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  1. So I’ve always been a squirter (pee’er?), the first time I masturbated and actually had an orgasm, I squirted, not like a fountain like you see in porn but a trickle. I was actually hesitant to make myself actually cum the first time because it kept feeling like I had to pee, even when I went pee it would still feel like that, especially if I put a finger inside. So I squirt virtually every session, I don’t squirt every time I cum, but almost every masturbation session I squirt. I’ve messed around with girls before - I’ve had some FWB’s, but I’ve always tried to make sure I never like exp
    10 points
  2. If it isn’t my property and I’m not having to deal with the cleanup, I’ll literally go anywhere where I’m tucked away out of sight. The naughtier the better.
    8 points
  3. Multitasking more while studying:)
    7 points
  4. Went out for a picnic brunch today with my boyfriend, halfway through, I realized I REALLY needed to pee. I kept shifting to try to wake it up a bit, but it just wasn't working. I had to hold it for around 2 hours, and at that point it was taking every ounce of self control I had to hold it in, the pressure was honestly unbearable and I'm not sure why I didn't just say something tbh. By the time we were ready to pack up and leave, I saw my very brief window of opportunity and jumped on it. My bf was taking some of the stuff back to the car, and left me to gather up the rest. I very
    5 points
  5. I can definitely confirm that pissing on cardboard/paper is nice. And also that it will get messy no matter what 😳 Where I live trash is mostly separated (plastic, paper, organic stuff, other) and good citizen as I am *ahem* of course I do that. There’s trash containers down the street but the rest will be collected once or twice a month so you will have to put it at the curb the night before pickup day. Paper is only once a month and I accidentally forgot it some time so next month I had a huge box filled to the brim with all kinds of paper and cardboard. I felt naughty, drank a LOT of
    4 points
  6. @Sophie I'm reminded of an old Samson track "I Wish I Was the Saddle on a Schoolgirls Bike" 😀
    4 points
  7. I can't find a photo but I remember German bathrooms in the 80s where the urinal was just a tiled wall with a slight recess and slope at the floor level so pee would run to a drain in the corner or middle. Growing up I loved these because you could pee anywhere on the wall. I remember walking into one in the alps somewhere and the tile started next to the door and ran all the way across the wall. I stood right next to the door seeing how close I could direct my stream to the door. Right above me was a light switch on the tiled wall with no clear border between the tiles below. Naturally I deci
    4 points
  8. Interested in what your boundaries are about where you will piss. My limit is not to do it anywhere it will leave a smell, damage anything, leave a mess for others to clear up, or where people will sit etc. Yes Almost anywhere outdoors (just runs/washes away) Indoors with easily washable floors (toilets, kitchens, etc.) or where the surface is fully protected No Upholstery of any sort (seats, beds, carpets, etc.) Anywhere the pee will run into corners/floor cracks that can't be cleaned Anywhere outdoors where people sit I love pee play, b
    3 points
  9. https://www.mylondon.news/news/south-london-news/disgusting-public-urinal-outside-vauxhall-19590669
    3 points
  10. Specifically it's in Vauxhall, London
    3 points
  11. Squirting is definitely different than peeing. Peeing is emptying the bladder, and squirting is a form of lubrication. Years ago, Elizabeth from Patches Place did a video showing the difference. She is a big squirter and wanted to show that it's not the same as peeing because people accused her of peeing and pretended that she was squirting. She takes a clear drinking glass and masturbates until she squirts into it. Then she immediately pees into second glass for comparison. She holds them up side by side to show that they look completely different. The pee was clear with a yellowish ti
    3 points
  12. I had a short relationship with a girl who warned me that she was "a heavy squirter." I had been with one other girl who squirted from time to time, so I figured it'd be like that; just a couple squirts. When we finally got in bed for the first time though, I learned different. When she started to cum, she tensed up like normal, and went through the entirety of the orgasm without squirting. I thought maybe it didn't happen, maybe I didn't do it for her, but then I pulled out... It was like I hit reset on her orgasm and turned the intensity up. As I pulled out I could feel her tense up dow
    3 points
  13. Felt like this page needed some more outies so I had to take this
    3 points
  14. This is going to be a long one, so grab Your snacks and gather round - by popular request, I’m telling the story of when I peed in front of my friends mom, and my friend. I was raised by very Christian and proper parents, as I’ve mentioned before. They enrolled me in a private school from middle school onward, in fact, the private high school I went too was one of the main parts of my peewakening (read the story ‘how my messy pee fetish started’ for more info). I’ve always enjoyed the idea of nudism, just being free to be yourself in a way, my parents always had me dressed in some k
    2 points
  15. Pants! I’ve woken up with a UTI brewing, I’ve already sent a request in to my doctor for some antibiotics so hopefully I’ll get those later and they usually work within a few hours thankfully. I suffer quite a bit with them sadly, does anyone else?
    2 points
  16. I would definitely say I base what I would pee on/in around the inconvenience of others, because I also think to myself- if I were to come across someone else’s pee, whether a puddle on the ground or soaked in a seat etc, how would I feel about it in that situation? So in terms of outdoors, if it’s anywhere I can’t be seen doing it, I’d go for it whether that’s out in the woods or more public at a park. As you mentioned, at least outdoors it can just be washed away easily. Indoors is where I definitely have to put a lot of thought into it. I wouldn’t mind going on any types
    2 points
  17. Because I wanted to get away with something sneaky instead 🤷‍♀️
    2 points
  18. @jmatthews1995 sex often gives me a UTI, I used to have to take an antibiotic after every time just to prevent it as in winter I would get 2-3 infections a month. Not too sure what’s caused this one though, maybe the pee play?
    2 points
  19. I would say I am the same as you. I feel outside is basically fine although I mainly do it in my own garden or the woods, I wouldn’t do it somewhere someone would have to sit or kids play etc. Inside I only do it in my own home and I either protect things before doing it or do it on easily cleanable surfaces like tiles or sinks etc. I don’t think it’s fair to inflict it on others.
    2 points
  20. Funnily enough I did this yesterday and it felt great. I had been playing with myself watching videos off this site and hadn’t realised how full I was. I got up and between being desperate to pee, horny, and full of ideas off this site I didn’t want to use the bathroom. I have a large thick bath sheet towel which I grabbed off the towel rail, scrunched it up, put it between my legs and started peeing. I was enjoying it too much to stop so just kept going. It felt so good to get that relief and feel the warmth of the towel against my clit etc. I was worried it was going to overflow as I just k
    2 points
  21. It's a sad indictment of modern life, but you could have just ended your comment there 😞 And I agree with you. I'll be using it next time I'm down that way. There are such pissoirs all over Paris - or used to be
    2 points
  22. I love peeing as I do something. Here is an example as I do the lawn. It just feels so liberating doing it nonchalantly. Also because I’m a real nudist.
    2 points
  23. Found a nice, somewhat quiet spot to let loose against a bus stop shelter: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/strongunderstatedcygnet Luckily, only one person drove past and only after I had finished and was closing my belt again... tho since I was standing next to this, I'm pretty sure it was obvious what I had just done 😼 I don't think I will revisit this spot too often, since it's quite a long ride uphill, but it was nice marking something again 😻 (Somewhat motivated by a bus stop shelter pee another user on this site shared with me not too long ago)
    2 points
  24. This is something I do to help with ensuring my wettings remain discreet. Before I pee properly I let out a short burst to just initially wet my clothes and the seat so that when I pee properly the seat is already wet and my pee soaks in nicely rather than running off. I don't normally let myself get desperate, but sometimes when I go to the cinema it can be hard to cut off that first spurt after I have preloaded a nice lot of drink beforehand.
    2 points
  25. A couple of (barely) covered slits for a change - haven't had any of those for a long while. Apologies for any reposts.
    2 points
  26. 2 points
  27. Supplies arrived 😄 First nappy filled very quickly, now slowly filling a second, sitting contented with a warm wet crotch 😊
    1 point
  28. I can make some generalisations about UK festivals: Size matters. The larger the festival, the better the chances of sightings. At peak times the queues for the portaloos will get too long, and some women will have to find somewhere else to pee. It's also likely to be further to walk to other loo blocks. The sort of crowd matters. Younger audiences drink more and are less inhibited. The age demographic of the festival varies according to the reputation of the festival and the line-up on the billing that year and that day. The site matters. Some make it difficult for w
    1 point
  29. It's also been used 😏 A bunch of your videos are quite 😘👌
    1 point
  30. Well that was a wet night! Drank a litre of water just before going to bed. Woke about 2am with a strong need for the toilet so let it out in the bed, laying on my back with legs together to ensure it flowed over as much of my body as possible. Drank another litre and went back to sleep. Awake again at 7am and busting for a pee, spent 10 minutes slowly spraying that one around in the bed whilst edging and enjoying the slippery wetness. Lay there for a while before heading into the shower, now sitting naked in front of the computer writing it up. <bliss 😊>
    1 point
  31. We are not the bendy toys we used to be, lol. A self pee is a sight to behold, with or without some assistance.
    1 point
  32. I want to make a comment here - I know there is technically a difference between pee and squirt, but I feel like for the purpose of this forum and story they may as well be the same thing. If you disagree, feel free to discuss this by quoting this message.
    1 point
  33. Love it! Fitting rooms are one of my favorite places for women to urinate in. I have gotten two lady friends to admit to doing it, one of which does it on a regular basis. It’s convenient for her.
    1 point
  34. The more natural the pose, the better for me when It comes to watching someone pee. Whether it be standing with legs slightly apart and just letting it flow, or sitting/laying and doing the same hands free, I enjoy it a lot. For me personally I also enjoy not using my hands. If I can just let it go wherever it wants to go I get a lot of enjoyment from that.
    1 point
  35. I never said they didn’t hahaha 😉
    1 point
  36. Exactly, I think living a life of such properness and cleaness and then just unleashing has like deep meaning to me and is very gratifying
    1 point
  37. Since January 1, 2019, when the business closed that sent ladies to, “The Lot” I used to post about weekly, I have been trying to find another sweet spot like that. I found a 7 story parking garage where there is a club/lounge on each side, and parking there is cheaper than one of the club/lounge parking, and the only parking for the other club/lounge. I have posted up there 3 times prior. The garage smells of strong urine and marijuana. During my visits I have only observed men urinating there. Like every vehicle with a male, at least one male gets out and relieves himself before wa
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. this skirt has a lining that should have prevented them from showing, but i feel like it didn’t work as well as intended. or, maybe it did since i did choose a dark color. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤫 haha. idk, what do you think, vpl or shadow? anyways, i also kind felt a little devious 😈😇 and totally on the fly, decided to walk back to my car after lunch without my skirt on. it kinda started because i kinda noticed some landscapers checking me out, lol. i kinda wanted to shock them. so unzipped my skirt and kinda let it wriggle down a bit while squatted across the way and pretending to be texting. then whil
    1 point
  40. I was trying out my hose as I had the urge
    1 point
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