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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/2019 in all areas

  1. I don't really know what drove me to make this post but I'm in a really nostalgic mood and also a tad sick and it drove me to write this. I just wanted to thank everyone. I know I've made mistakes and have fallen into darkness but Everytime I log onto peefans I see welcoming faces and just amazing people in this community. I honestly might not be here today if it wasn't for this website and the people here. You all have filled me with happiness and a feeling that I am worth at least something in this world. Before this website I felt empty, like I was worthless in this world and while I s
    7 points
  2. Hi guys! I’m really sorry I’ve not been around a lot! I’ve been having a lot of problems at work with workplace bullying and harassment, to the point getting up and going to work has been really really tricky. I ended up going to occupational health and seeing a wellbeing worker and I’m just really struggling all in all. Ive lost an awful lot of my confidence, hence why I’ve not been around here. I felt so crappy about myself that even just making conversation, let alone taking photos or saying stories, was very taxing on me. It all got a bit much for me this week and I’ve had thre
    4 points
  3. The following week saw a most unexpected event. Suzanne had rushed into the office early, her bladder bursting from all the water she had drunk during her long journey into work. Her boss was off on a training course and her colleague Helen had booked the day off to have her car serviced. It was too good an opportunity to miss! Normally, Suzanne’s daytime toilets would involve using the Ladies’ downstairs loo, selecting either the sink or the floor to relieve her pent up piss. After-hours peeing over the carpet was wHelen acceptable given that all trace would vanish by th
    3 points
  4. Black shirts... black nails... Good Charlotte... Evanescence... suicide attempt at 17... that was me... Please know Riley... i'm here for you. From my heart to yours. I'm so grateful for you to be here and alive. One day at a time. We will make it through..
    3 points
  5. My own preference is to see the whole woman,not just the hole woman..and to see the full act,from maybe raising the skirt,to wiping,and re-dressing. Those where you just see a kind of" leaky vulva",are ok,maybe in a biological sense,to see how it all happens,but its more naughty to see the event.
    3 points
  6. I wish you can come through this dark patch and feel ok.Happiness for most people is a thousand different things.No two people feel the same emotion. We often judge our own happiness by that of others,who we may perceive as being better off than us.Chances are,you see them at perhaps one happy time in their life.Another day,they may feel YOU are happier than them. To me,right now,what would make me happy,would be a cuddle up,and sex.Thats what i perceive as making ME happy today.Someone else who maybe had sex today,might be miserable because they need some money,which im not bad for
    3 points
  7. What she said!!! Well, maybe not the emo girl bit 😉 In seriousness though, if you did give in to the darkness I can guarantee there would be a lot of tears shed across this forum. You do have true friends that care, and give, even though they're just names on a screen. Every person here has their own individual story - they've been hurt, get back up, get hurt again - get up again. We all need each other, and it's awesome to be reminded that we are helping each other. Thanks for your honesty Raven - please, when the darkness sets in do message someone - let someone know, someone
    3 points
  8. Not a feed bucket but a 5 gallon pail lol
    3 points
  9. #1 FUCKING tallking cameramen i want to see a desperate girl pee i don't want to hear a guy tallking in the background completely ruins the video ( same with any kind of porn video camera guy do your job and film but shut up and let me jerk off in peace xd) #2 when the girl acts super desperate and you expect a huge pee but she only pees for like 5sec and a weak stream too Is it only me or do you guys and girls get mad about this too? What other things dissturbs you with pee porn? Or porn in generall
    2 points
  10. Basically if I’m nearby in the house when he pees, he’ll let me see. If he’s needing to go while I’m in the shower, he’ll just come in and go. There have been occasions he’s had to pee in a bottle in front of me too.
    2 points
  11. Like this girl,Sophia Smith.We dont see any actual urinating,yet this works.Youre in there with her,she lowers her panties,you hear the pee. Works for me anyway.https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph59e28c769b9e4
    2 points
  12. Agrée with a lot of these. Also cannot stand close ups that are so tight you can’t see the puddle. The destination is a huge part of this!
    2 points
  13. We will always be there for you riley
    2 points
  14. So the second story is from around the same time. It was a Friday night and we were out at our hang out. We went to the shop and bought our usual rubbish. Sweets, crisps, chocolate and, of course, fizzy juice. We were all having a laugh and being silly. Messing around in general. One of the girls, Angie we'll call her, was standing, wearing a denim skirt that reached halfway to her knee, on the riverbank. She was a bit lower down than everyone else. There's the river, then a bit with pebbles where she was which was about a foot drop from the grassy bit. We were just laughing away a
    2 points
  15. The stupid staged "oh I'm so desperate but let's jiggle here for 10 minutes and then have an "accident " and be so embarrassed even though I conveniently had a towel right where I couldn't hold it any longer " Or the annoying faked desperation scenes where they can't hold it any longer but then there's a jump cut because they couldn't actually let go and start their 5 second dribble that hardly wets their clothes
    2 points
  16. If you don't mind I wouldn't mind having a listen🤷😂 sorry😬
    1 point
  17. Really sorry to hear that - as FW said, far too much of it. It's unfortunate that in schools and the health industry there seem to be so many people playing at power trips.... I've worked my career in the male dominated industry of engineering, where management structure does seem to be led by men. There seems to be a tendency to just get on with stuff, yes there'll be workplace disagreements and so on - but people just treat it as differences of opinions. The next day it's back round the table and get on with it. I have however seen a number of close friends working in schools and NHS
    1 point
  18. The worst kind,a colleague you can get moved away or sacked even.I hope you get sorted.Theres too much of this nowadays.
    1 point
  19. Lovely photographs! Thanks for sharing!
    1 point
  20. I hope you get the chance to be proven wrong... there must be some ladies out there willing to help? Even as a matter of education? Strange as it may sound, I love it on this forum when our lady members post about wanting to watch, hold and play with us - without that the whole thing feels a bit 'seedy', but with it far more mutual.
    1 point
  21. I just had the best idea ever... PEE GOLF!! To make it easier you only have to play a 9 holes because 18 pisses is a lot of piss! 🤪 So this is how it works,; 1: Each hole has a par score, the higher the par the more difficult the challenge, 1 score for each par number. (So if you complete a Par 4 you get 4 points) 2: Bonus points are added to the score based on accuracy, amount and artistic style. Because the boys have an advantage with pointing your pee in the right direction the girls can play from the ladies tee 🤪 3: Unlike real boring golf, highest score wins.
    1 point
  22. You defintly had. It sound incrediby intriguing. If I have the chance to do it I'll definetly try some of these holes out. The only problem is that all of this can become quite messy, which, to be honest is extremely fun, but I probably have to keep everything secret 'cause I don't want others to find out.
    1 point
  23. Like many on here the only person I have told were my ex-wife. She was never excited by it but would indulge me in the shower. Never piss in my mouth or let me piss in hers. Just pissing on the legs. I've never told anyone else except women I've met on dating sites. It works 2fold that way: First to find an indulging mate and second to scare away women I'm not interested in that don't seem to take no for an answer. As for friends and family...Hell no! They are so uptight, they wouldn't understand. A friend of mine told me of his ex business partner had a fetish of peeing on women tha
    1 point
  24. She usually did. Especially after I took her for a drink.
    1 point
  25. Pregnancy definitely changes the way you pee. My stream for one is weaker, it takes me longer to start once I'm sat on the toilet and once in full flow I can no longer stop the stream. That said I have always struggled to stop mid flow even in my teens.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. What a fun way to presoak the laundry lol
    1 point
  28. Very nice view. Thanks for sharing with us
    1 point
  29. I really don't get that some women use a quarter roll of TP to wipe themselves. Really? You're wiping your pussy. Not cleaning the feet of Jesus! Okay, I understand if you have a bush, it may get a little wet, but it's a bit of overkill. I've lived with family before and the toilet clogged an insane amount of times in one week because of overuse.
    1 point
  30. The first is after I peed into a measuring cup. The second is pre play clit Third is 'play' Fourth is post play clit. (granted i'm gently pulling the hood of the clit back a bit)
    1 point
  31. my shy lil peehole.
    1 point
  32. Erm,i cant do with women that have all intimate piercings.It looks horrible,and-WHY?
    1 point
  33. Good work. You just about filled the pail with piss lol
    1 point
  34. I often find that pubic hair can get in the way and divert the flow especially if like me you have a week stream. It has on many occasion diverted along my bottom to drip from my cheeks. Ok if sat on the toilet but if squatting because the e toilet is filthy can lead to issues. Also sometimes diverts onto thighs. And at times randomly an issue again if not sitting this has led on occasions to me wetting my knickers and tights. Very annoying if like me you are accident prone and you get to the toilet ok only to wet yourself anyway. Also you do get lots of drips and the drying time and
    1 point
  35. Remember the fort we tallked about? Have a sleepover alone there then come back i think your reply will be different then😂
    1 point
  36. I agree with you all, however I usually watch videos where the one peeing is filming himself. I hate when the guy acts desperate with all his movements, but there's no sound. I want to hear him heavy breathing, moaning, complaining about how bad he needs to go and then him sighing in pleasure when he finally let's go. Without sound, it just seems faked. Even worse is if there is backround noise, like a TV. Really? And not even porn. I've seen desperation videos where the backround sound is documentaries, game shows, stupid sit come, whatever. That ruins it for me.
    1 point
  37. When it’s a really hot girl/she peeing somewhere naughty, but the camera zooms all the way in on her crotch so you can’t see anything.
    1 point
  38. There's so many, I have no idea. One time on a bus I really had to pee. My stop was a ways away and I was dying of desperation. I kept leaking small amounts and was on the brink of the floodgates just opening up and flooding everywhere. I was wearing black leggings and a sweatshirt. Luckily for me a stop came up and literally all the people near me got off. I was near the back of the bus. It wasnt super packed before but it wasn't private. After that stop though I had actually quite a bit of space with no people. I hunted through my bag seeing if I had something to pee into
    1 point
  39. Sadly i don't think so let's say you are 18 and traveled 50 years back that would be impossible because you didin't exist then if you are going to travel back in time you have the break laws of physic nature and logic and sadly those laws CAN'T be broken and let's say you could travel back in time whatever you did could have HUUUUGE consequenses. All lives are like a set of dominos there's infinite sets of dominos and when you do something no matter what action you flip a certain domino line wich one you flip depends on what you did and fliping dominos always create a chain reaction so no mat
    1 point
  40. This is my account of the first time I saw someone pee in front of me, in my adult life. It is a much shorter and simpler story, than the one above, from my childhood. She was my fiancee, soon to be my wife. When we were dating, we often talked, drinking endless cups of Chinese jasmine tea, for hours on end, sitting together on a couch in the living room of the house where she lived, with a room mate, and a land lady, who was often away on business. Obviously, the tea made both of us pee, a lot. But at that time, we hadn't slept together, yet, so I couldn't even ask if I could follow her
    1 point
  41. This is gona be a hot thread
    1 point
  42. My first experience must have been at age 4. Was in pre-school and the toilet area was behind one of the play areas I was going out to that play area when I saw a girl, same age, sitting on toilet with cubicle door wide open and I just stopped in my tracks. Her legs were apart and I could see her pussy. To me it looked like she had a penis like mine but it had been hidden and pushed down between the balls. It's a strange thing to say, I suppose, but that was my thoughts. I couldn't see the stream, but still fascinated me. To date that is still the most I have seen in person in terms of p
    1 point
  43. I have done this before and it's great! Even more fun is match with another on here who's doing this challenge. Both must report each pee location to each other during the day. It can get very sexy lol.
    1 point
  44. This afternoon, during lunch, I had the fourth woman relieve herself on my backseat. Not only did she take a piss on my backseat, she pissed on my Go Pro action camera that was recording, on the backseat. So an ex girlfriend who I’m still obsessed with works literally down the street from my job. Yesterday I asked her if she’d piss on my backseat, on my waterproof/piss proof action camera. She agreed to it. I also told her I’d buy her lunch. I pull up outside of her job, facing the building and the door she came out of. She comes to my driverside window, looks in the backseat to see
    1 point
  45. I have told my wife. I can't remember the exact circumstances now as it was a long while ago, but I think it was when she was absolutely bursting and had to pee outside (which she resists doing at all costs, so she must have been very desperate). She pleaded with me to pull over, so I did. She shot out of the car and ripped down her dungarees and flooded the tarmac without time to worry about whether she could get any better hiding place. I told her that it was super hot. Not that long after that, when we were making out in a quiet rural car park, she needed to pee and I told her that
    1 point
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