cervical mucus" which is produced during ovulation along with more "slick" 😛
  23. Damn. You and I gotta get together. Ive always wanted to be a naughty pee'er like you. Call me 🤙🏼
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