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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2018 in Posts

  1. I have a lot of stories😂😂 here's one from this summer I was with a few friends (all male) in the car and we were coming back home from a hike we did. I was too embarrassed to admit that I had to pee so I just held it and decided to hold it until we got back. Well back was a little over an hour and a half away and I have a tiny bladder. I was wearing a t-shirt and jeans shorts btw😂😂. So I slowly got more and more desperate and told my friends if they saw a rest area to pull over and hoped there would be one soon. Soon I was getting very desperate and had my legs tightly squeezed together.
    8 points
  2. I didn’t look at my cunt until I was 14, and when I did, it was purely because my friend and I had planned to lose our virginities to each other. I remember calling up another of my best friends at the time and telling her what was about to happen. The guy in question was well on his way over, and my friend advised me to shave everything, immediately. This would have been the first time I had seen my cunt in all her glory. As we were about to have sex, I remember him commenting on me having something “hanging down” there. I don’t think he meant it as an insult, but I suppose what he had s
    3 points
  3. At work, we are currently in the midst of our annual financial audit. They are new to our company this year and as such are really questioning everything. The head auditor, Kayla is quite a sight to see. She's on the taller side, curvy brunette, usually wears black pant suits, high heels and glasses. She's young, probably late 20's. I'm very attracted to her and on a few occasions over the past month, I've come out of the restroom right after her, (haven't heard her peeing yet, keep missing on her way in) so I was able to literally stare at her ass for a few seconds, until she turned back into
    2 points
  4. I was literally bursting on the way home this morning. Too many coffees to keep me awake I suppose. I ended up having to take off my belt and unbutton my jeans due to being stuck in traffic. Luckily I made it home and escaped outside to my partially finished barn. I'm the only one who ever goes out there so nobody should suspect a little wet carpet from time to time! I apologize for it being slightly "chilly" this morning!
    2 points
  5. Continuing a mostly true story (almost all, really!): Saturday morning couldn’t come soon enough. While I had seen Joanne on Tuesday night at the meeting and talked with her a couple times since, it wasn’t enough. I was really looking forward to spending the weekend with her. We were going up in the mountains again, hiking and camping overnight. We’d had such a wonderful time last week we planned to do much the same thing again, on trails just a couple hills over from where we’d been. She had offered to drive this time and I took her up on the offer. Just before eight she showed up at m
    1 point
  6. Somehow,this short of Gina Valentina was my inspiration just now.Its how she just hovers pisses and looks you in the eye as she is saying "what are you looking at,cant a girl have a wee in peace?"Its the thought of is her pussy now all moist and warm...😍.https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph570ebfef5b6ae
    1 point
  7. Hi everyone, sorry I haven't made much of an appearance on this site lately, but I have a fun story to share! Last night I went to a Halloween party with my boyfriend at his friends house. He and I have been experimenting with pee play more and more lately so I was eager to find an opportunity to pee somewhere unique sometime during the night. Naturally, there was plenty of drinking going on so before long, my bladder was filling and my inhibition was lowering. My first couple of pees were just regular boring ol' toilet pees, but once I got pretty drunk and had to pee again, I grabbed my
    1 point
  8. I'm not sure if this is the right place to start something like this, but here goes. This is one of my all-time favorites: http://femdesp4life.tumblr.com/post/84128366543/letmeseeyoupee-if-theres-one-thing-i-cant-get It's a rather good example of what arouses me most. I'm not a big fan of accidents, but neither do I particularly like it when the peeing is deliberately erotic. For me, the best kind of unorthodox urination occurs when the woman may be desperate for a while (mainly for the sake of a strong stream), but the ultimate self-relief is a consciously deliberate act due to preocc
    1 point
  9. As you can probably guess by the title, this is not only my first experience, but also my first attempt at writing. I hope you enjoy. I grew up in London, although a child of the 60’s, it was the 70’s when I started understanding what makes people tick. Especially sexually. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that I blossomed and somehow became some sort of sex guru or anything like that, because, believe me, I didn’t! What I mean is that as I grew up and developed I started to understand what I was thinking about and wanting, sometimes continuously! A deep seated yearning I suppose. I ho
    1 point
  10. Iam sorry that happened to you. Words can and do hurt. Added to the fact that media and porn shows males and females in the so called perfect shape and form It's very damaging to young people seeing this. Porn shows guys that are hung like horses, not every guy is like that. They say feel like something is wrong with them if they don't have a 10 inch cock
    1 point
  11. Welcome back. So glad you are feeling better. We do some of the things you post too, not to the extent that you do them, but we do try to recognise the occasion.
    1 point
  12. I last pleasured myself... hmmm sometime last week..and it was to a photo. 🙂
    1 point
  13. Yes Steve I must say sorry. Two weeks ago I had been moved to a different spot at work (FINALLY!!!!) and this doesn't impair my chances to log in, but swamped me with work. While last week absence was not planned, I just got really sick with a bad flu. I am now better, and indeed I am really facing inner fights, positive uh but hard But for you Steve, I'll forever be there. Write me a PM and I'll reply as I can. I have no time for skrying or complicated things, but I would never leave you behind. A limitless kiss. For the ritual let's see, I don't know if it fits for a stressed person, ma
    1 point
  14. Did it ever occur to you that is was wrong back then? Just a thought. There shouldn't be religious education in schools. That's what church and the home are for. I can't speak about Australia as I'm in the USA. However, I strongly believe in separation of church and state. Where does it say that if something is christian in nature, it's good and okay? Wrong. Religion has its place and it's not in schools. That goes for Islam, Judaism, all of them. As far as the holidays are concerned, I see nothing wrong with the secular aspect of xmas. Actually, it was originally a pagan holida
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  15. I might be but would like some more information. Am going through a psychologically difficult time in my personal life, hence my relative lack of contribution around here recently. So not sure if now is the right time for me doing rituals. I really do feel a need to chat with you sometime, but you haven't been around so I have assumed you must have a lot going on.
    1 point
  16. I would love to have a discovery by the laid up flatmate that she really loves pissing and the idea of her friend watching arrouses her. Maybe even asks her to do some naughty pee things?
    1 point
  17. I decided to pee in a bucket. I was outside, maybe next in doors
    1 point
  18. I've got a few ideas of where this could go next. I'll come up with something soon(ish).
    1 point
  19. Well Brutus, all I can say is that you have a warm heart. That would bother me too. But, I don't think there was much you could've done. Perhaps a call to the police might have been in order. I don't know if I'd have called them either. It's a sad thing to see, for sure.
    1 point
  20. Must admit I'm into seeing pics of partly clothed girls more than the completely naked variety (not that I'd turn those down either). I think it's the mental picture it creates of a girl who's been caught in desperate need - wondering how long she'd held on, whether this was her final option - to wet or choosing to pee somewhere risky or naughty. Then seeing a sly naughty grin, or the beaming, embarrassed smile of sheer relief is the crowning glory. Oh, and don't forget those looks of desperation either...
    1 point
  21. This is my take,like it or lump it. Islam,seems to me to have a creed of superiority,much like Mein Kampf.It holds that Muslims are a kind of master race,and the rest of us are what in Nazi terms,"Untermensch".I guess it can be said that "elements of some interpretations can be misread by some as a call to violence".Hmmmmm,in other words then,IT CAN BE READ AS A CALL TO VIOLENCE.Unfortunately there ARE passages in the KORAN that state this..Are we supposed to be grateful that some "moderates" choose to ignore these passages?Do they not kill us,because they "CHOOSE" not to?Are they letting
    1 point
  22. Addendum to my earlier post: One thing about muslims that I am not fond of is the way they treat women as second class citizens. However, they're not all like that. Many of the American-born muslim women don't cover their hair or conform to the strict rules for women in muslim countries. But if you're talking about Saudi Arabia, forget about it! They are the worst when comes to not just women's rights, but human rights in general. In that case, we are talking about the Dark Ages, for sure. And yet, the Saudis are our "friends." Our being the USA. What a joke!
    1 point
  23. I still think it is not so much an issue what you believe, but wheter you are dogmatic about it or not. If you are open for debate and don't want to enforce your views and way to live on me, you can believe what ever the hell you want. That is unless you believe killing and causing pain to other people or animals is fine - in which case I will never agree, even if you put a gun to my head (I might say I agree, but I would still disagree... I would just shut up... well, ok.., depends on wether living under your thumb is preferable over being dead. So death is an option I will not role
    1 point
  24. They say that religion is one of those topics one shouldn't bring up if he wants to keep the peace. It tends to lead to conflict. But, I didn't start this thread, so I'll add my 2-cents worth. First of all, I'm not a believer in a supreme being. For all the reasons why, I urge you to watch George Carlin's routine on religion on youtube. He puts it so well for me. Having said that, I'll continue. The muslims haven't killed or hurt 0.01% of the people that christians have killed throughout history. This is a fact. The Roman Empire killed pagans, the British Empire did it too. T
    1 point
  25. Kinda late to this one but in the cinema is my favourite place to go! I usually go for skirt no panties for easy access or skirt with panties and when I feel like letting some pee spurt out I just pull them to the side! Always shuffle to the front of my seat legs spread wide open feet up on seat infront and spray directly onto the floor infront of me or the back of the chair in front of me. I like the thought of anyone coming up the stairs can see my dripping pussy as my feet are up on the back of the seat in full view of anyone coming into the cinema
    1 point
  26. fannywatcher, To each his own. Female genitals exhibit a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and configurations, many of which affect how pee comes out of them, whether as a single stream, multiple streams, sprays, sprinkles, or gushes, as well as power and direction. The interaction of these anatomical features with their owner's peeing styles is what fascinates me the most. I believe that these features may help to shape the attitudes of girls and women toward the act of peeing, as they adapt to the characteristics of their own bodies. For example, it is easier for some women to pee standing
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  27. For me, it all started when I was much younger and used to catch girls peeing outside when we were as groups away from our houses and didn't want to go back just to pee. I was fascinated by the difference between the male and female anatomy and catching a girl peeing was the time when I got to see that. Later on, when I was at university I caught a woman peeing on the pavement by the side of a road and the image is still etched in my mind. Throughout university I saw other girls peeing outside and really enjoyed it. I was fascinated by the different peeing styles and the way the flow var
    1 point
  28. Sophie, I want to thank you very much for contributing to the hissing discussion, from the female POV. You verify a lot of what I have heard, over many years of doing my best to listen to women peeing. It seems that hissing is almost always associated with urgency, or at least a very full bladder, under high pressure. I knew at least one woman who claimed that she didn't hiss, but I distinctly heard her hiss, when she had a very full bladder. "Ellie," the lady of whom I spoke previously, always hissed very loudly, whenever I heard her pee, and she started and stopped, several times, in one ses
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  29. For me it started in grade school when I heard a hot teacher peeing really hard in the restroom across the hall. I was too young to feel any sexual arousal from it at the time but was shocked because I had never heard a woman pee before and because hers was so much stronger than mine, it was kind of intimidating. That memory stuck with me and as I aged into puberty, the intrigue with pee turned into a sexual thing for me, especially as I could sometimes hear girls peeing loudly while walking past the restrooms on my way to classes. In the 7th grade, I had an English teacher that every boy in s
    1 point
  30. I thought I'd chime in on the hissing discussion because I figured you guys might like it from a females POV. As mentioned above, there are many many different kinds of streams, everyone is unique. Having peed next to a lot of women in the adjacent stall I can say that some hiss, and some don't, and even these hisses are all different. Some I'll hear the hissing along with splashing as it hits the water, while others I'll only hear a loud hiss. While with some women I'll hear nothing but a tinkle from them. As for myself, it depends on how badly I need to pee. I definitely fall into
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  31. You're right in that only some girls make the sound and the ones that do, seem to produce strong streams in general. I wonder if the ability to make the sound depends more on the strength of the stream or the architecture of the pussy, or maybe a combination of both. I've also noticed that while we call at a hissing sound, it really sounds more like "ssssshh" (like someone says in the library). Personally, I really like it when the girl makes this sound as she pees. It's even better when she isn't over-hydrated and the urine is concentrated just enough that you can smell it. (A girl who ha
    1 point
  32. I have often wondered the same thing, whether "piss" arose from the hiss which many females make, when they pee under various conditions, such as strong, urgent streams, or interactions of their streams with their lips, or structures in their urethras. The interesting thing is that this hiss is almost uniquely female, very rare among males unless their urinary passageway is obstructed, by an infection, for example. Since women are generally much more secretive about their peeing than men, it seems surprising that a bodily function would be named for a sound that is uniquely feminine, and may n
    1 point
  33. Yeah, you're definitely on to something. I'm into voyeur videos of girls peeing while it is certainly arousing for me to see a slim, attractive young woman go pee, I find it most arousing when you can see a slight hue of yellow in her pee pee. Not like unhealthy, dehydrated, dark color, but just enough color to know that the liquid coming out her pussy really is in fact, the real-deal (and no, it's NOT apple juice either ). And as you said, I can imagine a cute girl and the smell of her nice, tight, fertile vagina combined with the pungeant aroma of warm, fresh yellow urine mixed with a to
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  34. I don't remember not being into this. I guess it is about the beauty and difference and intimacy of the female form. When a girl feels close enough to you to expose her private parts, it's a good thing. When I was a child, when you have to go, you have to go. And if you're playing with girls and adults aren't watching and you need to go, you just do it. And a few times, the girls would squat down and go. Then they grew out of it, and you didn't get to see it anymore. And then it became a prohibition, which made you want to see it because you can't. It becomes mysterious. Then the Internet come
    1 point
  35. Well I am one of those seriously into naughty peeing so location for me is probably even more of a focus than source. But I like to see the girl too and not just the pee splashing down. If the girl herself is not in view, 95% of the eroticism would be absent. It is not easy to pin down why this interests me so much. I find it easier to explain how this interest developed - and have done so several times - than to describe what exactly it is about it that works for me. I think certainly, the act of peeing accentuates the anatomical differences between the genders and did so for me at
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  36. I'm like you where I prefer the natural act of urination in a non-posed way. There's the thrill of seeing her most private body parts closeup; the round buttocks, the delicate vaginal lips, and even the tight anus. And then the ultimate thrill of seeing pee exit her body how the urine stream interacts with the pussy at very stages of the pee session.
    1 point
  37. Promises, Promises by Dr. P They napped for a while, in mid afternoon, after their passionate reunion, acting out some of their dreams and fantasies, from their years apart. They awoke, continued getting reacquainted, and he was soon licking her lovely inner thighs and pussy again. She began moving in response to his tongue, and squeezing his face with her thighs, until she finally stopped him, saying, "I feel like I have to pee again, and I'm afraid I might do it all over you, if you keep licking me in that spot." "Promises, promises," he said, with a wicked grin, as he had said a
    1 point
  38. Notes: A few years ago, a good online friend of mine from the UK suggested that we start writing what he called "micro erotic" stories, and positng them on a site to which we both belonged, at the time. They were to be extremely short, limited to approximately 200 words. I agreed to try it, and I did. It was a little challenging, but it was fun. With more experience, I found that I preferred writing what I will call "mini-erotic" stories, limited to 400 words or less. By their nature, these stories allow a little more development and detail, but they can only cover one or two events, over a ti
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  39. "Lisa:" Shower Surprise by Dr. P Since "Lisa" and I were professionals, in different fields, we often attended conferences, short courses, etc., in our respective fields. When these meetings happened to be "In Town", i.e., somewhere within the metropolitan area, we would often plan to get together, either in the daytime, or evening, at the conference site. This particular week-long meeting was hers, held on the campus of a large, local university, in the late Summer. Living accommodations were provided in the largely co-educational dormitories of the school. Although she was local to th
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  40. "Lisa" The Outdoor Ladies' Room Part 4. Lunch in the Car by Dr. P. After "Lisa" moved on to other jobs, we would still try to get together in the daytime, as often as possible. We had done this when we worked together at the same facility, where I still worked, and it brought back pleasant memories. We would often bring our lunches, and simply meet at some agreed upon place and time. We would then usually get in her Cadillac, actually eat lunch, and then hug, kiss, and play with each other, until it was time to leave. There usually wasn't time or privacy to do more. Besides, we met ofte
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  41. "Lisa:" The Outdoor Ladies' Room Part 3: Jogging at Lunch Hour by Dr. P "Lisa" and I worked together at a small, research facility, in a basically residential neighborhood. Management was fairly enlightened and quite permissive, in the late seventies. Employees took up jogging and other health enhancing pursuits, during lunch hour, with their blessing. When Lisa and I didn't go to her place for a nooner, usually because we were meeting after work, anyway, we often went jogging, to keep in shape. On our jogging route, we passed, or wound through a construction site, where some old milita
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  42. "Lisa:" The Outdoor Ladies' Room Part 2: Rest Stop on the Way to the Theater by Dr. P. We often went out and spent entire evenings drinking and dancing, during which "Lisa" never used a ladies' room. She said they were filthy and she hated them, so we actually made a pact that she wouldn't use them when we were together. Instead, we tried to find a private spot in the parking lot or garage, where she could raise her skirt, spread her legs, and pee standing straight up, pretty much as she had in that moonlit park. If we failed to find a location with sufficient privacy, we would return t
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  43. "Lisa:" Last Call for Happy Hour by Dr. P. One of my favorite experiences with "Lisa" occurred about a year after the first time she let me watch her pee. We occasionally met for drinks at "happy hour" in one of our favorite bars, which also had a nice, relatively secluded parking lot behind it. On this evening, when we left the bar, we got into her car, a large old Cadillac, where we had room to get comfortable. We got situated in the back seat, and started kissing and fooling around. I don't know what came over her, whether it was the alcohol reducing her inhibitions, or some str
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  44. "Lisa:" The Outdoor Ladies' Room: Part 1. "Waterfall in the Moonlight" by Dr. P We had been going together about 5-6 months, and had successfully crossed the "pee barrier", about a month before this happened. She had demonstrated just about every indoor position and peeing style she had ever used, and I had rewarded her well, with my tongue and cock. We both were really enjoying this new dimension to our relationship. Although she often peed sitting on the running boards of our cars, I had never seen how she did it outdoors, without the support and shelter of a car. I had asked her how
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  45. "Lisa:" The First Time by Dr. P. Notes: This is the true story of one of several long-term, "wet" relationships which I have been fortunate enough to have, so far in my life. My relationship with "Lisa" (a fictitious name, of course) was completely different from my relationships with "Ellie," and with "Jeanie," also real women, with fictitious names. The attitudes of the three women were very different, especially at the beginning of their relationships with me. I eventually became very close to "Lisa," and we shared our most intimate secrets, especially after we broke through the "pee
    1 point
  46. One time at a house party where there were lots of people and only one bathroom I peed in a bedroom closet. I went in the closet to pee and got my jeans and panties to my knees. I squatted down and started peeing. As I was peeing another girl came in and peed next to me. I used a shirt hanging in the closet to wipe
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  47. My girlfriend and I were walking home one night after having some drinks. We live in the city and decided to walk through a large public park. The park was mostly deserted as we walked along a paved path. It was dark, the only light coming from outdoor lamps. At one point I looked over and saw that my girl looked uncomfortable. I asked if she was okay and she made a face and said she had to pee. I just said, "Oh." We kept walking. Of course I was hoping she would pee outside in front of me, but I knew this was more likely to happen if I played it cool. A little further on, she was
    1 point
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