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Everything posted by glad1

  1. Wouldn't the fullness of a huge bladder be very noticable on someone slim?
  2. There's something about a rainy night that seems to make us a little bolder. It's dark enough the no one can likely see us and wet enough that no one finds the evidence. The past few years I've lived with neighbors close by. Stepping out onto the deck on rainy nights have been my some of most favorite releases.
  3. I have a hot tub and, seeing I'm the one who has to clean it out, I'd prefer they get out and pee on the deck. It takes the better part of a day to drain and refill one, then adjust the chemistry. The only time I ever pee in mine is when I'm changing the water out.
  4. Then, I hope you can enjoy that emergency release. Maybe as much as a few others cheering you on.
  5. Then, I wish you all the amazing relief you can tolerate. And if you care to share it, all the better.
  6. Great job on the story and the renders. Amby gets more than a thumb up from me.
  7. Often reality bites us in the ass, and usually not in the way we fancy. It's a good thing some of us are blessed with great imaginations.
  8. She's certainly not the only one to do that. I think there have been more than a few Zoom meetings of late where at least one of the participants has been naked below the waist. One of the best perks of this whole work from home thing, isn't it?
  9. Great to hear you've embraced the spirit of camping. I may be nerdy, but I'm definitely not boring. I can't count the number of times I've gotten out of my tent in the middle of the night to... er, count the stars. 🙄
  10. Being a gentleman has provided me with perks on several occasions, too. I've lost count of the numerous times I've been asked to "stand watch." And, while I was diligent in keeping an eye out for passerby, my other eye more than not got rewarded with a great view.
  11. Recently, a few people have asked about my hiking experiences and what advice I can offer them. It seems around here at least I'm considered somewhat an expert. Perhaps a few things I've written have either gotten them to take up an interest or recall some favorite memories from their past. I'd be glad to answer any questions you might have, from how to get started, what to wear (in short, sensible clothing and weather appropriate), how to choose a good trail, what to bring along, basic trail etiquette, what one might see when out there, as well as finding that ideal trail partner. Whethe
  12. Puddyls, you're never a downer, at least in terms of what you post. 😁 Nor would I ever complain about those, er, adjustments you always seem to make.
  13. Much better than peeing IN a porta loo. You know how nasty those things can get!
  14. Testing the water is always a great idea. Now, we've got to get you out in the woods more.
  15. That intimacy is a big part of the fascination for me. It's not unlike being children all over again, sharing a secret with a special friend. Perhaps it is as close as one can get with someone without being inside them.
  16. I knew that course in fluid mechanics would eventually prove invaluable! 🤣
  17. Maybe even more fun than you think! Your stream would break into droplets about a foot or so after leaving your urethra, then due to air resistance would fall behind. Just as you're starting to go back up, the droplets would likely find you. Of course, if you're the scientific kind (or the kind of pervert most of us are), you might want to repeat the experiment a few times.
  18. Might it not be even more fun if a special friend was in the box?
  19. A warm, wet welcome to our site. Or, as we like to say, "urine for a good time!" If you need any help fiding your way about here, don't hesitate to shout. We'd be glad to give you a helping hand.
  20. Haven't figured exactly how I'll celebrate it (it's only 9am where I live) nor the guest list yet, but I'm sure it will involve some heavy drinking.
  21. Welcome, Kiria. I think you'll fit in fine here. No matter what your particular interest is, there's something for everyone. I'm pretty sure you'll get all the praise you'd ever need.
  22. In your case, I'd call that a never-fail approach!
  23. That's a great idea! I think I speak for many when I say you should post more about your walks, where you went and, especially, the stops you made along the way.
  24. Don't be so hard on yourself, Eliminature. I'm sure you'll make it to Canada with a little more practice. And when you do, you'll have a great cheering section here welcoming you.
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