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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/2022 in Posts

  1. This was a first for me but I am hoping to take advantage of more opportunities soon. I spent most of my morning driving ride share, I peed before I left the house but after eating lunch in my car and having a couple drinks by mid day I was desperate to pee. I was busy with rides and kept telling myself I could hold it a bit longer. I finally reached the point after several hours that I knew I could not hold on much longer. The simple solution would have been to run into a store and use the restroom but I had been hoping to find a more enjoyable solution. I frantically started scanni
    17 points
  2. So my big sis Anna throws this house party as our parents are away for this weekend. And everything was fine until now: I hold my part of the agreement and stayed in my room. But all of a sudden her friend Sarah came in my room without knocking. "You're sis asks for you. She's in the kitchen." I didn't really understand why but Sarah threw me out of the room saying "I need my privacy". Puzzled I went to hear what my sister has to say. "So didn't Sarah explain it to you? Some coward couldn't control himself and destroyed the bathroom door and our toilet. Don't worry, we already thee
    5 points
  3. On days I’m doing laundry I will hold off on going until I’m ready to throw a load of wash into the machine and I’ll lay out a couple towels or a pile of clothes on the basement floor and have a good piss before tossing it all in the washer. Sometimes I’ll even change into a pair of dirty sweatpants and wet them standing over a towel before it all goes in the machine and then just put my clean pants back on before going back upstairs. A great way to have some fun when I am not home alone.
    5 points
  4. A bit of a confession here,, im very into water sports and pee play but my husband hates it and refuses to participate so i dont get much pee play. So what ive started to do in the evenings is when i need the toilet at home i go upstairs, close the bathroom door, take my robe off and stand in the bath and just let it flow, ive even started to leave my panties on recently, a quick wash down with the shower head and im back down stairs and hubby is none the wiser. O reckon its only a matter of time before im doing this in the bath😁
    4 points
  5. Basically, I think Putin is a heartless monster with more blood on his hands than Harold Shipman. It's completely illegal, entirely unprovoked, and I stand in full solidarity with the Ukraine. I know my words on this fetish forum aren't exactly going to reach very far, and they pale into obscurity when you consider the heartache, fear, anger, rage, and destruction involved in this unwanted war. However, my heart goes out to every Ukrainian currently fighting for their country/life. I propose that when Putin dies, we all organise a trip out to Russia for a huge collective disrespectfu
    4 points
  6. Hey ya'll! I'm a 21 year old bi girl from the US! Outside of kink I love baking, reading, and painting. Kink wise I love being dominated, lots of toys, bondage, degradation, and piss play! I'm especially into men pissing, piss drinking, and piss marking! I'm really excited to be here and get more into the community! Let me know if you guys have any questions!
    4 points
  7. Lovely 😊. And it's wonderful that you were able to take advantage of the emptiness of the parking lot to make the most of being turned on by it ❤️
    3 points
  8. I wandered back down to the church steps and sheltered under the archway and then realised I had intended to head home and had come back down to where I started, I should have just continued on to the train station. I stayed a while watching the crowds coming along the street telling myself I should head home. I saw a girl go into the shop opposite and had to do a double take. I waited and a few moments later she reappeared in the doorway and stood there sheltering with her friend. My double take had been for a good reason. The girl I had noticed was wearing a tight one piece black spand
    3 points
  9. Aww I feel your pain! I am in the same situation with my husband. I hate waiting for him to be gone to play alone. Sometimes when I crave it so bad, I pee into my cupped hand on the toilet and then rub my pee on my pussy. I love the warmth of piss against my pussy, and the naughtiness of pulling my pants up to appear like nothing happened. I have wet my panties on occasion too, it is a short term relief.
    3 points
  10. I used to be good friends with this girl named Tina. She was a pretty looking blonde maybe a little weight to her. We were good friends but never dated and at the time neither of us were seeing anyone else. She was about 32 at the time and she really loved hockey. I had got free tickets to a game and I asked her if she wanted to go and she said absolutely. It was a Saturday afternoon game so we went to the game and had a great time and a lot of fun. On our way home we were about a half an hour away from my apartment and she is usually very talkative and she got really quiet.I asked her if she
    2 points
  11. When I was younger all of us neighborhood kids would get together and hangout. One of our friends was this girl named Sue and the rest were all guys. We were in my backyard and playing with squirt guns and laughing it was a very warm day. We were all laughing and having fun and I remember Sue saying to me I have to go pee and she squeezed her legs together and grabbed her crotch. I expected her to go home and pee but she didn’t and she stayed there with us laughing and playing. She was sitting on my back steps and when she got up the back step was wet and her pants were really wet. My one frie
    2 points
  12. This one was expected, a backup was in progress. It's finished now so all should be working as normal again. 🙂
    2 points
  13. So here we are. Slowly I got used to the smell while I got to know more and more girls at the party. And I've seen 1, 2... 3 pussies. Tonight was the first time I saw one in person. I'm not complaining, but I wondered how everyone was so open about peeing in front of me. Probably it was the alcohol. This alcohol also fills their bladders quite fast. So it was not suprising at all that only half an hour after Sarah's and Anna's first visit in my room they came in again. This time my sister didn't care about her brother watching. She took the trash bin under my desk, pulled down her
    2 points
  14. I’ll share the huge welcome, although we’ve already met in chat. The one thing I’ll say is it doesn’t really matter about the ‘F’ or the ‘21’ - you’re a Peefan and that’s what counts.
    2 points
  15. I was all set to go and get a taxi when a loud drunk girl caught my attention and gave me my next sighting. I was stood at the bottom of the church steps when I heard someone shout "Nooooo I need a piss". I looked up and found a girl coming along the street, clearly drunk, being supported by her boyfriend. She was in her early 20's, had dark red hair and was wearing a black jacket and some tight leather pants. As I watched them he kept saying they should go get a taxi and get home and that is why she kept moaning that she really needed a piss, getting louder each time clearly trying to convinc
    2 points
  16. I went and stood back outside Maccy's and after a while the rain started to get a bit heavier. Where I was stood was pretty sheltered but I was thinking if it got worse I was going to head home. Two girls came out of McDonald's and stopped when they saw the rain. They stood for a moment chatting then ran out and across to the ATM in the town square and watched them as they went. I turned back round paying them no more attention, that was until I heard a scream. I looked back and found them running from the ATM and round the corner. They went into the nearest shop doorway and took shelter
    2 points
  17. I needed to pee quite urgently and I might have polluted the water a little
    2 points
  18. Keeping the rivers topped up
    2 points
  19. This is part two of Jonathan's story. You can find part one here: https://peefans.com/topic/22368-jonathans-fortunate-occasions-1/ The last occasion I had told you about - the one were Anna and I had peed in a storage room in the school basement - was not the last pee-incident I shared with her. Afrerwards we talked from time to time, but didn't became particular close friends, maybe even because it reminded her of the embarrassing situation each time she saw me. One day during break she came up to me while I was reading in the school's library and asked me if I could help her out, the
    1 point
  20. This is the third part of a series. You can find part one here and part two here. Contains female peeing as well as some male peeing. No wetting, holding or vandalism this time. In my last year of highschool our biology teacher decided it would be a fun addition to her class to make all students pair up for a photo project of the local flora. While I didn't oppose the idea in general, I thought it was a great injustice of her to pair us up in random groups of two instead of letting us choose our partners on our own. That I was mistaken, and the random pairing brought me in som
    1 point
  21. So I'm currently staying at a hotel by myself for work and I see all these hotel pissing videos. Where should I piss tonight in my room?
    1 point
  22. Decided to find sth public to mark for a change and went to some historic site in the forest with picnic tables around. Decided to pee against one of the table legs, so that, while I wouldn't directly inconvenience anyone, it would still be clearly visible that a guy decided to tinkle here: https://www.redgifs.com/watch/tanillegalnoddy Also took a pic of the result:
    1 point
  23. I hope you'll find inspiration and opportunity for more solo pee play. It can be great fun, and maybe the fact that you have to play secretly might even add a naughty thrill. I hope so!
    1 point
  24. I still have a couple of those filters with my camera gear, though I haven't shot anything on film for nearly 20 years. 🙂
    1 point
  25. Welcome! I hope you enjoy reading all the stories on the site and sharing your own if you feel comfortable. I'm curious when you started getting into pissmarking specifically? That's my favourite part of the pee kink personally
    1 point
  26. Hi Jinx! Welcome! Wow these pictures 😳😋
    1 point
  27. Maybe some sort of challenge game (maybe rigged in your favour) where when he loses (which you make sure he does) then you set him a random forfeit and it happens to be that he has to pee somewhere of your choice. Then later on you can confess how much it turned you on to see him do it, and maybe he gets to experience how turned on you are as a bonus. From that point on hopefully you just have to remind him of that moment and he'll be marking like a young pup on every place he can...
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. Same here, in fact on one instance my husband had just stepped out of bed and pissed across the room leaving a very obvious pattern. As I came out of the bathroom unaware housekeeping was knocking on the door. I told her to give us a hour to get going, but that we could use some more towels. She grabbed the towels and went into the bathroom with them. As she came out she and I both noticed the stain and I said, "we knocked over a water bottle this morning, she smiled and commented, "no problem, you wouldn't believe how common that is, guests love to pee in hotel rooms." I was a bit embarrassed
    1 point
  30. While it is most certainly easier and less messy for guys to pee in public, they certainly can be more exposed and obvious when doing so. The thing is that society has come to accept this and the site of men pissing in public isn't a shock to anyone. I suppose women are less likely to get into trouble for doing so, but that shouldn't really stop men from doing as they always have.
    1 point
  31. nice to read that you have fun, and that you are creative with solutions. you're not alone in that parter part🙂. it won't stop you anyway xd. And here we love it.
    1 point
  32. That’s amazing - for such a ‘mainstream’ company. I wonder if anyone other than their web admin knows about that page lol. I’m pretty sure I’ve used them in the past when refitting our bathroom in the old house - I’ll definitely use them again now. Whatever the opposite of ‘boycotting’ is. They can have my trade anytime.
    1 point
  33. And just to build on what @likesToLick has said there on the camera technology, in the studio the earlier lighting would have been using halogen flood lamps, typically up to 500W bulky and hot things. The cameras would have then had to be used on a shutter speed of maybe 1/60 second or less (since the lamps operated on alternating current at 50Hz or 60Hz) and that slow shutter speed wouldn’t be enough to freeze the motion of the pee stream. Also when shooting colour, the ‘temperature’ of the lighting is critical. Most colour film is designed to be used in daylight, but the studio l
    1 point
  34. Best not to go too crazy ... different hotels have different cleaning policies (e.g. surcharges, etc.) ... but there are many discreet places to pee: in corners, in the closet, under furniture, chairs with removable cushions, etc. And don't forget the opportunities outside your room: the hotel pool, that quiet sofa in the corner of the lobby, the hotel bar, lifts & staircases ... the list goes on. Key tip: Stay inside your comfort zone, to maximise enjoyment. Doing something that you find overly risky or uncomfortable makes it less fun. Focus on enjoying the moment ... you can pu
    1 point
  35. Let me start with your last question (relating to fabric). If it is something which you can wash (put into a washing machine: think towels, sheets, clothing) a few pees will not be an issue. If it isn't (rugs, upholstered furniture) it could be an issue. As to places you could pee; floors, tables, sinks, drawers, towels, washing machine, dishwasher, out windows, in pots/pans/dishes/glasses, in buckets...
    1 point
  36. Yes! I have fantasised about a couple of members here, past and present. I've thought about them wetting some really tight jeans, utterly soaking them and another I have thought about squatting next to them in an alley, both of us absolutely bursting to pee.
    1 point
  37. Chapter 3: Duty Calls As the two watch the sun slowly crawl down the dimming sky Patty notices a distinctive carriage cross the cobblestone streets. “Ugh, aristocrats. Think they’re hot shit with the money they use to gussy themselves up instead of helping the needy.” Celeste hadn’t seen Patty filled with such principled disgust before. “They deny needs from others for their own gain?” Celeste asks, genuinely puzzled. “Pretty much, but their timing’s pretty good right now. Watch this!” Patty clamors onto the windowsill, this time adopting a squat facing towards the str
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. I'd say your piss is well oxygenated 😊
    1 point
  40. I don't consider peeing in the pool to be pee vandalism. I feel like everybody does it, even if they won't admit it, and it gets diluted anyway so no one's the victim of the vandalism. To me, it's ruining someone's stuff with pee, or leaving a mess for others to clean up. One of my fun pastimes is pissing all over public bathrooms and getting the mess everywhere 😁 I enjoy knowing others will have to clean up my mess. More extreme vandalism would be pissing all over hotel carpets, under furniture, soaking the bare mattresses, etc, and peeing all over fitting rooms and wiping with unbought store
    1 point
  41. Another story from the archive. This one involving a family friend when I was younger. Growing up there was something we used to do every so often when the weather was nice. In my town there is a river and alongside it there is a canal with a footpath that runs all the way to the next little town about 4 miles away. Just before the next town along there is a pub on the river side that is lovely to sit at next to the river in the sunshine. Every so often we would go as a family and walk along the canal to that pub, have food and drinks and then walk back. I enjoyed these days out and most
    1 point
  42. Just a few more.Lovely.
    1 point
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