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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/2020 in Posts

  1. Another one: The husband and I like to visit the Netherlands. There aren't too many public lavatories around, but there are a great number of historical cast iron urinals - often known as plaskrullen, or piss curl. I think my ambition is to water every one of them if I possibly can! My first experience with one of these was in the city of Amsterdam. My husband and I both needed to go and we queued up for the urinal just by the Oudekerk, close to the Red Light district. It was busy, so we queued for a few minutes. I let my husband go first and finally, it was my turn - I think some people
    7 points
  2. It seems to be a common misconception that pee sex is a BDSM thing, but in real life I would say it is less so. Certainly there seem to be more "fun and friendly" pee sex fans in this forum, compared to those who like humiliation, domination and such.
    6 points
  3. Yes that is the typical straight mind perception, that we are all sub-dom humiliation fetishists. Am sure that is because people not into pee cannot conceive of being peed on as anything other than humiliating, therefore it must be about humiliation is the assumption. Clearly they don't understand us at all.
    5 points
  4. Another one for your files, as it were. In October 2014 (I remember the date because it was a Halloween party), I was attending a gig at a club. Having had two bottles of Guinness Porter, I dashed up the stairs to reach the loos and make room for some more. Unfortunately, I was greeted by the barman locking the door to the ladies. Someone has pulled a sink off the wall and it was flooded. Out of desperation, I made my way into the gents, announcing "Sorry gentlemen, the ladies is all locked up and I really need to go!" A chap was in there but he didn't seem to mind sharing the loo. I qui
    4 points
  5. Hope reviving this topic is okay. I just wanted to share a few of my own experiences. I've used a urinal quite a few times. My husband enjoys smuggling me into a gents' lavatory so we can go together. The last time was just a few weeks ago. We arrived at a motorway service area in the North Midlands and I asked him to check whether anyone was in the gents'. No one was, so I strode in, chose one of the available urinals (some are sealed off due to the pandemic), raised up my skirt and moved my knickers to one side then relieved myself. One guy did walk in and glance at me sideways, b
    3 points
  6. A new story is finally out guys! I have to split this in two parts though because it quite a long one. Enjoy part 1 in the meantime Hey guys 'n girls, sorry, it's been a while! Work has been getting in my way lately and I was way to exhausted to tell you about my latest adventure with Maya. She's on holiday now btw with her husband, in Spain. Very nice place, no idea how it's called but judging by the pictures she's been sending me over the last bunch of days it looks lovely. I didn't get selfies of her peeing like she did two months ago (remember?), which is quite disappoi
    2 points
  7. It was at night, and I did have my husband check first. You're right though. I don't think I'd dare do that during the day. I might get arrested! Most adult men wouldn't mind, but I think fathers with minors might have a problem with it. And to give a minor a traumatic experience is the last thing I want. With that said, I certainly wouldn't mind a fellow pee enthusiast or fetishist walking in on me. I'm not there to hurt anyone, cause trouble or damage property. Just to relieve myself and put a show on for those who want it! I've been enjoying your own accounts of pee sightings, A
    2 points
  8. Well this evening I had a very unusual experience. I go for a walk most evenings and on the way back I felt a growing need to pee which reached the point I couldn't ignore it and I knew I wouldn't make it home. There's a row of garages I often pop behind on my usual route so I took a detour. I was just getting in position to squat in the corner with my back to the wall when a well dressed lady a little older than me rounded the corner. "Are you having a wee there?!" She asked. I've never been caught in the act (well almost) before so I apologised hastily and went to pull my knickers and leggin
    2 points
  9. I have posted many of my sightings of girls peeing across different threads in these forums, but I've now decided to follow @Big Bear's example and create a thread where I'll keep adding new posts when I experience a sighting (hoping that there will still be more to come of course!!) - that way, it keeps the forums a bit tidier. I will start with a few sightings I had on a Friday night about 3 weeks ago in a town in North West England: First one has where three girls were sat on a bench having a laugh and drinking. I kept a vague eye on them but didn't always look in their directio
    1 point
  10. Just got a random urge before hoping in the shower. Wandered naked into the back yard and took a nice long pee wherever I felt like! It was very freeing to be honest! Sorry for the terrible tan lines lol! Enjoy!
    1 point
  11. I had my first lockdown pee sighting on Friday. I've been quite frustrated because I know that lots of parks and beaches are inundated with people taking advantage of the sun, toilets are locked to reduce risk of coronavirus infection and therefore the logical conclusion is that lots more people than usual are peeing outside. However, I'm always with my wife and daughter so don't get a chance to get out looking at the right times. However on Friday at 5pm I went to the chemist to pick up a prescription. It was quick and I thought I wasn’t expected home for a little while so I quickl
    1 point
  12. Sorry, it does the same for me, even though her name is clearly in the link, you could search emmyxotty in google and her cam is listed
    1 point
  13. Haha I've just noticed that, it's a typo! I put the time for my second and third wee in the wrong order. I'll fix it now. Sorry about that!
    1 point
  14. I went to a meeting of the local Fetlife group, and it seems like they have generic “kink” parties where maybe someone will decide to do golden showers, maybe not, maybe it will just be people spanking each other. Frustrating if you have a specific fetish that’s not bondage-related.
    1 point
  15. I drink my wife’s pee quite often. During sex she usually whispers in my ear “are you thirsty”....which of course I always am! This more often than not is after I’ve eaten her to an orgasm or two. She straddles my face and let’s loose. We’ve gotten quite good at this without making a mess...I just swallow it all! This happens at night and often in the morning as well. She quite enjoys making me drink her morning piss, as it is so strong and she gets a little bit of a rush with that. I still drink it all and love it everytime.
    1 point
  16. You're such a gentle soul Steve. My imaginary magic button simply vaporises them.
    1 point
  17. Welcome to the forum, @Eliminature. I think you will find that we are all a pretty friendly and welcoming bunch around here. Glad to have you here.
    1 point
  18. Hi I am Mark 38 years from Amsterdam in Holland. Into wetting, peeing in naughty places and golden showers 🙂 Nice to see many people here into the same.
    1 point
  19. I really enjoy reading your accounts, Alfresco. They are quite titillating! I do wish I could help some of the girls who obviously don't understand that they can wee standing up too. However, squatting is also good and I know some women prefer it. It would be lovely if you could catch me peeing against a wall or tree on one of your night walks. All the better if you peed too. It's always nice to have a bit of company as you both ease the pressure on your bladder.
    1 point
  20. So, parts of the North East of the UK have entered a period of greater restrictions. The pubs and bars have a curfew of 10pm from tonight. Newcastle particularly is known as having a drinking culture on a Friday and Saturday night and I can't think that people will say that the pubs shut at 10pm so it isn't worth going out. This will surely mean that there will be a load of people exiting pubs at 10pm and spilling onto the streets, all looking for taxis, buses and Metro to get home, or possibly continue their drinking in parks etc. With no chance of re-entering pubs and bars, there is
    1 point
  21. I’m also really into men pissing wherever they want to. It feels really good to pull my cock out and piss in places I’m not supposed to. Sometimes I get too aroused and can’t actually pee! I like watching other guys do it too. I grew up in a rural area and it was normal to piss outside when you needed to. It’s a big fantasy of mine to meet someone who wants me to piss all over their place. I think my favorite thing to piss on is wall to wall carpeting. The fact that it’s so hard to clean up is really arousing for me. I have some videos up on xtube and twitter under the same name as here. I jus
    1 point
  22. Thank you so much. I'll post the timing for today and tomorrow, maybe the weekend and then I'll take a step back and only post when something particularly exciting happens. I'm really pleased you have been enjoying them and I would continue if it was still fun for me.
    1 point
  23. Pleased you all approve. I'll post some more experiences as and when they come to me.
    1 point
  24. I think for me, over the years the biggest surprise has been the number of different ways ladies pee comes out - sometimes a laser stream, sometimes a messy dribble, sometimes a fan, sometimes high pressure high volume short duration, sometimes low pressure for ages. The angle varies, the sounds vary, so each woman I see peeing is like a new experience as I never quite know what to expect. Another surprising thing is bladder capacity - I see some girls absolutely bursting to pee outside and then they leave a tiny puddle and then others don't seem overly desperate but flood the street.
    1 point
  25. Totally agree on this - the best sightings used to be when all pubs chucked out at 11pm and people then went to join queues for nightclubs or wait for buses and taxis home. There was always a good chance of sightings between about 11pm and midnight as people couldn't get back into the pubs and there were long queues for the clubs. These days, the line between pub/bar/club is very grey and they can open as long as they like, so there is no sudden rush of people leaving pubs at 11pm, people can go in and out of pubs, travel home is spread over a longer period and the sightings window b
    1 point
  26. Thank you to all the moderators and Admin for keeping this site running as smoothly as they do!
    1 point
  27. I can definitely relate @Dreadnought101 to the stepping away from the commonplace. I find myself feeling far more aroused at a girl peeing in an unusual stance - so many images all look the same with the low squat, knees apart. So sitting, standing, lay down, doggy style, whatever other positions captivate me. Perhaps in your case, most people would consider the peeing through knickers as unpleasant. Imagining it’s going to later feel cold and icky, imagining an unpleasant smell, damp patches on clothes. So finding a girl who willingly does it - sticks two fingers up at convention
    1 point
  28. You should never feel obligated to do anything and the moment you are not enjoying it is the time to stop. We have enjoyed an insight into your typical peeing styles and routine, but I totally get that it can feel like a chore, so what started as a fun thing for you to share has turned into something that is actually now a pain to do. Therefore, I for one, thank you for the posts that you have given us and fully understand that it is time to move on. You certainly have no reason to be sorry! I look forward to whatever other posts you decide to contribute in the future - they are alway
    1 point
  29. ** From now on I will just be posting the time and the duration. It has reached a point where I'm just not enjoying doing these any more. I want to spend time with my family and relax and enjoy myself, not sit at the computer every night typing these up because I promised to. It's no longer fun, it's feeling like work. I'm sorry. ** MONDAY 07:12 – New week, new me. After having a pretty crap week and not feeling like myself all weekend I wanted a fresh start. I woke up just after 7 and after lying in bed for a few minutes I got up and sat on the toilet for my morning wee. My shorts
    1 point
  30. OK, so these probably don't really fit the category as I didn't see them on the webcam myself, but they are uploaded to YouTube. Do they still count? Two ladies and one bloke peeing by the side of a canal in Amsterdam. Interesting that several people have been caught using the same spot and it isn't even particularly secluded. Two of them are in daylight. If anything I am surprised that they didn't go the other side of the cylindrical advertising display as they would be hidden from two sides there. So.... if people are willing to pee in the open like that in Amsterdam, how much peein
    1 point
  31. A bit later, in fact around 2am, in a different area, I saw a group of two girls and two men go into an entrance to a service area behind shops. One of the girls had really tight pink shorts on that showed the shape of her bum. The men were stood near the entrance, one of the girls was stood on the corner of a building and the other girl went round the corner. I walked into the area, fully expecting the guys to stop me, but they didn’t. The pink shorts girl was squatted down and I walked passed getting an excellent view from the front of her in a comfortable and relaxed low squat with a
    1 point
  32. CAUGHT IN THE ACT After my naughtiness with Jonathon I wanted to repeat the adventure as he was obviously more on my wavelength when it came to pee than Steve was. Intent and opportunity were two different things however. Steve’s house was off limits now his parents were back and Jonathan and I still lived at home, but where there’s a will there’s a way and fucking Jonathon and pissing on him was all I could think about and I hatched a plan. The next time Steve was on night shift I went to the local pub on a day I knew Jonathon would be there and wasted no time in getting him drunk.
    1 point
  33. One interesting thing that this has raised has how much more open women are about the fetish over the last ten years with the advent of #MeToo. Back in the nineties and noughties, the fansites were very heavily female-desperation-for-men. Even though it doesn't float my boat, it's been good to hear how many straight women are into the fetish as well. I'm truly fascinated about whether get the same kicks out of the fetish that men do. It's sort of rekindled my hopes of having some mutual pee-play fun with a like-minded woman as well.
    1 point
  34. this story contains orgies, raw sex, vandalism, and naughty public peeing The morning sun beamed down on Anushka's naked body waking her peacefully. She felt Josh's rock hard morning erection pressed between her butt cheeks as they spooned each other, She gave him a deep kiss to wake him. " morning" she said softly has he smiled at her. She rolled over and started fondling Natalie's soft breasts waking her as well. The roomed still smelled of their piss from their fun last night which made her instantly wet. She remembered the streams coming out of both of her new friends and the passio
    1 point
  35. Regrets Going into the pizza business and not doing what I really wanted cake decorating or working in a bakery. I’m not the best chef but I am a damn good baker. I regret not being confident in myself as far as my looks and body. I’ve alway felt I was fat and looking back in my late teens and 20’s I was hot. I regret not taking better care of my body when I was younger. advise. First thing is take care of your health and body. Once you start gaining weight it hard to get off, weight gain makes injuring yourself like back, hip problems greater. And they you have trouble w
    1 point
  36. Something that has surprised me is how much I get turned on by naughty pees and videoing it to share. I’ve alway been turned on by peeing since I can remember. But never really explored it much or talked about it opening with other people until about a year and half ago. I signed up for porn hub account to comment on other people’s videos. Filled out the bio. Had a few friend requests. At first I started chatting with one person who we started trading videos. Started out just peeing in the bath tub. He encouraged me to post them on pornhub. Another surprise was how popular they seem
    1 point
  37. Omg there are so many. I agree with all the above. 1. We have 2, 3 ,4 lane roads around here. You would not believe how many times I have seen someone all the way in the left lane cut acrossed 3 or 4 lanes slam on their breaks and make a right turn or the other way around right to left. For god sakes if you end up being in the wrong side Of the road and miss where u turn it’s not the end of the world. Go to the next turn and turn around. But no I’m going to cause a mass accident because I need to be over here. Now. 2. The car thing. I have a Dodge Charger so everyone loves to fuck
    1 point
  38. Crazy how 38 mph seems to be that magic number here in the NE USA as well, on any 2 lane road. Must be a human trait! There was a time when every single day on the way home I would be stuck behind a couple of those 38 mph drivers, mind you this was 45-50 mph rural 2 lane road with no lights or significant number of driveways or other hazards along the way. Brutal part was the 10 mile stretch of no passing zone. When you finally make it to the solo short passing zone and get around the road hog(s), there is a 25 mph flashing school zone just a couple of miles ahead. I would slow down to near 25
    1 point
  39. In The Man who fell to Earth, there's a scene where Candy Clark wets herself on screen.
    1 point
  40. Over lock down I have seen many women I know peeing due to their perceived lack of toilets meaning anything goes. My wife has peed outdoors just about every car trip we have made. We met up with a couple as soon as lockdown was eased, took a shopping bag full of beer and had a social distancing picnic in a field in the peak district. My mates Mrs had no problem peeing 3 times just behind us out of our sight line. Another couple we met in similar circumstances. She is a very regular church goer and very reserved. I took the girls 2 bottles of prosecco to celebrate not seeing them for ages. The
    1 point
  41. One of the side effects of lockdown closure of toilets has been it becoming more difficult for lorry drivers and delivery drivers to find public toilets. About a week ago, I was driving along a dual carriageway and in a lay-by on the opposite carriageway, a lorry was parked up. Between he lorry and the kerb right near the front of the cab was a lady in her thirties squatted down. I didn’t see that much as I passed by at about 60mph, but I was lucky that I spotted her from a bit of a distance and was able slow up a little and confirm my suspicion that she was peeing. She was wearing a f
    1 point
  42. A couple of weeks ago I was able to get out to Brighton on a Friday evening. I was hoping to see some people enjoying the sunny evening, drinking and not having access to toilets. It didn't go quite according to plan, but I had a few sightings and learned a few things about the toilet situation there at the moment. First plan was to park to the East of the pier and scout out the people on the beach there as I know that there are no toilets open after 8pm even without Covid and I thought that with pubs shut there would be a fair bit of drinking on the beach. However, the road there was
    1 point
  43. I have seen a few wettings so will post about a couple of them. I can't remember if I posted them on here before but here we go. Many years ago, I was flying from Sweden back to the UK changing in Copenhagen and had a few hours to kill so though I would go for a short sightseeing tour rather than sitting around in the airport. I was taking a short cut through a back street when I walked past a couple with a teenage daughter. There was only myself and them on the street. The lady of the couple looked to be having difficulty walking. I carried on when I heard a splashing sound behind m
    1 point
  44. I think I may have narrowly missed an opportunity yesterday early evening.I was walking along a path on the edge of moorland.It's popular with dog walkers and others.Up ahead I spotted a girl,probably early 20's in a red top and denim shorts.I saw her suddenly veer off the path into woodland.I was almost certain she was going in there to pee.Rather than follow her in,i walked on further before turning into the woods.I doubled back through the trees,hoping to catch a glimpse.No sign,until I spotted her emerging from behind an old brick outhouse.Looks like my timing was bad,unlike yours.Great si
    1 point
  45. Wow, imagine if 'naughty peeing' becomes a viral video challenge... 😂
    1 point
  46. I think this one is close to me😂😂
    1 point
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