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Peeing in the Bath (How "Normal" is it?)

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I love to pee in the bath. It’s almost a reflex now, as soon as I lay back in the warm water I’ll pee. I’ll usually pee at least once when I’m in the bath, there’s nothing quite like relaxing and letting go into the water.

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I always pee in the bath. Even my wife does and she's not into peeing at all. But back to me: if I know I'm going to take a bath in the next few hours I even start drinking and avoiding the toilet, just to be sure I can do it there 😄 On rare occasions if I have enough time to chill there for about an hour or so, I even do it several times.

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Yes, I also wee in the bath. It has become such a reflexive thing for me to pee in the bath or the shower, but I never realised to what degree.

Then a few years ago I had a couple of medical issues and ended up on the sofa about to soak my feet in a bowl of hot water. The second I put my feet in I started to wee and had to actively stop myself doing so for a couple of minutes, so conditioned is my body to just letting go when it feels warm water. 

I assume the old 'hand in the glass of warm water while sleeping trick" would totally work on me lol. Xx

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I almost always take a shower, not a bath. However, I have sat in a  very warm tub of water, letting the water do its work on my overfull bladder. I enjoyed watching my light yellow pee mixing and dissapaiting in the bath water. I also watch to see how far out my visible stream of pee goes.

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It had never occured to me that there were people who wouldn't pee into their bath until I met a woman who found it gross... As kids, we would be several in the tub, siblings and neighbors. And we'd just pee as we felt, sometimes even standing and raining down into the water (not caring if we gave a golden shower to one of the others). There was nothing sexual about it, it was just playing around like you play around with your little yellow rubber duck.

Today I've adopted a more environmentally conscious lifestyle and take showers. Obviously, I do pee in there.

But - and this may be important - I don't talk about it to "real" people since <see above>. Doesn't appear normal to everybody out there!

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I mostly have showers, but definitely pee in the bath if I do have a soak.

I think I have reported this before, from many years ago when I was in my early twenties. Words will be wrong as it was so long ago, but the gist is right.    I was lodging with a couple who were about five years older than me.   They both went in the bath together and I could hear chatting, laughing and jovial sounds from the bathroom when all of a sudden the guy shouted out “You dirty bitch” followed immediately by the sounds of splashing as he got out of the bath quickly.  She started laughing hysterically.

When they came out and were both stood in the kitchen in their dressing gowns (it was a bungalow with the bathroom next to the kitchen), I asked what all the fuss was about.   She looked a bit sheepish and he said “the dirty bitch pissed in the bath water whilst we were both in it!”.  I said something like “Is that all?   I thought she’d done something outrageous”. She started laughing again and said “See, I told you it was no big deal, I do it all the time”.   I wanted to say she could pee on me anytime, but I couldn’t bring myself to do so.  

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I absolutely love pissing in the bath! There can be part convenience to it, but I mostly just enjoy the sensations of releasing piss underwater, plus the fact it feels a slightly dirty act. It’s not a proper bath session until you’ve pissed in there! Where I live currently doesn’t have a bath, and I miss it!

I also find it an incredible turn on to know of girls pissing in the bath for their own naughty enjoyment.. 🤤

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/14/2022 at 11:45 PM, toiletfloorpee said:

Yes, I also wee in the bath. It has become such a reflexive thing for me to pee in the bath or the shower

I feel you, 100 % !

There was a time as a teenager when I needed help taking a bath due to a medical operation I had some days before. I wasn't really happy I needed to ask my mom for this (cooler about it right now, but you know, teenagers mostly don't like to need their parents help, at least not with taking a bath...) Anyways, I really had to watch myself not to automatically start pissing in her presence, just because I am so used to pee when getting into a bathtub 😅

Edited by morty98
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  • 2 years later...

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