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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/15/2018 in all areas

  1. It's kind of a long story but for the past few years i had two best friends. A male best friend and a female best friend. I even hung out with them in person a few times. Within the last 5 months i stopped hearing from the male best friend. He kept drifting farther and farther away, more and more consumed by his work. He stopped calling me. Stopped texting me. He went from texting me every day to not at all. The female best friend i used to talk to often and now.. i rarely even get an email from her once every few months. Losing those two best friends has been easier to cope with since i
    4 points
  2. I had a few ahhs in the first vid I posted https://www.onemob.com/p/jpYT34pjl9kMcE1VUQ0dGg
    2 points
  3. In the world of watersports there's something that seems to be incredibly lacking in videos. 'Vocally desperate males'. In most videos you hear only the pee stream. You hear no 'i have to go so bad' 'i really have to pee' 'i shouldn't have waited so long'. or even like that nervous breathing like they can't wait anymore. or even any sigh of relief. It's like men are nervous to make any sounds. which to me, is half the enjoyment. Watching guys pee is nice. But hearing how desperate they are is just as nice. So come on men and women too. Speak up! 🙂
    2 points
  4. When everyone finally met together in the main area of Kirby’s, they decided to move to one of the large booths in the back corner. Tommy was on the left inside nearest the wall, with Susan next to him, then Tammy, and Janice on the outside. Across from Tommy, also near the wall, was Cheryl, followed by Tara, Kiki, and then Danielle on the end. It didn’t take long for all of them to fess up and share what just happened. They were all a bit surprised by how they weren’t hesitant, but it all just came spilling out. “I can’t believe we met you all,” Susan said. “These three just got me
    1 point
  5. Not my story, but something I remember a friend telling me. When I was in the Navy, a friend on my first ship told me a story. He was responsible for the ship's training room, and a female E-6 told him she had to do a maintenance spot check on him. He pulled a maintenance card for a deck drain. She watched him perform the maintenance on it, until the end which called for pouring water down the drain to verify it would actually drain. But he didn't bring water. She asked him what he planned to do. He told her "I guess I could piss in it." She nodded. So he whipped out his dick an
    1 point
  6. It's easy as 1-2-3! One picture per post and we'll get the result in two weeks! 😀
    1 point
  7. You make it easy as you are so friendly and open. I look forward to our daily chats.
    1 point
  8. I am Wettingman, a 66 year old straight male. Since my early teens, when I discovered my own sexuality I found pee holding, desperation and eventual wetting arousing. For decades I thought this was for some reason my kink alone. It was not until the late 1990’s that I discovered pee forums on the internet, that I realized I was not alone. This was a great realization. Although I just discovered this site, I have been a member of various pee holding communities since then, about 20 years. I enjoy hearing, reading about or best of all seeing a female getting increasingly desperate, p
    1 point
  9. Sorry iam not a women lol. My wife does get a little extra wet when she is ovulating. We just had our first baby this past April, we tried for about a year and a bit to have him. She got to kwo exactly when she was ovulating. And she was always wetter and ready to go lol
    1 point
  10. Thanks. I am a member at Wetset - though not a very frequent or good - contributor to the forums. Also I belonged to the Sprinkes Gold forum and it was a pity that closed. As with a lot of other forums though, I think the person who ran it found he hadn't really gotr the time or resources to keep it going so something had to give.
    1 point
  11. Very well said , I think i have a similar outlook , I admit to looking and sometimes getting aroused by some penis's and what they are doing but i would not class myself as gay .
    1 point
  12. Thanks, Adyguy6970. Yeah, you probably have seen me. I've been around a long time. I'm old. LOL! I go to the Pool Chat, Wet Set, and some other sites. I was also a Mod at the Sprinkles Golden Showers forum until it shut down in 2014. See you around!
    1 point
  13. For me it is outside on something hard and paved like the sidewalk, parking lot, alleyway, etc. Peeing up against a wall is cool too. I think it comes down to being able to see the puddle or stream I made. The other day I was parallel parked on the side of the street and had to pee so instead of just walking like 2 more feet to the shrubs I let loose on the sidewalk instead!
    1 point
  14. Hi and slightly belated welcome, Tim. I hope you're having a good time and look forward very much to reading about your experiences.
    1 point
  15. At an old girlfriends house I had a few beers too many, which was great because I was nice and loose and relaxed when we started messing around. She unzipped me and pulled my cock out and started playing with it, then took off her pants and started touching herself while knelt on the bed and me standing up looking at her. She told me she wanted me to do something naughty but didn’t say anything else, so I turned to the side, rubbed my cock for a few strokes, then concentrated very hard and started pissing right on her carpet. She started yelling but in a playful way for me to stop but it was k
    1 point
  16. Sorry to make this like Riley's Hair update thread but my hair today is like really red. I face timed one of my friends that i hadnt seen in a while and they thought i had dyed it strawberry blonde xD I guess im officially a ginger now xD
    1 point
  17. When I was in high school in the early 90's, a friend and his girlfriend didn't have classes the last hour of the day. My 2nd to last class was near the parking lot, so I'd usually meet them before they left and I went to my last class. At least one time I met her first before he showed up. She was dancing and had a pained expression. I asked what was wrong. She said "I have to go pee really bad!" We were literally standing next to the bathrooms, so I mentioned they were right there. She said she'd be OK, but was still dancing. Then my friend showed up, and they left for her car to head to her
    1 point
  18. I sure do enjoy the beauty. As much as I like pictures of women pissing, sometimes the pictures of them naked work my imagination more. I try to imagine the woman is really full and has to go. Like, as soon as the pictures are done, she'll either run to the bathroom, or even not make it there and either piss where she's laying or standing.
    1 point
  19. I have a few male friends who admit to having similar interests, and have enjoyed attending sex parties, without getting physically involved with the other men. One of my friends yearns for sex with a pretty Transgender although he has said that he would not indulge in anal sex with another man, (giving or receiving) he would like to suck the dick of a TS. I too have an interest with the Transgender, breasts, and a cock are a turn on for me. Here's a very pretty TS, that I found on Chaturbate today.
    1 point
  20. Dear Wet Carpet, My friend Rebecca told me about your magazine thought it might be just what I’m looking for. After reading just a few of the other entries, I think she may be right. I have been a wetter since I was a kid because I have a weak bladder. As soon as I feel like I have to go, it’s only a matter of minutes before my body doesn’t give me a choice. I have to go. This had led to some unfortunate situations, but as I got older it also led to some pretty sexy fun. As a kid, my parents kept me in protective underpants until I became so self-conscious that I begged
    1 point
  21. Damn. You and I gotta get together. Ive always wanted to be a naughty pee'er like you. Call me 🤙🏼
    1 point
  22. I’ve occasionally left a few drops here and there in hotel rooms, always conscious the maid would be in the next morning. Earlier this year though I was photographing a music event in a UK city. It’s an annual commitment and an absolute blast - I stay in the city for the four or five days and do as much socialising with the bands and regular guests as photographing. The last couple of years I’ve stayed in student flats with a basic single room. One night this time around after dropping off my gear I went back out to join the party and came back very drunk in the early hours, got und
    1 point
  23. I am member for some time now, reading stories and using the video topic to get the best ones from out there... but now it is time to start posting as well, I actually did some stuff, mostly naughty pissing and of course I want to submit some of that About me, naughty pissing is what I love most from all, doing it myself and together with a girl on my side 🙂 , I had one who was into it as well but sadly it did not last for long so I keep looking for a naughty girl to have fun with And I may try writing some fictional stories, did some for my ex gf, perhaps I will translate and
    1 point
  24. Hey everyone! I'm new to this website and really hope that I will find some friends here :) I do realise that most of people hanging around here are guys and if there are any girls, most of them enjoy watching other ladies, but there is still a glimpse of hope for me that I may find some girl who would share my interests :) I know it's a bit arrogant of me to come here and search for a woman of my dreams rather than trying to communicate with everyone and to contribute to this site more. It's like coming to a party and shouting "hey! gimme a girl" and going away, but hey, I will chat after
    1 point
  25. Simply state it out, the only bad thing people could address against you is how un-hyigienic it is, at which time simply declare you care a lot about hygien and that you do that in utterly controlled setting, regardless of that being true, or simply a lie to snuck out of embarass. I didn't properly state that out everytime I go out, but at concerts, people can guess at that by two fact: my dresscode (immediately identifying me as a total slut corset, short jacket with spikes, skirt that leave half my ass naked and my pussy almost visible, bare legs, and short boots, all in black leather.
    1 point
  26. Sophie is right,we find it fascinating to see the variation in urination from girl to girl,how some are sprayers,others are shooters,some dribbly,some have clear streams.Or some are quick,some are slower.Then the wiping thing.To me the big mystery is where i comes from,even though i know,its still mysterious.
    1 point
  27. If I remember correctly, it was voted the 9th most common/popular fetish in the UK so I'd say there's a very large amount of people who share our interest. Even if it's just a slight interest, like finding it interesting watching the opposite sex peeing just because it is different. Or fascinated by how women are all unique with how they pee. The different streams, tinkles, wiping etc.
    1 point
  28. I've only told my ex-wife, when I first married her. It didn't go far. Early on, once in a while, she'd let me go in the bathroom with her, while she sat on the toilet, but it was rare. And she was a "big girl", so I couldn't see anything. For me, this fantasy has always been about watching the piss leaving the vagina. For a brief time, we'd take showers together, and she'd start relieving herself, then tell me. By the time I looked down, she was almost done. But the way I always wanted it to go involved KNOWING she had to take a leak first so I could enjoy it. Maybe "play" with her a little b
    1 point
  29. In real life, only about 4 people know about my fetish. Curiously only ladies. ;) All of them I met in the internet. One in particular I came to know in an only game. The other three I met in a dating forum, but I only met one of those three in person. I did not get into a relationship with any of those four, though. In general, I tend to keep my fetish a secret, unless I meet a lady who I am interested in and I think I can trust. For me, a lady that does not share this fetish is not a suitable partner - it's just to important, and I know I will not be ab
    1 point
  30. I have several experiences to share on this subject. Reactions of female friends and girlfriends have run the gamut for me, from angry rejection to enthusiastic acceptance, with one falling in the area of reluctant or amused tolerance, while another evolved into enthusiastic participation, after initial reluctance. As most of you point out, it is a very delicate subject to bring up or discuss, mostly because of the strong negative social conditioning to which most of us in Western cultures have been subjected. I am a straight man who has had a strong interest in, and curiosity about femal
    1 point
  31. Recently, I was dumped by my long term boyfriend after I found out about him having an affair and confronting him about it. And he tried to make out it was all my fault for being overweight, etc. Which is not, incidentally, something he'd ever complained about before, and certainly not when he first chatted me up, the bastard! Just trying to make me feel like shit to make himself feel better as his parting shot. What a jerk! Anyway, a few days later I was drinking in the pub with my friend and venting some serious anger at the guy, when it dawned upon me that I still had a key to his flat, a
    1 point
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