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  1. I've been caught so many times, I will give you two examples: -I left my friend's apartment, decided to go downstairs to the laundry room to take a piss. The room was empty. I walked into the middle of the room and started to piss. Then much to my surprise, I see this guy in the corner (I swear I didn't see him) put clothes in the washer. I've seen him before several times in the building. He looks at me, very shy, and says nothing. In complete shock, while still pissing, all I said was "whats up?" and he mumbled quietly "not much" without really looking at me. Lol, poor guy. The
    6 points
  2. Hey all, I'm Jon (on the internet). I've been a long time lurker but thought it was only fair I start to share some stories of my own. I'm a 20's male with a big fetish for pissing in public places, particularly men. I've loved piss ever since I discovered my sexual side, and was fascinated by it even before then. I haven't shared these stories with anyone, even my closest friends, none of whom know about my fetish, so this is quite exciting but also nerve-wracking. One of my riskiest pisses was when I was a senior in high school (I was 18). I was done with school for the day and driving
    4 points
  3. You never know what’s going to come out of my thick, throbbing, black penis. Sometimes it’s shooting stink piss, other times it’s gushing hot cum💦
    4 points
  4. Actually, I have a 100 year old house with a full wrap around porch with black screening , No One From the street can see in .So me and my GF would sit naked on the porch , when the time is right we would let it flow , She could always out distance me by a long shot , some time as we watched TV out there I would just let it flow all over me , She would drink tea flavored with strawberry , after 3 or 4 cups her pee tasted sweet , eating her and her squirting was always fantastic after her tea drinking ,,, try it , it works
    4 points
  5. I piss outside a lot. Last time was this afternoon, leaving the liquor store, I pissed in the trash enclosure area facing the parking lot. A guy from the nearby mexican restaurant was walking towards me, to throw away trash and saw me pissing. I didin't stop and he just nodded his head at me, throw the bags of trash and walked back.
    4 points
  6. Hard and drinking piss.
    3 points
  7. I've got many stories like that. My and my friends were never shy about pissing in public in front of each other. Many a road trips we would pull over when a piss break was needed. We would stand beside each other and piss away lol
    3 points
  8. Something I've been thinking about recently is what it might have been like peeing in different situations in the old days. I listen to a lot of audiobooks, especially historical fiction, and the topic is occasionally explored. Authors talk about using a chamber pot, a privy, etc. I have a few specific examples in mind. One is the story about Versailles palace, and how it had no bathrooms. See example here: https://thisisversaillesmadame.blogspot.com/2014/04/the-lack-of-toilets.html?m=1 Some key excerpts: "There were hardly any toilets at Versailles and with a court co
    3 points
  9. I love this website! You guys are amazing. Bunch of men, pissing everywhere. And on that note, How about pissing in food? This is probably more fucked up of anything I do to my friends. When at their places, all of whom live by themselves, I will open up the fridge and piss in their orange juice, or their left overs. Just a bit so it's not so very noticeable. I've then watched them unknowingly pour a drink of something I've pissed in for themself or others and watch them drink it. Not realizing anything One friend will watch me piss in another friend's food and laugh and watch
    2 points
  10. Hi there, I just made this account like a minute ago and just wanted to post smth so I get seen by some people. Feel free to message me 😊
    2 points
  11. This past week I was visiting my mother and helping her with estate planning decisions. We hired a new advisor who was recommended by a family friend who was really hot. She came over the house to discuss matters and right away her and we hit it off. A real strong physical attraction on both sides as hormones and pheromones were raging on both sides but she maintained her professionalism until the last moment made things even more enticing. She is a tall slender woman, just the way I like them. With 3 inch heels she had to be 6.1 as I am just under 6 feet and she was taller than me. Her b
    2 points
  12. Just one time , long ago at a party , one guy was shit faced ( drunk) , and acting like a fool, so , when he wasn't looking I took his bottle of beer , went into the kitchen , and pissed in the beer , I put it down by him , and he took it drank it down , a 50/50 mix , then said AHHHH great shit Give me more. Lololololol, he never knew
    2 points
  13. Lol it is fucked. But even if nobody saw you piss, the thought of them drinking your piss unknowingly or if you watch them do it, it's intense man. But yeah man, they are crazy. I can't believe I didn't realize he was doing it to me. I think the more I do what I do around them, the more daring they are getting too. I love it though. Give me time. And they'll be pissing like a champ soon enough.
    2 points
  14. Dude, that's fucked but in a hot way. I haven't personally done that besides sampling my own golden nectar in a mixed drink once or twice. I think part of what is so exciting for me about pissing is having other people know that I pissed there. If I'm doing it discreetly and they'll never know, I might as well not have done it at all. Having friends there watching you do that though is right up my alley. Your buddies and you sound like you know how to have a good time.
    2 points
  15. Making someone have to avoid your piss puddle has got to be the best feeling in the world. Love that for you!
    2 points
  16. Definitely have to agree on that. Having a full bladder makes me so horny
    2 points
  17. So after lurking around here for for a couple of months now I thought that it was about time to contribute something. So in this topic I'll take you on my pee adventures. I hope you like them! 🤗 (And I hope I manage to stay within the rules 😇😆) So Here we go: Recently I was traveling by train, I enjoyed some beers that were delivered from the dining car at my seat and at some point I felt that they had to go out once again. But when I checked the toilets both of them in my car were out of service (or someone needed really really long) And as the next car was the
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. You think that is great, next try going on the side of a busy road when very desperate. From a females point of view, very hot experience!
    2 points
  20. Dude I wanna here more of your stories. I thought I was daring, but damn you are another level!
    2 points
  21. Dude, you have that spirit in you. You'll keep getting more daring. We're guys, we're supposed to piss wherever the fuck we want. We can swap stories. I can't wait to hear more of them bro
    2 points
  22. In my family we were always really comfortable with nudity and pee. Whenever we would be out in the yard playing we would always do it naked, so we could get as dirty as we liked and then simply get hosed down and get all the dirt off us. Whenever my parents would play along they would also be naked. And when they were naked and out in the yard and needed to pee, they would often just pee where they were, hands-free, standing completely nonchalant. Often continuing doing what they were doing like nothing was happening, sometimes even while they were walking. I remember one time when I was
    2 points
  23. The wet room was finally done! We were so excited to try it out. When construction started months ago, it seemed like a dream. We had posted an ad on the fetish bulletin board and had several inquiries. We looked at the reference pictures the contractors sent and decided to go with Quality Build. Their stuff looked great, and he was willing to work with the unique requirements we had. Our basement was never developed, and it would be a great place to build a wet room. I showed Darren from Quality Build around the basement. We wanted to get the whole basement done but really wanted to focu
    2 points
  24. I of course always empty out when in the pool. In fact, I hold it if I know I'm about to go to the pool. My favorite thing to do is to be chatting with another mom while in the pool, all the while just letting it go while she has no idea. I've done this on multiple occasions.
    2 points
  25. My mother was very open with me in the past. We had a pool in the garden and in the summer I was actually allowed to pee anywhere I wanted. Once I had just dried myself in the sun and realized that I had to pee, but no longer wanted to go into the water. So I asked my mother where I should pee. She said piss where you want
    2 points
  26. Maybe not weird so much as naughty, but I have peed on the floor in a train. It felt so good but I did feel guilty afterwards.
    2 points
  27. As a little girl I peed on stage stairs because teacher wouldn't let me go to the bathroom. As an adult maybe the weirdest place was on my boyfriends carpet
    2 points
  28. These aren't really small boobs but they're not more than a mouthful
    2 points
  29. Been holding all day and started getting desperate. Nearing the end of my work day and all alone in the office I decided to not let this hold go to waste and have some fun. No one will be back in until Monday so plenty of time for things to dry. I found a spot in the back and move some stuff out of the way so I could cover it back up when I’m done. I pulled my pants down and got into a low squat. Started letting it out slow and it felt so good to get some relief in such a naughty way. I started feeling good and got a little daring so I started letting it go faster until I realized th
    2 points
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