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Everything posted by Peesfully

  1. To be precise: The living room would have enough people in it so we would be close together, so that the nonchalant peeing would splash on the legs and feet of whomever I was chatting with, and vice versa.
  2. (male) Ordinarily I pee standing up, most commonly in sinks or outdoors, but for naughty peeing I prefer sitting. That means I'm in a restaurant, hotel conference room, corridor, any place with chairs where I can have a relaxing pee under a skirt or out the leg of a pair of shorts without being detected.
  3. I would only enjoy seeing another guy peeing if it was naughty or unusual. That has happened only a few times, most commonly between cars in a parking lot or garage.
  4. When I saw the topic mention "urinal mat" I thought it was about the little floor mats placed under the urinal, to catch any drips. When I find one of these it calls out to me to pee directly onto the mat and see if it soaks it all in. Those splash mats inside the urinal? If possible (no one around) I don't pay them any attention -- just pee on the wall to the side.
  5. We had a summer home in the country and I was encouraged to pee outdoors from an early age. I peed on anything I could think of, trees, grass, rocks, and when I was old enough to climb on the roof, the roof and gutters. Peed while high up in trees I climbed (very carefully!). At age 5 or so, peed on walls in my room (why? maybe I assumed I could pee freely inside since I could outside). Nothing whatever sexual about it.
  6. Walking nude down hotel corridors peeing forcefully as I walk. The pee stream goes all over the place. Absolutely thrilling. Have done it about 8 times.
  7. I agree… pouring out a bottle of pee somewhere naughty would serve no purpose. It has to be delivered from the source! However, once I filled a few bottles of pee, then warmed up the pee to a little over body temperature, and took a pee bath in a bathtub just to see what that was like. It was mildly amusing but I didn’t do that again.
  8. For me, stalls are for pooping only. I stand at a urinal and pee on the wall nearby if I’m alone (or pee under the sink). If there are people around, I pee into the urinal but always splash a bit to the side (“oops— sorry I missed!”).
  9. Best way, for me, to spray in an unpredictable way is to pee while walking with hands off. That can be while nude outdoors, or in an empty hotel corridor with penis exposed (bottomless or in an improvised way, such as wearing a skirt with the front hem brought up and tucked into the waistband). The stream swirls and sways around in all kinds of crazy ways!
  10. All peeing sounds are good, but the best is a strong pee on carpet AFTER it’s good and wet, so instead of pattering it’s splashing. Indicating it’s getting a good soaking!
  11. For me it’s the naughtyness of peeing when and where society says is inappropriate or forbidden. Nonchalant peeing is high on the list — simply letting go without focusing on it while doing something else. Most exciting is peeing under the table while eating… makes my heart race! Don’t have many chances to do it because all the circumstances have to be right to be stealthy. But when the time comes, it’s really great. Almost as exciting is needing to pee and having to find a very naughty place to do it in a stealthy manner so it won’t harm anything or be discovered. Purposefully, not nonch
  12. I was at a B&B a week ago where the bathroom was shared with others. I showered in the evening, and there was a little 2x2 foot rug in front of the sink which also acted as a bathmat. I wetted it pretty well with pee so anyone using the sink later would step on it, but as it's right next to the tub it's logical that it might be wet. I would not do anything in my room because I could be blacklisted across the website. It has to be common areas.
  13. I bet you have some more good stories to tell us, ones that don't involve the police! My first (of only two) hotel bed pees was about 10 years ago when I discovered an unlocked door to another room -- it was opened a crack. There was no one there. Would I be lucky that night and find it still empty and unlocked? Yes! At about 1:00 AM I went into that room and got into bed for the night. I had never properly peed an unprotected bed and this was my chance. As soon as I got in I released a very full bladder -- how good that felt. The need to pee woke me up several times that night, because I
  14. I learned at an early age that if you pee in one spot in the grass, the grass there will turn brown as the nutrients are too concentrated. But if you sprinkle the pee all over, it acts as fertilizer (from the nitrogen mainly). This is the whole idea behind peecycling (use pee as fertilizer instead of flushing it). Google Rich Earth Institute to learn more.
  15. I had no sexy introduction to interest in peeing though I wish I had. My mother would never let me see her pee, but my father was very open about it. I remember him and I both peeing into the same toilet together. At our summer place it was natural and expected to pee anywhere outdoors, but again, I never saw my mother do it. My first naughty pees were against my bedroom wall at about age 6-7, for which I was scolded. I guess I was accustomed to peeing on so many different things outdoors that I assumed it was OK. I never peed on carpets back then. Maybe if I had it would not have been de
  16. Not a naughty pee, but a weird one, funny in a kinda sad way. I was using a urinal (boo), with the fixtures coming about 4 feet high. The one next to me had cigarette ash and liquid on top (probably pee someone squirted up there... sidebar: when using a urinal it's always good to get pee on top of it). So a heavyset guy comes in, unzips, and pees... BUT he puts both forearms on the messy top of the urinal to lean on while peeing! I didn't stay to see if he washed his arms afterwards.
  17. My favorite discrete/stealth pee is under the table in a restaurant, which is easy in a skirt or with cock out the leg hole of loose shorts. Can easily empty a full bladder that way if you're careful about sight angles from others in the room. Big bonus points for doing this while dining with someone at the table who is oblivious to the fact. Once my pee stream made enough noise that a customer turned around to look... I made a slurping noise with my drink & straw to distract from the other sound! Also: -- walking the beach after swimming, or around a pool after coming out of it, you
  18. I helped a friend gradually clean out a house that was unoccupied -- she lived in an assisted living place. About once a month I went there to get a carload of stuff (mostly all trash, they were paper hoarders). I had a key. Tried to plan it so that I'd arrive with a full bladder, which I let loose in lots of places - carpets in most rooms, walls, curtains, stairway. Easy peasy. A couple of times she was there with me and I peed in a room she couldn't see.
  19. Went out to dinner with friends. Peed against the walls under the sink in the men's room, with not a drop into the toilet and not a drop into the sink. There was one light, over the sink, so it was very dark (and a black floor) under the sink so not easy to see the puddle.
  20. Very, very nice! Questions: Did you join in the peeing? And why wipe the chair between pees? Restaurant peeing is my favorite of all naughty pees. Just to relax and eat a meal, and pee whenever the urge comes. Even better, arrive with a completely full bladder and let loose. And keep drinking so you can pee more. Faux grass carpet in an outdoor seating area would be the perfect place... it would be quiet, and all washed out by the next rain. Keeping the chair dry is not an issue for me. I scoot forward and pee beneath my skirt (yes it's perfectly possible for guys to wear skirts), or
  21. Finding a wet floor in a restroom is always a special treat, since you can pee all you want anywhere and no one will be the wiser. Even if someone is using a stall, you can pee on the wall next to the sink (while running the faucet to mask any noise). If I have the restroom to myself, I try to cover as much of the walls as possible. Sometimes in a restaurant or other business that you visit often, you can find out when the restrooms are routinely cleaned with a wet mop. Sometimes they put up a "wet floor" sign. Once the cleaner has left, you can go in and add to the water that's alrea
  22. Another way to "pee by the road" is at a gas station. For example, I went to fill up a while ago at a station that had its cameras on the building aimed at the pumps. My trunk was away from the building, so I opened the trunk and stood there, pretending to do something in the trunk, but peeing a lot. I was visible from the road, but wasn't concerned about that.
  23. I was brought up being told that peeing in our back yard was fine, actually normal, though I never saw my mother do it. My father and I did it out of convenience. Sometime when I was about 6 or 7 I just assumed peeing in my room against the wall was OK. No carpets were involved, just the wall and a wood floor. Of course my parents discovered the evidence (of several pees), and told me in no uncertain terms that it was not OK, and I never did again (well maybe a couple times). But I did find ways to be creative outdoors -- peeing from up a tree I climbed, peeing off the roof, peeing on the r
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