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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2024 in Posts

  1. I don't know what I'm trying to achieve with this post nor if it's something of any interest for you, but I just need a place to get this out of my chest. It's nothing serious though, it's quite the opposite actually. Yesterday at work, with my (female) colleague, I had one of the best conversations about pee I ever had. We were talking about random stuff as she eventually ended up telling me a little anecdote about how she one time ended up with a bursting bladder in a bus with friends and barely made it to the toilet once she got out. Needles to say, I was fired up after she told me tha
    9 points
  2. The real question is do racehorses piss like me? 😁
    6 points
  3. I stayed at the hotel with my college friends when I was 22. But when we arrived there, our room wasn't ready and unfortunately I had a sudden urge to pee...So I had to pee in the potted plants in the long hotel corridor. So embarrassing lol
    4 points
  4. Morning friends! I finally have an update to my last topic on peeing in the parking garage! I ended up flaking out the Monday before last because I was sick and the parking garage was closed, but last night I finally did it! I peed in a parking garage! I basically had this attitude of it was now or never, because I had hyped this pee up for weeks now and really felt like I needed to try something new and fun. I had the words of @Alfresco in my head the whole time, who had been mentoring and coaching me through this since last semester. That and everyone else who had given
    4 points
  5. The second time I just went into the middle of the store. lol 😂 I wanted to do this for so long already 🤭😈
    4 points
  6. Hi I am new here. I am a woman from Europe. I have always been into this piss kink. But I can't act it out. It is just in my fantasy. And it is there all the time. So I need material for my imagination 🙂
    3 points
  7. Aww Gotah I'm happy for you brother. I know we don't interact too often on the forum but i see your honesty about the various struggles you've posted and admire you greatly. To see you have such a positive interaction was so heartwarming lol. Please let us know if you get anymore! I'm invested in knowing where this story goes next lol.
    3 points
  8. That's wonderful @Gotah! Sounds like you have a couple of great colleagues there. Only you will know when and how to move conversations along - it sounds like you're doing that really well! Thanks for sharing with us.
    3 points
  9. Someone is having a new bathroom fitted as they have dumped their old toilet and washbasin in the back lane just up from me and across the lane. The toilet is side on facing down the lane. Saturday someone was having a party in the club near the top of the lane, (one of the few days it as not rained).About ten at night it started to close down, and about eleven it was quiet until I heard females coming down the lane. So I looked out of my top room window to see three females staggering down the lane. One of them saw the toilet and ran over to it, dropped her jean and in a high squat start
    3 points
  10. Right first time: Waste / hoUR IN Ealing? / Not all of it
    3 points
  11. Hi everyone! I know it’s been a while since my last post but I’ve been busy lately. Anyway, I was at the beach a few days ago and I had the greatest piss. I was out with a few of my family at the beach and we were set up with blankets and umbrellas. It was a little busier than usual that day since it was warm out. I was wearing a black two piece swimsuit with a sarong wrapped around my waist. I drank a ton of water since it was sunny out and after about an hour I really needed to pee. I had just come back from enjoying the water and was wet. There were porta potty’s at the beach but it was qui
    3 points
  12. Im not sure I can answer this question but I have peed of my friends apartment balcony while drunk it landed on some cars below
    3 points
  13. Guys, I can barely believe it! It’s just so exciting! Ok, I guess I should give you a little bit of background info. My name is Rowan. I’m 23 years old and I just got my first apartment! I know my friends are probably sick of me taking about it, but I just can’t contain it. “It all feels so surreal”, I thought to myself as I began to unbuckle my jeans in the family room. ”Mom would kill me if she knew what I was doing right now “, I thought, as I adopted a high squat. Then, with the greatest joy I’ve ever felt in my life, I began to release a strong stream onto t
    3 points
  14. The gf and I were relaxing in a hotel this weekend, and instead of interrupting her shower I decided to piss in the closet instead https://www.erome.com/a/2CYCsxBz
    3 points
  15. hi, been into pee for a long time, just wanted to find some people with the same fetish, nice to meet all of you !!
    2 points
  16. I’m heading home from my first piss play experience with a partner, unless you count this one time a guy let me pee in his car and on him without making sexual contact. I’ve never been interested in anonymous sex, but I’ve always been too self-conscious to bring it up to any of my past partners, so I started entertaining the idea more seriously than ever before. I posted on an app a friend of mine who was into anonymous sex and pee used to talk about, and two hours later I was meeting up with a stranger at a hotel. I was pleasantly surprised to be greeted by a nice, normal, and attractive
    2 points
  17. "Waste hour in Ealing? Not all of it" (5) I'll give you a little while to work it out.
    2 points
  18. Aww that's very nice of you to say! Thanks I will galdly keep you all updated on this
    2 points
  19. I am an industrial electrician. We've all been out an about and not been close to the facilities when the need arises. For the most part I have been able to get to a port-a-john but once in a while, one is forced to sneak behind a truck or an out of the way shed. I was discussing peeing in random places with a co-worker and he told a story of when he was working at one of the refineries in Fort Mac. He was at the top of a fin fan structure. He needed to pee and didn't want to climb down. He said he got close to a steel column and pissed down it. Not long after he was done peeing
    2 points
  20. A girlfriend of mine works as a lorry driver says if there's no bathroom she "cool the tires" with her pee. She says it's so common among the lorry drivers too. Once we went camping, we "cooled the tires" of the camper several times. She said it was like praying for safety lol
    2 points
  21. I sure have! It's been going well so far, I guess the secret is to keep it all superficial and light hearted and only once or twice try to dig deeper into whatever they're telling you. It's a bit of a thin line to walk on but that's what makes it exciting
    2 points
  22. Oh my god 😵‍💫😵🥴 My type of man 🥰 thanks for sharing
    2 points
  23. Hope you have enjoyed it 🙂 🍆💦
    2 points
  24. Oh yes please, I'll give and receive. Receiving is the best and anywhere is nice. I love it best on my face because the skin there is so sensitive, but back and breasts and arms are also awesome. If it is lovely and diluted, I'll take it in my mouth too, but am not very keen on swallowing. I also kind of enjoy being clothed and seeing a top turn dark with pee. When it comes to giving, I'll go anywhere the recipient wants. 😃 And I don't need to know the person well for either of these, as long as everybody agrees on the narrative. To me, nonchalance and even domination can be hot
    2 points
  25. Yes, of course I'm a wanker. I have been since I first discovered the delicious sensations wanking brings, at the age of nine. It was a dry cum, but it was probably the best wank of my life. I had a full body orgasm* for first the first and only time. That first wank was simply powered by my exploratory sensations - and my amazement - but nowadays they're prompted by pornography. I feel very lucky to have lived during a period when porn became so ubiquitous. Thank you, @F.W. for starting this thread. I'd like to see a lot more about masturbation on this forum. Happy wanking everybod
    2 points
  26. Just look out below for you doing it bro. Couple times I accidentally got someone below me. Lol he werent happy not one bit.
    2 points
  27. This is actually how my kink may have started. Back when I was 6 or 7 I had this friend at the time and we would play in the backyard of her house. This is one of the earliest memories I have, one day she told me: Wanna see something funny? And she pulled down her pants and peed on the grass. Of course she also encouraged me to do it at the time and we did ot many times over the course of a few months. At that time it wasn't anything sexual obviously, but from that first time seeing someone pee right in front of me, piss was never the same for me haha
    2 points
  28. I have peed while showering in the Men's locker room of my gym. It just feels good to release a full bladder as you shower! It is a communal shower, and I have also seen other men my age and older peeing as they shower. I am never purposefully looking, but the shower holds lots of men and we are all just standing there naked so it is unavoidable to look at each other, so I have definitely caught glimpses of yellow urine streams leaving guy's penises.
    2 points
  29. I used to work in Amsterdam some years ago and we used to go to some cocktail bars at Rembrandtplein and Leidseplein and I usually always saw som really drunk people (men and women) pee behind some of the trees at those areas on my way home late night but the best sights I had was at Zandvoort in the summer where everyone was really drunk and peed pretty open. Really miss NL and the friendly and liberal people over there.
    2 points
  30. And here's the video of my naughty hotel room piss from the other night. Laying on the bed, excitedly feeling the need to piss grow and scouting round the room for where to unleash it - just knowing for now it'll be anywhere but in the bathroom! I opted for this drawer, as they're always a good target for releasing a torrent into, also the mirror above made it all the more appealing. Slipping out my cock from within my shorts with ease, I very happily enjoyed the delight of pissing right into the drawer and somewhere I 'shouldnt', ensuring the carpet received a nice spraying too. O
    2 points
  31. I usually piss in the dress up cubicles, love the feeling someone bare footed will stand in my piss thinking it’s water 😝
    2 points
  32. I regulary pee against cars at is is super convenient and easy. You just stop your car, get out, flip your dick out and soak the car next to yours. I try to focus on the handles and then shoot as high as possible to the roof. I love it dribbling down... One day I found an unlocked one. First I just wanted to hit it but then I opened the door and pretty much soaked the seat, the console and the door pckets. That was real fun but never happened again.
    2 points
  33. Nice little puddle. It tough. I took 2 gas pump pees last week both early in the morning around sun up. I could only get a little bit out. Here’s to more next time and bigger puddles for both of us!
    1 point
  34. Let’s hope the next event I somewhat sooner! The more you doit, the more comfortable, confident and relaxed you will become.
    1 point
  35. Thank you dear chap.
    1 point
  36. Masturbation is perfectly normal and fine, I just feel differently about the "right next to me" part. If one would ask first and the other says "sorry, I don't want to do anything, but sort your self out if you want", then it's been approved and therefor is ok. Same if you've talked about it and know you have different needs or find it a turn on etc, then you've set up the premisses for it. Like. Bad example on this forum, but like in the beginning of a relationship in a one bathroom household and you are PANICED for a pee. You knock on the door when they are showering asking if they are done
    1 point
  37. I've peed off of my deck quite a few times. It's good hearing it splash in the woods below.
    1 point
  38. A couple of nights ago in the hotel I woke up in the middle of the night needing a piss so just swung one leg out bed and started pissing onto the floor. Finished up rolled straight back into bed. Quicker and more comfortable than using the bathroom and I got to leave a nice piss puddle on the carpet of the room. No evidence of it by the morning.
    1 point
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