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Everything posted by glad1

  1. All of $33. And, I've actually been paid for my writing!
  2. Good for you, Pissgirl, to find it normal to stand. It must make peeing for you easier in so many situations. I've had women tell me they couldn't. On long hikes, some were even upset with me when I could. But, I encouraged them to practice, and most eventually learned the skill.
  3. It's spring now for most of us, and we should be spending more time outside again. This should give us ample opportunity to both practice and determine how far we can pee. I've been told that women can pee further than men, but it's something I've yet to see, I've outdistanced them time after time. Then again, I probably don't pee normally! :wink: So, I'm issuing a challenge to all of you out there, especially the women who claim three meters or more, can you beat me? Sure, you can tell me, but I'd rather you show me! :) A woman who can pee four or five meters is definitely exciting t
  4. Hope you understood I meant "friendship WITHOUT the complications of sex..."
  5. A recommendation from an online friend. She knows I love watching. I'm pretty sure she does too!
  6. Steve, you're absolutely on the right track to put friendship before everything else. Too many guys pay more attention to their little head than to their thinking one! Like you, I've had a lot more women friends than lovers. Of course, that didn't mean there weren't some great times on the trails! After all, we'd spend most of a day only a few steps apart from one another. And, sometimes, friendship with the complications of sex had it's own benefits, too! :wink: Wish you a great visit from your friend. Just relax, take things slow and, if it feels right, go with the flow! :)
  7. I'm, er, glad to hear this happening to you, Steve. :) As one who's had literally dozens of blinds dates, nearly all of them very good experiences, let me offer you my encouragement. You've got a great head start in that you've already shared so many talks of the intimate kind. I think the two of you will get along famously. But, let me offer a hint to assure both of you will have a great time. Keep the conversation light and lively, talk about her favorite things, center it about her and not just about pee. See that she's regularly supplied with refreshment, a little food and plenty of th
  8. I tried to, but the message wouldn't go through. Apparently, you empty your inbox even less frequently than your bladder! :wink:
  9. Actually, Angelgirl, I am enjoying the content here! :) As for my sauciness, let's just say I'm saving up some sauce for you! :wink:
  10. Angel, it's great seeing you. It nice to recognize a familiar, er, face!
  11. I just joined here yesterday and am still finding my way. Of course, I wouldn't mind if any of the female members showed me around! I'm hoping, too, that more of the women here share their own yummy content! :) Stories are nice, but pictures are even better! You don't even have to show the source. I'm perfectly happy seeing streams and puddles, and places where you peed. Perhaps you can share a selfie showing how great you feel in your moment of relief, or maybe one just after where you proudly pointed to what you just did. While drunken pees can be interesting, I'd much rather see the
  12. Ahhhh, road trips, perhaps the best opportunities for desperation! Of course, it's more fun when you take back roads, where you can be sure there are no facilities. I've often gone on long trips with women friends and, when nature called, pulled over and gone beside them. I'm surprised your hiking trips haven't given you any good views. After two or three hikes with a partner, it's rare when we haven't peed in front of one another. For, when out on the trail (at least when no other people are around), I've found it's usually more awkward to walk out of sight than pee only a few steps away.
  13. I quite agree, Steve! I think a quite large minority, if not most, folks, women as well as women, are what I call "pee-curious". I've found a good place to, er, research this is out on the trails. I've taken day hikes with dozens of women and it's often more practical, or at least seen as less odd, to pee within sight of your partner than to walk some distance away. Countless times I've looked over and caught her looking back, and usually with a big smile across her face.
  14. As one who's almost always ready for adventure, this is something I definitely would do. I've gone on dozens of blind dates and learned early on to ask to ask a lot of questions. It spared much disappointment and minimized my risk. The fact is I don't think I was ever much surprised, the woman I met in person was remarkably similar to the one I met online. Yet, even though I wouldn't be scared to meet face to face, I just haven't done this... YET!
  15. This site was recommended to me by a friend. I'm glad to be here! :) *looking around* I recognize a few familiar faces. Or, rather, some other parts of your anatomy! :wink: I've long enjoyed watching girls, and, once I got over my shyness in my 20's, I don't mind at all if they watch me! In fact, I might even post pictures if that would encourage some, er, lively discussion from the women here!
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