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  1. I’ve had this account for awhile but recently logged in again. I love peeing outside or in cups, feel free to show or tell about you doing the same!
    7 points
  2. Yesterday afternoon, as a sexy wet prelude to a regular ‘date night’ session, K and I held a competition to see which of us could pee further. We’d both been filling up for a couple of hours before a G&T on the sofa and a relaxing chat about this and that, and then I explained to her what we’d be doing. Disclaimer: I am a late-fifties man who has to get up 2-3 times in the night to pee and who doesn’t have a strong flow at the best of times; K is a similar-age woman who’s never peed particularly forcefully. We weren’t expecting to break records. This was about fun – pure and simple. T
    4 points
  3. It was @LovesToWet 🙂 I think something that is often missed is just how much *fun* pee play can be. Sure, the sexual turn-on is real for me - very real - and it just isn't for K, but if I could show you the video of that little competition (and don't even think about asking lol) you'd see such big smiles and hear so much laughter from K and me.
    4 points
  4. Had to be quick this time https://imgur.com/a/eB4DR7Q
    3 points
  5. I went swimming again today with my family. I was already feeling sorta horny and when I got out of the locker room I was happy to see we were the only people there! I was splashing around with my kiddo and hanging out with my husband when I decided I was gonna go for a pee. I got up and headed to the locker room but stopped short of the bathrooms. It was so empty that I decided today was the day. I was going to do pick a drain and pee over it! I went allllll the way to the back row where the lights were much dimmer and found a drain at the very back in the corner. It took a few moments
    3 points
  6. I rode to work this morning without checking the weather forecast, seems that I may get caught out later when I ride home ...... I really hope I do as I may be able to have an 'accident' and the rain will hide it. Am I the only person who wants it to rain so I can have some fun?
    3 points
  7. Awesome. Yeah peeing outside is just so freeing lmao (I did it twice today lol)
    3 points
  8. I pee in the yard whenever I can lol
    3 points
  9. Thank you ❤️ I prefer to not post pictures. That may change someday, but I prefer to tell my stories through writing.
    3 points
  10. So....what do I have to do to compete in this contest? Because I am certain i could out pee both you and K on any day of the week 🤣
    3 points
  11. I like rain too, but mainly because there are less other people around. Around my usual pee spots, there can be up to around ten minutes between people passing while it rains. Whereas, on a sunny day, there seem to be people everywhere, despite me already walking for an hour into the middle of nowhere. During my last recording, somebody even walked right past the greenery in front of my hiding place and while it did make me a little horny, I'm so glad that he didn't turn around. While I would love for other people to look at me while peeing, that isn't really possible in this country, so
    2 points
  12. For British straight men of a certain age, Diana Rigg was a huge crush ... but even more so, imho, was Jenny Agutter 😍
    2 points
  13. Haha! You have a whole site to keep on top of Mr Goose. Of course you won't see everything! But I am glad it hit the spot for you. And yes ... I reckon I could probably live with K for a while yet 😉
    2 points
  14. I like physics too--and of course pee as well. I just looked at mine--when it's going full speed it only has one 90 degree rotation that's "clean and crisp", by the second one it's already starting to break up into droplets. It also does seem to have a bit of an actual helical twist to it. As the flow rate slows down by the end, at least two if not three 90 degree switches become visible for a short while as each segment gets shorter.
    2 points
  15. I pee in my yard a lot to but I have to go behind the bushes or the shed
    2 points
  16. I often pee in the back garden when I'm at home during the day, either into the compost bin or on the paving slabs or into a border. My garden has a reasonably size patch that's not overlooked at all 🙂
    2 points
  17. Yeah, especially when we're around the pool or laying out in the sun, we're fairly open about the fact we do so.
    2 points
  18. It is quite enjoyable! I am very lucky to have a mom who accepts me and my interests (?). I made more progress this weekend toward being completely open...I may divulge later when I have the motivation to write a decent story 🙂
    2 points
  19. This is something that fascinates me about men peeing. Someone pointed it out to me and I can't quite look at any of the pictures/videos here without seeing it lol. It's so pretty to me! One of my favorite videos shows the dude has a long twist at the beginning of his stream and then nothing after, and in others he has several more twists! I fucking love it and I don't know why lol
    2 points
  20. Interesting how different people interpret sexy. (commenting as a huge enthusiast of femininity, especially of the sexy variety)
    2 points
  21. https://www.redgifs.com/watch/hauntingbriskblacklab went a bit further away today again and found a somewhat (not really) secluded bench i could sit on and piss off of. It has been way too long since I showed off my ass in public while peeing. Taking a leak in a stereotypical 'manly' way (= standing) just doesn't feel right, so I truly cherish moments like these where I can just let loose in a properly slutty way. Preview: Result: Judging by the tissue, I am not the first one to choose this place for a tinkle. Also, how do I change the title of
    2 points
  22. I'm not really into being peed on but if I had to choose someone it would be the gorgeous Holly Willoughby
    2 points
  23. It is hard to say just when things started to get out of control, but enough is enough. Yet let’s start at the beginning: Peeing has not always been a fetish of mine – it just happened to be a normal bodily function, and I didn’t think too much about it. Growing up as an only child in a smallish rural town with my dad owning the only significant industrial company and largest employer in the region, I enjoyed many liberties other girls my age didn’t have. I was free to roam our estate and everyone in town treated me with due respect and reverence. As it wasn’t a big deal to me, I’d n
    2 points
  24. If I can get 25 likes on this, I will post part 3.
    2 points
  25. Part 2: the next day, I woke up to my alarm clock ringing in that annoying ringringringringringringring thing that it does. As I got up, I remembered that I was going to talk to Laura about what I saw the next day, but, as is my usual, I woke up starving, so I decided to get breakfast first. As I poured some cereal into a bowl, Laura got up and came down topless, which I guess is how she sleeps. I mean, we're all girls here. "Hey Luara." I said. "Huh, oh... Hey." She said groggily. "Listen," I said " There's something I want to talk to you about." "Hang on." She said, as she lowered her p
    2 points
  26. Okay, here goes: I was visiting this weekend. I was in the living room on the couch; she was in the kitchen doing some small chores (washing dishes, putting the laundry on, etc.). From her laundry room, I hear her ask if I would like to pee in the laundry before she throws it in the machine. I decline saying that I have spurted on the floor and couch recently, and did not have the urge. I was getting really horny sitting on the now damp sofa cushion and thinking about the events of the day....I had spurted a little bit of pee frequently in front of my mom without warning instead of a ful
    2 points
  27. You guys are all the best. Can't think of any other place I could announce I had checked off one of my biggest turn on activities and be accepted and praised for it 🥰🥰 I feel like with you guys I can do anything!
    2 points
  28. Hey guys, something that really turns me on is girls who love to party and drink a bit too much, then end up having to go pee all the time and of course in some naughty places from time to time. Are there many party girls here or are more of us the shy type? 😄 haha
    1 point
  29. THE MANSION: my friend recommended a friend who recommended a friend of hers to this group of girls who were living in this renovated old mansion, and they were looking for a new roommate. So me, in a desperate act to get out of my mother's house, accepted the offer. I met up with a couple of the girls who owned the place, and we sat down and talked. They laid down the basic rules, clean up after yourself, don't break anything that you aren't prepared to pay for later, etc. etc. etc. They also asked me if I was allergic to cats. For a half a second I thought that this was a weird question
    1 point
  30. I really like pee and I also like physics.. I found this video quite interesting. It is a somewhat absurd idea to try to create nice peestream-like shaped streams without actually peeing.. 😅 And the video raises important questions, e.g. 1. most importantly, what shape is your pee stream (and who can do the spiral stream?) 2. here we have of course much more possibilities than on youtube.. 😉 can we beat the pictures / videos of artificial pee streams with real pee streams? 🤔
    1 point
  31. I know she's getting on a bit, and may not even count as a celebrity - but as a teenager I had a HUGE crush on Linda Ronstadt - and if she could sing while she pissed on me... I would be in heaven
    1 point
  32. Rode home from work, a little bit warm so went for a bath, wasn't too desperate so it's not a massive wetting but thought I'd make good use of the moment and enjoy myself anyway. 😊😊
    1 point
  33. Great! Next level will be leave a little puddle on floor 😉
    1 point
  34. Welcome to this site.
    1 point
  35. Welcome (back), Lilly, I enjoy peeing into cups and also outdoors.
    1 point
  36. That sounds a great nights fun
    1 point
  37. Very nice! Hope you enjoyed that 🙂
    1 point
  38. Welcome 'out of the shadows' Lilly - look forward to hearing more from you.
    1 point
  39. Stranger Things! That show spooks the shit out of me but I still enjoy it. Have also been watching West World on HBO.
    1 point
  40. Hah - maybe - but if you pass by when I was there, you might witness a graceful arc of pee above the top of the urinal 😉
    1 point
  41. Somebody notify me when the building opposite is for sale please 😼
    1 point
  42. Yes, one night after drinking a little too much liquid at the local Watering Hole. Well, they call it a watering hole ,what do you want? I felt I could treat myself to some tacos at the local fast-food Taco with a big Sombrero chain restaurant. So, I went to the drive-thru. I placed my order and the feeling and sensation and tingling started in my crotch . Yes I had to pee and I knew it was going to be a lot. I thought okay I'll just drive out of line go behind the dumpster no biggie. However, two cop cars pulled in behind me. And that would not have been a problem if there wasn't a giant
    1 point
  43. When my bathroom is occupied I’ll just go out back and pee in a corner.
    1 point
  44. Years ago I was dating this girl I will call her T. Well T and I were at a party drinking and we left to go home it was about a half hour ride. Half way home T said I really have to pee how much longer until we get home I said 15 minutes and she just sighed.another 5 minutes went by and I saw T legs going back and forth and she was holding her crotch and she was wearing light blue shorts. She then said to me omg hurry I am going to pee my pants. I continued driving and she kept saying hurry hurry and she was really panicking. She kept saying omg I am gonna pee. We got home and I pulled into th
    1 point
  45. I think the new relationship you have with your mum is just amazing. If only more relationships were so open and accepting. I'm sure you and she will quickly find a new balance in all these areas ... and then you just live your lives in accordance. You've got a beautiful thing going ... I can only wish I'd had such openness with my own parents. I'm loving the stories ... is it wrong to be so turned on by simple family adventures between a mother and daughter? 😂
    1 point
  46. I had quite some time to myself this week and I was in the mood to play.. more than once ☺️ Aaaaaand of course I received some phone calls that I couldn’t ignore at the worst possible moments. The first phone call came in when I was just chilling and meanwhile drinking lots of water. I wasn’t desperate yet when I picked up the phone but that changed quickly. I was holding myself and rocking back and forth on my chair and after what seemed to be at least an hour (it was 20 minutes.. 🙈) I made up an excuse to end the call and just went straight to the toilet as soon as I could (I didn’t pl
    1 point
  47. OK, I'll give it a try. Please forgive me any mistakes; English is not my native language: You did not even take your coat off before you rushed to the toilet. "I had to pee so bad for the last 15 km of the bike ride", you sighed with relief and smiled. I walked up to you and kissed you on the forehead. You were still peeing.
    1 point
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