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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/2020 in Posts

  1. After drinking water all day at work I got home and realized how full my bladder was . Holding it on the drive home put me in the mood for a naughty pee. It’s not often I’ll wet myself but when I got home I let some out and just didn’t want to stop. So finally I changed but continued to drink water. so shortly after I was so full again . I seen where I put my wet shorts and I went to them again and peed over them . Getting carried away my carpet got a little shower. After two naughty pees I may back in bed and watch other and read stories . I can again feel my bladder filling so quic
    4 points
  2. I love it when guy's pee with their foreskin pullback
    3 points
  3. In a parallel universe where you didn’t have your significant other and similar on my part we would be both very satisfied. Reality is what it is however.
    3 points
  4. Having my significant other into peeing as much as I am. I would drink a lot and hold it as long as possible. Then he go down on me licking my pussy. Until I have the most Peetastic orgasm. Then have a lot of sex involving pee on each other
    3 points
  5. I'd love to spend a day in a guy's house who would let me (and watch me) piss wherever I pleased - on the carpet, bed, sofa, in the garden, sitting on his car seats like I'm on the toilet weeing into the fabric. I'd love to do that.
    3 points
  6. Perverts weren’t always the libidinous bogeymen we imagine when we think of the term today. Sexual mores have certainly shifted dramatically over the course of history and across societies, but the very word ‘pervert’ once literally meant something else entirely to what it does now. For example, the peculiar discovery that some peasant during the reign of Charles II used conch shells for anal gratification or inhaled a stolen batch of ladies’ corsets while touching himself in the town square would have been merely coincidental to any accusations of his being perverted (though it wouldn’t have
    2 points
  7. That's where lawyers take much of the blame. The legal attacks on services with mixed content because a child managed to get through the barriers around the adult zone became a huge financial risk. To appease the lawyers, and the lawmakers that follow immediately after, adults making a free choice got kicked off. The result is fewer providers for desired content, which the hackers can go after. We all saw the panic when Adult Friend Finder got hacked. Thousands of people with dodgy habits fearing for their reputation. But it's just sicko's on those sites so who cares? Today, we almo
    2 points
  8. Ha ha @oliver2 - think you're about right, but no politics please - there's enough of that muppet show in real life everywhere we turn. I agree on the tragic loss that is Tumblr - there were so many great artists used it for their NSFW art - Sabrina Dacos as my favourite example, but many more too. Not just the self publishing artists like her either, but as already said those that went to the time and effort in posting collections of themed pictures too. From a censorship point, I'm all in favour of grossly indecent content - paedophilia, violence and abuse, racism, sexism etc bein
    2 points
  9. My next pee I went to the park and peed in the porta potty not exactly correctly . Made quite the mess for myself to clean , when I came home still had to pee so I finished in my closet on the carpet again. Guess I’m no longer using the toilet tonight !! What’s fun is I have videos of all my pee fun today .
    2 points
  10. I would happily let you pee on a well folded towel but I wouldn't want it directly on furniture though.
    2 points
  11. In the interests of scientific research for you I've just browsed some of my favourite posts.... The first thing I guess about a growing erection is feeling a slight pressure building - so if I'm wearing jeans or tighter pants I'll feel the gradually growing bulge increase in size and press both against my clothes and against my body. With it is a feeling of warmth. Not to the same extent or speed as a wetting yourself spurt warmth, but just a gentle comfortable glow like maybe gripping one of those hand warmer pads. Depending on clothing, as my penis gets more erect it can be a touc
    2 points
  12. Hi all, I’m new here and relatively new to all this. I’ve always lurked around these sites and it’s something I’ve been interested in but never carried out in real life. Anyway the other day I decided to give it a go alone, so I drank lots of coffee and water and waited. I have a fairly strong bladder so although I had the feeling for quite a while, it took a long time before I felt so desperate that I needed to do something about it. This whole time I had been edging, the feeling was turning me on so much. I was dressed in jeans and boxers, and I moved to the floor of the walk
    2 points
  13. I would LOOOOOOOVE to live with someone who let's me pee wherever I want. Carpets only lol. I'd love to wake up first thing and squat in the corner, or watch a movie and just squat in front of the couch and let go. Even better if in public lol. My perfect world would be anyone and everyone got to pee wherever they wanted!
    2 points
  14. I will start it off with 2 of my own :- 1) peeing on a girl from off a balcony. She's lying on her back and consenting, not just a random stranger walking by. 2) giving a girl oral whilst she's slowly peeing. They are my favourites, what are yours?
    1 point
  15. Just 10 minutes ago my sister got surprised on her birthday with her best friend coming to town. Her friend is roughly 5'5 slender 19yr brunette wearing an orange crop top with black leggings. She came in the door, talked for a bit and then made a trip for the bathroom after a 4 hour drive. I was sitting in the room adjacent to the bathroom and became immediately aware of what was about to happen. I listened intently and heard her pull her pants down, sit and then start peeing. She peed a light but prominent hiss, wasn't loud and disruptive but it was there and sexy! She actually peed quite a
    1 point
  16. Hi, Just thought I would say hi in here 🙂 I’ve just posted in pee stories, then I saw this forum afterwards so guessed this was a better place to say hi to everyone 🙂 I’m quite new to all this, hoping for a fun time here.
    1 point
  17. and for a younger fella like me as well hahahahahaha
    1 point
  18. Any chance you could make the text black? Hard to read for an old fella like me 😃
    1 point
  19. Damn it! I knew I got the date wrong haha Thanks for pointing that out! Btw I found the excerpt I was talking about. I'll post it here just in case some italians (or italian speakers) want to read it ... For the non speakers I can try my best to translate it if you would like me to 🙂 Virgilio s'era da poco appartato, e con una dannata concupiva beato, quando decisi di prender la via, che si parò avanti alla vista mia creatura bellissima dal viso laudato. Contemplai il suo volto così giovin e grazioso, il suo seno abbondante nel vestito sontuoso, e le chie
    1 point
  20. I dont have the ultra conservative morals of the Victorians. I'm sure the Puritans would have me horse whipped and burnt at the stake for my private sexual thoughts. Does that make me a pervert? Some people are such hypocrites when it comes to calling a pervert out. It's not "natural" to do someone up the bum, but it's a common thing these days. Then someone does something like pee up a wall, gets called a pervert. i think the person who took it up the wrong'un is more of a pervert Maybe its a privacy thing. someone who whips it out in public is a pervert for potentially showi
    1 point
  21. It’s an irregular verb: I’m normal, she’s kinky, they’re perverts 😉
    1 point
  22. My goal between now and September is to spend as much quality time with my family as I possibly can because I know things will get busy again. One of my all time favourite things to do with my husband is walk through the woods together. It’s what we did all the time when we first started dating. Yes we went out for drinks, to the cinema, a meal etc. But more times than anything else, we held hands and slowly walked. Every time I do this I get butterflies, I’m teleported back to those early times. I have mentioned it many times on the forum and I apologise if I’m becoming boring with my constan
    1 point
  23. That description sent me over the top.... Its just as I truly love it! Thank you so much for your beautiful description of the whole experience Sophie, you're special!
    1 point
  24. This wasn't an accident. It was planned this way from the start. Bigotry is very ambitious. The whole idea was to tar everyone with the same brush, so that anyone who enjoys any kind of erotic art is considered equal to a rapist-murderer.
    1 point
  25. I feel fortunate that I in a way lived out my fantasy(ies). I met up with a random girl for the whole purpose of watching her pee her jeans.
    1 point
  26. I’d love that . I as expected need to go again !
    1 point
  27. @deliquescent, Our tastes are very similar. Hope you will post some of your collection here.
    1 point
  28. Well, on this very site we have a wide variety of porn, and also people slinging wild allegations at their political opponents, so all we need is some sick memes and I’d say we were much of the way towards recreating tumblr
    1 point
  29. P.S. The whole gallery is here
    1 point
  30. 'Pee on someone's rug' by Erwin Wurm It all started when I was modelling at an exhibition in a gallery about ten years ago. I just had to wear a themed outfit and mooch around to create atmosphere. Not too exciting so I got to chat with the artists. I got on well with one of the artists, Erwin Wurm, and he thought I might like to model for a new series he was doing about doing things that are politically incorrect. We had quite a long discussion about what he could depict since it is a very controversial subject. He didn't want to just be outrageous, he wanted to just slip little things i
    1 point
  31. This morning i went out for some exercise. I didn't pee before i left because i thought i wouldn't need one. 45 minutes into my walk i thought that perhaps i needed to relieve myself and started to actively look for somewhere i could do the deed.It was a mostly residential area but there were big old warehouses not too far off. As i walked by the factories i noticed an old social club building that now stood on its own with all other buildings knocked down and landscaped with trees and bushes. This was best spot so seeing that no one was around i slipped up between the building and b
    1 point
  32. My last outdoor wee was about 10 minutes ago. I took my rubbish down to the bin area outside my flats and squatted leaving a big puddle on the concrete beside the bins while I was there. It was a really hissy, splashy pee. I made it very obvious it was a girly wee as well because I did it in right in the corner but the puddle went towards the middle, and I left my tissue in the middle of the puddle from wiping.
    1 point
  33. What an interesting thread. I always look for descriptive prose on the subject of urine...'a fine tang of faintly scented urine'. What a lovely word 'Tang' is...associated with the olfactory senses, but also of taste. How would one describe the scent of pee once it has dried on a pair of panties?
    1 point
  34. Every once and a while I'm home all by myself and can have a pee in a pile of clothes, on my bathmat, or in a corner. I have to clean it up asap. I don't think anyone in the house knows. I wish I had the freedom to pee wherever I wanted! I love naughty peeing lol.
    1 point
  35. Just two more.... for now
    1 point
  36. I hade to after seeing you 👍😂
    1 point
  37. More examples of my favorite female pee anatomy, in action:
    1 point
  38. sometimes you just don’t feel like putting pants on. haha.
    1 point
  39. i think im just in love with the whole kitty, as a man it is like a place where there is always new things, so it up to my partner when i have one but i love to explore the whole kitty and when my partner is feeling pleasure than thats when i am at my best, now the TRICKY PART is finding a pee partner, someone who i can lick clean and enjoy doing so, it is hard to find ladies that are bold enough to admit a pee fetish so it is a bitch finding partners, this web site seems to be straight and simple and i hope to possable neet my dirty girl but in the mean time i just enjoy all the stories and s
    1 point
  40. Peeing on Picnics 3 Well at least being on lock-down, I get to catch up on thinks. Though having our nearest neighbour one kilometre away is handy, and knowing that no one can call (we have locked the gate) We have had some fun outside. More later. Curls was always very private and modest, even when she was wetting her pants, she did not show off, it was always just us, or sometimes just her. Well except once, I never saw it, she only told me about it, and mentioned it again the other day. So, I will let her tell it., and her typing is better than mine. So over to you-
    1 point
  41. Well as you know I have a chat on Skype. It has about 12 people in it all from here. I love our little group. Not only do we have some naughty talk but we usually have every day conversation about our day. I look forward to chatting with everyone. I can’t log on here all the time especially at work. When on here it doesnt give you notifications like Skype or Kik does when your chatting with someone. So it hard to have a conversation with someone on here at times. And when browsing the site it hard to talk to someone in the chat box. Private message is easier when on the site because
    1 point
  42. I was chatting to this lady I met down the pub and we hit it off rather well. She ended up inviting me back to her place for some fun. My luck was in. More so, actually, than I realised. Because I've always had a thing about ladies pissing, and once had a girlfriend who accommodated me by peeing on my bedroom carpet occasionally. Anyway, as we approached her flat, she was stating how much she was dying for a piss, and brazenly asked me if I wanted to watch. I mean, do bears crap in the woods or what? Of course I wanted to watch. I'd had a bit to drink so sugg
    1 point
  43. Whilst my daughter was at school and my wife at work, I was at home getting drunk with my daughter's young English teacher who had the day off with no classes. She was well hammered, and apparntly being something of an exhibitionist, was already stark naked, which was sexy as fuck. I was struggling to believe my luck..... Clearly, I couldn't drive so would have to get her a taxi home before either my wife or daughter arrived. Anyway, drunk as she was, she also said she needed to pee, and drunkenly joked about letting me watch. Well, hoping she was drunk enough not to react
    1 point
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