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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/2022 in Posts

  1. This was a genuine accident. Last year in between lockdowns, some friends and i met up for a little house party. It was held at one of the houses of the group and there was a lot of drinking, eating and party games. We were outside most of the afternoon and I had a quite urgent need to pee. I hurried inside and pretty much burst the door to the toilet and found out there and then thar the lock was not working. Low and behold, the host, only 10 years older than me and quite the mile was sat on the toilet opposite the door. She sat upright in alarm as I stopped dead realising my m
    5 points
  2. Hello, Wet Carpet. I need advice. So it seems that my two daughters have started down the path to openly peeing. I am unsure where they picked it up, but both are clearly enthralled by it. I will give the information I have so you can tell me the best course of action. My oldest daughter was the one I saw first. It was about two weeks ago and I was doing laundry. I had just finished folding some of her underwear and was delivering it. I slid open the door, not knowing she was in there at the time. I was shocked to see her standing naked in the middle of the room with a thick streaming
    5 points
  3. I dont really like to look because I don't really have a way to look! Have never been one to take pictures of myself either lol. When learning how to use tampons and my menstrual cup I have used a mirror to figure stuff out, and I think I look pretty average. Pretty plain, IMO. I hate the word pussy! I would rather say *in my best Irish accent* cunt!
    5 points
  4. a few of my faves
    4 points
  5. I was 4 and genuinely wet myself at school accidentally. I was queueing to see the teacher to show her my work, and next thing I knew I heard water hitting the floor and realised it was me. I said to my friend not to tell the teacher and just just carried on as if nothing happened. Someone later pointed it out to the teacher and I remember her saying that she wished the person would tell her so that she could help as the person must be very uncomfortable, but I just sat that and didn't say anything. However anyone who asked to go to the toilet after that got their bum felt by the teacher to se
    4 points
  6. This evening, K and I got some unexpected time together because our daughter (who is visiting for a couple of days) was going out for the evening. K wanted to take he opportunity to get physical, and to get in the mood we we drank stiff G&Ts while catching up with a TV programme from earlier in the week. When it finished, she looked at me and said – out of the blue – “I need a wee. Do you want me to go in the toilet or …?” I looked at her. This is quite out of character (or at least, a very rare occurrence). And to be honest it took me completely by surprise – but a lovely surprise!
    3 points
  7. Going to just keep this thread going.... Spent all day driving and just called it quits for the day. Had to head to a home for a family I am dog sitting for. Got there was absolutely bursting to piss. I let the dog out and figured I’d just go in the backyard but unfortunately back yard doesn’t offer much privacy. There is one corner that is almost private enough but one neighbor could catch if they went outside to their backyard. So I opted against this. Went back inside and weighed my options. I obviously don’t want to make a mess in this persons house. Decided to check
    3 points
  8. Dear Mother May I I think that the first issue you need to resolve is what it is that you do not approve of. There is quite a lot going on here. Do you disapprove of the nakedness? Perhaps you feel that your daughters should pee while fully dressed because there are places where it would not be appropriate for women to be naked. Do you disapprove of the noise they are making? Perhaps you feel that your daughters should make a little less noise when they pee to avoid drawing attention to themselves. Do you disapprove of the excessive wear and tear on the carpet? Do you
    3 points
  9. You let your cat view Peefans ???? - before you know it, they’ll have abandoned the litter tray and not an inch of your house will be spared. (Sorry - off topic attempt at humour).
    3 points
  10. Oooh I’m liking this thread, ok the strangest situation I’ve had that has turned into sex. I’d been working all night with a colleague and it had been a crazily stressful night. Well we finally got to sit down in the early hours in a quiet office-there had been mild flirting beforehand but nothing major, but something about what we’d just been through together made the atmosphere super charged, anyway he ended up bending me forwards over a desk and we worked out our stress together. Next question, ever had sex in the same room as other people while they didn’t know what was happening
    3 points
  11. Although standing in the shower with suds and hot water cascading over your upper body, just relaxing and feeling the flow down your legs, i imagine would be fairly comfortable?
    3 points
  12. I cannot aim to save my life so sitting down is much more comfortable for me.
    3 points
  13. I would say the best thing is to encourage them to ask questions, no matter what they are or how simple they may be. Think out loud, ask ask ask! Ask them questions too, ask them what they think would happen if you did X or Y. Just experiment, try different things and see what happens when you change stuff. A very basic example - a paper airplane. What happens if you use thicker paper? What about when you angle the wings differently? A good way to develop an enquiring mind is learning things you will use. That dopamine rush is addictive! Obertauern in Austria, I love snowboarding and
    3 points
  14. I havent done this in awhile but as a teen I would just use the floors in the park bathrooms 😂 they were already gross anyway
    3 points
  15. I once walked in on a relative who was staying with us. I thought everyone was out and I was on my own in the house so as I approached the bathroom I was already unzipped and my jeans pulled open. I was intending to pee in the sink so I already had my cock out also. As I entered the bathroom I was stunned to see this relative sitting there peeing. Her knickers around her ankles and her legs slightly apart and me standing there with my cock in my hand. There was a lot of bluster from me and apologising as I started to back out but she seemed quite relaxed about it. After when she came o
    3 points
  16. Yeah I do that occasionally, I'm happy with how I look down there. I either call it a fanny or my hoohah among friends. Pussy in a sexy context. "I waxed my fanny for nothing!" "I wouldn't want that on my hoohah!" "He spent all night eating my pussy"
    3 points
  17. Some time has passed since my previous posts, and this isn't exactly a 'challenge'. Last weekend I was involved in a working party for an annual event I'm involved in which takes place in a large field in the countryside, near home. This time around there were about half a dozen of us working for the day. Two of us together in one part of the field and the others some distance away. Around lunchtime the guy I was working with headed off into the village, and I ate the sandwich I'd brought with me. I'd had a couple of coffees in the morning and a bottle of juice whilst working, and
    3 points
  18. I can only pee straight down too (without any mess) and maybe because I’m quite tall my legs don’t touch the sides of the toilet when I pee like that. But still; standing over a toilet requires sóme management, whereas sitting down requires zero management, so I have some bonus time to ponder about all the questionable choices I’ve made in my life for example 🙂 I wonder if the perceived effort of muscle control is a matter of being used to one thing or another by the way. I’ve practiced peeing standing up quite a lot over the last few years or so and it used to feel like it was more effo
    2 points
  19. No, I can't say I do this, mainly because there is not much to see from this angle. And I guess getting a mirror to sit with it between your legs to have a look is kinda a lot of effort to go to and I don't really have a need. Obviously when I was younger and learning about my body and how to use a tampon or sex toy or pessary, I have done the whole mirror thing but once I knew what was what and where it was I don't think I have done it again. I also don't think there is as much importance placed on female bits either, you know there is a bit hoohah about men's penis and the size of it,
    2 points
  20. I can only pee directly down and can't aim so peeing standing up would be incredibly uncomfortable for me as I'd have to straddle a toilet. lol Also it takes a lot more effort and muscle control to pee standing, sitting it just happens and I can relax.
    2 points
  21. She's gorgeous!
    2 points
  22. @gldenwetgoose Okay, that's fair. It's just I have seem some extravagant and beautiful labia out there and when I look at mine it's like....eh. it's okay lol.
    2 points
  23. Your welcome xx and no thank you for your posts
    2 points
  24. No, but I have orgasmed at work 😛 favorite color of underwear?
    2 points
  25. I haven't measure I can just tell. Before I could do a powerful pee for quite some times and knew a fair amount was coming out. Now I kinda dribble on and off and only for like 10 seconds and I am done. It is quite a drastic difference. And I have been a day with no need to go!
    2 points
  26. This is a true account of what happened to my now ex girlfriend. This happened when she was about 42 and we were living together at the time. It was a Friday and we both had to work during the day and we were planning on going out to dinner right after work. I started work much earlier than she did so I got home earlier. I got home from work that day and I was waiting at home for her to get home from work and she had told me earlier in the day to be ready when she got home and we would leave right away before places got crowded. I was at home in the bedroom working on the computer when I heard
    2 points
  27. I took inspiration from @Eliminature saying we should drop our trousers and boxers while peeing. It's not in the open, I'll do that another time. https://www.erome.com/a/ZUkBiBVE
    2 points
  28. Not much to see here, just another little tinkle: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/worstothermongoose with the following result: i mean, i could have gone on the grass directly next to it... but if i cam leave a mark, i just have to 😼
    2 points
  29. Quite possibly the healthiest drink that ever was in one of those cups.....
    2 points
  30. My greatest fantasy is being in the 69 position and both of us pissing whilst performing oral on each other.
    2 points
  31. I've never thought of piss as humiliation, for me I find it highly sexual. The smell, sound, taste and sight of piss coming straight from a lady is a turn on for me. I can see why it is humiliating and if that's what your into then why not? Some people are into nurses and school girls, some people are into being talked down to and pissed on! If your having fun then do what you like is what I say.
    2 points
  32. Yes ... went on a walk in Wales with my girlfriend. We stopped for lunch at the top of a hill with stunning views. A little wine, sunshine and good vibes and before long we got frisky. We fucked standing up with her leaning against the peak marker. We could see for miles so it was a very public display of affection... but the sheep were the only ones watching. Question: Describe the strangest situation you had that turned into sex
    2 points
  33. Absolutely love this topic - peeing somewhere where someone else has to clean it up and not caring in the slightest because they've got to go! These screenshots from CCTV in the back of a shop are great (full video too big) - girl has clearly asked to use the bathroom but its occupied, waits a while but decides to go and pee all over their floor - amazing
    2 points
  34. For me I’d probably say inside a ruined church. Morally wrong for some, just walls to shield me from passers by to others. I’ve used the same ruined church on several occasions. Sometimes I just squat in the grass inside what was once the church. Other times I’ll sit on a stone ledge and pee off the edge.
    2 points
  35. https://www.erome.com/i/mILN5zc1
    1 point
  36. And much the same in Australia, at least for my generation. I was circumcised at a few days old, and I can recall knowing only one guy there around my age who was uncut. Sorry, @Bacardi
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Face sitting, because I got some thicc ass thighs and a big butt so i thought for sure I would smother my husband to death the first time we tried lol. It's a lot of fun now. What other notable kinks/fetishes do you have?
    1 point
  39. You should pee like that sometime though. It's such an underated pee position
    1 point
  40. I’ve posted before about a childhood memory, I must have been five years old but remember it really clearly. I must have been in reception class or first year of infants and was at my ‘girlfriend’s house after school playing. She disappeared and I went to find her, which I did very quickly - sitting on the toilet with her legs dangling below her. There was of course nothing sexual and still isn’t about the memory of that moment, but when I’ve analysed where my fascination with girls peeing cane from I think that must have been key. However, just recently there’ve been a few threads her
    1 point
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