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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/03/2019 in Posts

  1. Last night, before bed. Our run of hot weather has ended, a large chunk of the state is on fire, houses have been lost. We had gone outside, stood in amazement at the clearness of the night sky, the great sprawl of the The Milky Way glowed overhead, so still and quiet. We could hear the neighbor talking to someone in her back yard, and we just did it, Maigh eased her panties aside, and splattered prettily on the footpath, while I watered a part of the dead lawn. We both gave each other an evil grin, and came back inside and snuggled into each other as we waited for sleep.
    3 points
  2. @chubbybirb999, I am so pleased to hear that this forum and your experience of members and their reactions here have been so positive. And your contributions are great. Be confident in who you are. And if anyone is ever shallow enough to be negative about any aspect of your appearance, remember this - They have an ugly soul and yours is radiantly beautiful in comparison. You are way better than them. You have a heart of gold. They only have a heart of shit.
    3 points
  3. So, the other night I held my pee for a few hours and decided to take to have a bit of fun! I sat on the edge of the bath, put a towel down and let it all out! I took a video and converted it into a gif which I’ve added in here as well 🙂 the gif does work, you may need to give it a moment to load!
    2 points
  4. So the company for whom I work for has decided to make room for achieves, filing documents until the new sector opens. A while ago, I had to search info for a client which took longer because anyone who does filing in their job knows how fustrating it can be when there are no labels on the boxes and the file your looking for is misplaced. While there... I needed to go pee. Now please understand. The people who designed this place didn't think of everything because to access a sink or bathroom, we need to walk down the hallway, take the elevator to the main floor and walk about, i am not g
    2 points
  5. Alright... Not to name names, but there's a few members here that are still asking 'Anyone need to wee' or 'Anyone gotta piss' or 'Anyone wanna hold.' I know some of these people have been warned a few times by mods/admins but maybe we've gotten to the point where we need 2 different chats. One for people that want to talk about nothing but piss and holds all day and for people that don't want to be asked about piss holding or bladder holding or 'needing to piss.' This has been an issue multiple times for awhile now and i'm sorry if i'm being harsh about this but multiple members are ext
    2 points
  6. I very much doubt that we are alone. The universe is so vast that this seems statistically unlikely. I also tend to believe that the universe is so configured that life will tend to develop naturally wherever the conditions are suitable for it. But life has existed here on Earth for billions of years, though only within the last few hundred thousand have beings we'd recognise as intelligent existed here. Only in the last 5000 - 6000 years have we formed organised civilisations, and only in the last couple of centuries have we begun to become truly technologically advanced.. Intellige
    2 points
  7. She is both a good and honest - and very sexy - person, and a good mod. If I want to put my hand on my heart with total honesty, she's probably a better mod than me. She is one of this forum's best assets - as is your good self, @spywareonya
    2 points
  8. Hi Steve, Understood. I do try to cover a range of styles, so here and there you will get videos you like. Some of the girls prefer to do it this way so it's sure to happen again. There's also a group that likes to see pee running down legs rather than going straight to the floor, and since they are often in touch, I generally tend to favor them.
    2 points
  9. It's too bad that we can't click agree and laugh at the same time, isn't it, Steve? LOL! Man, this has been a fun day for me here at Pee Fans. I love this site! Ha ha!
    2 points
  10. I think America has the biggest penis. His name is Donald Trump.
    2 points
  11. We are all friends here.Pervy kind of friends yes,maybe you might find us rummaging through your laundry etc,but hey a friend is a friend!xx
    2 points
  12. It’s still a little bit of an alien concept to think I’ve aroused guys but it’s quite a nice feeling too! I can’t often believe it as having gone so long without sex or seeing proof I’ve done it sort of kills confidence! And yes, I take the photos myself. I’m no expert, I just do what I can to catch what I can. I have dithered about setting up my iPad so that I can capture longer shots or more adventurous pees that I can use my hands in
    2 points
  13. The origin. Not a clear cut moment. It was in the back of my mind for a while. I set up the first version of Bound2Burst in March 2005 while working inside a government building. I'm sure they have a record of that somewhere. At first, it was just about publishing stories I'd written, and that grew into publishing stories by contributors. Along the way, a few people suggested turning some of these stories into videos. That seemed a bit of a hurdle, but I did commission a few voice artists to read some short stories. These got a somewhat lukewarm reception, even though the readers did an amazin
    2 points
  14. 😮 look at the puddle running behind me I took a piss behind some bins during the daytime today. I was in a quiet part of town near some flats. Held the bin with one hand and my fanny with the other. Nothing like a discrete wee whilst drinking during the day. A friend stood guard at the front of the alleyway but waited until the toilets at the train station.
    2 points
  15. Probably nothing. My own inclination was to combine bondage and desperation because I have a fetish for both, but not everyone agreed with that. Nevertheless, it is what motivated me to get started.
    2 points
  16. Also not a girl ... just to be clear. The naughtiest places are either under the table in a crowded restaurant or sitting on a bench in the mall and just pissing on the floor. The first is relatively easy as the table provides cover. The second obviously requires a temporary gap in traffic, but it's achievable.
    2 points
  17. I'm thinking there's a small enough population of chatters (chatters?) anyway, without splitting off. Most people do chat about the everyday sort of stuff - there's a great conversation right now - I'm happy to reply gently but firmly to any one-trick pony comments, perhaps if we all do that? Nothing offensive, just expressing that it's not of interest and not helpful?
    2 points
  18. While I disagree with having two chats, I do like the idea of the ignore feature being more known. There are a few chatters who just seem oblivious, never learn and are as subtle as a bulldozer. I won't be using the feature personally because I feel it would be irresponsible as a moderator, I'd hate to potentially miss abuse because I had the user on ignore! I feel this is a nice compromise, you can ignore the people who irritate you while still allowing everyone freedom to chat.
    2 points
  19. On the floor of a walk in wardrobe in my student flat when there was a party going on and I didn’t want to go out and use the toilet! Happened a fair few times that night and other nights too 😂
    2 points
  20. I want to share some stories with this site like I have with another one. These at first are pasted over from there, but there will be more to come. I live in the country and I'd had a few drinks at my house and was walking by myself over to another friends to go and party. I was walking through some fields and suddenly I became quite desperate for a wee. I was still some distance from my friends and didn't have time to walk all the way back to my house. Normally I would pop a squat and piss in the crop fields, but the way I was going only had fields of grass, with animals in,
    1 point
  21. I am often told I don't interact enough on forums, to which I have to plead guilty. I do post on my own forum at Bound2Burst, but it has been years since I have been active elsewhere. So here I am. If you'd like to ask me questions, please feel free and I will try to answer them.
    1 point
  22. When was the last time you peed outdoors,not because of desperation or lack of toilets,but because you were feeling naughty or horny.Don't hold back.
    1 point
  23. I thought it would be a fun idea to list a few pee related scenarios and just see how everyone would react to them🤷🤷 Scenario #1: it's a beautiful day outside and your walking through a park nearby with a really close friend. There's a few people wandering around but it's near empty as you walk bye. All the sudden your friend turns to you and she says, "I really have to pee." You look around and there's no bathroom in sight. And your around 15 minutes from home. Scenario #2: Your watching a movie at the theatre with a really close friend and you noticed at the start that she had boug
    1 point
  24. I’m not sure if anyone wants to know anything about me, but if you happen to, please ask away! I’ll answer pretty much anything!
    1 point
  25. BUAHAMUAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  26. @UnabashedUser You post links of right wing propaganda, but won't talk. Why is that? I thought you Texans were tough boys. I guess not. Why won't you make a case for your leader? Anyone can post a link to a site that is clearly slanted to the far right. What are you afraid of? I suspect you know that most folks are anti-Trump and that you lack the ability to debate. Wasn't there a movement recently where Texas wanted to leave the U.S.? I believe there was. As far as I'm concerned, you can. Good riddance. And take the whole south with you! Now, go away if you cannot
    1 point
  27. Hmmm VERY interesting.It seems Congo is the place to go girls! Im UK in orange,belong in green.Not bragging,just a matter of fact.😉 I wonder if there was an evolutionary cause for long penis in the equatorial zone?maybe it helps in cooling,more surface area etc?
    1 point
  28. when i was young i'd have dreams where i'd get up and go to the bathroom and piss, then wake up in a piss soaked bed. glad that phase of my life is over lol. didnt really have a pee fetish then, maybe that's why i do idk. just the other night i had a dream where i was shooting a porno and pissing all over a beautiful woman in the yard. then i gave her a cumshot and woke up to realize i had a wet dream lol. had a similar dream a while back where i was pissing on a german pornstar from mdh in the middle of the street haha. similar ending there, too
    1 point
  29. I have a question for you, Dave. Have you ever had to do any work on those beautiful wood floors? Or, does it hold up okay? I love your videos, but I always worry about that beautiful floor. LOL! Thanks.
    1 point
  30. Thank you very much, both of you 🙂
    1 point
  31. Chubbybirb is a lovely girl,and her personality comes across on here very well.Its great she feels empowered to say "fuck it,its MY body,here it is,ill show it,like it or not".And im sure we actually like it.Good on her.
    1 point
  32. I was so so nervous you wouldn’t believe. I’ve lived a lot of my life being criticised and bullied for being overweight and I was, I have to be honest, terrified that it would happen again. I kept seeing all these wonderful, beautiful women (of course no disrespect to them) and felt quite jealous of the compliments they received. It eventually just came down to the fact that I realised I had something to share and while it may not be the sort of thing that everyone likes, if someone does like it, even just one person, I felt like it would be worth it. Once I started seeing how people resp
    1 point
  33. Knowing what you know now, if you could go back in time and start bound2burst from scratch. What would you do differently, if anything?
    1 point
  34. Not a girl, but the naughtiest place I've pissed is on my living room carpet. Context, I live with family, but one long weekend, I was home alone, my family being gone from Thursday Morning to Monday night. So, once they were gone, I spent entire time I had to myself naked. And, whenever I had to piss, I just went wherever I was, usually on the carpet in front of me. But the most fun I had was being able to just walk in the door, whip out my dick, and piss on the floor.
    1 point
  35. Thanks @spywareonya- very detailed analysis of a wide variety of countries. I want to move to Spain! As for UK - we are quite a complex bunch with a wide variety of points of view and tolerance to rules and behaviours. Without doubt, male and females pee outside during nights out as I have been witness on many occasion (and also participated myself). Any decent size town or city will have its fair share of public peeing on pretty much any Friday or Saturday nights. The people who are peeing vary greatly in their efforts to be discrete - I have seen some girls almost bent double i
    1 point
  36. Generally in the UK I would say that attitudes towards sexual topics have become more liberal and openly discussed, probably due to the internet. That said, is pee really becoming 'more acceptable?'
    1 point
  37. I have no way of knowing unless I go for an exam. However my family doctor said a few years ago that I had a healthy bladder. I don't know how to evaluate the size so I went with large. I have peed in measuring cup, curiosity from my hubby, and on average, I was on the 700ml. Moment that I had an urge, 1000ml ish. Holding it in got me in the 1500ml a few times if not a little more. I am sure there must be some record holding out there that can claim the Titanic title. Has anyone ever researched this?
    1 point
  38. Feels good right?! I tend to be too scared to do that and I just end up pulling clothes down to mid thigh and sitting on the passenger door lip with both side doors open and peeing like that!
    1 point
  39. In your ignore settings, you can choose to ignore a member in chat only, along with four other options. Simply click 'Chat' and their posts will not show up when you're logged in. Done! 🙂
    1 point
  40. Mine’s quite small! I have a good ability to hold my pee when I need to go but generally I’ll pee at least once an hour at home!
    1 point
  41. Oh, as an extra bit of feedback because I can't help myself, I hope the continuation continues to feature them sneakily breaking and damaging people's stuff even without peeing on it or otherwise pleasuring themselves with it. It's not even exactly a pee fetish thing, but that kind of "pointless" naughtiness was so hot for me that Nina damaging belongings in the carry-on luggage was the sexiest part of the story. In general, I really agree with everyone here that you have a good sense of what things would look like in reality. They're always pushing the envelope, I'm always kinda like "ho
    1 point
  42. I’ve definitely done some reckless peeing. I shared a hotel roomwith a friend who I worked with for a short period who was staying the night as part of a snow day practicality thing. She volunteered to work the next day so they put her up in the hotel across the street. I was off that day but she invited me to stay with her that night and have fun, and we most certainly did. The room had two beds and we watched tv in the first one for a while, under the covers, before we started fooling around and she started playing around with my cock. I told her I gotta pee first and she gave me a look and
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. The trip home was a good one. It was about 5am and I was by myself heading home. With 20 minutes before the bus home even turns up I needed a wee again. The streets were quite quiet with a few taxis and some people wandering about. I saw a quieter street of houses, all of the front yards had hedges and fences, so a bit drunk and desperate I decided I was going to piss in a garden. Walking down this empty road on a Saturday July night I chose this garden with no fence and a tall row of hedges. Using the same trick as earlier that night in the field I entered the front yard, slipping off my
    1 point
  45. so, i won't be able to get my guy to participate in a golden shower, and it's been awhile since i have done any myself, plus not really enjoying it, anyway, i'll have to do a story about it. ( @Sophie) so this came about while chatting with one of my fans in a PM, and i was actually so enamored by it that i asked if i could adapt it for here: casually chatting, he drops a bomb. it's not a big secret, but definitely not something we have talked about before in depth, or even that he has witnessed, save for a few occasions hiking when i've squatted near by. "I love the idea of pee all
    1 point
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