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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/22/2022 in Posts

  1. ^^^^ She's lovely @Ozabot Don't know as a kid whether you collected those sticker album things, and doing swaps in the playground before school - but here you go, to add to the collection:
    7 points
  2. https://www.erome.com/a/FOFZeK2l Sat down to lunch and felt like taking a piss. Just swung round on chair and let it go on the floor. Fortunately my jeans and trainers seemed to get wet too. Sat here having my lunch now in wet jeans and a big puddle next to me
    4 points
  3. Back in 2019 I was out walking the dogs with my sister when she said she needed to pee desperately, I thought she would go behind a tree and have a pee but she just walked around 10 feet away and with her back to me pulled up her skirt and pulled down her red knickers and had a pee, I was shocked to say the least,she never done anything like that in the past.When she finished peeing I had a good look at the puddle she had created 🙂 Since then I have always wanted to pee in front of her to see what reaction I would get from her but what with Covid I never got chance. yesterday we were sitting
    4 points
  4. And a rear view 🙂
    4 points
  5. @MaxWasTaken I would love to! I have started peeing down my leg when I am either cooking or washing dishes. From where I stand in front of my sink, the angle may be just enough to see what is happening through the window, but not overtly so...One would have to be looking really hard to actually notice. It is still blatantly obvious, though, from that angle that I am nude. Additionally, kind of related/kind of not, I have started going outside at night (the park is not well-lit) wearing only a slightly oversized t-shirt and either peeing off my RV steps or even walking all the way ou
    4 points
  6. Now, this is friendship!
    4 points
  7. I used to clean kennels at a local veterinary hospital when I was in middle/high school (approx. 15 years ago, so early in my fetish realization). There was a large trashcan in the kennel area for soiled newspaper, etc. I would regularly pee in the trashcan or in the soiled laundry rather than walk to the bathrooms. I also frequently wore wind pants with mesh lining when I knew I was going to be there alone. I would let small spurts of pee out occasionally while I was working, so that was fun!
    3 points
  8. So I do a lot of driving and some rail travel for work as I'm a sales rep. This doesn't mean I go around peeing in clients offices but I'm very experienced at weeing in bushes roadside, or over the hard shoulder as well as parking lots, mostly outdoor but occasionally indoor! Recently added behind the building of the service station to the list because I didn't want to attempt to mop up the pissy toilet seat!
    3 points
  9. In my old job due to public transport I’d often arrive before the office was unlocked. It was located on a small industrial estate. There were several days when I’d arrive early and need to pee so I’d pop down the side of the building and squat behind a stack of pallets and pee into the gravel. In my current job my office is in a large converted townhouse across several floors. My office is at the very top and I don’t tend to get disturbed too often. I have a large plant in my office and I’ve had a sneaky wee into the plant pot several times now. Fortunately I can lock the door and I
    3 points
  10. I was probably around 21 when I was living in the most disgusting house with and ex and his father this place was just all around gross and I could never keep it clean because no one would ever help me. One of the days I was home alone I decided to just open the door to a carpeted room that already had stains all over and was falling apart. I walked over next to the bed pulled down my pants and got into a low squat and began pissing. I didnt look all I could hear was the hissing on this dirty carpet. Honestly amazing experience! 😅
    2 points
  11. This is going to be a long one, so grab Your snacks and gather round - by popular request, I’m telling the story of when I peed in front of my friends mom, and my friend. I was raised by very Christian and proper parents, as I’ve mentioned before. They enrolled me in a private school from middle school onward, in fact, the private high school I went too was one of the main parts of my peewakening (read the story ‘how my messy pee fetish started’ for more info). I’ve always enjoyed the idea of nudism, just being free to be yourself in a way, my parents always had me dressed in some k
    2 points
  12. Hi guys! I've only recently discovered the watersports kink, and it took me a while to try it out. But 2 days ago, I finally did. Here is my first time: https://www.erome.com/a/8RwGcQJ7 Absolutely loved that, so I had to do again: https://www.erome.com/a/u7GzEE9w
    2 points
  13. I am ready to do it again right now
    2 points
  14. I love the feeling of just peeing wherever I happen to be when I want to pee. Not just outside of course, I love the freedom to just pee if I can get away with it.
    2 points
  15. And on the mirror
    2 points
  16. 2 points
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  18. This morning I had cause to go into town on my own. I parked out of town and walked in, by which time I needed to pee. I went into the stairwell of a multi-storey car park and walked up a few flights of stairs where I checked nobody was around and started peeing against the wall. As the pee ran down the wall and started running across the floor, I heard steps and voices from below. I hoped that I was high enough up that they weren't coming up as far as me and I carried on peeing but listened out in case they got too close. Thankfully they didn't. My pee ran across the landing that I w
    2 points
  19. Finally for now, one from this morning. I went into a car park stairwell for a pee and I found that someone had also gone there for a pee before me. It was fairly fresh as part of the puddle bottom right of the patch on the picture was still liquid, so had either been made last night or this morning and most likely would have been this morning. Now I can't be sure whether that was female pee, but to me it looks like possibly a male had peed in the corner previously which had dried and maybe a girl had peed at the bottom of the step which is the fresh patch that is still glistening at the
    2 points
  20. There are quite a few videos out there of girls casually using a lift/elevator as a convenient place to pee without realising that they are being filmed. They think that they have found a nice private box in which to relieve themselves and away they go, believing that they won't be seen and not caring that the next users of the lift will be standing in their puddles. I have always thought it to be a slightly risky practice as there is always a chance that the lift stops on a floor and the door opens to an audience, but I guess there are options like getting on at the top floor, not pressing
    2 points
  21. I love the idea of girls going somewhere for privacy even if it is actually a less acceptable place to pee. One that has been a favourite of mine for some time is the one linked below. Caught on CCTV, three girls are seen moving around outside a window then come bundling into the lobby of a building. One goes off screen to the right, maybe to check no one is coming from that direction, another goes straight into a corner and pees whilst the third is already undoing her belt as she enters and then bobs around waiting for the first girl to pee as she has been landed with the first girls ha
    2 points
  22. (Consulting a very large spreadsheet) This means you have to do it more now in order to fulfil your lifetime quota, Comrade.
    2 points
  23. NARRATOR Fall, in New England. Voyeurs gather to watch beautiful girls discreetly spraying piss over the golden fallen leaves on the forest floor…
    2 points
  24. Tease your lover with it, brushing their mouth with your soft curls until they can bear it no longer and lean in to taste your salty wetness. I love how wet you sound here, I’d totally have licked my fingers if it had been me feeling you
    2 points
  25. After I posted in this thread, it prompted me to notice more clearly what I do when sitting down (which is usually either when also going #2 or during the night/soon after getting up). I don't always touch/hold my penis at all when doing so, but when I do hold it to help aim it down, I tend to give it the slightest tug which gently holds the foreskin back a tad. It's so much of a habit I don't even know I'm doing it, but I think I picked it up because it feels a bit "neater" and cleaner. The amount of pulling back, though, in that situation is less than when I'm standing, and even that is at t
    2 points
  26. I vaguely remember seeing another clip from a Galician video, where possibly two or three girls were peeing in a rather dimly lit lobby. I assume this screenshot from 136 is the one mentioned in posts above. Nothing much else to add, I agree with most of everything already said and the selfishness in seeking convenient and private relief is just incredibly hot. However, I feel that also playgrounds deserve to be mentioned. Depending on the location, they may quite often be a very good place to squat in moderate privacy, assuming the girl in question has no problem with causing a me
    2 points
  27. I've really enjoyed reading this thread, I love an uncut penis...something to 'peel' back to reveal the big purple bulb. One of my favourite shots from Sex Bizarre One, the foreskin is pulled back partly.
    2 points
  28. Sex Bizarre Sixteen Unable to locate scanned copies of Issues 14 and 15, quite possibly because they contain scatology. However one of the Theander Brothers key models features in a single lesbian story in this magazine. Published in 1976, ‘Pee Partners’ is the title of the story, continuing with the new format of text and image. Although most of the content of these magazines was shot in studios, it’s a change to see the action begin in an outdoor location. In this case we see the popular model, urinating at the side of the car in a wintery scene. There’s a rendezvous with another
    2 points
  29. Thank you so much @wetwulf - each time I write it's usually inspired by some real experience that's been shared, and of course if I wasn't there I can let my imagination play on it and build it up. I do have a follow on ready to type out... Watch this space.
    2 points
  30. After long day of hiking through the Plitvice Lakes, we returned to the car. The climate was quite humid, so I was happy to see that the puddle my gf created was actually still visible. She immediately said "we have a long drive ahead to our next destination, so I'm gonna take the opportunity to add some more liquid to it". She dropped her pants and squatted in the exact same spot as in the morning. She peed quite a strong stream, damaging the grass underneath her and turning it into even more muddy mulch. The force of the stream created a lot of froth on top of the puddle. After about 30
    2 points
  31. Towel piss take #2: progress? 🙂 https://www.erome.com/a/V0OEGCV5 Sooo.. I was talking with my friend who is also very much into peeing and he expressed his interest in long distance peeing ladies. The ‘classic’ full squat that most ladies use in public hardly works for me, so I either stand up when wearing a skirt, or when wearing pants I’ll lean my back against something and ‘sit’ in a 90 degree angle. I can aim forward when standing but not very far. We were talking about the subject and he asked if I had ever tried sitting back, relax and let it all go. I expected the re
    2 points
  32. At my last job I was often in the office alone and had quite a few naughty pees during my work days. I peed a couple times in the alley between our building and the one next door. Peed into a floor drain in the repair shop. Peed on a floor mat. At one point the roof was leaking so I peed on the floor and let it mix with the rain water. Would also wet at my desk into a heavy feminine pad in my pants. Slowly spurts. After these pee sessions I’d rub myself at my desk to completion. Never got caught.
    2 points
  33. I imagine everyone has farted at some point at work, if I really need to fart I kinda lean to the side like I’m getting something from my trays so it comes out silent 🤣 and yes I have masturbated a few times while at work sat at my desk! 😉
    2 points
  34. I haven’t read the other comments but I’ll say this - at least where I’m from people are super ‘sexist’ so I saw that you’re a bi female, you could probably do whatever you want and they wouldn’t say anything. As long as you’re ok with being watched. Now if you were male, like I said - where I’m from people would call the police lol.
    2 points
  35. Hey guys! Some of you might know already, but I've had a pee site of my own for the past couple years called VoyOmo - that's Voyeur Omorashi, so it's mainly for real voyeur/spycam vids where girls are desperate to pee, just make it, or end up wetting themselves. If that's something you're interested in, I've recently opened up a public version of the new site for testing - feel free to check it out 🙂 voy-omo.com/beta/ I have a whole bunch of videos to add (about 200) over the next few weeks, and there's also a pretty simple message board to talk about all stuff voyeur omorashi-relate
    1 point
  36. Nice ! Im so glad to hear that you are now able to enjoy yourself :3. Also good to hear that your neighbour doesn't mind your adventures. Oh and thanks for the update. I was rooting for you the whole time xD. Im really happy for you. #TeamExhbitionismForTheWin
    1 point
  37. @rochauthrowawayIf you have a link to this video, I would love to see it. Yes, the selfishness is a big turn on for me. I love it when women choose to make a mess for their own needs, convenience or privacy vs. peeing somewhere more open outside which would make little mess and require no cleanup for anyone.
    1 point
  38. Best place to see peeing is festivals. Like I said, most peeing I've seen was at a hockey festival. lots of drinking, not many toilets. I remember one time about 4am, I could hear water running, walked roundca car to see a fit blonde hanging off a car bumper pissing a huge fountain.
    1 point
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