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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/2022 in all areas

  1. In my first story on this website, we have a pissing contest between a male and female, male on female golden showers, ejaculation between the breasts, a little bit of swallowing and female orgasm from clitoral stimulation. Also contains references to alcohol, pot smoking, oral sex and time travel. In her signature black minidress, black stockings and shoes and with her long, light brown hair, Eliminature looks no more out of place in 1968 than she does in 2022. The only anomaly is the smartphone in her handbag with its time travel app. The doorman insists she remove her timeless black fr
    7 points
  2. Depending on who I’m with at the beach I usually just go out into the sea just far enough that my private area is covered and I pee into the sea. If I’m alone I’ll move the crotch of my swimsuit aside and pee where I sit. If I’m walking on the beach I’ll look for dunes or rocks to cover me and I’ll squat.
    5 points
  3. I think if it wasn't taboo I wouldn't enjoy it nearly as much. Like how much of a thrill do you get from sitting on the toilet like a good girl? If peeing in public became accepted and normal it would probably feel like sitting on the toilet. I like peeing outside or wetting myself because it's different, it's naughty.
    5 points
  4. So I just made a huge mess too. I used my work break to go buy something from the pharmacy at the mall, and I already needed to piss really bad as I was leaving work. So I buy what I need and I’m like fuck it I’ll use the mall public toilet. When I walked in it was obvious that it was already cleaned, but however I hovered above the toilet seat. Soon I realized (well I felt) that my pee is actually not going in the toilet at all, and the stream hits the floor directly. So I try to adjust myself a bit, peed into the toilet for few seconds but then I decided why not, might as well let
    5 points
  5. Wow I had no idea this community existed! I had to immediately make an account once I found my way here. I love all things watersports and love chatting with people who are interested in the same! There's nothing I love more than watching guys piss 🤤🤤🤤. Sadly I have yet to experience any sort of pee play with a partner in real life so I like to share online! You can find me sharing on Reddit or Pornhub under the same name if you're interested in watching 😘. Looking forward to chatting with you! 😊
    4 points
  6. Whooops! I was so distracted by her beauty I didn't realise! Here, let me make up for it
    4 points
  7. Putting a slight twist on this…. I do wonder about getting to the point of absolute, sheer panic levels of desperation- the actual real point of leaking and losing all sense of dignity desperation. Then only at that point put on one of those ‘slow burn’ tracks - Bat Out Of Hell with its two minute intro, or The Chain by Fleetwood Mac. Some track like that. As the intro plays, of course ‘try’ to keep holding despite the dribbles, spurts and leaks slowly wetting your clothes. Then finally with the crescendo comes the moment of explosively opening the floodgates and totally, gushing w
    4 points
  8. Does my own garage count? https://imgur.com/a/JGKaiud
    4 points
  9. Hope this isn't in the wrong place, but what a delightful slit!
    4 points
  10. Hi everyone! Those who know me know that I have an extensive collection of water bottles, including a smart water bottle and several other normal ones. However, I added a new one to my collection: a GIANT water bottle! It's one of those motivational water bottles that have times on the side to keep you going, and it holds a whopping 64 oz! Yesterday was my first successful day in drinking it all, and boy I paid the price for it. Especially in the evening when I chugged the last 14 oz or so in about an hour. It only took twenty minutes or so before my bladder was so full and I peed fo
    3 points
  11. Well that's me told, eh? But here are a couple more just because there might be some people as tasteless as me!
    3 points
  12. Have you been to the Isle of Wight?
    3 points
  13. If it weren't a taboo, I'd still enjoy it. Certainly more often, although probably not as intensely. Eli make a very good point. Even if there wasn't the thrill of breaking the rules, a sense of pleasure would still be involved.
    3 points
  14. And another https://redgifs.com/watch/pointedcrushingyellowjacket
    3 points
  15. I would be wetting myself a lot more openly - no need to be discreet!
    3 points
  16. Thanks but no thanks. You know I don't enjoy damaging property.
    3 points
  17. Well I think I'd still be interested in it. If nothing else than because the mechanism of releasing urine uses the same muscles that are used during orgasm/ejaculation. The tensing and releasing of a full bladder feels good.
    3 points
  18. Either in the bushes (festivals are supposed to be eco-friendly, we should be giving our pee back to the parched earth that nourishes us) or, for the shock factor at a Goth/Alternative festival, in the male urinal.
    3 points
  19. So I found myself full tonight out in public. I hate using public restrooms but tonight was an exception. I don't want to go into details about where I was, because I made the biggest mess of the public bathroom thar was on site 😖 Before I even got to pee, the bathroom was trashed. There were paper towels everywhere, including in the toilet and sink, no toilet paper, what looked to be blood in the sink, and it smelled really awful. This was the only bathroom available, so I'd have to make do. Now, I've never hovered over a toilet to pee before. Again, I'm more content with holding m
    2 points
  20. Great story, very hot thanks for sharing
    2 points
  21. One of the best stories I've read in quite some time. @Eliminature I didn't realize that you were actually Ruby Tuesday! 🤣
    2 points
  22. Nice 😉. Actually, the whole story is great Eli! I think you enjoyed writing that ❤️
    2 points
  23. Fantastic story Eliminature! Very well written. Thanks for sharing.
    2 points
  24. I agree with Sophie. The 'taboo' aspect of peeing certainly contributes to its enjoyability. At the same time I think we have to be aware of the dividing line between fantasy and reality. If people were allowed to simply let loose where and when they fancied, would it actually be all that enjoyable? There would be no rule about using the toilet to kick against and, with nothing to kick against, where would we be?
    2 points
  25. Would there be a peeing area in a swimming pool? 🙃
    2 points
  26. If it wasn’t taboo, I wonder where the boundaries would be set - would it be like smoking? You can do it in the open air, in your own car or home but not inside offices, shops or on public transport? If that were the case there could be still the fun desperation plus the bonus of seeing much more street peeing - not to mention the discussion of peeing and wetting being more open too. Maybe bars and restaurants would be less inclined to maintain toilet facilities because of course there’s a perfectly good alleyway just outside. If completely taking away the taboo means everyone
    2 points
  27. Whilst I have been unusually active these last few days by recent standards, it has dawned upon me in a sudden realisation, that I have littered some of my posts with flirty comments aimed at you. Mostly it is meant in jest but your lack of reaction to them - comment or icon wise - has made me realise I might have been overdoing it. Apologies if I have been in any way annoying or creepy. I will be a gentleman from now on. Any thoughts involving ladies peeing, which are frequent about lots of ladies when I am here, I will keep to myself insofar as actual members are concerned, unless
    2 points
  28. I think about this from time to time. One side of me says I would love it. I would love for myself and anyone else to be able to pee where they want, but I have to wonder when the fetish would turn itself off and it would just be normal. When would it just be an every day thing to watch someone pee in a corner or a clothing store and when would it turn me on? Or would I just be perpetually horny lol. The other side of me says it would not be fun because then the pees would never be naughty 🤣 I dunno. I would enjoy it for a while I'm sure! And I would definitely not think twice about peei
    2 points
  29. Usually in the sea. Occasionally on the sand, sitting down. Swimming trunks not an issue on the naturist beaches we prefer 😊
    2 points
  30. This is more with others than family members and basis more on race and ethnicity than any other observations. I was on holiday to Delhi in India a few years ago (before pandemic) and the men their will pee in every circumstance. They have wall written in Hindi and English that says 'pee wall'. Men and boys have no worries in peeing their and women and girls act like they have not even noticed. Soon enough after a few days there was a time, when outside when I would need to go pee. Men also pee communally on the pee walls and can be 5-6 men quite close together peeing. My notice was 90% of Ind
    1 point
  31. The amount of substance abuse at Glastonbury has got to the point that urine there has to be treated as toxic waste - festival-goers are being asked to use the proper facilities to prevent the environment being contaminated with the residue from cannabis etc. That said my pee is of course very pure, so in the unlikely event that I would attend I would of course just wet myself!
    1 point
  32. Always into the sand/grass - no problem since I prefer nude beaches. If there are people around, then just hanging my dick to the side of my towel and let go. If the beach is empty, then just walk a few steps and pee where I like. Into the water only if there are too many people around. I did the same as a kid.
    1 point
  33. Since joining this site, the thought of peeing on carpet has appealed, just to give it a go and see if it’s as good as everyone says. However I don’t want to ruin my carpet or make it smell and the clean up seems like a hassle. But I had the genius idea to get some carpet samples from a carpet shop that they were chucking out. I put a couple down, stripped off, stood over them, went into a high squat and let it flow! Possibly not quite the same as peeing on a proper carpet but at least I was able to just bin them after and have zero clean up! I will probably do it again with some of the other
    1 point
  34. Oh yes I have wet my hotel room before. Last time I emptied my full bladder on the carpet and then scooted the armchair back over the wet spot just to make sure it wasn’t obvious. I’ve never videod myself as I’m very shy and I feel a little ashamed afterwards anyway. But I have done it plenty of times.
    1 point
  35. Male Smooth after years of being natural. Epilate with Barenuts cream.
    1 point
  36. Shakira - Whenever, wherever I created a video for a second song, this time Shakira's iconic "Whenever, wherever". My bladder was again pretty full and I was desperate to go at the beginning of the video. I hope you enjoy the video! https://www.erome.com/a/wUQxY27C
    1 point
  37. I've pissed in many places ... I'll just list the boldest: university library on a lot of books changing room in the department store, on clothes in many elevators in the cinema on the floor (unfortunately I didn't have the opportunity to piss on the seats) hallways Toilet walls and floors lecture halls and many other places that I can't think of at the moment ...
    1 point
  38. So far I've only really consistently succeeded with a FUD and going in a wide-mouth container like a jar. Can usually hover above the toilet. Straddling over the toilet while facing it needs some work, as with anything more advanced... You?
    1 point
  39. I have not actually been to a festival, but if I did, then I would follow the lead of others. i.e. if other people are peeing next to the path then I would certainly join them, but I probably wouldn't be the first person to just stop next to a busy path and start peeing. If there was no obvious peeing going on then I would go behind a bush/dumpster/lorry/whatever, but I almost definitely wouldn't use the toilets and I'm absolutely not waiting until I get home!
    1 point
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