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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/09/2024 in Posts

  1. Oooh, this is a bit of a tough one. I’m currently a PhD student with the goal of getting a university faculty job, and the job market for my discipline is notoriously awful. So for the past eight years or so, I’ve sort of resigned myself to not even really thinking too much about it since I knew I couldn’t just move anywhere and apply for jobs. I will say that I’m very much a city girl—I grew up in a major US city and even though I’m a little over ten years out from living at home and have lived in mostly college towns/small cities since then, I’ve never really adjusted to not being in a city.
    5 points
  2. I think when it comes to peeing, I’m most drawn to peeing outdoors, especially out of desperation. I haven’t necessarily done a deep dive into any deeper psychoanalytic reasoning behind a fascination with desperation, but it just draws me in! As for what draws me to the website, I love hearing stories from others who share the pee interest. I won’t pretend that there isn’t a sexual element to participating on the forum, but what I love the most about this site as opposed to others is that we can all discuss the various elements and nuances to our interests in a respectful and friendly wa
    5 points
  3. Late at night when I was on my home yesterday, I saw these 2 women giggling and grabbing their crotch quite openly and looking around as if to check if anyone's watching. They couldnt have seen me since I was on the other side of the road and kind of in the shadows. It was obvious that they were searching for a spot to pee. One of the girls pulled her jeans all the way down to her ankles and she almost toppled over in doing so. Then she pulled her panties down and did a high squat and pissed a long hissy stream against the concrete while still giggling with her friend. She must have held
    5 points
  4. Hi! I’m a 25 year old female who loves to watch men pee! I’ve been browsing the website for quite some time and decided to make a post finally! I love watching men pee in public or pee anywhere that they aren’t supposed to, a big turn on for me!! I hope everyone has a great day.
    4 points
  5. I get my most satisfying flow while squatting. Usually when using a squat toilet I don’t have to make any further position adjustments. Just squat and pee.
    4 points
  6. That’s amazing! I’ve hiked before, but haven’t had the pleasure of peeing with someone else while hiking. Usually if I’m peeing outdoors, it’s alone. And I guess that folds into my next answer—I think I’d prefer to be alone, because most of the time I’m shy about being the person to suggest having a pee outdoors. If someone else suggests it, I don’t mind in the slightest, but for whatever reason I get skittish if I have to be the one to bring it up. That being said, if I was in a highly populated area and desperate, I’d prefer to be with a friend to keep watch and provide some cover. I b
    4 points
  7. I did it so many times, and I have seen and used all kind of urinals... Bowl urinals, with or without dividers, trough urinals, floor urinals, you name it. I try to avoid making people feel (too) uncomfortable, so if I understand I am just "tolerated" in the urinal room I try to remain discreet. If there is no divider, then I almost always take a quick glance, the same way men certainly also take a glance at me. If guys make welcoming comments, then I am a bit more open. I hold conversation and don't refrain to look at them, not focused at their equipment but also not avoiding it. And if
    4 points
  8. Since I can't share my excitement at home, I will here. I'm for once alone shopping. Been hoping to get to needing a pee, but as I was finished and only have naughty peeing on my mind (might have been reading on here while shopping)... I decided to go to the bathroom just for my little naughty fun. Went in to a free one, unzipped my jacket and pulled down my tights to my ancles, pushed my pelvis forward a little and grabbed my pussy to aim and sprayed the seat and floor for about 10 seconds. So the mess wasn't that big, but it felt great anyway and now I'm gonna go home to let my man enjoy the
    4 points
  9. Even in winter, after I finish pissing I just give myself a few good shakes and I’m ready.
    4 points
  10. Hey, everyone! I’ve been wanting to get more involved with the community here for quite some time and have been enjoying reading some of the other AMA threads here, so I figured I’d start my own! I’m excited to share more about myself and get to know others better in the process. 🙂
    3 points
  11. Yesterday, I went for a family picnic and had the most delightful outdoor pee. The picnic started as my relatives and family slowly arrived at the canopy in the forest. In total there were about 11 people. I was wear tight gray leggings while my sister was wearing a light summer dress. After everyone started eating, many people, expectedly, had to use the bathroom. Most of everyone there went and used a public park toilet which had a squat ditch toilet, although everyone that used it described it as utterly disgusting. After a while longer, the urge to pee finally hit me and I knew I didn’t wa
    3 points
  12. Mainly pissing anywhere I shouldn’t.
    3 points
  13. This site (and a few others) has been a great outlet and resource as I've explored this fetish, so I thought I would share a fun success story. I recently had a fun reunion with an old fling. We'd been friends for years before we hooked up, and while we knew we weren't a fit long term, we also had amazing chemistry. When she was in town, we went out for drinks and caught up on life, and as the wine continued to be poured, we found ourselves swapping stories and memories of fun we had with our group of friends and more specifically the occasional naked fun we'd have together. She brought u
    3 points
  14. Did not listen to this song in a long time, but that's some really good memories from long time ago 🙂 The whole "Invaders must die" album is amazing, really interesting and intense stuff 👌
    3 points
  15. Various women over the years- parking garage, hotel hallway, numerous stairs, the yard, the beach, a couple times on carpet in a hotel room, parking lot, garage, carport, patio. I feel fortunate that I've gotten to experience that much, hoping I get to experience more!
    3 points
  16. 3 points
  17. Been in a hotel for a few nights and got back one night after a few beers desperate for a piss. Fuck using the toilet, I just moved the spare bed thing to the side and let fly on the carpet under it. Absolutely flooded the carpet which was sound, then just moved the bed back. No one would be able to tell. So my advice, don’t stress about it, just piss.
    3 points
  18. If I angle my fingers just right then I can get a pretty good distance away! 😂
    3 points
  19. I realize I’m being a bit presumptuous by adding myself to the “best pics of titties” thread, but I hope it’s enjoyable nonetheless.
    3 points
  20. I first peed with my high school girlfriend behind a high school by my car. I was on one side of the car, she was on the other. A janitor or someone (It was a Saturday) called out from a window of the school. I had just finished. She was still pissing. She had to cut it off and jumped back in my car and shot a squirt out on the seat before pulling up her panties and jeans. She finished in a bowling alley parking lot down the street. Peed with another girl in a walking tunnel that crossed underneath some railroad tracks. Peed with two girlfriends under there. Peed at the
    3 points
  21. I can be quiet if I need to but I usually pee forcefully and loudly. The longest pee I’ve taken was probably about a minute.
    3 points
  22. Here's a good Sentry mode catch:
    3 points
  23. I've been a member for quite some time now but have been too shy to really get into discussions. Today I thought it might be fun to finally start my own thread for experiences. I have a number of stories, most of them involving outdoor peeing or peeing in cups/buckets out of desperation. Some stories have pictures or videos that I might post if I can figure out how, and if anyone is interested. I'll start with my most recent experience from a few weeks ago. I was out at a bar down the street a bit from where my apartment is (maybe a 10-15 minute walk). I stayed pretty late chatting with
    2 points
  24. If anyone has any questions about anything related to pee for a woman, I’d be happy to answer!
    2 points
  25. A friend dared me to see how long I can hold it today. I am bursting. Anyone else do this for fun? Joys of this fetish. It feels so good but I definitely am feeling it today.
    2 points
  26. Yes, I’ve pissed into cups using that trick.
    2 points
  27. Hmmm. I’d probably go for the field, mostly because peeing in water doesn’t quite hit the same for me. When I’m in the water, it’s always a challenge to get started. And if I’m peeing into the water, it reminds me a bit too much of peeing into a toilet because of the noise.
    2 points
  28. Oooh! I know someone @Bacardi who would be very jealous if you succeeded! That's great! I know many people (myself and my daughter among them) for whom the dream of academia died sometime around getting our bachelors / masters. I'm pleased for you that you have the determination to continue with your academic work xx Thanks so much for answering my questions!
    2 points
  29. English is my first language, but I grew up in a major city in a multiracial family (though I myself am not multiracial), so I was exposed to a lot of Spanish from my community and my family. I also grew up hearing a lot of Italian since I’m a 3rd gen Italian-American—or is it 2nd gen? My grandfather is the one who immigrated here, and I never remember when we start counting 1st gen, 2nd gen, so on. Anyway, I learned Spanish in high school and college and am decently conversational in Spanish. I’m much better at reading and writing Spanish than conversing in person, though. And then I’m better
    2 points
  30. Thank you - perfectly summarised. Unfortunately there are some who assume everything is sexual and posted for their gratification on this site too. Usually they're the ones who can't even see anyone else would have a different perspective or reason for posting. But usually our ethos of respect and politeness wins over. We would always encourage anyone who feels uncomfortable about comments, posts or DMs to report to us and we will take them seriously. It's not the Peefans way.
    2 points
  31. I've done it a number of times; just like that guy you're describing. I piss a thick, heavy stream, so I spray & splash a lot. My piss just comes out really fast. The guys alongside me tend to shy away from being splashed on. I've got some comments before though in amazement of the stream force hitting the trough wall...
    2 points
  32. Once, when I was hiking with a few of my friends I had to piss so I went off to the side of the trail. As I was pissing one of the guys in the group pulled up a few feet away from me and also started pissing. I’m pretty sure he did it on purpose ☺️
    2 points
  33. My favorite position to pee is squatting!
    2 points
  34. Most interesting part starts around 2:55.
    2 points
  35. Got back from my hike half an hour ago. I'm still catching my breath. Almost ran out of water as well. I'll fill you on the details this evening, that is if I can stay up a few more hours.
    2 points
  36. Not presumptuous in the slightest @arigalo - and a highlight of my day right there. Kudos and huge thanks for posting.
    2 points
  37. This brings back memories with my ex-wife. Although she was not into pee like me she indulged my fetish. We often peed in front of each other. She even did my favorite hold until we wet. She said she sometimes peed in the lake anyway, but one time we were swimming in a cold lake and both of us needed to pee . We stood close together so we could feel each others warm liquid and let go. We also frequently showered together. I made a point to hold my pee beforehand and asked her to do the same. We simultaneously released our pent up urine. I put my hand in her stream. Because we were s
    2 points
  38. Did someone cast this at @puddyls?
    2 points
  39. I would prefer to pee alone but with a friend is fine also.
    2 points
  40. If I use my fingers to pull up right then I can pee standing pretty easily.
    2 points
  41. It's sad that this is usually the case, and when they are that desperate that they can't just let it all go in their underwear, under their skirt or whatever. I watched many couples yesterday, late at night in a big city, all been heavily drinking and on six separate occasions and different locations the men stopped in a doorway while the girl stood by patiently waiting for him to finish, no doubt feeling the real pressure to piss herself, but just deciding she had to hold it, till whenever, not wishing to be seen squatting down in semi-public situations! Each time I was just waiting for him t
    2 points
  42. “Meet this girl on tinder she’s so awesome she rides bikes and pisses anywhere. Hopefully she doesn’t pull out the strap on tonight.”
    2 points
  43. Damn what an awesome story! Soaking a car like that must’ve been amazing especially with two people pissing and flooding it. I love that a couple walked past too I can only imagine what that woman must’ve said lol I’ve peed on a truck before in a parking garage and it was great. I walked back to my car, made sure nobody was in the truck and then soaked the passenger side door as it was closest to my drivers side door. It left a big wet patch on the door and it was just raining down on the ground and on the part of the truck that you step on to get in. I know when the people got back they
    2 points
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