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  1. I’ve just come back from a supermarket trip. I go to a supermarket around five miles away and after a takeaway coffee on route I needed to pee by the time I got there. I stopped by the ladies before picking up a trolley and was dismayed to see an ‘out of order’ sign taped to the door. I got on with my shopping and headed home, looking forward to getting home to pee. Unfortunately I ended up in heavy traffic on the bypass and it took me 45 minutes to get home. I was desperate to the point of squirming in the driver’s seat. As I pulled into the car park beside the flats I live in I made the deci
    15 points
  2. This story involves, desperation, wetting, partial nudity, and public humiliation. Oh man, I wish I could put this in the fiction section, but this just happened to me a few hours ago. I had an accident today, and it wasn’t a small one either. It was hours in the making, and is one of my most humiliating accidents probably ever. Take your bathroom breaks beforehand, because this is going to be a long one. I wouldn’t say I have a strong bladder by any means. Id put it as below average. I’d like to think that being a mom has made my bladder mentally stronger. What do I m
    8 points
  3. Yeah I would say it's sort of automatic that when I'm in the bath I just pee there and I'm not at all bothered by it. I do the same in the shower lol. I've also squat and peed in the bathtub with no water before when I was in the naughty mood but had nowhere to go. I've put my foot on the side and peed into it while the shower water was warming, and I have done one of the cool fountain pees where I've spread my legs and shot my stream up as high as I could 😁 The possibilities are almost endless!
    7 points
  4. I love to just let go when I’m relaxed in a hot bath. I almost do it subconsciously now. I’ll lie back in the water and pee almost immediately.
    7 points
  5. I went for a bike ride today after work. I needed to pee when I got home but as I was getting changed out of my work clothes I had an idea, why sit on the toilet when I could pee while out on the ride? I wasn't desperate and could easily find somewhere to go. I squeezed myself into my cycling shorts and top, changed my shoes, put on my helmet and left the house with my bladder still moderately full. I got lost in my own little world and time seemed to fly by. It was dark and I was nearing home and I still hadn't had a wee! I would have been able to make it home but that would spoil my pla
    6 points
  6. Another post from me (sorry) My husband and I had an early night yesterday, he went up first and I joined him a few minutes later. As I was getting undressed we both knew we wasn't going straight to sleep. I was subconsciously taking my time undressing and feeling quite sexy and I had his full attention. I wasn't giving him a strip tease but there was definitely something deliberate in how I was moving. I climbed into bed next to him and we quietly talked while cuddled together, one thing lead to another and the cuddles became small kisses and then more passionate, deeper kisses. M
    6 points
  7. I’d have filmed this if I realised how much steam it would make! Cold, foggy day…
    4 points
  8. I am always willing to fill your head with any fantasy images you want, Goose!
    4 points
  9. On UK TV at the moment, a new series Sue Perkins’ Big American Road Trip - where as the name suggests, UK comedian Sue Perkins makes an American Camper trip in a surprisingly ill-equipped camper. The basic nature of her van (which wasn't by any means the typical RV) meant we had a quick very tame glimpse of her squatting behind a bush, discussing where to pee and telling us of her weak pelvic floor. Whether that's enough value to make the programme watchable is your own decision. I've formed my opinion...
    4 points
  10. I have. If I wanna take a nice, long relaxing bath, I have to wait until late at night when my kids are asleep. I have one of those mini tables that you can put over the bathtub so you can eat, drink, watch something while you take a bath. Throw in a bath bomb, have a bottle of wine just for me, and prop up my tablet and watch Netflix. Laying down in the warm water, combined with the couple glasses of wine, makes me need to pee quite badly after an hour or two, but I like to hold it as long as possible. Then, when the bathwater is losing its warmth, I pee and feel the warmth again. It’s such a
    4 points
  11. Hello. I've introduced myself before, but I've been gone quite some time. So again, I'm Nat. It's nice to meet you. Feel free to message me.
    3 points
  12. Today I knew my house mate wouldn't be at home when I got back, so I decided to skip my afternoon pee at work. This turned out to be very exciting! 😄 It was 14:30. My bladder was nice and full, but not on the verge of wetting. It was at the point that I'd class as the perfect desperate feeling. It was also at this point, that I was due to leave work. I walked out through the door into the cold air. Instantly I knew that I'd be pushing myself to my limit on my journey home! If I had to stop somewhere I would, but only if I was seconds from disaster! The first half of the driv
    3 points
  13. Thanks for sharing - and hugs. I’m also one of those who wouldn’t wish an unpleasant experience on anyone and doesn’t derive any fun from someone’s misfortune. At least though you managed to make it home without being seen wet or wetting. Hopefully retrospectively you’ll be able to focus on how good the actual release felt more than any other aspect. Huge thanks for sharing.
    3 points
  14. @Kupar said pretty much everything. Oh and im honestly impressed by how long you could hold it in. I don't mean this in a "nice holding contest" kind of way. I mean that i would probably end up having an accident way earlier if i tried holding it as long as you did. I felt the urge to go to the toilet just from reading this. You pretty much played on the hardest difficulty and nearly made it. xD So please don't think that there is something wrong with your (im saying this because you wrote that you don't have a strong bladder).
    3 points
  15. A couple of days ago me and a male friend who I had not seen in ages met up in the centre of town and we migrated back to my apartment for a couple of hours to catch up on things. When we were back at my apartment I was desperate to pee (I could have easily just wet my pants on the way to my apartment but thought better of it as I had company), so I showed him to the sofa before excusing myself and dashing upstairs to urinate on the hallway carpet. We got chatting over a beer or two. Just before he left me to get public transport back across to his side of the city he said "can I use
    3 points
  16. Call out to men 45+ I want to see you pee Doesn't matter where you pee as long as you do Post pictures and videos
    2 points
  17. I feel like I should issue a formal warning or something for using the 45+ and ‘older men’ in the same post. Still, if the flat cap fits… There’s a few bits and pieces from me here > https://peefans.com/topic/20417-challenge-goose/?tab=comments#comment-278345
    2 points
  18. Aw you poor thing. Being a mum of young kids is tough, but equally heart Melting when they come out with such genuine caring comments like that! I enjoy wetting every now and again but only in the comfort of my own home, I’d be as shocked and upset as you so I get it. At least you had spare clothes so you could fix it quickly. Hope you had a chilled rest of the day!
    2 points
  19. Sophie Minto - I confess to... anything, just lock me up! 😍
    2 points
  20. Yes a real pain when it splits in more than one direction.
    2 points
  21. Ah, split stream, the bane of anyone who’s trying to aim at a small target like a toilet, but no problem outdoors!
    2 points
  22. Oh how I would love to see that beautiful fountain. I always pee in bath or shower, like second nature. Thanks for sharing.
    2 points
  23. Now there’s a set of fantasy images which will quite happily live rent free in my head for hopefully a long time to come - especially the last part.
    2 points
  24. No, I just lie back, relax and let it flow.
    2 points
  25. Oh wow! What a story. Sending huge hugs your way. I hope that writing about your day here within a community of people who understand and mindfully experience the pain, pleasure, embarrassment and ecstasy that pee can bring has helped make you feel better about the accident. And your kid's comment: how sweet is that?! Hope it helped! Take care @BGSB86.
    2 points
  26. A lot of people are saying jeans, and I agree. But I also like peeing in gray sweatpants. The feel of the wet cloth sticking to you after peeing is unmatched.
    2 points
  27. Wouldn't be the first time I've ended up with wet shoes
    1 point
  28. 47 here. Emptying small bladder 🙂 https://www.erome.com/a/LD7K33OR
    1 point
  29. I'm pleased that you appreciated it, nice to know someone else get some pleasure from seeing it
    1 point
  30. Forward peeing is really good combined with a strong piss stream
    1 point
  31. I actually agree, I was surprised at how long I could hold it too
    1 point
  32. It was -1° outside this morning, I love to pee outside when it's cold and see the cloud of steam rising upwards
    1 point
  33. This morning, bursting to pee when I woke up, I couldn't resist adding some wetness to my already pee-stained bed... https://www.erome.com/a/934YigSZ
    1 point
  34. I work as a construction worker and I definitely had a weaker bladder when I first started off. It’s still not great, but there are long periods of time where I am too busy to take a bathroom break. Especially since it’s important to keep hydrating when being outside all day. A lot of people are rightfully saying nurse. I have a friend who is an ER nurse and her bladder capacity is freakishly huge. Years of daily practice brought her to this point.
    1 point
  35. Would you pee upwards if your desperate enough and spread your lips apart and aim up?
    1 point
  36. Needed to go pee quite urgently. I wonder if this wall will end up with obvious pee smell if I keep using it in this way…?
    1 point
  37. So I didn’t actually see it, I heard it, but I think it counts nonetheless. I was using public toilets when I heard the bathroom door fling open hard and someone woman running in. She got into the stall next to me and I could see under the walls of the stall that she was crossing her legs. I could hear her whisper with urgency in her voice “cmon cmon cmon” while trying to undo her belt. She kept dancing around for maybe 30 more seconds, still struggling to undo her belt, when I heard her say “nonono fuck!” A few seconds later I finally heard the distinct sound of a belt jangling undone an
    1 point
  38. A couple of years ago I had a discussion with a very attractive (European) girl, about women's toilets in Japan. Her statement was "it is much easier if you wear high heels". I found this statement super interesting, but there were lots of other people around, so I could not really start a detailed discussion about her peeing habits. I replied "ah, so then you get a better angle?", and while asking I indicated with my finger a slightly downward trajectory and then a slightly upward overshooting trajectory. She laughed and replied "haha, yes". Probably she just meant that it was "easier" to pee
    1 point
  39. I’m a forward pee’er. If I’m not sitting but rather squatting on a toilet i have to lean a little forward so I don’t overshoot the bowl. If I am desperate, my stream is like a laser!
    1 point
  40. Same here! My sons are always up to no good, so even when I’m using the toilet, I keep the door open to keep an eye on them. Even when they are using the bathroom I have to keep the door open because, like I said, always up to no good. My oldest decided it was a good idea to lift up his potty seat and the regular toilet seat to. He was basically sitting in the toilet water! He thought this was how adults peed.
    1 point
  41. Yes! Any pee in gray pants is amazing. I will find our later.
    1 point
  42. My first pee experience is when I was walking to school one morning and I took a short cut that day and went down a ally way and saw a young women pulling up her skirt and her panties down and just standing there spreading her pussy lips apart and pissing at that time I felt super horny and I needed a piss as well so I pull my skirt up and panties aside and pissed standing up and we both just watched each other till I had to rush to school.
    1 point
  43. You will probably like pictures from Aeric Meredith Goujon. Actual sites has only new pics, but if you search the web, you'll find very good oldies Here for example : https://scoptophilia.blogspot.com/2010/06/aeric-meredih-goujon-bodyspring.html?zx=9109b20c0becbd94 Not only pee art but some are truly beautiful. A few examples :
    1 point
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