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About Mattew

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    Active Member

Personal Information

  • Gender
    Straight male
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  • Location
    Spain / UK
  • About Me
    Just a guy who loves pissing outdoors

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    Peeing in public
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    Watching my gf squirming when she is desperate and then having an explosive pee somewhere outdoors.

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  1. All of my friends by now lol. When I'm out and need a piss, I face them sideways and piss right about there. If we are sitting in the parks, then I pull my dick out one of the leg holes and pee on the grass infront of them while sitted. If in beaches, particularly the nude ones then I pee nonchalantly with them facing me or whatever. I still remember how we were seating in a circle at the beach and I started pissing into the sand without warning. I suppose I had to piss a lot because the puddle ended up making a sizeable crater lol. Soon after it turned into a competition of who can make
  2. It started off as a "marking my territory" thing but slowly evolved into an act of love as well. Back when I was at uni, specially with my one night stands, I would ask the girl to spread her pussy while I aimed at it, releasing a full bladder. They liked it too actually and some would insist on it while in the shower. But with my current gf, it was more of an act of love and her quite literally asking me to do it.
  3. A hairy pussy always ! There's just something so pretty about a woman with a natural hairy pussy desperately hissing against a wall or something and those tiny pee drops clinging to her bush.
  4. Lol this reminds me of how I met my gf. Though unlike your mom I was trying to get stealthily get close to her to see more of her kitty haha
  5. Many times actually. The one time I almost got caught because of having to nipping it off early would be at the cinema. I was holding for more than 3 hrs before going in and bought a large cup of coke as well. It was a late night cinema so there were barely any people there and my row had only one person that also towards the aisle. Almost 20 mins into the cinema, I pulled up dick out the shorts and let it hang and was pissing for barely a few seconds and then holding for a few more. The place was dark af amd noisy so no one could see or hear me. Life was gooooood. Honestly I was
  6. If I have been holding for long and know that I am about to have a long af piss, then I prefer to aim a long arc into the urinal by standing a bit away from it and pause a couple times in between. Towards the end of it when I just have a couple spurts left, I let my cock hang and piss handsfree. But usually I prefer pissing handsfree
  7. Glad you like it as well ! Non chalant and hands free is my favourite too, specially in saunas
  8. When my gfs not around, I solo pee almost everywhere - under tables when eating out, lobbies, pavements. My favourite is solo pissing on carpets under tables. I pull up cock out, just a bit and aim under the table and piss until I have emptied the entire bladder. I've done it in restaurants, in waiting areas, picnic tables, cinemas and it feels so good to piss without having to move
  9. Not just in school, my mates and I would piss on the stall wall too or the sinks. We would also take breaks to piss by the edge of sports field during practice, which btw were visible to anyone passing through.
  10. In trains, if there arent that many people around then I unzip and aim on the seat infront since the cushion not only absorbs all the pee but also reduces the sound
  11. I like it when women is doing a full squat with thwir knees apart and is pissing in strong streams for a long time and it ends up forming a massive puddle underneath them. It kind of makes you wonder how long they were holding for and how much more they can hold. When I pee I prefer to pee in spurts because that way I can pee for longer and my stream is also much stronger
  12. I have left the door open quite a lot of times, because I simply forgot about it lmaoo. This mainly happens when I get up to pee mid sleep and got caught several times too
  13. Late at night when I was on my home yesterday, I saw these 2 women giggling and grabbing their crotch quite openly and looking around as if to check if anyone's watching. They couldnt have seen me since I was on the other side of the road and kind of in the shadows. It was obvious that they were searching for a spot to pee. One of the girls pulled her jeans all the way down to her ankles and she almost toppled over in doing so. Then she pulled her panties down and did a high squat and pissed a long hissy stream against the concrete while still giggling with her friend. She must have held
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