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Everything posted by Peesfully

  1. Did a few restroom pees lately in restaurants, nothing special. In one, splashed walls on both sides of a urinal, hidden from view from a guy in the stall. In another (unoccupied), splashed on wall of stall, on sides of urinal, and a big puddle under the sink. Risked someone opening the door, but no one entered.
  2. Nice strong spurts there! I would have loved to see the “soaking bed” get soaked.
  3. Mine would to be to attend a Peefans convention in a hotel, where we could meet and mingle with each other, have eye contact, get to know each other. Hopefully with at least a hundred people. In a fantasy world we could all pee wherever, in meeting rooms, hotel rooms, restaurant, elevator, wherever… in the real world we’d have to be careful to not trash the place but we’d figure out ways to be totally stealthy, like casually peeing in the corridors, meeting rooms, or restaurant in the hotel next door!
  4. My wife has reported women’s rooms with lots of pee on the floor — not sure if deliberate or accidental. And I’ve seen puddles in men’s rooms though rare. Small wet areas near the urinals are the norm. I always splash the walls at a urinal unless there is someone close by. If all alone, I piss-mark the walls all over but not enough to make puddles. Sometimes I’ll make puddles under the sink, and if there happens to be a carpet or mat in the room I’ll give it a thorough soaking. Once I used a women’s room at a gas station (only one available), straddled the toilet facing away from the
  5. Welcome to a great bunch of folks... glad you consider the subject a "passion"!
  6. As a guy, I find skirts are not only great fun to wear for their own sake, but they make stealth peeing very easy. All I have to do to get ready is to pull panties to the side so the penis is ready to use with no hands required. Also I make sure the skirt is not in a position to get wet. This method makes it possible to pee under tables without detection, even if in view of a camera. Also you can raise the hem of a skirt in front and pee, if people or cameras are behind you, and no one will know that your front is exposed. Wearing short loose shorts is almost as good, as the penis can e
  7. As a non-naturist, I had some questions about the nudist gatherings. Do people talk about why they do it? I understand the feeling of freedom…are there other reasons? Maybe a sensory aversion to fabrics, or heating/cooling issues their bodies have? Is it a spiritual thing? At naturist gatherings, we all know why we go so there's no point discussing it. It's like asking football fans why they go to watch football games. Sometimes we talk about those reasons in the context of talking to non-naturists and enlightening them (just a few of the reasons are: feeling of air and water on the body,
  8. As a few of you have said, pee into the sink while brushing teeth. If it doesn't go in the shower, it goes in the sink.
  9. I forgot to mention a GREAT opportunity if you are staying in a large or fancy hotel. Go to the function rooms! Larger hotels host conventions, seminars, trade shows, meetings, etc. which use rooms, usually on the ground floor or second floor, from small rooms to ballroom size. There are no cameras in the meeting rooms since discussions are confidential. If you find a room vacant and unlocked, just go in and pee wherever! Usually they have absorbent carpets that hide any evidence. Some have water dispensers -- you can carry a cup of water out so if there is a camera in the hallway you won't
  10. In my experience, naturists do not pee openly. For example, on a nude hike, people go off the trail several feet and discreetly pee, just like they would do if clothed. In many visits to naturists festivals I've never seen anyone pee, except very rarely outdoors in the dark. It's still possible to stealth pee with others around, for example while sitting on the grass. Card-carrying naturists (it's sometimes mysterious where they carry the card!) also believe that sex does not belong on nude beaches. Many clothing optional beaches have closed because open sexual behavior outraged people a
  11. As a kid, I loved peeing in long trough urinals in sports stadiums. They still exist at Wrigley Field in Chicago. I never heard of a bar urinal before. On a few occasions I have peed from my seat at the bar, out the leg hole of shorts, onto a wood or tile floor. Had to make sure there was no one behind me who could see it.
  12. Side comment: lesbian bars are known as Her-She Bars...
  13. Peeing a full bladder under the table at restaurants. Also peeing a full bladder while talking to someone close by but they can't see what you're doing... such as at the order window at a restaurant or in front of a counter when the other person is behind it.
  14. I have peed while charging, while sitting on the curb wearing a skirt. My car blocked the view from any other car.
  15. Have you ever done a nonchalant pee in the kitchen while making dinner or washing dishes?
  16. If you like the idea of peeing in cars, go to toiletstool.com/toilet and search the forum for "carmom" between 2010 and 2013. She and her daughter, and many of their friends and even strangers, peed countless times in her car. I wouldn't spoil a classic car, however!
  17. Yes they do, and the place can be brightly lit too! I love peeing under restaurant tables onto carpets. Just move undies aside, and let penis out of leghole of shorts, completely hidden from view by the legs. It's even better wearing a skirt. Just be careful of sight lines so the stream can't be seen. Booths are pretty safe places. Also be careful of the noise your stream makes... I have had people turn their heads toward me when I peed too strongly. So satisfying to pee out a full bladder under the table!
  18. Has anyone tried mixing a can of condensed soup with a can of pee instead of a can of water? Just a thought... Maybe pea soup.
  19. But it can be done wearing clothes. Guys can face away from a camera, pretend to be checking their phone, while peeing out the fly of a pair of shorts. Gals can let pee run down their legs under a skirt. Almost certainly, no one is watching all those camera feeds in real time. And if they are, each camera view is a tiny image on a multiple image screen. The footage is there in case a crime or other problem happens and they need to go back and check it.
  20. — under furniture, always pretty safe. — in a sofa-bed: after pulling out bed, see if you can move the head of the mattress and pee in that space. If the floor under there gets wet no one will know. — every surface in a bathroom, or on a hard surface floor. You can easily clean those with a towel. — use a mattress protector and pee in bed. You won’t be charged for wet sheets, but a wet mattress may cause problems. You could leave the protector there, which would show the staff that you cared about not damaging the mattress. — some have suggested peeing the bed and then flip
  21. Ponds, ocean, pools, yes I have. But never in a hot tub.
  22. ...Continuing my four day/three night hotel pee adventure from March 27! I woke up Saturday morning and this time stood on the bureau at the wall opposite my bed and saturated another section of wall (pee 12). This was "morning pee" but not very smelly as I had drunk water during the night. Then off to the conference. Just like Friday, I peed on the next 3 feet of wall before dinner (pee 13), and did a very similar walking-down-the-hallway pee to get ice (pee 14). And there were two more nighttime pees (15 and 16). #15 was under a bunch of artwork hanging on the wall so it was only
  23. Since this topic already mentions it contains male peeing I'll add to this thread. A few months ago I spent 3 nights in a hotel and emptied 15 bladder loads into my room, the most I've ever done. Plus 5 loads elsewhere! I chose a rather cheap hotel and one that reviewers said wasn't too great, with stained carpets mentioned. That was a good sign! I contemplated strategies of where to pee (bed, bathroom, carpet, walls, furniture etc.) beforehand. Checked in on a Thursday afternoon, found my room did have carpet stains by the mini fridge and sink area (the tiled bathroom had toilet and tu
  24. Recently spent several days in a warmer climate suitable for skirt wearing, so I had quite a few restroom pees. In group restrooms I usually pee under the sink if no one is near, with the sink water running, and if anyone comes in I can simply drop the skirt hem and it looks like I’m washing my hands. That is done with panties pulled to the side so my dick is free. In single-user restrooms I try to spray all the walls except in the stall. One of those had white baseboards without moldings so yellow pee stayed on top and very visible. I flush the urinal as I leave so anyone waiting will assume
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